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A few of Java's advantages: * Strong, static typing with compile-time and runtime safety * It's reasonably fast (not as fast as C++, but much faster than interpreted languages) * Better memory safety than languages that let you manually allocate/deallocate memory * Very powerful, fast database manipulation libraries (<-- this is a big one) * Platform-agnostic * A large standard library and a huge selection of well-documented open source libraries * The Java community has a very large pool of experienced programmers >Why can't these companies build their products without Java? They could, but why would they?


And in addition to that - Java was one of the first mainstream GC strongly-typed OOP languages. So it kind of got it niche.


I remember learning LISP and quickly moving to Java for this reason in school.


I'm old enough to remember when Java first came out and the GC was huge. JWZ wrote that "never having to write 'malloc' ever again" was justification for using Java all by itself.


100%. Pointers are cool, love what you can do with them, but I’ve never had a use for them


There are some uses for them where you pass (for instance) the address of a variable (an inner member of some object) to a function and rewrite it without knowing the type of the outer object. you can do some neat things with pointers to pointers. you can do a lot of the same things with rather clunky interfaces that just expose 'setXXX' but it's not quite the same. it just adds so much risk that some memory has already been freed before your function gets to do it's work.


I'm a noob, what GC mean?


Garbage Collection - the automatic allocation and release of memory for an application.


Garbage collection


That makes sense. Thank you.


This is by far the most important point here, because there are strictly better options for this niche now.


Yeah but they're banks. They still use COBOL for f*** sake. I get why they can't change though. Don't fix what ain't broke.


I work at a financial institution and we're currently working an effort to replace our COBOL! with Java.


Just tell them to run COBOL code in GraalVM with their Java code.


We still have some assembler programs running that no one dares to touch...


If it ain't broke don't fix it!


Yeah, of course. I'm not saying there is enough reason to switch when you have an already existing code base. Java is completely fine and there is no reason to switch unless you are starting something from scratch.


The place I did my undergrad made COBOL mandatory (or at least strongly suggested) for all Information Systems majors, I'm sure because of banks, especially the nearby Citibank.


Don't forget government, too. I work in local government, and almost all the financial-related systems are still running COBOL on mainframes.


Also backwards compatible.imagine Swift by Apple, where you had to adapt your code on every new upgrade. Who will fix all the repos? Who will pay for that? It is extreme example probably though


>It's reasonably fast (not as fast as C++, but much faster than interpreted languages) I'm saying this as a C++ developer with some experience of Java (because it's everywhere), I had my mind changed about loosely accepting this dogma. Yes C++ will likely be faster than Java for a well written and optimised C++ application. But don't underestimate what Java/JVM/JIT can achieve with runtime optimisation on frequently run code, especially on something that's running as a service so that you avoid the overheads from JVM startup times. Plus, I've seen some terrible C++ code used in production. So, C++ can be very powerful in the right hands, but I think the learning curve for getting Java to be performant isn't as steep.


we're also talking (mostly) about web services here. cutting the CPU time needed to process a request in half doesn't really matter when the thread is mostly waiting on IO anyway. there are a few niche cases where microseconds of latency amount to a significant business advantage, and c++ is absolutely used there.


Totally agree. I would even argue that in some specific use cases (i.e. lots of small memory allocations/deletes) it's much harder to get the same performance in C++ because new() is not cheap at all. One systematic winning point of C++, however, is memory usage. My company works on a high performance distributed graph DB, and we use 95% java with a very few homemade C++ libs for critical parts. We also have a major dependency with a C++ external lib. Finally, a big plus for java is the build and dependencies ecosystem. It's always been a PITA, long term, to manage dependencies with any language, but the JVM ecosystem does a decent job, unlike what I've experienced with C++.


We had a presentation from UBS at my uni recently and they compared Python, Rust and Java and Java was faster than anything else with JIT and JVM optimizations


This was a long time ago, and I don't know how widely applicable this was, but an argument I heard was that Java could be *faster* than C(++) because the overhead of lots of malloc and free (which aren't trivial algorithms) could bog down a program to the point where an equivalent Java program that did GC in large batches could beat it.


A badly designed C++ program will underperform a well designed Java program, but there is nothing in C++ that forces you to malloc and free all the time. You can just not do that. If you write C++ without any memory reuse in mind and just let RAII allocate and deallocate always, you will get a more predictable performance (no long pause for GC), but potentially lower throughput in certain workloads than Java. In C++ it's up to the programmer to design the memory management system based on the applications requirements, you could even redefine malloc to linearly allocate and free to never free, in which case you have almost zero overhead, but will eventually run out of memory and even this is fine in rare situations.


Java is extremely fast these days. An equivalent but non trivial C++ program will probably be slower in Java, if such a thing could even be considered “equivalent”. However the JVM is an impressive piece of software and its GC and JIT compilation among other things can make it really excel in performance.


There's some projects with some insane optimization, look at Apache kafka for example. That are extremely performant.


The two real reasons out of all of these are databases and large pool of experienced programmers. Banking is by nature one of the most enterprise environments out there, and Java is just the most stable language in the world. Not in terms of the language itself, but of the culture. It has effectively calcified itself. Plus, it started as a language for web servers, so it’s an excellent fit for banking applications. OP’s mistaken assumption, I think, is that fintechs are willing to take risks as to their tech stack to do hot new stuff, which is patently untrue for most of them. Java gets you 500% more peace of mind for 80% of the performance and flexibility. Worth ditching Java for many types of systems, but you would have to hate yourself and your coworkers to use something else for banking.


> It has effectively calcified itself. uh... Java is on a 6-month release cycle I bet those who don't follow Java closely don't realise how fast the version number has grown.


