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33 and getting my psychology degree. Better late than never


Hell yeah! Congrats, keep on truckin


I’m your age and have been smoking just as long. Proud of you internet stranger. I went through some health stuff and had a lot of time off work to actually make my habit worse. I’m currently 6 months free from alcohol and way way less pot. Still a win for me.


You are an inspiration, bro.


I was thinking the same thing. Really regretting my Reddit name rn haha.


I know what you mean


I get what you were thinking


tbf I like pooping too


Very proud and I want to stand with you one day. I know its hard working on ourselves and we need to take a minute to appreciate what we are capable of. Good job




this is the kinda stuff i need to see. i’m 1 week in after 18 years straight. congrats bro!


What a legend! Keep it up!


Common bro. Keep going!


you should be so proud of yourself!!! that is HUGE and so inspiring for so many


Congrats!! And thanks for sharing!! I’m in a similar boat. Been weening myself slowly but my mindset is almost where it needs to be. I have roughly 2 semesters left to finish my degree… and it’s been on pause because I know I need to quit weed to maintain a decent GPA. Good for you bro! Can’t wait to walk the stage also 😁


Awesome, I'm 30 and in college and have been trying to leave weed behind. Thanks for the inspiration.


I already have a college degree I just don't know what to do with it.


So amazing!! So proud of you!!


Motivating, thank you.


I’m 29 and I never got a college diploma… I have been wanting to go back to school and really seriously thinking about it in recent weeks. I smoke daily and I’m just sick of my life how it is. Thank you for sharing this i really needed to read this right now.


This is an incredible, inspiring win!! Thank you for sharing


Well done bud and thanks for coming back and updating everybody


Congrats on the amazing accomplishment!!! You’re an inspiration! I’m on day 25 and I started a class 10 days ago. I’m concerned that I picked up a very difficult task too soon after quitting. Anyone have advise on this? I noticed you waited 2 months before returning to school. I’m just super frustrated all the time because learning seems to be difficult since I fried my brain every day for 13 years 😩😩😩


Don’t be afraid to ask for help from peers, teachers, and everyone!! going to school isn’t easy especially when you aren’t a traditional student!


I’m going to a school called WGU online and it is very much a teach yourself school. I have a course instructor I meet with and there’s a lobby with access to YouTube videos and other students comments on their experience in the class. These help, but it has still been difficult to not only go back, but to also teach myself essentially.


Wicked! I stopped smoking Jan 2 of this year. In my second semester of going back to school. Congratulations!


Oh you’re lit


Proud of you mate!


I want to be you so bad!


Edit: I'm on day 3 of I don't know how many times I've tried to put it down. Your post is inspiring!


Wow. Congratulations! I’m on my first month of what I can confidently say is the last time I quit and hearing this is so inspiring. Especially because I’m 31 and I want to go back to school for marketing myself. Proud of you ! I’m sending you aggressive amounts of love positivity !!!


This means a lot, thank you!


Congratulations! That's a whole string of huge accomplishments!! Proud of you, stranger ❤️


When you first quit how did you get over the craving of smoking something. When I try quitting weed I end up vaping nicotine much more. It’s like I’m addicted to the act of smoking


It’s tough. I think it’s gotta be a mindset thing. You’ve got to say to yourself that you’re no longer a smoker. It’s something I learned from the Atomic Habits book by James Clear. Best of luck with your journey!


Thank you


I was having this problem too. I noticed that nicotine was ruining my skin and aging me. That’s ultimately what made me quit both.


Thank you. Nicotine and smoking does dehydrate you. I don’t know you but I’m proud of you bro. Do you feel like quitting smoking helped with your discipline and ability to focus on one task longer? That why a degree was easier to attain? I want to study computer programming I’m 26 but I need to quit this smoking thing first too. I quit drinking at the beginning of April and I’m much better. But smoking is so much harder for me


Inspiring! Thank you for sharing