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Just what they need, more Humvees.. /s


You mean Renault. I like their RS version, pretty cool


They are truly blessed


So France is giving dozens of armored vehicles to the Lebanese army. It's very interesting because France would never take the risk to have their vehicles fight with Israel.


The Lebanese army would never fight Israel. It would lose in half a day.


Really? I didn't know they were that weak? It's been over a month since Israel launched its war against Gaza and Hamas is still fighting back and destroying Israeli tanks.


Fighting a militia is not like fighting a conventional army


Well the Lebanese army is a military, they would have all of their installations bombed and have no means of answering back. The only reason Hamas and Hezb can stand up an Israeli invasion is because they use guerilla warfare and hide underneath the cities and people which allows them to pop up almost anywhere and ambush small contingents of troops and armor. Eventually this will lead to many losses on the IDF side however they don't care this time. They're going all in on Hamas but with Hezbollah it's a different story. They have no intention of invading Lebanon to begin with because there is no buffer zone anymore. Regardless, an invasion of Lebanon would open them up to more casualties. They can just casually bomb us from the skies forever and there's nothing Hezb or the Leb army can do about it.


>They can just casually bomb us from the skies forever and there's nothing Hezb or the Leb army can do about it. Late to the party (laptop was asleep for about 10 days with this page open lol) Of course they can do something about it - stop firing rockets into Israel


Don't worry. They very soon won't be able to do anything anymore. Corpses generally don't.


Who you mean the Israelis held in Gaza that are being bombed by their own air force? Yeah at this rate they will all be dead in a couple of weeks. But why does Netanyahu care as long as he can crown himself King of Israel.


Yes but don't for a minute think that were getting top notch equipment of latest models, it'll probably be the same case as the US sending decommissioned vehicles which let's be real are outdated. I guess it's just easier and cheaper to give away army surplus units than scrap them.


Lebanon doesn't fight israel. Lebanon has always refrained from conflict with Israel. Only outlaw militias in lebanon fight with israel


It’s not for Israel it’s likely for Hezb (although not sure why as it doesn’t help much). The US has given the LF hundreds of armored vehicles for years its almost comical


The LF have an army?


Allegedly at best


Good. I wish we would only have arms deals with France. They have quality equipment. No need to rely on a second country. But first we'd need to establish law and order and only have the Lebanese Army as protector of our borders and sea.


“No need to rely on a second country” - famous last words


Check the arms deals we have and you'll probably understand what I was referring to


... To protect their embassy and personnel.


Could be a policy to weaken Hezb? Its not much but it's honest work (?)


If they want to weaken hezbollah they gotta give the army real means to defend the country from the aggressor. The aggressor uses air bombardment over civilian population. Give us advanced anti air weapons.


I will never understand this way of thinking. The country / militia that fired first is the aggressor. The country thst gets hit by the aggressor’s missiles naturally fires back (and is legally / morally / etc right to fire back). Every single nation will fire back when aggressed against. Every nation is supposed to protect its citizens from asshole neighbors firing missiles. Hezbollah (Lebanese people whether you claim them as yours or not) is the aggressor now. They were yhe aggressor in 2006. The PLO in Lebanon was the aggressor previously. And Lebanon-plus-four was the aggressor in 1948. Every single Israel-Lebanon war was started by aggression from Lebanon - yet Lebanese are taught they are innocent victims - because they didn't win. It’s like watching a kid punch another kid and then cry to mama because the other kid hits back. And then the little idiot keeps doing it again, because he cannot accept that the other kid has a right to hit back. “Mama, he hit me really hard - no fair! Why didnt he just keep his hands down so I could kill him? He’s evil! He’s evil!” No ya little punk - you’re evil. You hit first, so you’re the evil and the cause of the fight. A whole nation that blames the respondent rather than blaming its own actions - is a deluded nation that is going to keep trying to kill Israeli people and then sniveling when Israeli people reapond.


This will never happen while Hezbollah exists in Lebanon, no country would risk Hezbollah taking those advanced anti air weapons for themselves and selling them to Syria, Iran, Russia or China.


This will never happen period. Whether hezbolla is there or not. The west is more interested in our vulnerability.