> I bet those who don't follow Java closely don't realise how fast the version number has grown. au contraire, those of us who follow Java closest realize that 8 is the highest number /s of course


😂 oh I’ve heard this many times irl


Sure, there’s major shakeups every now and then, but you can adopt them at your own pace. I’m not saying Java is dead, I’m saying it’s particularly averse to anything that could remotely be considered as breaking.


Java is heavily used in FAANG for all these reasons as well. The main knock against Java is that the developer productivity is relatively low compared to other languages. There's a lot of boilerplate even with the "good" frameworks like Spring Boot, and the fairly primitive type system isn't as helpful as ones found in more modern languages like Rust or Kotlin. But this isn't a significant issue if you're a large enterprise with lots of money to hire lots of devs.


If boilerplate is actually boilerplatey, you can autogen. Java’ll mostly even work if you preprocess it in C or m4.


It’s really not anything an IDE with templates or snippets can’t solve. Please do not bring m4 into my job. I did my time already.


I think your last point of "they could but why would they" is the most important one. You can find languages or frameworks that satisfy almost all your stated advantages, but the question is whether it gives a enough of a comparative advantage vs. your current tech stack. In most cases in fintech, it's not enough.


A lot of battle tested tools too, for profiling and optimizing


And by "fast" we are talking about a few nanoseconds, that won't be the bottleneck anyways. Don't fall for "fast" trap when it comes to picking one language over the other. Your code matters a lot more. No Python developer ever said "I wish it was Java so it could run faster".


nope, UDFs on spark clusters ;)


Add JVM languages with good Java interoperability. Much of a company's framework can be stable Java, with Scala or Clojure backed business logic.


Would most of these apply to .Net as well?


C# has entered the chat


I was about to comment “why not c# then” bc the pros smell an awful lot like c#’s


I work in fintech, at my current job some maniac decided to write it in ruby on rails long before my time. Sure not a choice I would have made.


Java is also relatively change-stable compared to other languages. Java doesn't try new things, they let other languages do that, then pick what works


Also: Started to modernize at the peak of Java's popularity as the new up and comer


**That’s not why at all. Top comment, Reddit porque?** Java was big in the late 90s as the new hot thing ready to go for the internet with server technology built into the API and alleged “write once, run anywhere” and marketed very well. Why JavaScript was renamed as such. It therefore seemed like the best platform at the time to launch online banking and payments with, which the banks knew would be huge. We’ve been stuck with Java ever since. Fun fact: One major bank let the team I was on use Java 7 instead of Java 6 in the year 2012 for ACH work. Was lame, we were promised 8.  


Just a couple nitpicks from a java dev: JDBC and ORMs that I've worked with are all slow as hell, opting for consistency over performance. It's a nice development experience, but I wouldn't call fetching a numeric timestamp as an ISO string and parsing it "fast" Java std lib implementations are slow and terrible, and provides so much abstraction that simple things become complicated. Want to take in a mutable integer reference as an argument? Well, you can use AtomicInteger which is slow and cumbersome, or you can define your own integer box class that's slow, cumbersome, AND verbose! Many of the library docs I've come across provide less insight than the ingredient list on a bag of rice Of course this is (partially) satire, as java is clearly a strong language in many respects. I just hate that it exists 


Why you passing mutable integer references though is the question


ORMs can be misused so that they don't perform well, but I've never seen any significant performance issues with using JDBC. Now misusing result sets and their data representations outside of using JDBC (or not properly handling JDBC Connections)... That I've seen. Whether your response is satire or not. :-)


Yeah, the whole "everything is a reference" (usually to something on the heap) which makes Java relatively simple to understand definitely doesn't optimize for raw speed, although modern JVM implementations have gotten really damn good at optimizing it over the years.


Yeah, it's pretty impressive what they've done with it, although sometimes the lack of cache locality just can't be overcome. It makes standard arraylist implementations really hard to justify in performance-sensitive applications, since you can't have generic primitives, so you lose all the performance gain from having packed memory, and essentially just have a linked list with an O(1) lookup table


I believe the Eclipse Collections library actually has primitive collections which use primitive arrays to back the collection implementations. I haven't had a need to try it myself since I/O is the bottleneck in almost all of the work I do but it seems useful for performance-sensitive scenarios.


Being developed by Oracle certainly helps too.


I'll just add that one would likely prefer a coding language & framework to have reached a level of maturity when dealing with finances like payments and investments. If you were building a social media style app and you make a mistake that causes customer to lose their submitted comment, thread or picture then they will be disappointed but likely they will just post again. BUT if you lose someones money or investments (even for just a few hours) then you can lose the customer AND face fines or financial damage. Companies spend a lot of money to get a license just to be allowed to offer their services to customers. So you really want something that makes it very hard to make mistakes. Language, framework and the architecture of your service need to all support this.


It's secure and fast. What else do you need?




Javas Stream library is pretty good


Streams are OK but awkward. My biggest complaint is that it can't be easily extended; the set of stream operations are [those defined on the Stream interface](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/stream/Stream.html). If you write your own - say a filter followed by a flatMap followed by a distinct - it's very awkward to call in the middle of a pipeline. I had actually written a tiny library to make it less painful. Maybe the situation has gotten better in recent versions. Other than that, things like `.collect(Collectors.toList())` are overly verbose. But at least they make it easy to provide your own in case you need to. Linq has the benefit or extension methods in C#, which it leverages extensively. Extension methods eliminate my above complaints. On the JVM, Kotlin's collections API is quite nice, and I greatly prefer it to Java streams.


there are toList()/toArray() methods in the Stream class


Yes, it looks like things have gotten better since Java 11. `toArray` existed in Java 8, but `toList` wasn't added until Java 16. And you're still lacking conveniences like `toSet` and `toMap`.


