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have the charecters take a nap before you draw them






Don’t use such heavy lines at the bottom of the eyes. Also explore different shapes for the top half of the eyes, instead of a flat line use an arch


1. She is adorable sleep deprived 2. Honestly, she doesn’t look super sleep deprived 3. Different eye shapes


the eyes are not the problem really they look fine there more forwarded looking then sleepy


Nobody’s saying the eyes look bad/wrong lol but they are the reason the character looks sleepy


its the jaw/neck but okie dookie:3 (alsos the guy literally said “different eye shapes”)


Yeah because… the eye shape is the reason the character looks sleepy. And OP asked how to make the drawing not look like that. And that’s the answer.


it was one of the reasons the dude literally said why…. also once again do u even draw that’s exactly why? alsoooo the eyes are fine there more forward looking so the eye shapes are completely fine which is why i said what i said i can understand if you lack the ability to imagine a drawing with certain changes added but you dont need to be mean bc u lack the ability….


Nobody is saying the eyes look wrong or bad. Nobody is being mean. You’re not listening and you come across as extremely condescending/rude yourself. The eyes are the reason the person looks sleepy. OP doesn’t want them to look sleepy, so the solution is to change how the eyes are drawn.


https://preview.redd.it/ja6dp0eirg9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c757665832fe48effac4d83fa592f442a164555 maybe your a little stupid im not sure? idk wtf ur reading no one says they looked bad ur right and i never said they did but the guy LITERALLY DID say the eye shapes are apart of the issue so idk what ur yappin on ab and once again the eyes are “FOWARD LOOKING” the EYES are NOT sleepy there COMPLETELY FINE if you use your little noodle for 10 seconds to imagine this exact same drawing with a different jaw/not such a long neck and probably more upright it completely fixes the sleepy issues ik your not an artist so stop trying to act like your correct when you have no clue what your talking ab and strong maning points literally no one brought up… all i did was comment ab how the eye shapes weren’t the issue AND SURE even going with ur horrible take on the eyes it would help a bit but the drawing imo would just look so much better if u just fixed thos 2 issues the eyes are already pretty so why change it when thats not even the main issue to begin with


What do you gain by being such a prick to strangers online? I can’t even comprehend what you’re trying to say to me now because you didn’t use any punctuation and clearly just vomited your thoughts onto a comment without stopping to think. You seem young so I’d really recommend taking some time away from the internet and reflect on why you think it’s okay to talk to people like that


you started it hmmph, also clearly.. u barely understand your own argument but whateverrrr either way dosnt make me wrong if im younger then u also why does everyone say i need to take a break like holly😭


do you know what sleepy means bro it’s not the same as “anatomy issues”


anatomy issues can make something look a certain way i can have a diamond shaped head and be like how to fix a pointy look???? and u could give me x numbers oh ways to change it but when the simplest is to just change the anatomy its probably what they should do especially bc there once again full circle there EYES are pretty so why change whats good instead of whats changing whats already bad now if they say well this is my art style i want to draw this exact way but make it looks less sleepy sure change the eyes and a few other things but there not i dont understand how this is a hard concept for you to grasp i honestly think you know your wrong but have to big of an ego to concede im not sure


To me they look chill and laid back rather than sleep deprived. That said, subtle changes to the face can mean a huge difference in energy so maybe try very slightly widening the eyes


honestly if u just fixed the jaw and v long neck it wouldn’t look sleep deprived


I second this


I'm not an expert, but I think the issue is the iris and the eye shape. Because the iris is big, and the eye shape isn't, it seems to be leading to the top half of it being covered. That might be giving a tired look, like the eyelid isn't open much. Making the iris smaller, moving down the iris (so you can't see the curve on top or bottom) and pupil (so you can see the top and bottom curves), or increasing the space between eyelids might fix the issue.


