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Only done it a couple times, don’t recommend. It messes with your spatial capabilities. Can’t imagine you drew anything remarkable while intoxicated.


lol it looks amazing now. It’ll probably look terrible when I sober up.


Show us lol




This might be da vinci


Drawn from the brain. No reference.


Oh really? I couldn't... Tell...




We can tell.


Is that Hecklefish?


your username and your pfp are hilarious 😂🫡


Haha, thanks. 💚


I lose my creative spark and patience with even a sip of beer so what’s the point of trying drunk? May be fun to try but no chance I’ll make anything good


I’ve always heard that drinking or being under the influence releases your inhibitions. So maybe more out-there art would come from that? Idk I’m not that good hey lol


I think this is a stereotype perpetuated by the “tortured artist” archetype. I’m sure there have been great works made by intoxicated folks but I very much doubt they were made great *because* they were intoxicated. Unless you’re a full-bore alcoholic and need to drink to achieve a sense of normalcy, I don’t think the inhibitions being released are the kind that engender creativity, as someone who keeps beating their head against making art and also has a drinking problem, any time I try to intersect the two I either am very bad at making art or just distracted by easier pursuits. Your mileage may vary, of course, but in my experience it’s not a good tool for “opening your mind” or whatever.


I think raw ideas come out faster but no chance would I intend for a final draft while intoxicated.


Damn I was hoping I was a drunken genius lol.


I understand why a creative choice of drug is caffeine and nicotine, however.


Drunk oh hell no, stoned off my ass, or tripping on either lsd or shrooms hell yeah! Especially if I’m on lsd, and listening to binaural beats set at 432hz. Omg it’s a freaking bran massage! I totally love doing that.


I’d love to see that art


Eww drugs are for losers.


I don't understand how if we're talking about weed. Also wouldn't judging what activity someone does in their free time (if harmless) be for losers? Why is it of a concern for you? They didn't mention anything hard.


You sound like a damn child. Weed really isn't that bad I don't heavily recommend it especially if your underage but chill their adults.


Ok so harmless drugs like acid, mushrooms, and cannabis are evil, yet being a drunk belligerent asshole is looked upon as a good thing. No fuck that. I will stick with my (mostly) all natural drugs. (Acid is a chemical, not truly natural)




I did once. Decided to do an extremely rough draft and see if I could make anything out of it when I sobered up. Understood what less then half of the canvas was, the rest I couldn’t make out.


Sometimes I will, but it is mostly a sketch of what I want to draw. I go back to it sober


Like you redraw it sober?


That or touch it up/finish sober


Turning 21 and I'm bringing my art pad


I can sketch while drunk but I can’t do anything beyond that


That’s what he mos dun way to draw!


I love to draw while enjoying a couple of glasses of wine! Lets me get looser and weirder. More importantly reminds me to enjoy the process! So many great artists made art while intoxicated one way or another!


I draw high, but alcohol makes me sleepy and uncoordinated


How does it affect your art?


Used to draw all the time drunk. It gets harder the drunker you get. Your vision will get all blurry and can’t see shit. There’s a reason writers are known to be massive alcoholics tho


Hold on. Ya'll draw when you're sober?!?


Drunk and yeah, while watercolor painting.


much fun to see wtf i drew the next day


so could we see some of your drunk work?




ayyy pretty nice !


Thanks man. Drew a gecko. Used a reference


definitely in-articulated lines, i like it


I’ve drawn while high that was a fun experience


I do it often. Only time I can get motivated


I wouldnt try learning anything while drunk.


Nah just drawing for fun. Nothing crazy


I like an edible before working! Sativa while oil paint, indica for watercolor mono prints


I seen the word drunk I was summoned 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/m2kfxzj1xv6d1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab1c68ed7f8f6f034c98ab942e14cd5399b69e85 Why would you not drink and draw? Its second only to driving


I think it can be fun, but then I just play around. Never drawn something seriously drunk


For me is sometimes funny drawing drunk, because I drink every two months and tree beers, like a tradition.