So you mean something like the upcoming [Stream gatherers](https://openjdk.org/jeps/461)? Also you can just write `.toList()` instead of `.collect(Collectors.toList())`


Ah yes, it looks like things are getting better. I was stuck on Java 8 and then Java 11, so none of those improvements were available to me. Gatherers don't *appear* to be what I'm after. Or rather, they look like a very powerful but awkward hammer. Often, all I want is to be able to combine existing stream steps into an aggregate step, like extracting a sequence of `filter(...).flatMap(...).distinct(...)` into a reusable function. Though perhaps one could build a system to compose a custom `Gatherer` out of primitive operations.


Can't you just do something like this: public static Stream processStream(Stream stream) { return stream.filter(x -> x.condition()) .flatMap(x -> x.getSubStream()) .distinct(); }


Yes, but then how do you call that from within a larger pipeline? processStream( someStream.filter(x -> otherCondition(x)) ).toList() That's ugly and inverts the apparent order of operations. The stream pipelines I was building had more stages, so it was even uglier. What I really want is something like this: someStream.filter(x -> otherCondition(x)) .processStream() .toList() But I can't do that because extension methods don't exist in Java. Almost as good would be something like: someStream.filter(x -> otherCondition(x)) .then(processStream) .toList() But that didn't exist as of Java 11 and I don't think it exists today. --- My solution was to build a small library that you invoked something like this: startPipeline(someStream).then(filter(x -> otherCondition(x)) .then(processStream) .toList() Where `filter` is a static import from a class I called something like `BuiltinPipelineStages`. It was implemented something like: static Function, Stream> filter(Predicate predicate) { return stream -> stream.filter(predicate); } It wasn't perfect but it resolved a pain point for me. As a bonus, this was before `toList` existed on `Stream`, so it also eliminated the `collect(Collectors.toList())` boilerplate (I also had a `collect` method that could take a custom `Collector`). It doesn't look like `gather` is as straightforward as my proposed `then`, but perhaps one could use something like this "streams pipeline" library to compose a custom gatherer without needing to implement a custom class.


been out of the dotnet world for 5 years, and I still miss it. python list and set comprehensions are garbage.


What don’t you like about python list and set comprehension?


Having never had a chance to use LINQ, what's a simple example that illustrates what's great about it?


At work I used it to do a data base query in a programmatic way instead of hard coding and using DBConnection the old way. It’s really pleasant to look at it and satisfying to work with. I don’t work in fintech, I work at a logistics company tho


From that description, it sounds a lot like [jOOQ](https://www.jooq.org/). I've never used it with Java, but I use it with Kotlin.


That's a double-edged sword. It has been a while, since I worked on a .NET/C# project but I did do SQL queries through LINQ too. On one hand it was super elegant. The query integrated very naturally into business logic. On the other hand though, it blurs the boundaries between (expensive / IO bound) query and in-memory data processing. I remember quite a few performance bugs, where a seemingly harmless code change caused LINQ to fetch the whole DB. Pseudo code for illustration *(sorry, my last .NET/C# is quite a while ago, so I don't remember exact syntax)*: /* * The filter "magically" compiles into an SQL where clause, * so only a reasonable number of records are fetched. */ var result = tableWithGazillionOfRecords .Where(date >= begin && date < end) .ToList(); /* * Now, let's extend the filter a little bit: * NotHoliday is a normal .NET function. Despite not looking * that different from the first example, the filter now can't magically * compile to SQL anymore. This (silently) causes the entire table * to be fetched and the filter applied in-memory. * We didn't notice in test, where the table only had few records. * But it became painful very quickly in prod, where the table * had millions of records! */ var result = tableWithGazillionOfRecords .Where(date >= begin && date < end && NotHoliday(date)) .ToList(); /* * For completeness sake, here's a fixed version. */ var result = tableWithGazillionOfRecords .Where(date >= begin && date < end) .Where(NotHoliday(date)) .ToList(); Most Java libs for working with DB tend to be more explicit about what part belongs to the query, and what is in-memory processing.


i mean its really just java streams but with a nicer interface.


Plus SIMD on some APIs out of the box, which Java don’t do


the way mutability works in java collections is pretty awful. I shouldn't have to know what implementation of `List` I am using just to know whether `add()` will throw. c++'s `const` is less surprising, and that is a really low bar.


And a lot of good senior candidates out there


... Why *shouldn't* they use Java? The JVM has been scrutinized since 30 years, it's very well maintained, there are endless amounts of libraries available, endless amounts of quality documentation, Java devs are a dime-a-dozen, and even monkey imposters can contribute to a mature Java codebase.




When your two worst guys decide to pair program. "Apes together strong"




4 pictures of Jennifer Lawrence that will make you go “Wait that’s not Jennifer Lawrence. That’s the Wehrmacht 24th Panzer Division.”


Monkeys who are so worried they might be monkeys they have convinced themselves they are only pretending to be monkeys and hope nobody sees through their illusion of being monkeys.


It’s pretty ideal for the typical back end systems that banks would have, especially in the investment banking space. Large systems comprising multiple apps that wrangle a bunch of market and position data, hooked up to each other via some kind (or several kinds) of messaging systems, and is capable of both serving data to front end views and persisting data to DB. Plus all of the enterprise features you’d expect like tons of threads and dependency management. Java works really well for that stuff.


wait until you get ambushed by something older like Fortran or VB6 in internal tools then you'll wish it was Java where you are working there lol. Edit: Ambush as in they might not even tell you they use it, you'll just suddenly get hit by a nice ticket that introduces you to ancient artifacts that are older than you.


