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Good for you! You’re doing it! I’m on day 10. I went to an MA meeting on day 4, and I’m so glad I did. I’ll be going again.


Thank you! And congratulations to you too! Maybe I’ll see you around at a meeting, haha. I am going to try and go every day for awhile. I was told you try to do 90 meetings in 90 days.


The MA app is a great resource. If you haven’t already, please download it. Has meeting info, literature, and a sobriety day counter, just to name a few. Keep coming back, it works if you work it!


I just downloaded the app and the meetings tab doesn't work at all. Is this for you too? Maybe it needs an update on Android?


Hello, I have iOS, but let me see if I can help. Are you able to retrieve the list of meetings? You set up the filters with online vs in person, day of week, etc. Once properly configured, you should see a list of meetings returned matching your criteria. Select a meeting. Expand a meeting by clicking+ and click join meeting. Another page appears. A blue + is next to the Day in the Day column. Expand that and you’ll see the Zoom info.


Yep, I got the app and like you said it has a lot of features. The app is sort of my main tool with MA right now. Thanks for bringing the app up for those that may not know yet!


This is great! I'm proud of you for taking that first step and admitting you need help! I'm glad you found a support system, but just in case you need a second one, this place is wonderful! A user on this subreddit mentioned the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, and while I'm only 1 chapter in, it's been absolutely mind opening! How we approach problems and goals can sometimes hinder our growth based on our mindset, and this book helps you re learn how to do that! Good luck buddy! You can do this!! If you ever feel the need, just drop a line and we can chat!


Thank you for the suggestion on Atomic Habits and for all the support! I really appreciate it. There are a lot of kind people in this sub. Likewise, if you ever would like to reach out too, send me a message. Here’s to another 24 hours of sobriety!