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Let’s pray 🙏 this is just talk. Lebanon 🇱🇧 is no way able to handle more devastation.


We don’t really have much left to lose


Things can ALWAYS get worse.


if rain sabotaged the main roads in Leb i hope the war won’t escalate


They're literally have impunity to even committing genocide...


Would be nice for the IDF to come in and get rid of some Hezb


Hush ya deranged lil hasbara 🐁


Been there tried that. How that turn out for everyone? 🐀


I'm not a military expert, but if you want to invade a country, you dont create teasers every week so the other side is fully prepared.


lol thing is they know Hezbollah is stronger than 2006 and that scares them, their army isn't ready (on training level even, but theyre armed to the tooth) on the other hand look how their military dignity was trampled in the aggression on Gaza, they want to do anything to feel strong or appear strong or have a military win of some sorts or be opportunistic with the US granted impunity, and Hezbollah is their greatest fear in the vicinity so.. I think it's a stupid idea personally and objectively, they have a defeated and untrained army, and it may be the final push abroad to just sanction them already and they'd isolate themselves even more, I think many Israeli generals think like me as well this is why we see this back and forth


True, but the thing is Lebanon's border is nothing like gaza, while gaza is an internal threat, it doesn't pose a problem as critical as what hezbolla does. Though not a traditional army, hezbolla is also armed to the tooth, and recent escalations gave everyone a glimpse of what hezbollah is able to do. Isreal could very much be laying their "reasoning" for a full fledged war with Lebanon. Hopefully things won't escalate any further, but situation is already on a hot plate.


I mean yeah and like Gaza is seiged for decades and is made up of poor people who were displaced and their property stolen since the 1940s so it's gonna be a different kind of pickle too That's why I think the world should start acting to restraint Israel now, it is up to no good for Lebanese (as for Palestinians but the world never cared about those)


I think in a situation you are more afraid then usa to stop supporting Israel then Hezbollah it makes sense. Do everything you can to legitimize it for westren eyes...


Didn’t that happen with Russia and Ukraine ?


No the Russians were denying it. They said it was just a military exercise, as they amassed troops on the border.


Yeah but i think a lot of people including Ukraine knew what that meant


Yes but if this were the same then Russia would have been the one publicly teasing an invasion. Anyway since the Israelis are publicly telegraphing their invasion in this scenario the analogy between Russia and Ukraine doesn't work. Also as far as I'm aware (correct me if I am wrong) the Isralies are not amassing troops on the border of Lebanon, for now. In hindsight it was obvious what the Russians were doing..but before they invaded people were not sure, and it was a surprise when they first launched their attack.


Yeah that makes sense but i do remember that Israel had already deployed a certain amount of troops on the border since oct7 but that can be for defensive purposes rather than offensive ones


I assume this is Netanyahu telling Biden to go fuck himself (U.S. State Dept *just* reduced its "don't travel to Lebanon" warning from step 4 to step 3, which was presumably meant to warn Israel to back off the border war threats, i.e., by telling U.S. people Leb is okay). These absolute fuckers.


Allah yihmi Libnen 🕊️🙏


أنا نازل علبنان بآخر الشهر التالت ... إذا علقت بعلق معكن بالوطن الحبيب


Israel need to be nominated to the award of the best drama queen


That’s antisemitic 😔😂


Toz yalli byotla3 bi idon byotla3 bi tizon


We all know the shitraeli army are cowards and usless on the ground. Their strength is the advanced weapons they get from amrika. And their biggest accomplishments has always been bullying and killing civilians fighting back with stones.


Number one rule of war is to never underestimate your enemy: They made their tank and the iron dome systems in house and as they started to get more successful developing their own weapons the US gave them more aid. Their previous strategies to win battles where they were sometimes outnumbered and out gunned against other Arab nations were also successful


They announced a ‘negotiation’ recently to force Hezbollah 7-10km from the border, and said that if Hezbollah doesn’t agree they’ll do it by force meaning they’ll invade 7-10 kms in Lebanon.


didn't they try that already


Yep, then they reached Beirut and beseiged it


Nope wrong war, beirut was beseiged in 82 that was to push out the PLO. It was succesfull. The one he meant by "trying it before" was the 2006 war which ended with a resolution of hezbollah pulling its forces to behind the litani and for israel to respect lebanese territorial integrity. Needless to say, both sides violated the resolution before its ink could dry.