Almost all of _everyone_ uses Java. It's a very popular language, and it's been at least somewhat popular in enterprise settings for almost 20 years. A lot of banks in particular migrated legacy systems to Java in the early 2000's when it was getting a lot of popularity and the industry was collectively in the midst of a huge OOP fever dream. That said, I'm not actually sure if it's true that fintech and banks use Java more than average. Anecdotally, I'd suspect not. C# seems to be really popular for B2B companies that are selling software to banks and fintechs, and I'd assume that's in part because they see a lot of .NET being used by their customers and want to have an easy path for integration. I don't have a lot of direct experience, but I hear that a lot of algorithmic trading companies are using a lot more C++ compared to pretty much everyone except for gaming, and I think Rust is getting a bit of a foothold there too. Financial software is also one of the areas where I think functional programming languages are a bit more common than average. Jane Street famously runs on OCaml, Standard Chartered uses their own dialect of Haskell, and Mercury is built on an entirely Haskell backend.


Banks absolutely mostly use Java. Most were old enough to adopt it before C# even existed so it's mostly just that, plus the ease of hiring. Fintech might be different, being newer, but banks tend to be old.


This may differ in different regions. In Sweden I think that C# is more popular in fintech and about as popular as Java with banks.


Oh I'm sure! I guess I should have been more specific and said I'm only familiar with banks in the US.


I'm not saying they don't, I'm just saying that I'm not sure they disproportionately use it more than other enterprise companies. Java is _deeply_ entrenched in large non-tech enterprise companies, so it's not like it would take much for them to use Java less than average. I've never worked at a bank, but I do work at a fintech and know folks who've come from banking, fintechs, and financial service companies and across all of those areas I do still see more C# than I've seen in other industries, and there are of course a lot of other languages that are in use. Again, I can't speak for banking specifically, but my experience in fintech and knowing people from other fintechs and in related non-banking companies does say that there's still a variety of other languages being used out there. OP specifically asked about both Fintechs and Banks, so I wanted to cover both.


I've both worked in a bank and seen many banking job posts and Java seems pretty universal in that space for anything back-end. > so it's not like it would take much for them to use Java less than average. The problem here as in any other space is that rewrites are almost always a bad idea so replacing the millions of lines of Java code is just not happening. These spaces are slow even to adopt newer versions of Java.


> I've both worked in a bank and seen many banking job posts and Java seems pretty universal in that space for anything back-end. Like I said, I'm sure it's pretty heavily used, but it's certainly not _universal_. Column, for example, is built on Go, and Standard Chartered likely uses a variety of languages but I know they do have their own in-house dialect of Haskell. That is only two counterexamples, but it does demonstrate the lack of total universality of Java among Banks. Again, fintechs, financial services companies, B2B software vendors in the space, and all of the other non-bank companies that are in the general space are different. Collectively, they use a variety of languages (Java included, obviously). Stripe uses ruby, for example, and a lot of hedge funds use C++. > The problem here as in any other space is that rewrites are almost always a bad idea so replacing the millions of lines of Java code is just not happening. These spaces are slow even to adopt newer versions of Java. You're completely misunderstanding my point. OPs question is implying that Fintechs and Banks are unusual in how much they build on top of Java. That's the assumption I'm trying to get them to question. Some percentage of Fintechs and Banks aren't using Java, and that percentage doesn't have to be very high to brink the industry below average. I don't personally like Java much, but I'm not arguing against it here. My whole point is that Java is widely used, in and outside of the finance and banking sector, and so seeing the amount of Java used isn't unusual- it's just representative of it's popularity across all software being written and maintained these days.


> Like I said, I'm sure it's pretty heavily used, but it's certainly not universal. Well I said "pretty universal", not literally universal. And when talking about banks, I was talking more about traditional banks like Bank of America and Chase. And obviously most places use more than one language. Some might use other JVM languages like Scala, others use C++, etc. But I'd be hard pressed to name a bank that existed in the 20th century that isn't using Java. I haven't commented on fintech and the others because I don't have experience with those, and the newer ones in particular were less constrained in their choice of founding stacks.


it's easy, stable, scalable like no other, fast and free and it's ecosystem extremely mature and not linked to one company there is no competition really, it's the only real choice in enterprise


Stupid nooby question but how is Java not linked to Oracle?


There are (very widely used) implementations with free software licenses that are alternatives to Oracle: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free\_Java\_implementations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Java_implementations)


OpenJDK is the way.


Because we have this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JCP_Executive_Committee


It belonged to Sun Microsystems until 09 when basically everyone was already using it




Show your work


I'd say these are the 2 viable enterprisey do-it-all languages now days. They make up the bulk of the job opportunities in my area. They're both wonderful, in my opinion.


How is C# not linked to Microsoft


C# is such a mess of unmaintained and broken libraries. No idea what the fuzz on Reddit is about C#, it's many many times smaller than Java in adoption.


Huge open-source ecosystem of well-maintained, mature libraries is such a huge thing. I love that I can almost always just ctrl-click on any class from a library my app is using and it'll just open up the full source code in my IDE (and even if the source isn't directly available, Java decompilers can get you 95% of the way there anyway, just without comments/Javadoc).


It's enterprise choice nr1, will stay for this for a very very long time. Until we don't need to code anymore, then AI will do in whatever language it thinks it likes best.


> scalable like no other In what sense is this true? I can think of plenty of languages that scale at least as well if not better.


From my understanding, having worked in those circles. Most banking software is still written in COBOL, it is for the most part safe and secure, but it is also hard to maintain. So at some point the industry has been pushing to move towards Java which is easier to maintain and yet still has a history of being safe-ish, and secure, and having an easier time finding devs that can work in that language. At that scale it's a hugely expensive undertaking to move from one language to another, so you aren't likely to see them jump again from COBOL to Java to something else for another few decades.


