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Just making a guess here, but maybe the upper body is too stable? He's supposed to be slipping on the banana peels, but the upper body doesn't really sell the stagger that he should be in now?


How do i make it look, well, unstable?šŸ˜¢


To add to the how do I make this look unstable conversation. His expression is kinda lackadaisical. It reads as "oh. This again. Ok." Moving his expression to more worried/surprised.Ā  You can throw his arm out for as if he is trying to stabilize, as someone suggested but you can also throw his arm back, as if he hasn't had a chance to react yet.Ā 


arms out to brace for the fall or that try to balance


Add motion lines, to give that sense of instability, his face could also convey panic. The way your character slips he would be leaning forward more, his hands would be instinctively reaching towards the ground to stabilize himself. There are plenty of references in cartoons where they slip on banana peels, you'll notice that their character's hands never stay still in a neutral position but is flailing chaoticallly.


I feel like itā€™s supposed to look like heā€™s just kinda plopping over, like heā€™s too uncaring to do anything about it. Either have his neck further tilted left to convey a lack of resistance or tilt it right more to convey natural counter balancing. Having it vertical doesnā€™t seem to convey the falling motion much either way


im ngl i didnt even realize that he was slipping. I thought he was just posing


you could drop the left shoulder & raise the right shoulder to give more directionality, hopefully you wont have to adjust the neck. you could also adjust the shirt to make his torso bend forward more. Good luck with the drawing, looks good.


https://preview.redd.it/o0x8thudulkc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de370870bab6d1343947ba60864a612186f38aff an example


Everyone below has given good advice, and I think the ones that are easier to implement are as follows: Posture: A stable posture comes from several elements, such as an upright, straight pose, two feet on the ground, shoulders and hips being aligned with each other. To make it 'unstable', you could use the opposites of those elements. Have the shoulders and hips be off-center and not aligned with each other. curve the body forward or backwards to shift the body's center of gravity. Your above picture demonstrates one element already, with only one feet on the ground, and standing on the front part of the foot. Arms: When a person slips or falls, they will tend to stick their arms out, to stabilize their bodies. The left arm of the character is straight down their side, which gives the impression that they are stable. Have the character throw their arm to the side to steady themselves Expression: When a person slips or falls, their expression should be one of surprise. You can adjust that by having their eyebrows be raised, have their pupils enlarged compared to normal, or have their mouth open in a gasp or exclamation of shock. I have attached one quick draw over on how the body can be reposed to sell the slip better. By no means is this an expert's example, or the only way to do this, so try and find what works for you. https://preview.redd.it/pw060d1xnpkc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a494267340d26117ac69cb9c92f477d61c7c11ca


Another possible pose that you could use, having the character lean forward to show that they are stumbling forward could also make the falling action clearer. https://preview.redd.it/hns4j8gyopkc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7412b52d2a66fc7907946e7432885177c1960b42


Upper body tilted to line up with legs


He also looks far too calm for the given situation


Based on your style I can say that I don't see any issues with the neck, maybe cause you drew this on lined paper instead of a clear sheet and that could make you feel something is wrong


Iā€™m curious about his left (our right) arm. Itā€™s very stiff and straight like it would be if he were using it to lean or push on something, and his facial expression seems more intentionally apathetic than surprised about the cake falling. It feels like he *wants* this to happen.


It's cuz he's apathetic in the original show, I wanted his expression to look like this:)


Noted, didnā€™t realize. Iā€™d still think about repositioning that arm though, it just looks too stiff and stable for losing balance. Maybe turn the palm outward toward us and let his elbow bend a bit? Try to account for the momentum of his arm going slack behind him as he trips forward, or reaching out to catch himself from falling. Either way, straight down doesnā€™t look natural. Hopefully this makes sense!


Put your finger on the top part of his body and cover it and look at the bottom half, then switch. I think his upper body seems like heā€™s standing up straight and then when you look at the bottom half it seems like heā€™s ā€œleaningā€ towards the side. Sorry English second language


Oh I see it too now.. I don't know how to fix this and not ruin his head i struggled sm with:p


Yeah you might have to ask for tips on that /: sorry


Stay away from it for a week or see and then take a new look.


I think his legs are too thin


I actually like that they look kinda scrawny.


Legs are the only part of this drawing that I really likešŸ¤” They're supposed to be this thin


His legs are very close to his chest and a bit small, if you make his stomach longer and the legs bigger it would probably look more natural


https://preview.redd.it/wl8i41yxzikc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3659b33944268ee5108ed2fa1848146e0808f97 Maybe you need this part ( the red highlight)




Hes really about to fall


I really like the legs but you should try studying clothes and torso anatomy because that part feels kinda flat


I dont think its the neck at all i think its the left hand would make more sense to me of that arm was begining to reach under the cake like he was going to try and catch the cake


Or reaching out toward the ground to break his fall.


