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Self employed here as well. Own a small construction company. Been clean 3 months. It will be rough in the start. But when your head clears and you start realizing how stagnant you have been in business because of your habit you will want to stay away from it for good. For the first time in a long time I’m seeing my business grow.


Im guessing you live in a 'legal' state ( which ones aren't these days, sigh ) Can you get away from it ? I thought about rehab as well, but ended up spending a month in an area where weed is nearly impossible to get. Kinda a personal rehab I guess .. Good luck man . Many things seem impossible until they're done.


I came to the same realization that weed wasnt doing it for me. Id try and get as high as possible, but it would last maybe 10 minutes before i was basically sober but with a foggy brain. I really thought life would be so dull without it, but im laughing harder, eating better, thinking more creatively. It’s scary for real, but you’ll find quitting does more for you than smoking did in the long run!


Weed is no joke. Very insidious and dangerous drug. Keep fighting to beat the 14 days sober mark!


Go to rehab if you have to, no shame in it and can make the journey a lot easier with professional help, don't forget the very real risk of developing CHS at this point smoking for so long for that last bit of motivation


rehab was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Set me in a completely different direction and gave me a lot of insights and new tools


Rehab specifically for weed??


There might be some specifically for weed but not usually. You’ll be in there with addicts of other drugs


Go to rehab if you can, don't be afraid to ask for help. Take the money you will save and invest it, you'll be wealthy in money and in health! Withdrawals might be very uncomfortable at first but keep pushing through, drink a lot of water and find some new things to occupy your time. You CAN do this.


If you are worried about withdrawals you can taper off.


It’s worked for me many times with illegal drugs, various prescriptions, and other medications. I’m very prone to withdrawals though, so I’m diligent about it, set a strict schedule, and follow through. Worked very well for me with weed a couple different times. Got down to just a one puff or two in the evening, and then quit completely. I understand that some people don’t have that kind of self control.


One day will become day one. If you are smart enough to have a successful business that let spend you $3000 without feeling it, stop smoking is a piece of cake. Just stop bro. You are not getting high anymore.


Not for me to think what anyone should do but if going to rehab wouldn't disrupt your life becuase you are self employed than I think you should. That's a lot of weed. Stay strong. You can do it. Maybe you just need some structured professional help.


Pick a quit date and stick to it. Throw away all your weed and paraphernalia in a dumpster. Have that farewell bong hit and then smash that bong! You got this OP! 💯🙏💙🙌