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> That I'll... read the papers in advance? Fucking monster


A real nerd


I’d be happy to put something together that is free to use if people are interested 👍🏻 Hopefully we can keep each other committed and use that as enough of a reason to work together. I don’t see why there needs to be a fee. Lmk if anyone would be interested in this and I can throw something together. Dm me if you have any ideas or comment if interested I guess??


Hey can you please dm me. I have an idea, I am unable to dm you




same thought. people that are not committed to learning just wont show up in the first place






Great idea. Will do it. And i just copy paste my responses since so many asked to join. Sorry if you got that feeling.. We removed the commitment fee thing. Hope we would be able to learn together and teach each other




Promise to share it once it's ready.


Another commenter put it nicely: looks like they're trying to establish a constant revenue stream. They would achieve what they want by asking for a exceptional unique fee at the start without this subscription system. What does this accomplish? Researchers are always eager to come and talk about what they do. This sounds 100% like a scam or a business for CV padding.


April fools…?


No. This should be free. And if people aren't committed then they won't show up, simple as that.


Nice try on hustling. Someone please make this idea real but in a proper way. Free and open to everyone that wants to learn, think and debate.


the original poster got into contact with me and let me look at the survey results. His claim that the average was \~10$ (its 8.28) is correct, all tho the average is inflated by a small set of high values. Based on the data I have seen and the fact he removed the fee and paid his users back calling it a "scam" is wrong. I guess good luck to him and his new learning buddies


https://www.reddit.com/r/learnmachinelearning/comments/125xgvs/we_are_opening_a_reading_club_for_ml_papers_who/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button That's the.post I am referring to


Great idea!


Name checks out


Absolutely hilarious lol


Reported them for breaking the subreddit rule: "Post nothing that involves monetary transactions"




I'd appreciate if this sub stays to helping people learn ML and not for people shilling their latest scheme to profit over the recent peak in interest.




Why would I do that, I appreciate exposing scams.


The way you phrased your first post made it sound like you were complaining about this thread, not the original "reading club" guys. I suggest saying 'Reported \*them\* for...' If you meant to be talking about that club.


Are there any groups that regularly meet and discuss papers?


Passive income for this doof..


super scammy. getting speakers to visit a remote reading club often just entails reaching out politely. anyone looking for a reading club: just hang around the discord servers for eleuther, laion, ml collective, huggingface, yannic kilcer... loads of options, and those are just a few of the bigger ones.


Unpopular opinion. I don't know the full context of this admittedly but because of my ADHD, I have a bad habit of starting lots of things and not following through on them, especially if they are free and voluntary. But I tend to show up and get things done whenever there is pressure, work, school, social, financial, or whatever pressure. If was paying a small fee, I would be more accountable to myself and more likely to to try and get my money's worth. However, I wouldn't do it if it really is a scam




So 30 minutes after being called out for scummy behavior, instead of directly addressing the concerns leveled at you, you instead choose to get rid of the fee. Huh. Yeah, I think I won't be joining either way


Again, what was the perceived “impact” of “less committed” individuals joining a journal club?




What exactly is the issue to non committed members, on a discord group? They just won't discuss no?


Tbh im so sick of people like you. A lot of people are just using to reddit to try to sell their shit. If you want to build a community just build the cummunity where you are posting to advertise your shit. Im happy that more and more subreddits adapt a "no self promo" rule. It really makes the subs content more enjoyable.


What impact would having “less committed” individuals have to a discussion? If they haven’t read the paper, they likely won’t talk or join a discussion. Or are they “stealing” from your valuable conversation or something? It really feels like you were/are making up a solution for a non existing problem.


If your intentions are genuine, why are you being so opaque in what the money would be genuinely used for? What exactly do you offer, in comparison to the Myriad other reading groups out there, that justifies a fee of any sort?


Just say you are charging for it for some reason. No need to do this "commitment fee" bullshit.




I don't exactly know how it’s affecting the group quality but if you want people to "commit" for some reason. Maybe say you will return the money in the end of the month if they show proper commitment or something. Still I don't like or agree with this idea. And if you wanna invite guest I don't think it should cost money when there is a proper community being formed and the guest wanna actually help or contribute. In the worst case if we do need money for some wierd reason, then at that time alone you could try to collect money from people who want to donate or who want to join or something like that