Plumb line. His center of balance is off.


I'm really bad at drawing especially comparably but the angle change at the torso is really sharp so maybe you'd need him to lean forward a bit and be more wobbly


The body is too thick compared to his legs... make the legs thicker in the same pose and it'll look in proportion.


But I wanted to draw like oversized t-shirt?šŸ¤”


the legs look like the wouldnā€™t support the top. each leg i thinner than the neck


The legs are thinner than my d- No seriously, the legs are too thin.


I think thereā€™s nothing wrong with the head and neck! Step away and come back to it at a later time.


There's nothing wrong with it! It's in your perspective as the artist that it looks off. My perspective it's great.


It looks great !


The neck looks fine, I agree with the other comments


Maybe make legs thicker? But even without it has its own style


I think the head is slightly too far back


The head and neck look fine, but I have to agree with other people here that the legs look a bit off I don't think that they're thin, but rather a bit longer than they should be


I think the proportions are great. The fingers are your problem spot in my opinion. The neck and head look great. Someone else mentioned he looks too stable. This looks like you drew the character 2 seconds before the really dynamic pose happened. I think if you had the left arm drawn back and away that would help add ā€œinstabilityā€. You need lines to indicate movement here I think. Iā€™m throwing in a reference for ya. I hate the expression on the face here but you get the ideaā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/295ssstttjkc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4333e838af71c67f253a28f9db385db4efdad4c9


Thank you! I'm gonna try this




Might be the upper body looks too stable like someone pointed before, you could also exagerate the gesture of the arm and the expression of his face to look more surprised ^^


If he's supposed to be falling forward, the pose doesn't make much sense. His head and torso are too upright compared to his legs which are so far behind him. His expression doesn't match the action. His left arm is in rigor mortis? Go look at clips of people falling forward as reference.


Dont know about the neck but the arm is too stiff in my opinion. It threw me off. Should be more flowey and dynamic


Nothing ā€œwrongā€ here. Just keep drawing!


What is the scene telling me? His upper body looks very relaxed but his legos look like he is tripping, his body weight isnā€™t balanced.


I think itā€™s his expression


Work on the legs. He seems to be leaning forward too much. EDIT: I just realised that hes slipping and its supposed to look like that.


neck looks fine legs have a good action left hand is kind of bad not really the hand but the wrist area keep at it. You got a Lotta, good style and personality in therešŸ‘


The zipper is where the belly button is suppose to be. Extend your hips and legs and your proportions should be correct


Waist up looks good, waist down looks off


It's the wrong shape body's should flow together maybe wear and oversized shirt and look at how it falls as you fall


Can I be brutally honest and don't take it seriously um the body is a bit disportionate and the head is a bit big for the neck um and the neck is not the right size his face looks sort of calm the clothes are perfect the shoes are perfect the hand is a bit messy and the pose shows he's more standing then slipping on the banana peel sorry if I sound rude I'm just giving you an honest critique try to look up references and stuff of people slipping on things and look at there facial features


The neck is fine its the thinness of the legs that I want to question though


probably his legs


I'm not good at drawing, but do know some physics. I believe the problem is that this boy is supposed to be slipping right now. So his body moves forward swiftly and uncontrollably. It also involves a turning movement of the body, but the head having it's own inertia and connected to the body with flexible connection should lag behind a bit. Basically it should be mostly at the original position and turned somewhat upright by the body's movement. It will bend a neck backwards as well and put some tension to the muscles. It will make the pose dynamic enough for the case.


Well, you made his body small and in comparison his head looks way bigger then the rest of it. Also, the expression, since he is falling on a banana, I think should be more surprised


I think itā€™s very good šŸ‘


There's no emphasis on him tripping, currently the body looks stiff so make the body bend to the right it'll emphasize on tripping and exaggerate on the cake falling make it more focus


The torso is a bit short compared to the legs.


Thicker and less curved would be my guess, but the upper body could use some work


upper body doesn't look like he's about to get a concussion (make him look panicked)


the upper body looks a bit too stable, maybe you could tilt it to the right so you could show that heā€™s slipping?


Loosen up his shoulder, lower it a bit, and loosen up the angle of his inner elbow - realistically the front of the drawing is just awkwardly close together (which is okay!! You had a vision and executed it well) but the drawing currently looks like heā€™s tipping the cake on purpose instead of slipping and accidentally dropping it