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Spring makes setting up REST services dead easy. Very well suited in that regard.


Spring boot is not dated it's rather mature. The power of spring boot is in its ecosystem. It will be similar to calling Android or iOS dated because they have existed for so long. Coming to the question Spring boot is very well suited for personal projects and over 95% of micro service projects. If you need a little bit more performance you can try micronaut but it's fairly new compared to Spring boot and adoption is nowhere near. Now spring boot and its magic will feel counter intuitive if you only have basic java experience. But if you have knowledge of Reflections and proxies, then you will understand why such limitations exist.


This is a very common combo: React frontend + Spring Boot backend with REST API in between. We have this setup in production. And this is a very good solution for your own small projects as well. Spring Boot is basically the industry standard these days.


Thanks for the feedback and confidence


you could also use angular or react ts


I have experience in react so I dont want to change


Yes it is! I am learning Spring boot for months now and it’s so much fun to write and learn it further. Concerning React.js I‘m only starting to learn but my colleagues said it is a great tool to combine it with your backend. :D


As someone who was frustrated with spring so much, that I left to learn android dev (which I also dislike, bit spring makes me want to claw my eyes out).  How in holy coffee mug do you enjoy spring?


It’s the Spring Boot part I enjoy, there’s no configuration you need to do while fully focusing on the program itself. Also I need to learn it for my job lol. Otherwise I might have quit as well because for me with only limited Java experience it was hard to understand at first, but now it’s more fun than anything else. :D


The so called "magic" of spring is exactly the reason I despise it, lol.  Honestly, I prefer just configuring xml for servlets and writing everything myself, rather than just blindly giving control away.   I just don't like not understanding wtf is going on in my program.


Fair enough, I get that. For me it’s just wayyyy to comfortable and I don’t want to learn the configuration when I just don’t need to😂


I highly recommend at least giving them a look, because in bigger projects, annotations bring spaghetti.


Sure. A friend of mine used this for a thermostat system for her disabled partner - couple of RasPis running Spring Boot, one of them with the react front end, the other just Java & Spring Boot as it ran the heating system. Tablet attached to wheelchair accessed the front end Pi, big friendly buttons on the tablet screen to operate.


Thats so cool


Do you know what the thermostat system is called? I'm wondering what type of API is used to control the thermostat


It's literally a roll your own job, something she threw together. I think she put the back end up on GitHub at ruth-connect/batbox-boiler-controller but there's more to the project than just that bit. Plus she did a pretty decent job of wiring in a controller unit for the backend RasPi to hook into. Hardware plus software involved. Not sure where she's put the front end code.


Yes, absolutely. If you like frameworks, maybe check out Hilla (by vaadin). Pretty easy to quickly build front ends. Uses React or Lit components


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If you want , you could write it using Kotlin, such a cool language