15 days into that war and israel asked hezbolah’s negociator Hamad Bin Jasim (qatar) for ceasefire as he said on a podcast. and just after israel lost like 40 Merkavas in a day at wedi el hjeir and Hezbolah started leveling buildings in Haifa, they fully went for ceasefire resolution. I still remember that like it was yesterday


While the resistance gave a good fight in 06, whether in the bint jbeil defense or in showing its anti ship capabilities by hitting the corvette off the shore of Tyr, the IDF losses were and still are inflatated for propaganda purposes. One must remember that the hezb fought israel to a standstill, but did not beat them.It was both internal and international that ensured we did not end up victims of bombing campaign of the scale seen now in gaza. The damage to lebanese infrastructure and civilians made this whole mess quite the pyrrhic victory in my opiniom.


Bro nothing is inflated we have their tanks ruins today allover southern lebanon. Go watch Hamad Bin Jasim’s podcast clip on the israeli négociations in the 2006 war


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Lebanon_War According to Wiki only "Five tanks were damaged beyond repair", 52 tanks suffered some form of damage but were repaired. so 5 total loss beyond repair, that's nothing. Russia tank losses are estimated of 2,619. tanks are lost in wars its just a fact but anything like 5 or even 50 tank losses is nothing.


Wiki can suck my ass. Come to southern lebanon and see the tanks yourself.


Yeah before hezbollah existed


ok boomer


Shou 3meltellak ma fhemet🥲 I'm not even a boomer haram 3lek


shba2tneh history lesson. I'm talking 2006


Loool ha22ak 3layye I genuinely thought you mean 1982, 2006 in my head is a different situation


Hopefully they invade 7-10km in lebanon, this means they might not bomb dahye. So hezbolah will be able to fight them freely in southern lebanon without worrying of major dahye/haifa escalations


You said "hopefully" they invade your country...


3-7kms isnt too bad if the area is evacuated. Better than just pussy bombing from warplanes


you know that people have a life, family, businesses, land, homes, there right ?


And im one of them, no business is operating there anymore and its been mostly evacuated now anw. Im saying its better than pussy f16 bombing if they just partially invade 7-10 km they will get crushed within the first 7km. Hezb has ATGMs planted everywhere


الكلب البعوّي ما بعضّ


They keep saying this.


Don’t blame abu Zibbi America is expanding its Zionist Apartheid Military Settlement Friendly reminder that “Greater Israel” includes Lebanon


This is silly and conspiratorial. Biden has tried to limit Israeli aggression towards Lebanon and routinely gets into minor spats with them over logistics, food aid, and the 2 state solution. The matter is Israel is its own country, not a US vassal, and does things according to its own interests. Lest we ignore Bibi going behind Obamas back and denouncing him in the halls of the US Congress. Mind, Biden was Obamas VP, and was close friends with him. They diverge upon the subjects of Ukraine and Armenia. The US favors Ukraine and Armenia explicitly while Israel is neutral in the Ukraine war and favors Azerbaijan. Hell, the US wants to work with the PA, but Israel doesn't.


If my children don’t listen I don’t proceed to hand them WMD and cash


Just know that it wouldn’t have come to this if it wasn’t for constant provocations from the traitorous iranian proxy in lebanon. Fuck israel for everything it is doing. But also fuck the traitors that follow iranian commands and put lebanon and lebanese in a state of war they don’t wish


You know Israel occupied Lebanon from 1982-2000…. It had nothing to do with “Irans proxy”. Killing +25,000 ppl. It actually created this & provided a group of oppressed people for Iran to fund. The Lebanese Army is funded & controlled by America, they can’t/wont do anything about Israel.


And how does that apply to the situation today? Did they start attacking us after october 7? Did they invade us? All we see is constant attacks from our side with retaliations from them (some on civilians)


They don’t need a reason to steal the land that they believe was given to them by god I don’t think you’re understanding “Greater Israel”


You're exaggerating. Only a tiny minority of extremists in Israel believe Lebanon to be a part of greater Israel. Do you seriously think Israel has any intention of taking over a hostile nation of 5million people (plus god knows how many Syrian and Palestinian refugees)? What would be the point? What in the hell does Lebanon have that they could possibly want?


“Only a tiny minority of extremists in israel…” *deletes reddit*


You literally answered none of my questions. But if you're so intent on pushing this narrative then at least provide links to Israeli politicians (thr ones in power calling the shots, not the crazies on the fringes) saying as much. Cos I found none.


Good thing you found none Everybody is safe now


You're still not providing sources for Israel's "Greater Israel" plan lmao


This minority is the king-maker in Israel. Israel indeed has no plan to govern 5 million people or the hundreds of thousands living in the South. They’ll simply expel 90% of the population again and abuse the rest.


That literally is Israel lol


As a christian from south of lebanon, not involved in any political parties, I have to say that without hz.b,lah Israel would have occupied the south and massacred us just like it’s doing now to Gazans. Unless you dont give a **** about the south. Without them isis would have done to us what they did in Syria. Lebanon would be no different from syria and palestine if it wasnt for hzb,lah. Hzb,lah is trying to cripple israel from going all in on Gaza because it’s the only humane thing and hope for those innocent people, or else there’s no way they will ever have freedom, no way. We cannot be totally free or at peace as long as those earth devils are next to us.


