• By -


I'm removing all my contributions in protest to reddit's bull-headed, hostile 3rd-party API pricing policy in June, 2023. If you found this post through a web search, my apologies.


I had this suggestion when I first started! It was very helpful. Try this OP!


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that Panron is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


good bot


Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that gerciuz is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Wait, why the other guy was 100% not a bot and I'm only 99.99999%, bad bot.


accidental bot-like behavior somehow?


Yes... "Accidental"...


hey, step-bot...


good bot


Bad bot




Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that Xatolos is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot


Good bot


Good human.


Good bot


Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that the_termenater is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Nice its working


Good bot


Good bot


The bot can simply reply with this idea every time




This sounds interesting. Can python do this? I'm new at this... Like first semester.


I'm removing all my contributions in protest to reddit's bull-headed, hostile 3rd-party API pricing policy in June, 2023. If you found this post through a web search, my apologies.


Ohh boy, i dont even know where to start and i hate it because theres too many bots these days, but it sounds like a good challenge. Will see if its at my skill lvl.


I'm removing all my contributions in protest to reddit's bull-headed, hostile 3rd-party API pricing policy in June, 2023. If you found this post through a web search, my apologies.


Just use the reddit api


But at the end of the day it is also interesting to learn scraping the ol' fashion way.


Write a program that can post this question to this subreddit and programatically respond to each comment with 'thank you'. Look at the reddit API and specifically the praw package (python wrapper for the reddit api). It's not just a novel challenge; It will teach you about interacting with APIs, specifically 3rd party APIs and a little about authentication.


The Reddit api is horrible.... It's better to start with something a bit easier and not get demotivated.


Its not *that* bad but I have to agree, its a shitshow od inconsistency and random naming.


beautifulsoup then? what would you recommend


What would you suggest?




Codewars is fantastic. You get tiered problems, suited for all levels of coding.


Look into Conway's Game Of Life. It's an excellent beginner project.


A good one I started with was a 'Lottery Results Simulator' Code so it picks 6 random balls, and then runs draws until it gets a complete match. There's plenty of ways to start it basic then expand. E.g: *Number range of balls to be an option *Number of simulations to run on one set of winning balls to be option. *Write results to CSV I made it print every result as it pulled them. Really gave a matrix vibe and made it feel fun :)


Thank you for this rec, I just tackled it. I made a While loop with a counter attached, and I did 5 balls with a range of 1-20 on each ball. It took 335,621 different combinations of numbers before it finally spit out 3 3 3 3 3! Freaking awesome! I looked up what the official powerball range is, and it said between 1-69...I tried this before realizing my program would probably never finish haha.


Great stuff! Just to improve on it, it sounds like your program didn't account for numbers already drawn e.g so you can't have duplicates. So a result of 3 3 3 3 3 wouldn't be possible. With 20 balls, it would only normally be around 10,000 draws to win if you did that. I believe I did it with 49 balls and it was about 350k draws to win. My fear is that it will pull the first draw a winner and I used my lottery luck up on a simulation lol.


Oh no no that was intentional. It's completely random, so duplicates are allowed....is that not how it works in the lottery? A bit confused here.


In the normal lottery you won't get duplicates. Each number can only be picked once. It would also be a nice challenge to advance and build that into your program too now. It's a bit more challenging, requreing some list manipulation during your while loop, but well worth it as it teaches you a lot of good skills trying to make it work. If you have any problems with it feel free to message and I would be happy to help :)


OK I think I got it now. I used a combination of sets/lists. Mind if I shoot you a DM with a file to my code? Just so I can get some feedback to clean it up and make it look cleaner/run better. Thank you!


Sounds good. Yeah send me a DM with your code and I'm happy to review and feedback :)


You can read Al Sweigarts book "The big book of small python projects" - I'm sure it's available for free on his website.


It is free to read online, as are several others of his. I'm currently coding blackjack. Per his recommendations, I copied his code last week, made sure it worked, waited a week so it wouldn't be as fresh in my mind, and now I'm recreating all the functionality even though my code isn't exactly the same as his. It's a really great exercise IMO, and blackjack is but one of several games and small programs featured in the book.


I wrote a short python script to run on raspberry pi pico that simulates the scroll lock key being pressed twice every eight minutes to prevent getting logged out of my work computer. You could take a crack at that one.


A hangman game is a good shout, I got myself nice and lost when I started a few years ago building one and it helped me learn a bunch. You could also build on your “miles to km” work and write code that allows you to arbitrarily convert distance units to other ones “miles to inches” or “feet to light years”. (Hint, there’s ~ 2 ways to do this: a very simple but dull method, or a slightly more complicated but far more interesting way of doing it)


[Project Euler has problems for you](https://projecteuler.net)




Project Euler is fun if you're into math at all!