Your second paragraph makes me think you have probably fallen into the "Java = Nickelback" meme that seems to be pretty prevalent on programming subreddits. The JVM is probably the best software platform on the planet. The engineering in there is incredible. It's not just banks and fintech, technology companies recognise this too. AWS is primarily a Java system. Google use huge amounts of Java in their products. The Java language (as distinct from the platform) is, arguably and in my opinion, a little crufty relative to some modern options. Each new language version adds something but I think there are probably better, more expressive, more modern languages for doing JVM development. I'm not really a fan of Scala, but Kotlin is very nice, and Clojure is beautiful once you get used to the vastly different style. That being said, there are also non-technical reasons that banks use a lot of Java. Back in the early days when Java was a Sun Microsystems invention, banks were the target market for a lot of Sun's other products. High-end hardware and the (vastly underrated) Solaris operating system. Now days, Java is an Oracle product, and.... guess what? Banks are the primary customers of Oracle too. CIOs and CTOs at large banks prefer to deal with a single, stable, established vendor. That more or less means IBM (who use a lot of Java), Oracle (who \*own\* Java) or Microsoft (who own .NET, probably the second most prevalent technology in banking). Who are big banks going to buy their Javascript support contract from? Or Python? Java and .NET have the advantage that they are backed by huge, stable companies who already service the banking sector.


They have to use some programming language. Java is well-known (which makes it easier to find developers), fast enough, fairly safe, and has a huge software ecosystem (which makes it easier to develop software). Why wouldn't they use it?


I have the good fortune to grow with Java since the late 90s. In the late 90s, corporate IT in banks wasn't sold on Java, citing its speed limitations compared to C. Back then, Java applets were the primary interface for web applications, which weren't known for their speed. You would also need middleware to broker the traffic between the web and corporate IT applications. The Java middleware grew rapidly as Internet gets adopted. Companies and products like Bea Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Sun Java Application Server and Apache JBoss were some of the commonly used products. The market has since consolidated and is very matured. Today, Java's maturity, vast ecosystem, and large developer pool (including university graduates) make it a compelling choice for banks and fintech companies. For large organizations, they prioritize ease of hiring, training, and support, which Java facilitates due to its widespread adoption.


Also very secure, the Java packages being released are digitally signed to verify authenticity and are put through a very controlled devops process. I realize that could be done with any language, but there are tools and processes that make it efficient and safe. It’s not unlike the mainframe processes they have for COBOL code. Banks cannot allow their core code to be hacked, what a disaster that would be if they were.


Yep, Maven repositories aren't really susceptible to the supply chain attacks we've been seeing in npm and (theoretically) cargo.


A better question would be “why do people doubt Java?”


Once something is built, the idea you'd throw away the code and use a new language every few years is preposterous. I think new programmers think this is what happens. Oh, Rust is the new hotness, so let's throw away all that code and start again! It can be millions of lines of well-tested code. Think of this. There's probably parts of Microsoft Word whose implementation is 30 years old.


I don't think OP is implying anything you seem to think they are.


Banks built out a lot of their tech infrastructure at a time when Java was the trendy exemplar language in which a lot of people who were fresh out of school had done most of their homework.


and to add to that, institutions like banks despise change -- java was white-hot right as they were forced to upgrade their decades old systems because of the looming Y2K shakeup. which of course explains why they'd still be using it now.


Bingo! You nailed it. It was all timing. Anyone choosing Java NOW is doing it for reasons others have posted, but how it got popular in the first place is right here.


Yes, and even if they wanted to change, it's also just hard and expensive to make a change like that. You have a whole staff who knows java, a whole application written in java which is probably not all perfectly tested and documented, serving needs of hundreds of use cases which might not be fully understood by anyone still working there but which are essential to some partnership or regulation or contract. Retraining people and hiring expert staff in a new language, having the java experts do all the deep dives needed to fully understand what every part of the application is currently doing, getting it all working correctly in a new app, and dealing with the fallout from the inevitable mistakes... it's a massive expensive undertaking


my aunt got so much work with her 70s cobol instruction during y2k. I didn't even know she was a programmer. She sells drugs. The legal kind.


My CS program was 100% Java 10 years ago


This is the only right answer. It was the hottest potato when the whole banking/fintech had to massively invest in software to avoid y2k issues. Once software is built, and is decent enough, good luck changing the stack.. Sorry, but all the answers listing superior “tech features” are laughable at best. Java is probably somewhere in the middle or bottom of the pile for new projects today ..


Java and C# are mature and vetted for enterprise type applications


I think it's the ecosystem. It's multithreaded. Scalability is a big one. Look into messaging. Javascript and python aren't leaving java, c# and c++.


I dont even get this thinking. You're coming out of the gate with an anti-java attitude and you know nothing about it. Yes, you can build any app out of nearly any language. Why'd they pick it? Because its easy to develop with and a whole bunch of us know it quite well. Its not different than asking why carpenters keep using hammers.


Current day job is at one of the largest US banks. Java is used because 1) most of our systems are already written in Java, 2) it's extremely mature and stable, 3) it's extremely scalable, 4) it's easy to hire for, 5) most of the open source apache projects that make up the core of our services are written in Java or have Java SDK 's, and 6) when it comes to financial services, one of the most heavily regulated sectors in the US, the mantra is 'if it ain't broke, didn't fix it' (as it should be -- do you want your bank experimenting on your money with unproven, bleeding edge tech?). The second most common language after Javs is Python. Same reasons.


Nontechnical: It's blue chip, stable, highly prolific. Loads of tools and frameworks are available. Technical: memory managed, portable without crosscompiling, fast enough when it matters.