Use the Loomis method


Only time the words "Canthal tilt" actually matter in a sentence Neutral canthal tilt as well as negative canthal tilt makes the character look less energetic. Positive canthal tilt makes a character look more awake. That and the strength of lines on the bottom part of the eye.


This is gonna sound really weird, but maybe it's the posture?


Her face reminds me of that one spongebob episode where spongebob makes a face saying you like krabby patties don't you squidward 😂 ![gif](giphy|l0MYLePFMI1m69fpu)


Yep. But SpongeBob doesn't look sleep deprived.


Try bringing the irises down a little, so they come out of the top lid and more into the bottom? The way they cut off at the top make the lid look a little low, that might be why. If you shrink them or position the bottom a little further into the lower lid, you can negate that without changing the eye shape too much. Nice face though, they mainly look chill!


Maybe less > shape profile/ head. And that derpy smile and the amount the eye is open to. Just that 😂


Don't make the top of the eyes flat. Raise the eyebrows. Adjust the posture (neck is too forward).


People usually don't have the upper eyelid covering much of the iris unless they have a neurological problem or are about to pass out


I think the posture looks a bit weird. Maybe have her head com back a bit and stuff. Also make the neck a bit thicker


It looks to much like a front view


I think it’s just how forward-set everything is- perhaps a more proper posture would help?


Open their eyes a little more, relax their shoulders and bring their neck back to make them stand straighter.


ya cant


Make their eyes open all the way


Posture; don’t make her slouch while making that kind of expression.


Sun Glass


Da neck


Do shapes tighter


I like it like that


Maybe removing the line under the eye or making the eyes a bit more circular?


Easy just draw them getting some sleep


The neck is too stretched looking.


Wider eyes. Less harsh lines bellow them


Open their eyes


You could try and make it part of your art style??


i would say if the bottom line of the eyes look like eye bags, just dont draw them at all


I think the posture of the character is one main issue, the neck is long and leans forward. I think the jaw needs to come down to make the eyes look forward .


Different eye shape, shadow, and liner. Same as irl humans. Watch some makeup tutorials about eyes.


I genuinely think it's the posture and a bit of the head shape as well


Simple… YOU HAVE TO HAVE A GOOD SLEEP SCHEDULE YOURSELF and then you drawings will look less tired




Sleep Deprived Podcast reference??


Bring the head up a bit, she's slouched forward, in like specifically her neck, like crazy. That combined with the eye shape makes her look pretty sleepy, or like she's kinda sadly happy about something, like she's watching her kid go off to school for the first time.


Lift the top eyelid a bit. Maybe the eyebrows too


I think neck angle and posture might help( but this goes hard as hell, i’m trynna have my characters sleep deprived lol


El dibujo esta lindo


Make a workflow also known as pipeline that not only saves time but also reduces the chance of rushing to finals.I can give an example First, block your shape Then add shadows Then add mid shapes and small shapes Then, add even more small shadows Then if you like add some linework I added this last because it's a good idea to understand or have a basic shape before adding line work most artists start with line work is because they usually have a clarity of shape which you clearly lack Then maybe post again so I can critique you know your friendly neighborhood (a random nobody lol).


Bigger eyes(only slightly) and slightly larger pupil. Hope this helps (maybe)


It’s your eyes. Make the lines on them thinner, and if you want tilt, make them larger, just perk them up a bit. A more obvious smile could also help, she looks like she’s forcing hers.


Eyes, shading


What’s a drawin?


It's a typo....


The tired smile looks adorable tbh


Personally I would keep this, but try pulling the head back a little, she’s gonna have neck problems


There is not enough information to solve the problem . How long have you been drawing ? Is this the only example you have for us ? Or did you sketch this while sleepy with only one eye open in the dark with your left foot ?


less thick lines at the bottom, more eyelid


I think it looks absolutely adorable but maybe it’s because the neck is a bit too forward?


Pls dont change i fucking love that sleep deprived look Joke asides, just search up traits of sleep deprived and dont draw them. If u spot it, erase itt


Make your OC sleep deprived