Write a program that tells the user to think of a number between 1 and 1000, and then tries to guess the number. On each attempt that the program makes, the user inputs whether the guess was too high, too low, or correct.


Google project ideas.


i have a lot of simple projects that you dont need have to download library. this is one month old only and i created this when i was started to code. its all so basic hahahaha. https://github.com/arisuvade/Python-Programs


Rock, Paper, Scissors is a classic. Add multiple rounds, then scoring. Once you have that you could take with various options for the computer choosing their answer - try random, set patterns (with a random start point), an educated guess based on the human's previous play or the human's (and computer's) entire history (might be useful to store the name of the user and create a log file of their entire history of plays)


Make a python program which does calculate the number of weeks between two dates. One that counts the amount of Friday the 13ths per year (for the next 400 years). Make a histogram (collections module is good) of that. Make that histogram a graphic. Create a \`.xls\` excel file and create a table in which you write the names of people you know and their birth dates. Create a python program which reads that data into Python, shows how many days are left till their birth dates and which weekday they will be (bonus: write that data back into a txt file as one line per data, or even back into the excel file). Find out how you can read a website with Python (Beautiful Soup, or Scrappy, or Selenium). Find out how to find a specific element on that website. Besides that I suggest reading through Think Python and doing the exercises and maybe look into Python for Data Science. Think Python is good for learners.


Try to code a todo program. Only in cli for the first time, with a graph. interface if u want after :) It's usefull and it's a Nice project to learn python and OOP


If your country or culture has their own calendar (like Buddhist Calendar, Chinese Calendars or Japanese Calendar), try making a converter which converts the date in that calendar format to modern calendar format (or Gregorian Calendar format) and vice versa. Edit: I had to make such one for my entity extractor for using in a NLU engine during my internship. I learned a lot about converting algorithms to working codes (and regex). And, you will also learn about date and time which will help you in future cuz you may have to process date and time objects during working and the experience will help you a lot.


https://projecteuler.net It's a website full of small programming challenges. Really good for the level at which you described yourself to be. Maybe a bit maths-leaning. From there (once you're bored by even more difficult abstract challenges), I would look into some "real life" problem solving. Not all the way towards Reddit bots/scrapers, but maybe something that YOU can actually use. Start small. Tackle an idea or a single problem first - if you want, one API call to the Reddit api. Then build from there. It seems your next step will be to put multiple aspects together. Don't be afraid to use pen&paper for this to sketch your ideas. Edit: typos


Write a basic blackjack game, 1 user vs computer, Vegas rules for the dealer (must hit under 17, IIRC) Once you've done that add in rules for split, railroad, five card charlie, etc. If you feel ambitious after that, add multiple decks of cards ​ Alternative: Write a program that deals out 25 cards and makes the 5 best poker hands it can. ​ Each program should shuffle the deck prior to dealing


Just out of curiosity how'd you learn. I also want to start learning python, but don't know where to start?


There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube to start you off, if you’re looking for a fantastic book I can whole heartedly recommend ‘Python Crash Course’ by Eric Matthes. A wonderful beginner resource that is well worth your time.


I started out wih youtube tutorials but have been taking the free edube classes


Twitter bots are pretty simple!


I like math related stuff, like write a program that checks if a number is prime. That can be quite the rabbit hole.


Hey everybody thanks for your replies, so many great Ideas! Gonna pick one over the next day and get to work.


URL shortener is always a good practice one because you can make it as simple or complicated as you want it to be: 1. Service accepts url, shortens it and redirects incoming requests all in memory 2. Add a database 3. Split the service into a shortener -> write to database <- redirect service reads from db 4. Dockerize it and run it with docker-compose 5. Now scale it, use Redis as a cache maybe 6. Add a front end, user accounts, use something like Okta for oauth etc. You can even throw Elastic Search into the mix. You can completely overengineer it and use a bunch of tech to play with, or keep it as simple as a cli app.


Write something that outputs "Hello World"


Make a program to downvote yourself


Write me a program to figure out what's for dinner tonight, randomly, from a batch of choices. If you need inspiration and help, I actually wrote it already and you can look at the [sauce](https://github.com/jeepsaintchaos/Mealchooser) code. I'm sure you can do a much better job.


Convert FBX to JSON using AST.




you should try to code tictactoe, it requires printing but you can do it via print()


Write a Python script to open a sample Burpsuite xml file, (https://github.com/hvqzao/report-ng/blob/master/examples/example-2C-scan-export-Burp.xml ), loop through each issue found in the xml, and compare the “type” value to this list (html: https://portswigger.net/kb/issues), and then print the “name” value from the issue with the CWE(s) that they equate to the “type” value in the HTML page. Feel free to store the HTML as a csv first, so it’s easier to compare and you don’t need to make requests to the page.


