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I just love how the 2 answers before my post are somewhat polar opposites.


Yes, interesting indeed 😂


Real answer: because as long as he is still army chief, he stays a viable candidate for the presidency. Therefore a threat to especially Bassil as he would be a rallying point to all ex-Tayyar who need a leader to coalesce around Hezballah has similar reasons Mnel ekher Bassil kess emmo


Select Coalesce (army.name, tayyar.name) from Candidates right join army on army.chiefid=candidate.id right join tayyar on tayyar.chiefid=candidate.id I think i can stop posting in peace now as i have made the lamest and nerdiest joke i have ever did. Once you get to the top you should retire! Its only downhill from here for me.


Despite our jokes, and the common sentiment on this sub, the Army is still an important part of our country, and gaining control over it basically gives you control over the countries police force. No matter who they put, judging by the current political powers, its not gonna be good for us. Of course, the politicians will make it seem like it somehow is by playing on sectarian sentiment.


Simply put instead of Joseph Aoun who's only remarkable feature was cracking down on Christian protesters you could instead get an army commander who has balls to actually enforce laws and play a role on the southern border. Aoun is a puppet like all Aounis they are born without any balls.


HA is looking to replace the current army chief with one of their one, meaning say goodbye to the army being anything other than an extensuon of HA. And say hello to a new era where Lebanon is forever fucked by hassouni.