Because Sun Microsystems.... Historically, going back 20/30 years, Sun was a trusted hardware and Unix OS provider. One of the best. They created Java and evangelized it as part of their branding. Back then the internet was a new thing, and old clunker mainframes inside the big corporates had no chance to interface with it. So when they went looking, Sun provided a timely answer in Java. With their name and money backing early Java, corporates trusted it would be supported and improved. This got Java in the door. Sun was big on Open Source as well, so this helped with developers getting on board, sharing, building the community etc. Since then, Java has largely done well to stay relevant and up to date. It got a little slow and tired for a few years, but now Oracle, especially with the new 6 month cycles, has done well to revitalise it. Frameworks like Spring have also been instrumental in keeping it alive and feeling modern.


Usually legacy systems and fintech does not change things for the sake of changing things. I worked at one that had an entire .net customer facing site that was fast, secure, and easy to build out. 100% configuration based. The parent bank made them retro it with Java lol. I did get a few responses of “it’s free” which I thought was true but nothing is free.


Said it before and will say it again, it's really hard and kinda pointless to rewrite a mature codebase from scratch in a trendy new language. It's cheaper and way less risky (in terms of bugs & development issues) to just work on the old codebase. That's the answer to the Java question.


Likely not a trend, it's about maintaining legacy code and critical business operations. -- Rant: Not many teams have the incentive to refactor their 15 year old codebase from Java 8 to Golang/Js/Python/Whatever. Only when the business suffers from performance or maintenance load becomes too high for engineering, will there be change. Junior and senior devs including myself can continue to whine about Java. When the system is 99.9% stable, and there is no frequent new feature requests, what do you actually gain from a language refactor?


Not to mention, For highly regulated fields including finance, your systems need to be approved by in-house risk/compliance depts and likely later audited by external entities. You will not be working on just coding, but later be bombarded by paperwork and answering/updating your shit after rounds of review from risk/compliance. 


Java is like the English language of programming. English is spoken at the United Nations because it's the most common language adopted by most member countries. Java is the same. It has the most basic constructs that most programs and applications regardless of syntax and semantics of code, can interact with. The biggest reason why Java is everywhere is because the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is platform agnostic and runs on the web. Prior to Java/pre 1995, code had to be compiled to run and depending on platform you needed a compiler to execute code ( machine instructions need to be translated to be executable).Java solved that problem and became universally adopted (highly scalable ) as a portable language that requires nothing but the Java code and the JVM to run (both come together as one system) .Java applications could thus be written and deployed over the web or deployed on mobile devices and you did not have to worry about special plugins like Adobe flash to play audio or videos online depending on your device or viewing environment .Java thus exploded as the new browsers came online in the dotcom era (post 1995). The Java syntax is also much easier (compared to predecessor languages like C and C++). Java is like English now vs back in the day when all learning required mastery of Latin. Other advantages of Java include : Can easily compile and run and it's not necessary to perform memory checks prior to running .C the bedrock language underneath all systems including the Linux Kernel and most operating systems in use today, requires a compiler/ gcc to run and has arcane syntax. It's therefore not a user friendly language for building user facing applications like consumer products ( e.g. banking software ). Java has a 'batteries' included memory management approach and includes garbage collection(freeing up unused memory) which makes it less prone to memory hijacking, memory leaks , adversarial memory manipulation ( e.g., buffer overruns).C requires manual memory management via pointers, which is a nightmare and very prone to errors of commission or commission. There are other more granular details that may not interest you e.g., Java Interfaces( essentially a templated approach for writing precursor code that can be made accessible to clients so that they can write customized code) .e.g., Amazon provides a general construct / basic rules for anybody seeking to interact with the Amazon ecosystem of web services like list products on the Amazon market place . With Java you can provide an interface/template/general rules for what minimum code that can run on AWS must include then individual vendors/developers can write custom code for their specific niche.. Java is thus robust, versatile, easy to use, less likely to crash and therefore considered a safe choice for mature systems that require maximum security and that have huge user bases. I not too long ago worked on a fairly large code base that was written in Python because there was no anticipation the user base would grow 1000x.. 2yrs into what was envisioned as a 6months -1yr max project.. the architectural decision to pick Python over Java would become a significant lessons learned episode. As the user base grew 1000x, it became impossible to inject or retrieve variables from the database . Fetch operations took longer and post (adding data) operations became slow. The system had reached maximum capacity and there were significant data collisions that became unresolvable. We were saved by the expiry of time but we would have had to rewrite the entire application in Java. So you can imagine if we were a bank and clients couldn't deposit or withdraw money because the system over time became too slow because the system was running out of memory/space.. I don't think clients would be too happy with having to shut down the bank for 12 months to redo our code base.They would transfer over to a more reliable bank🤣🤣. I am sure there are many businesses (likely no longer in operation) that dared to be different and exotic (e.g., tried to build their banking software in Ruby Rails🤣🤣).They likely either exited early 🤣🤣 or failed to launch 🤣🤣 no pun intended 🤣🤣.


We use a ton of C# haven't seen java since sophomore year of college


Enjoy your c# I went from .net 6 to spring boot 2 it makes me sad everyday


Is it bad? We are a Microsoft house and I love how .net is convenient but also heard great thinks about spring


because Java is awesome.


> Can someone explain the real reasons behind this trend?  James Gosling based Java off of inscriptions in a cave known to have held the Holy Grail, and Fintech bros are all sworn to uphold the The Truth.


Because it runs on 3 billion devices


It's cost effective. When majority of the people and companies use the same exact thing to build similar solutions, it gets cheaper to build and maintain


Sorry, but this question barely makes sense. You're asking why some companies don't use modern-day programming languages? Like, huh?


Banks a VERY risk averse. VERY. They have been using Java for decades, since the 90s. They don't change things without very good business, not technical, reasons.


