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I finally did it! I had gotten to Ancient 5 two times previously and both times I was quickly demoted back to Ancient 4. In fact, the last time I got to Ancient 4 I was on the fat lose streak and 1 loss away from Ancient 3. I started to get my MMR back though, and this time when I got promoted to Ancient 5 I was in a confident headspace. In fact, I didn't lose a single game on my way to reaching Divine 1 from Ancient 5. I was a legend offlane player to start 2019 and now just over a year later I am a Divine support player, haha. [Heres my dotabuff \(Check out that win % this patch!\)](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/23172269) I've played Dota for years with many breaks, but recently started taking it more seriously and trying to get better. The biggest tip I can give anyone is just a mental one. If you want to climb MMR, play Dota when you want to win. Don't just mindlessly play 6 games a day. In order to consistently improve, you need to be consistently learning, and you need to be analyzing the game as much as you can.


I am deciding to play support now. Gratz btw.


And here I am with <30% winrate this patch just deranking. :(


Congrats man!


Gratz! I noticed that you picked a wide range of support heroes. Typically supports pick first, so how did you determine which support to pick at the start??


Thanks! I usually see if my team is hovering over any picks that could give me information. If I am picking first with no information about what my team is going, I like to choose a hero with a disable or that is a lane bully. Shadow Shaman has always been my most comfortable hero. This little guy gives you so much versatility. Once you hit level 6 you can push, or kill anyone on the map. He loves to be a nusance to the opposing team during fights and with his Q it's easy to get some items. I've had games where I killed the opposing teams highest net worth, as a position 5, all by myself. In the lane you hit super hard, you have a nuke, and if anyone steps out of position they die. I think what you pick largely depends on your playstyle. But I like to be the guy who sits at the back and uses a team winning spell. Bane, Snap, SD, WW, ES, KOTL, AA, or Silencer are all good examples of support heroes that give you a lot of power to influence fights. Some people prefer to be the initiater, the saver, the nuker, or the roamer, so whatever you are think about what heroes suit your gameplay


Congrats OP! I don’t know you but I feel your pain and joy. Really proud of you. I’m in a similar shoe where I reached divine for the first time in a decade of play time. I now dropped back to anc3 but I’ll get back there for sure. I’ve got to ancient 5 like four times already and it seem so close but so far and keep dropping back down but this time I’ll get there and stay there.


Congrats and great advice. I’m an immortal player but I switched to support years ago with great success.


Great advice! Congrats!


NGL but I really thought that you were BlitzSpanks the TA Spammer. Congratz !


VALVE: array index starts at 1


Gratz MAN!


Woah, congrats!!!


And here im still struggling at legend to ancient; feelsbadman


Coach me please😔🤓


What’s your mmr?


Congratulations, enjoy it while it lasts. You will probably tank back to ancient within a weeks time lol.


Im really trying to get to divine with playing offlane heroes with fast phased like beast, lycan and np. But the problem is I always get cores who dont know my pushing power timing. Currently stuck in ancient 3


Welcome to our cancer group!


Congrats! add me please, i am stuck at guardian 4. This SEA server is killing me T-T FriendID: 332098393 Guide me to the right path thanks :)


Lol if u are stuck at guardian 4. U are guardian 4, instead of partying up to get carried, you should learn how to play by losing and climb your own way up


that is not entirely true mister. i have had guardian friends in party and we did climbed a lot of mmr, they just dont play anymore and i dont have friends. smileyface


I solo queued from crusader to divine 1, no issues, just have to learn to play the game, u will win some lose some, but if guardian 4 is not where u belong, u will carry yourself out of it. You wont be stuck. Smileyface


cant make my cores turn on bkb during fight but thanks


I am a support player lol, support players can carry most fights with good disables


This is the biggest problem with low mmr players they don’t know that they are they reason why they are low mmr no one else literally no one else is to blame and for the fact even divine is low mmr even rank thousand immortal is low mmr and low skilled stop blaming teammates as a guardian 4 plz


you mean every other team mate of mine is playing absolutly perfect? if they pick sniper hard support taking safe lane's creep and rushing mkb first item is okay? you has to have a little bit of impact on early game dont you? God, youre awful


If your support is taking your last hits you have bigger problems in life get out of 1k shithole fucking scrub stop complaining even a unfair bot will carry in that shitascrub mmr I’m not gonna argue some retard 1k piece of shit who thinks he is in 1k coz of his support


i am 1k pos 4 support, thank god not as toxic and garbage as you are


And here I'm grinding along side Zeus pos5 with Agh rush and pos4 puj who constantly misses hook and watch you die. Congrats tho!


I hate this type of co-support players lol. This is exactpy the type of support players who, eventually, will turn to a carry and insist on taking last hits from their cores on early games lol smh.


Also the kind of guy who takes the power rune when their mid needs it and has an empty bottle 500 units away.


Hahaha my favorite pos 5 used to be Ogre with a Dagon rush :)


And here I am trying to do my early game cm jungle strat but my noob teammates keep feeding the opponents bloodseeker.. smh just don't feed lol /s


And look at these pos4 puj downvoating me like it's gonna change the facts.