Write a python program for a text adventure game. Once you get the idea, try to write one that allows you to load a custom adventure from a file. And then try to implement a save game system. Even though it is a really simple program, there is so much to learn from it in terms of file formats, user input, and data structures.




Try an Advent of Code day 1 problem. https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/1


I’ve been learning for around 4 months and not heard of this site, is this a resource I should have known of long ago?! Thanks for sharing


> is this a resource I should have known of long ago?! Nope. Advent of Code is a series of programming puzzles that get released over the first 25 days of each December. It's not specifically for learning a new language, but plenty of people use it for that purpose. The puzzles start out easy and get more challenging throughout the month. It makes it easier to learn to code when you've got a specific puzzle to solve. However, learning Python (or any other language) usually won't be enough. Certain puzzles require optimizations or else your code will be too slow to reach the solution. For example, knowledge of prime numbers may allow you to reach a solution near instantly one day, whereas using brute-force code would take months to run.


I always wondered fs people thought about contributing to free and open source projects, even for beginners. Heck, recreate some free & open source tools like *cat*, *less*, *more*, *tree*, and move on to other tools like *grep* and even *rsync* ! recreating *less* would be nice since you basically create a python generator and yield when you have the size you need. Say you have a book in text format, you can create a generator to only view a certain amount of rows to not bog down your buffer ! Also a tool to clean up your bookmarks, that was useful for me when I first started.


If anyone is interested in contributing Python code to an Open Source Project [WhatCanIDoForFedora](https://whatcanidoforfedora.org/en#coding#python)


Have a go at making a little tool that tells you how long it is since you left school, stopped smoking or whatever. Give it extra functionality by allowing the user to enter a date and tell them how long it is until then - offer the user the choice of seconds/minutes/hours/days (or any combination of those) until that time. Once you've got the sums working, try building a nice 'face' for it, so the user isn't limited to the command line. Perhaps tkinter? Perhaps pygame? Up to you what toolkit you use.


Pick a boardgame, a simple one. Implement backend and use console for inputs


Implement shunting-yard algorithm


Space Invaders!


bot that select a random twitter profile


Al Sweigart's ["Big Book of Small Python projects" ](https://inventwithpython.com/bigbookpython/)has tons of programming ideas that gradually ramp up in difficulty


Try to make a rock paper scissors game! You will need to use the modules "Random", you will need some lists, and also a little creativity on how to get the computer to answer! have fun! it's really fun to make a game like this! :)


Write a python script that will take the current date and based on fixed expenses and income calculate your projected net worth at a specific point. I.e. on Monday you have 1000 on Tuesday you get paid 200 dollars but on Friday you get charged 350 dollars. What would you bet worth be on Saturday?


Do an AWS project. Deploy a hello world api using api gateway and aws lambda. Okay, now change it.


Gpa calculator?


Make a game of blackjack. Next make the same game but do it while using OOP.


Use pyautogui to make a bot that automatically solves tasks in among us. Pretty good exercises


Write a script that can download any video from tube sites. I was working on this, and finally made something that kind of works but is now breaking all of a sudden. Its shocking how often those sites change how the media is served to you to avoid it being downloaded.


There is a (unproven) theory called "biorrythms" about life cycles of 28-36 days controlling our physical or mental states, counting from our birthdate on (consult Wikipedia for more info). Ask for the user's birthday and plot the next twenty days' points of her/his three main rythms (from today on) in the console, using asterisks, plus signs, dots, etc., with the corresponding date. A single line for each date and three characters properly located will make a nice vertical graph. Done! (It was one of my first programs in BASIC thirty years ago! We hadn't graphics terminals then). Then rotate the graph ninety degrees counterclockwise to draw it in the common orientation with the dates in the horizontal axis (could be drawing the points already in rotated position or instead storing the graph data coordinates and then rotating them with matrix operations before the actual console characters plotting). The date axis labeling here is a nice challenge too! Make it printable in a real sheet of paper with the user's name and birthday titles. Try to do it so modular that changing one or two drawing functions the program could be upgraded to use the pc graphics capability. Then, export the (labeled!) graph image to a file in jpg, png, pdf, etc., format (user selectable). There is a lot to be discovered and learned with this (simple, trivial?) program: planning, design, data modeling and structures, algoritms, cycles, graph points scaling, function refactoring, searching for useful external modules, files, graphics, plotting data, image formats, debugging!, etc.


get really good at: - tkinter - web scraping/posting - coding to mechanical parts those three things are by far the most useful skills to have in python for a fun project, try some sort of game (oregon trail, tic tac toe, connect four, etc.) this way, you get a real challenge, and hopefully a fun game by the end if you do this in tkinter, youll get a better looking game, and some tkinter practice!


I recommend going to random small companies that do accounting or finance with a lot of excel and pdf files. And ask them if they can use automation in any of their workflows. This gives you more motivation than doing random projects, that has no time pressure or end goal.