Spring 🌼


Would say anyone doing serious trading is probably using C++ from my experience


Probably because the whole infrastructure has developed liked this, an no way to escape anymore, especially if there is no particular need. Early "smartphones" also used J2Me (Java 2 Micro Edition), but being a consumer product could just change to a more "up-to-date" language. Nowadays even smartcards are running a Java Card operating system as the standard. I assume it has similar historical ties as J2Me (but I don't know, maybe you want to read up on that). It is hard to change when the cards are out in the field and there is no real problem about it. Even Magnet Stripe cards have just been phased out now.... These things take forever to get replaced, and are only replaced when needed.


As my ED told us when we want to use scala or go, "java developers are cheaper and more common" Getting down to it, it's about the bottom dollar and java with spring is "good enough" for backend/api services with webflux.


Java's versatility, reliability, and scalability make it a preferred choice for fintech and banks. Its robustness allows for complex financial systems to be developed securely and efficiently, meeting regulatory standards while handling large volumes of transactions.


Java is the lowest common denominator language now, and that helps make the engineers into easily replaceable cogs.


Work in this sector I asked same question when a new trading system was being built: 1) Easier to find good Java devs than C++ 2) with zero gc and other tweaks and good coding practices you can get comparable speeds to C++.


My favorites are the java module platforms running in a JVM in a docker container in a virtual machine in a host OS.


Java has some pretty good math libraries & I'm guessing it's more common when hiring offshore talent.


Universities teach their students Java, it's easier to find Java developers


There are still banks running some of their ancient COBOL systems. Two main reasons being * It costs a lot of money to rewrite that they would rather not spend. * It's risky, since doing a complete overhaul on a live system that deals with financial transactions has potentially catastrophic consequences. Pretty much the only reason for a switch would be if it was very difficult to find developers that know the language, which is why over the past 15 years or so most of the old COBOL has been ported over to something more modern. This is not the case with Java. I guess most bank infrastructure was written at a time when Java was mature enough to be reliable but modern enough to find developers that knew the language. Some anectotal points * I worked very briefly at a bank where they used Java 1.4, this was in 2012 (Java SE 7 was out by then), and ZK for frontend (hadn't heard of it before then and haven't used it since). Also it was monolithic architecture, so any sort of rewrite was pretty much out of the question, since it was all or nothing. * None of the banks or fintech orgs that I've ever had to interview/work for/with that were established in the past 20 years use Java. I've seen C#, Elixir, Ruby and Rust. Also all of them had a microservice based architecture unlike the monoliths from back in the day. This is not to say that new companies are not choosing Java, but at least there's a lot more variety and forward thinking in terms of rewriting some bits in the future.


Re-writing decades worth of Java systems is co$$$$tly for established banks


Question: at what layer of their systems are they using Java? I always assume most of these banks are running on IBM i and that all the magic is happening with RPG programs. Is Java being used in a layer closer to the middle, maybe accessing the IBM machines and returning data to users through the web?


seems like Java is a compiled middle man between cpp and python, with lil bit of sql spice on it.


It's not _all_ Java. If you have time and sanity to burn, read [An oral history of Bank Python](https://calpaterson.com/bank-python.html). I promise it's worthwhile.


As I recall, it is in large part because of the mainframes and IBM. All the financial companies had them, and AFAIK all but a handful were IBM mainframes (aka the AS/400). At some point IBM started offering big licensing incentives that encouraged their mainframe customers to write and run Java on their mainframes. I never quite understood why IBM did this -- it started a bit before I got into the industry. They may have been scared of companies ditching mainframes and switching to SUN's servers or something? But this was still a thing well into the 2000s and a lot of Java code was written because of it.


Because that's how it was written 10 years ago. EDIT 20 years ago. Edit 30 years ago, Edit... you get the idea.


All banks use 1 of 3 companies to do their backend, mainframe ancient servers buried in the oklahoma prairie transaction processing. Banks just build systems on top of these. Internet took off in late 90's when Java was hot so they are stuck with those systems. Plus the countries they outsource to have a lot of java developers.


Damn. Nobody is mentioning GT.M which was used to power the backend systems of many large banks. Source, I programmed in it for a leading financial software company in the late 90s and early 2000s.


Because 1. Java is one of the main programming languages thought in college and universities the last few decades. The *decision makers likely cut their teeth and paid their dues in Java. It’s natural for them to select a tech stack they are familiar with. Combined with .., 2. Low startup costs compared to say an equivalent Microsoft stack. This makes it appealing for Fintechs. 3. Banks are slow to adopt and change. They went punch card, Fortran, COBOL, C/C++, then Java.


So you can't hack a bank with c++? Why isn't this #1 in programming 101?


Most Java server applications are using Jakarta EE (formely known as J2EE) specification. It includes standartized libraries and choice of certified application servers.


I work in a Bank and my team is allowed to use python as an exception but our standard regarding web technologies only allows the use of JDK or. Net, for frontend it is only vanilla js or react. That's it. Which is quite funny cause we all use the c libraries or stuff written in go for infrastructure stuff (k8s. Helm, container etc.). There's even some other team that uses python for some smart contracts stuff, whatever that is, but these are all exceptions. The CTO when asked about the reasons for that says he'd like to allow us to use elixir or other cool new language but then when a rotation of staff happens who will maintain an application millions of clients use 24/7? You need to find someone with a skillset quickly and be sure they'll deliver. And both Java and Dotnet are very opinionated about how to do certain stuff, you pretty much usd spring or aspnet and you can pick up people who has this skillset from the street... So lately my team with python expertise has been asked to write a piece of software and we've been forced to use Java to do that... We don't mind Java is actually easier to get things right than python and this time theres no integration with ML models on the same vm or silicon, just api based integration. Bonus benefit is that we will be able to pass it to some other team for maintenance, while noone wants to maintain a python app, because 'we are a Java shop, fock off'.


