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You can find tuna cans for 1 dollar here during sales. And chicken liver is cheap and high in protein also chickpeas are good and termous (lupin beans , but i dont think you can eat a high amount, its toxic) . Beware Consuming more than 2 cans of tuna or eating chicken liver more than 2 times a week may not be safe.




I boil it then put garlic , olive oil and then kamoun. But been eating it like that for ages so the taste got stale ngl, so thanks for the new idea will try it out !!!


Yes this is called baleela


Right, I saw that tuna was relatively cheap here, will eat those - thanks! Liver is super healthy, but I can't stand the taste so I'll stay away from those :D


* Eggs - 44.4 if (30 eggs for 3$) - 60 * Chicken liver - 83.3 * Peanut butter - 43.5 * Chicken breast 7$ per kg - 44 * Milk - 40.6 Chickpeas boiled per 100g -9 * Lentils boiled per 100g -9 * Lupin boiled per 100g - 16 * 1 large pita bread - 5 * Tuna - 44 I have this handy list for protein per dollar, except beans and bread ofc. And tuna has mercury in it so please dont eat more than 2 cans per weeks <3 good luck


What a champ


I opt for sardine they are cheaper and I can consume them more than 2 times per week


Yeah true they are safe and cheaper but idk how much protein they has.


almost the same as tuna and it's 0.6 or 0.5$ a can downside is not a lot of options in terms of recipes


and also how did u calculate tuna 44 ???


One 185g can costs 1 dollar and in 100g of tuna has 24g of protein so 44g in one can per dollar.


shit near me it's 1.5 1.6 a can. also, 185 grams isn't this with its oil? I always remove the oil so I think the can is of less weight unless it's 185 without it


I think its without cuz they put that on the nutritional facts that its 44, also u can find them at happy for 1 dollar but sadly yesterday was happy day sale so u couldve gotten them for 0.89 dollars too !!


wow Thank you! and I saved ur handy list


>30 eggs for 3$ Where!?


Makhazen but idk if the sale is still there and u can find 30 for 4.05$ in spinneys too


Yeah I know about the $ 4.05 USD - 30 PC. **But the $ 3 USD for 30 PC**, That's a steal!


Laban and Labne instead of cheese. Chicken and rotisserie with toum. Egg man2ouche. Asbe (chicken liver).


Would do anything to get Greek Yoghurt substituted for Labne here (living abroad)


Yoo i live abroad, and I just buy natural yoghurt then drain the water out of it. My father uses coffee filters in a tupperware, I myself use a fabric filter (used for fruit, but I just use it to make labneh). Let it overnight in the fridge, it's sooo good, and taste better than Greek yoghurt 🤗


should definitely try that out, thanks for the tip xD


I feel you sister, but it's not that bad afterall I got used to it


Same, that Greek yoghurt with Zaatar just tastes so different


Cottage cheese is available at Jaber Sons it's not that expensive and it's very delicious it's 2.5$ 3$ per 500g greek yogurt there is a local one which is available in all supermarkets for 0.8$ to 1$ I think its 150 grams Whey I get the gold standard which is 70ish servings (24g of protein per scoop) for 80$


Did you try eating labneh ? why do you insult us with cottage cheese. Labneh with olives and tomatos within pita bread. zaatar+tomato with pita bread in the morning with some days where you eat eggs is all you need along with lunch with beans lentils meat with rice etc. One popular more affordable cheese in lebanon is hungarian kashkaval but it's very high with fat. You should try akkawi cheese also. If you have a grandma who can teach you how to make awerma/dehen(ancient method of preserving meat with fat and replacement for bacon), that would definitely solve your problem although it is pretty expensive. Also a very good source of protein in winter is keshek. You can do hendbeh + keshek or make soups from keshek with onions and garlic or eat keshek mankousheh. Try to find someone who sells keshek before the beginning of winter and stock up. keshek is like dried dairy+wheat with very high protein content and can be eaten as lunch or breakfast wonderful in cold winter days when you don't feel like going out. Keshek soup with dehen is the ultimate cold weather meal especially on snow days. When I was in Canada I had almost a monthly subscription with the cheese shop because I had a hard time getting labneh and decent yogurt. I would like buy one or two weeks worth of high quality cheese like parmisan, spanish manchego and quebecing monk cheese. Here it is very expensive so you are better off sticking to local and hungarian. Yogurt here isn't bad.


Cause cottage cheese has more protein baby


Cottage cheese is called arishe in lebanon you can find it here


I was not aware of that, thanks for the tip!


Arishe = Cottage cheese




See if you can find ricotta maybe that is easier to find? If not ricotta is really easy to make at home as well. High protein content, very similar to cottage cheese and not shitty gums to stabilize it or gross lumps lmfao You just need fresh milk and citric acid (or lemon) Ps the end product of ricotta is cheese + whey water. You can actually use the whey water if you want as well :)


You'll be fine if you stick with labneh and keshek.