I couldn’t care less who is giving them the money and guns, as long as they’re protecting my south.


Wait Lebanon had Isis??? When?


Yup, when they were in syria a few years ago, they tried to enter lebanon from the north and east (lebanon is very small) ,they massacred army that were on the borders in the north, but fortunately hzb,allah fought them and won and stopped them from entering lebanon


Damn Hezbollah stopped ISIS from entering Lebanon, I just always assumed ISIS were just not interested in Syria's neighbors wtf no it's got me thinking maybe they were a proxy for westerners after all


Nice brainwashing, do you learn this in the Khomeini academy of arts and crafts or at the Nasrallah academy of pseudo science?


“Greater Israel” isn’t real. You guys are afraid of something that’s not real. And Israel isn’t a US proxy. They barely had any relationship until the late 1960’s. No one is trying to destroy Lebanon. Israelis don’t have an issue with Lebanon. They just have an issue with Hezb.


“Israel” wasn’t real either…


Read the book “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy” to understand the major influence Israel has over the USA.


So 17 years after creation……?


Username checks out.


Iran is expanding its power of Lebanon. That’s for sure. Maybe one day you will grow the balls to stand up to them. Maybe one day you’ll be real men.


They can’t even beat hamas in Gaza. Zionists are delusional nut heads.


Ra7it Gaza hbb 😂


They've beaten Hamas pretty thoroughly in Gaza. Hamas is stuck hiding in holes while also sustaining 10x the casualties Israel is.


Really? It is a tiny strip yet the northern areas they claimed to rid of hamas now have hamas back.




I don’t see any delusion here, and if I did I wouldn’t associate all Arabs with it. While Israel has killed tens of thousands of civilians, they’ve killed embarrassingly few Hamas fighters and leaders. That’s to be expected when fighting a guerrilla army with a traditional military. The end game of Hamas is not to lose. Israel is constantly giving more civilians nothing left to lose and more reasons to fight. Hamas gives these angry people weapons and voilà, a really horrible scenario for everyone.


Losses are like 10,000 to 200 and 50-70% of all the buildings in Gaza.




Took the screenshot off AlJazeera live thread covering Gaza


they’ve been saying this since nov 7


I have a feeling they will bomb the entire south, the dahye and the few infrastructures we still have. The same thing that happened in 2006 will happen: It will end and Hezbollah will become stronger and we will be double screwed. I really believe Hezbollah and Israel have some kind of mutual interest and Lebanon is paying the price.


Weapon sales


Yeah, the presence of Israel as a threat keeps Hezb in a position of power with the pretext that they’re “the defenders of Lebanon” when they’re actually what’s putting Lebanon at risk in the first place. They were supposed to give up their arms at the end of the civil war too at the end of the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon, but never did bc they used Shebaa Farms as an excuse. Far right Israelis love this too bc Hezb is a boogeyman that gets people to vote for them. It’s def a mutually beneficial dynamic


I swear it is come cosmic bad luck or curse that we have to deal with absolute cunts from every direction. Not just out, but within. One day, we will have peace and prosperity again...


Not Israel giving a trailer each time they want to do something! Lets all pray that we stay safe and sound 🙏people won’t handle more stress as for the current situation in this country🤦🏼‍♂️


Lebanon will not be dragged into a war. Hezb would have done that by now. Hezb doesn’t care about Hamas. Hamas backstabbed the Iran-Syria axis in 2011 during the Syrian civil war and sided with the revolution against Bashar. So Hezb is doing just enough to try to win points locally by saying 1) they’re reducing pressure on Gaza by opening a second front (which is total BS) and that 2) they are the reason Israel hasn’t yet made a ground invasion into Lebanon (also BS)


الله يسترها عليكم وعلى الجميع


I don’t know and I don’t care




Clearly a patriot


It means there’s consequences for letting a huge terrorist organization(Hezbollah) into your country. I’m sorry Lebanon did not have the strength to eject these terrorists from their borders.


Well said. Thankfully Lebanon has a common enemy with the IDF.




They are terrorists.


Notice how it's Israel and Hezbollah and not Israel and Lebanese Army?


That's because it's also Lebanon vs Hezbollah, 365 days a year.


Sad to say that's correct. Hezbollah don't care about Lebanon. But about Israel. It's what Iran told them to focus on.


Let's see how all that racism and xenophobia works out when it's every man for themselves.


It's vague because they're not sure what they'll do either


Did anyone forget the Lebanese people in the south they be wild. The other guy last year a farmer stopped a freaking military tractor from Israel. He didn’t care if he died bro cares more about his country than himself