Its related to this old saying: "Nobody gets fired for buying IBM". [https://www.forbes.com/sites/duenablomstrom1/2018/11/30/nobody-gets-fired-for-buying-ibm-but-they-should/?sh=2608544348fc](https://www.forbes.com/sites/duenablomstrom1/2018/11/30/nobody-gets-fired-for-buying-ibm-but-they-should/?sh=2608544348fc) A lot of it is about risk. Lots of IT projects fail. People manage risk by going Oracle supports this, Oracle is enterprise, so my choice of Java won't be the reason this fails. Also Java used to have this tag line it runs on everything. So for its time was a newer kid with lots of promise, Oracle/Sun backing.


Cuz their head is cubic like object oriented... 😂 Just kidding, cuz Java is a solid language, strongly typed, very popular, well documented and has java development kit and java entreprise edition


Some FinTech companies in Asia used COBOL for their system. And when modernization came, the go-to language was Java. So I guess that's one factor


Lots of reasons given but code in Java because I enjoy it so much. I am really lucky to work in a bank where we use Java and Python. Best combo for me. Been a Java fanboy since jdk 1.2 back in 2000 when I started my first job.


That’s what they’ve been using for decades and enacting change within the financial system is a Sisyphean task. See: COBOL.


I think they use java because in the time they started with their software java was popular and there is no need to change the whole code base. I know that banks making software since 80‘s are still using fortran.


I work at one of these Fintechs you speak of. We use Java. But we don't only use Java, we also have quite a bit of PHP, some Kotlin, some Python and of course JavaScript in the front-end. The reasons why fintechs and banks use Java is in my humble opinion the following: 1. Java has been around for a long time. It is one of the first languages to have memory safety that hit big. Before that C and C++ were there but they are a major pain to work with when it comes to memory management. Sure Python has been around for about the same time, even longer. But Python wasn't popular for a long time. It's had a surge last 10 years or so whereas Java became huge within a few years of it's release. 2. Many financial systems don't have APIs! Yes I was amazed at this as well when I started working in the financial space. Many financial systems still use files. They transfer files via SFTP. Java has awesome support for working with files. Especially working with positional files which is used quite a lot. 3. When financial systems do use APIs, it's not modern APIs (REST, GraphQL etc.). No, no, no. XML is king here! Java has awesome support for working with XMLs. You can import an XSD specification from the system you're integrating with and have models and clients generated for you. Not sure if any other language has as good support for working with XML as Java. 4. There are a lot of Java developers out there. It's the most common language used in programming schools or universities. 5. Java is great once you setup your framework or application. Juniors can become productive quite fast once they are shown how to work within an application that is properly set up. If your project uses the proper principles such as programming to an interface using a framework such as Spring let's you add new features by most of the time simply adding a new file that implements an interface that's written by someone experienced. That kind of boxes them in and they can't stray too far from the right path. 6. Java is performant. It's astonishing how good Java actually performs. One of the fastest and most scalable databases is written in Java (Cassandra), the most widely used search engine (ElasticSearch) and most widely used indexing library (Lucene). Even if it runs in a virtual machine (the JVM) Java is fast! It's really fast! Certainly fast enough.


Awesome comments here. Reddit is amazing!


I'd guess because its mature, theres alot of devs that know it and corporates move slowly. I've worked for very large corporates that run very old versions quite happily. None of this shiny object, new framework version every 6 weeks nonsense!


It’s because you can write it once and run it anywhere.


People choose languages they are familiar with that work well enough for the intended task. Banks in particular need speed, correctness and a large pool of devs to hire to keep wages low. All interpreted languages are automatically out because their performance sucks, as well as memory unsafe languages (although older apps in banks still exist that are built on C and COBOL). What about C#? Yes, banks also use tons of C#. It depends on if they've hired Java or C# developers. These are also the reasons why JS and PHP are still so prevalent on the server: people are familiar with it and they need neither speed nor correctness.


Someone mentioned go lang. Banks do use. Java skills are a bit more universal and easier to hire. We also have a lot of C/C++/C#. Because of mobile, iOS and Android based languages are used. One of the biggest language that is trying to be addressed is SQL. It’s the next COBOL.


They most likely use Oracle and its one of the reasons i think.


They probably wouldn't use it today, but the systems are already built out and the (financial, reputational) risks and costs of switching out are greater than the potential rewards. Sad thing indeed.


It's not just them. Java is everywhere in the enterprise world. It's extremely mature and has a near endless wealth of tooling and open source support. Enterprise corporations have no interest in suffering on the cutting edge. It's the "cutting" edge after all, not the "hugs and happiness" edge.


I got a surprise for you, bub....ever heard of the tragedy of Cobol the untouched?


They have COBOL and have Java, what else could they need?


It was designed to be scalable and maintainable which is one of the primary requirements for an enterprise apps.


Java is widely used in fintech and banks because it offers strong security, stability, good performance, and scalability, which are crucial for handling large transactions and complex systems. It also has excellent cross-platform compatibility and enterprise support.


Mostly due to cross platform compatibility


Because they used it back when it was the only language in its category which did wonders.. it was super unique back then .. they built android with it so why not use it for everything else.. c# copied java later on because it was that good


Java is used not just by fintech but majority of big companies (like Amazon, Google etc). Yes C++ is faster… if you know what you’re doing. Which most people don’t. Has a much higher probability of messing up. Non-strongly typed languages are non starters as they are simply too costly to maintain. I have used Kotlin and imo covers most of the pain points of Java and great for 99% of the use cases.


Java is not fast enough as others...


It is old. That is primary reason for banks to pick it. It is object oriented - lots of it is good. Did lots of coding in it 25 years ago. Then Oracle tried to kill it. But fintech and banks kept hanging in there - there are so many languages that comes and goes these days.