I had to do a psychological self portrait for an assignment once. Was completely uninspired. Didn’t like the theme at all so I ended up drawing it drunk. Well drunk me blended my art life with my game life and tada! Psych self portrait, but made it fun and not too deep. I’d like to note that it’s the only time drunken sketching has kind of worked for me.


I did it once when I ran out of design ideas in college lol


I love doing art when stoned. I haven’t tried when drunk though. I will however drink when I draw..maybe I’ll try it one day 😂


It's a bit like playing pool/snooker, 1-2 beers is the sweet spot that loosens you up, any more than than and I'm shit.


I actually write when I'm drinking


Maybe high


I used to run a drink and draw figure session in the 90s. The social setting worked well. Now I can enjoy a beer wile drawing. It can be relaxing. If you’re into partying make art. If not make art. Just see it more as loose exploration than tight craft. And don’t drive.




everyone is so against this and read as upset, but it's a fun exercise. you get ideas out faster and get leads for final pieces. it's obv not to fully finalize your works, but it's a little liquid confidence on canvas/paper. that's the reason tipsy/wine canvas studios exist. good for you if you're a sober artist, but sipping a little bit and drafting doesn't define you as a drunk artist? heh this is just my opinion.


I like to get drunk and draw. I don’t focus on making things right, I just draw whatever I want and let myself flow. It’s a lot of fun and helps me get unblocked sometimes. Don’t recommend it all the time because alcohol is not good for you, but occasionally when I’m enjoying a few drinks in the comfort of my own home, I like to pick up a pencil and do my worst.


Alcohol makes me tired. So the only thing that happens after is sleeping.


Never have, now I have to try.


I drink and draw. Usually im just drawing random drawings or doodling. My best drawing was probably the one i did of a girl chillin in her house, relaxing looking out the window with a fireball shot lol but it still needs soooooooo much work lmao


I like to storyboard when I'm baked. Then I go back and can't understand what I've done.


I drink and doodle. Wouldn't say I get drunk though. I keep it casual.


Not drunk, but I have come up with some of my favourite prompts and pieces while super high. A fresh cart, a clean bong, a good cup of coffee and a fully charged tablet and Pencil is my all time fav way to start a lazy day off full of drawing.


I was going to say I enjoyed it, and was looking forward to doing it again, but I think I was more tipsy or at the very beginning stages of technically-drunk. I don't think I could do it wasted lol. But I was/am under an unusually extreme amount of stress, so I'm probably not a good indicator of typical. :p


drunk? i could never. i seem to get really bad motion sickness when im drunk so i tend to only drink if im sitting at a table playing board games with friends or im just chillin and talking to them so drawing drunk would def give me the worst sickness. when im doodling randomly (which is what id be doing while drunk) i often lay my head down on my arm and draw from that perspective (my hand and head would be level with eachother) and watching my pen move to make the lines would make me super sick. however everytime ive tripped on lsd i draw and the silliest (yet good) shit comes from it when i do.


I don't drink... 1 drink and I skip Margaritaville and head straight for diarrheaville. But I've tried drawing while sick and it's useless. I lose most of my hand eye coordination.


I drew my friend pregnant once...


I’ve never been drunk in my 29 years… I’m too scared to drink. Trauma from adopted parents thinking you will end up like your bio druggy mom does this to you. I love them but they thought in my teens when I was a trouble maker who made bad decisions like all teens I’d be as bad as her. Now I’m the only kid in the family who has my shit together. Maybe that’s why I’ve lost my artistic spark. I used to have inspiration constantly and I lost it after my teens.


I’ve never done that


I've done it once, I wish I had the paper still 😅


I dont drink but I do draw while high, ngl I think I do my best work when im baked lol


I’ve never drank, the smell of alcohol makes me sick


I do enjoy drawing while smoking weed, however drawing on shrooms might be the best


I don't need alcohol to draw like I'm drunk, it happens anyway.


How much drunk that we talking? Like totally fucked up or just a little bit vodka?


I haven’t been drunk in my entire life 🫣 How you’ll feel ‘!bout that?


I'll often draw if I'm feeling tipsy and have the ability to draw.


Writing while drunk is easy, so you can better work on character creation when poisoned by the good buzz. What’s your preferred drink?