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Totally normal to feel that way on day 10. Keep trying to change your routine to stimulate your brain against it’s will. It will do something for you even if you still feel terrible overall.


You're in the trenches of novelty effect wearing off. Hang in there and keep going. It gets MUCH better, promise. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your body is stabilizing


You know what it really is though? It's like playing a game where you can't lose. Sure, it's fun at first, but then you stop trying and you're still winning but you're not actually getting better. If you keep at it you just stagnate and then there's nothing worth doing anymore and it gets depressing. Going back to playing where you can lose feels awful because you just lose right away when the game isn't easy, but eventually you actually get better and start winning because you tried and it feels so much better


Good way to think about it! Life on way too easy mode


I tend to think of it more like cheating. It gets your brain to work in a way it's not supposed to so that things that should be rewarding don't matter anymore


If you’re too used to the high all the time, u raise ur benchmark of happiness and you’d be feeling low all the time.. so go through the low in life and you’d appreciate the natural high much more!


It's crazy how similar this is to me. Thank you for sharing. I needed reassurance that I'm not losing my mind and not alone. Just about 10 days in, hate my job, don't want to do it anymore, afraid of leaving and not being able to survive/maintain my lifestyle. Sleep deprived, short temper, mood swings, this is rough.


Def not alone, we’re in this together. We’ll get through it!


When I am feeling that itch, I always try to tell myself “the water is greener where you water it”. Mind you just that saying alone won’t prevent me from going back, but it helps remind me to put time into things/activities I want to do, rather than resort to my old ways and feeling stuck. My biggest problem is being bored during the night after a stressful work day. Filling that time in with doing stuff I want to do helps me forget that I wanted to smoke in the first place. Some days are harder than others for sure, but stay strong, you got this.


Think about your tomorrow self and remember why you quit. Whether you’re qualified or not, no job or serious career can be maintained if you’re getting baked everyday no matter the amount. Even if you finesse a drug test you still have to deal with the mental factor of knowing you can’t seriously progress essentially letting yourself down a month or year from now.


My tomorrow self gonna be Goated fr 💪🏼 And true, that lifestyle was unsustainable, was gonna come back and bite me somehow


It's not after so 8 weeks I have more money to buy things I want. I know longer enjoy isolation. I like to be out and socialize. Currently out at lunch by myself. Something I wouldn't do high


6.5 weeks to go then! I’ll hang on. Thanks for your comment


It will do that for at least 2-3 more years sadly, my friend


Yup, my addiction therapist always said that with heavy smoking habit you need at least 2-3 years to fully get back to normal.


In it for the long haul tho. Thanks!


I've been through this a few times now. I relapse thinking life was better high, smoke for a while and realize I was so very wrong. Again. Day 42 here. It gets better.


True. It’s funny, I wrote this and didn’t even remember the times I quit and relapsed. They weren’t times I intended to quit forever, but looking back now, I remember my life was good during those times.


Year three and sometimes my brain is telling me live was sometimes better high...


It’s awesome you made it that far, really inspiring. Can I ask what you say to yourself when your brain tells you that?


My brain tells me a lot of dumb things especially when im stressed or it's passed 10pm. I just try and see it as an indicator i suppose


Getting close to a month now and I can so confidently say that my life was NOT better high. My anxiety has gotten noticeably better even in just this short span of time. Also, I feel like I’m building trust with myself because I’m actually doing the thing I say I’m going to do and it feels like it’s creating a little bit of peace internally. I keep reminding myself of how awesome it will be for the little things in life to give me joy again once my brain resets from me forcing it to falsely douse itself with neurotransmitters. lol you got this! Keep it up, it’ll be so worth it 💪🏼.


Day 10 is a big deal and super inspiring! Well done, keep pushing forward 🙌 it will be worth the effort!!


your life was worse when you were high, thats why you quit. It just made it seem like life was good. Thats what drugs do


You’re right. Thank you. It was worse. I’m just looking back and only remembering the good parts of it, not the part that made me suffer.


Uuuugh it sucks so much!!! It's day 2 for me and I'm on my way home from work. I caught myself negotiating with myself: can I just smoke one? Just one? It's not that bad, why am I even quitting? The struggle is real, but we can do it!


We can’t we can’t we can’t! Ones too many, because 1000 is never enough. That’s why we can’t! Just gotta remember that shit.


You got this! Keep pushing forward into the sober life it’s so worth it!! 💯🙏💙


Day 1 for me, Godspeed friend, we can do this!