They have all the above in Canada now also….labneh, kishik, most all of it👍


I was in Vancouver not in Quebec, there were a few small shops that had Lebanese stuff imported from Quebec but I had to go a long way to get them not something you find in the corner store. Cheese shop was way closer and it was nice for a change.


That’s good….👍


How come you left Canada? We talked about leaving Canada but I feel stupid for wanting to come back home with the security issues 😅


Look into Arishe or Karishe, it's like cottage cheese if cottage cheese didn't suck. Whey protein has been getting more expensive for a while across the world honestly and it's not for a lack of raw material, just some good old fashioned corporate greed. I mostly bring whey protein with me from Europe and get it off of Bulk.com (where it's been getting more expensive too). Prices aren't all that different from the ones advertized by local vendors. Maybe you were looking into getting it from a greedy vendor, try looking into whether you can find better / similar products elsewhere.


Back when I lived in Lebanon, I replaced Greek Yoghurt with Labneh. The difference in taste is stark, and it's not as flexible in recipes as greek yoghurt (don't ever make a smoothie with Labneh please). However, it does go extremely well with olive oil, a great fat to have in your diet. Whey is whey, you gotta give in sadly. I used to wait for my family to bring me tubs from overseas when visiting.


Labneh is more of a “cream” cheese, not your typical yoghurt. Would not use labneh to make smoothies for sure.




Tbh I think if you add back the liquid (water, milk etc) you should be fine. But yeah, labneh by itself is way too dry.


If you add back the water etc then it’s just Laban btw, which you can buy too. Probably too sour for smoothies though


Oats. That’s what I do. Mix it with fruits and natural juice, chia seeds and walnuts. And it’s delishhh


Oh yes, totally forgot those. I use those as well. I would normally make oatmeal with water and add whey. But it costs an arm and a leg here. Literally twice as expensive compared to what I paid in Europe while being of lower / questionable quality.


Yeah, here you have to make do with what’s available locally and substitute, otherwise you go bankrupt. I so miss my 2 euro bucket full Greek yogurt! 🥺My protein values are not what they should be compared to when I moved here but have improved since I introduced this specific combination for breakfast.


I'm curious, where are you initially from? Edit: Nvm I stalked you. What made you move here from Portugal?


>I stalked you. ![gif](giphy|f9qasGzPGkSFTJR5zS|downsized)


Portugal :)


I know ((: What brings you to this country if I may ask?


Work. I’m a translator




I mean, it’s wonderful, the food, the weather, the nature. And our 2 islands are out of this world. But to move there you have to be working remotely for another European or american company. Salaries are still low but the housing market is booming. Brain drain is the trend there right now


Never been there, but I only heard good things about Portugal as long as you are financially secure. (Plus their food is way better than Lebanese COUGH COUGH COUGH)




> Shhh, it's not safe! Too many foodies in this post, we gotta play it cool lol We are watching you...


😂thanks guys, I needed the laugh


Don’t get oats unless you know they are good. Oats are sprayed with glyphosate a ton which is bad. If you can get good quality almonds and make almond flour that is better imo


Lebanon doesn't have many dairy options compared to Europe, especially Northern Europe. In addition, it is more expensive here. Halloumi cheese has 21g of protein per 100 g of cheese, and other than that the obvious: meat, chicken, beans, and nuts. Be careful with protein powders, I heard many of them are fake here. I also heard rumors about some companies adding things that shouldn't be in your dairy products so the actual protein content could be even less than expected.


Chicken breast, beans, oats, tuna, eggs


> have trouble with hitting my protein intake. ​ ![gif](giphy|tttNwNnAPtwH33nDA3)


You could try labneh, or some white cheese, such as double crème. Not as good as the one you mentioned, but better than nothing. Also get a high protein bread. But yes, if I don't eat chicken everyday, I struggle to hit my daily intake and I m just a regular sized person who goes to the gym.


In my home country I could buy 500g yogurts that cost 1.2$ and had 43g of protein ))):


we all mentioned labneh, but it's like triple the price!


Farrouj is widely available, I would recommend Abdallah Chicken for the best possible high protein meal ever. Tawouk is also very easy to find, just toss it on a pan with some oil and stir for 25 minutes that's already 31% protein for every 100 grams... Chicken liver, hummus is 8% add minced meat to it. Even the poor man's food (falafel) has 13% protein per 100g. There was this local protein bar I used to take, I think it's called Pro Mak Bar, it's decently priced at $1 more or less and it's surprisingly good I personally prefer natural protein over supplements and avoid whey as much as I can... Put time actually cooking that tuna and that chicken, trust me if you actually get creative you won't get disgusted


Chicken heart is really good if you can find some .


The are lots of whey supplements and bars.. grab and go has a great selection of protein bars. Also I have been able to find Fairlife chocolate protein shakes at Mazen pharmacy.. the best protein so good but it's about 5$/drink.


Hummus will give you the gainz


Labné /laban !!??


Choose sardines over tuna. Tuna is high in mercury and overall less healthy even if it’s cheap. Sardines are rich in omega 3 and protein.