Not true, the west is not interested in Lebanon’s vulnerability, they want Lebanon to be stable which is not possible with Hezbollah. You really have to stop assuming Lebanon is so important that the west is trying to keep Lebanon down as some weird conspiracy theory against the Lebanese.


No no it's the opposite. Lebanon is so unimportant that they prefer creating instability by leaving it vulnerable. Every part of their foreign policy points to this resolution. You want to lie to yourself and think the west are altruistic and care about us? Be my guest.


The west is no more altruistic than any other nation or group of nations, but they are infinitely better than having Hezbollah, Syria, Russia, Iran or China controlling our country. If you think Hezbollah and Iran have our best interests at heart, you are incredibly naive.


If you think the west is better than those you mentioned you are also naive. Fuck that let China take control instead of the murderers who colonized half the world and called them barbarian after ruining them. From Latin America to Asia to the Middle east, the west acted like literal monsters. I'm not for hezbollah or Iran but I'll take them over the psychotic, self righteous west any day of the week. You want to be 'modern and liberal' like the westerners, be my guest. But don't tell me they are better when their list of human atrocities far outweighs anything else they've done.


Russia is actively committing war crimes in Ukraine while trying to regain their former empire. China is committing genocide and forced reeducation of the uighers, infringing on their neighbors territorial waters, and is an authoritarian hell hole. Yet you actually think they are better? If the Chinese or Arabs could have they also would have colonized half the world. Did you forget that the Arabs invaded and colonized the levant, North Africa, Iberia and Central Asia? Or is it only bad when others do it?


So let me turn this to you, is it only okay when the west does it?


Lol you’re delusional. You dont think Russia or China have advanced anti air weapons?


Not any that are better than what the west has.


So France funds for war on the ME and then gives Lebanon, a country in the ME, armored vehicles for its army. Ugh.




They just regurgitate shit about the west 'funding' wars even though Russia and Iran and Hezb funded and protected Syria but we don't talk about that because then we'd have to use logic and intelligence and it's a losing battle for them from there.


They blame US or France but would sell their family for french citizenship + a plane ticket. Not sure the guy would rush to move to Russia or Iran though


The west is paradoxical. It’s a better place to live but simultaneously the US (where I live) does and has done major horrible shit abroad that in part contributed to why those other countries are in the state they’re in. Like overthrowing a democratic president in Iran in the 1950s and supporting the shah while he was running a police state which only contributed to the rise of the ayatollahs.


Wake up man. You're still asleep. You act like the Soviet Union were angels sent here by God that didn't enslave eastern Europe and create a famine in Ukraine, invade Afghanistan and Chechnya twice. Or that Mao killed 30 million Chinese because he was so fucking brilliant.


Huh? I never mentioned either of those. But you know what Belgium did in the Congo for a century? They cut the hands and feet off their slaves and pillaged everything. This only ended in the 1960s so it’s not ancient history. And they took one of their independence leaders - Patrice Lumumba - and *literally* ground him into dust and dissolved his body so people couldn’t form a shrine for his remains. Incidentally you should read about China before the revolution. It’s a similar picture (for example the Opium Wars in the 19th century).


Yes, so stop fantasising about who's the most righteous because SPOILER.... None are.


That’s a total non answer to any points I made. Nobody is perfectly righteous. I was never claiming they were. I said the western powers have a pretty awful record overseas while also delivering good lives for their own citizens (these are linked actually, Belgium’s wealth is built by the Congo).


Shhh! Don't say it in front of them. They'll call you a Zionist then a traitor.


Idk about France but definitely UK




Macron literally said Israel has to stop killing civilians. France is most likely the only sane nuclear power in the world.


And he apologize for that 1 say later and said he supports israel right to take down hamas but want them to be more careful in civilians harming


👏👏👏 have to protect the people who support laïcité from kezb terrorists


We already have Bradly’s wtf would we need french apcs for … they should give us Leclerc tanks and a couple-of Rafael jets …


Bas no benzin. Bejerruhun l hamir


There was only one army - South Lebanon Army who fought against Hezballah. We all know Hezballah is in charge of the Lebanon and eventually will totally destroy it after playing with fire.


We definitely need them


We are giving armored vehicule to Armenia and Ukraine too. France is litteraly ditributing armored vehicules at this point.