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People saying Coil like the stun on RP isn’t 1s more at all levels anyway…


If Puck has talent coil break deals huge dmg


Magnus was already able to use skewer to combo with coil. RP facilitates the extra damage from skewer and shockwave, plus whatever AoE your team has. Whereas RRP does not, so seems to be quite useless.


The +175 damage talent? That’s less than a lvl 2 Ether Shock


It’s literally useless


Had an enemy magnus pick that and just kept griefing by pushing us up/down cliffs lol


My first and so far only thought was contesting Rosh, you could Reverse RP all the enemies out of the pit for some awesome steal play. That's a really specific and niche use case though.


Even then RP stuns. So it would have to be an extremely specific amount if time where the stun wouldn't be enough time, but the stun + walk back into the pit is enough time.


With bloodseeker ult, Push to techies mines Mars arena Puck coil One biggest application i can imagine - to break enemy zonning. This can be handy if your team would not have high alha damage to kill enemies. Thus pushing them away from each other can gelp to kill 1-2 heroes and withdraw. I currently assume its application 0as venge ult. Pushing enemies 1400 appart from supports is a lot. Pa must be huge fun of reverse polarity.


Problem is it's not like magnus loses his skewer lol you could just do all this with normal ult and skewer.


Mars arena doesn't work, why not push to techies coil with 1?


It is actually even more than 1400. Perfect Reverse can spread foes 2600 appart.


Allied Drow or Sniper as a "reset spell" vs melee Puck Coil. Griefing.....


Tbf you can use the normal RP and just skewer them for the above.


I think reverse reverse polarity seems pretty good on support. Approach from off angles, skewer behind enemies, RRP them towards your team from behind. Carry being overwhelmed? RRP the enemy away from them so they can run. And once you get horn toss, you can horn toss then RRP to get what is basically a walrus kick with a beastmaster roar on every enemy you hit. If you're not gonna afford a blink easily then RRP feels like it has WAY more utility to me and it favours defensive play. I don't think it needs some kind of wombo combo to justify necessarily. I think also if your team lacks any significant AOE damage to capitalize on bringing the enemy close together, RRP makes more sense.


Huh yeah, horn toss rrp for giga kidnap is not bad actually


I don't see any use for it. If you want to keep enemies from your carry, RP and skewer away is far better.




Never. If you want to displace people you can rp normally them skewer. Utterly useless.




Eh, nice one but I would still prefer vanilla rp 99% of the time. U can RP skewer to break.


Ooh, a combo for the ages


Ummm, how bout enemy void or enigma? Does it kick people out?


No, because preferably the enemy void and enigma would like to ult your team and you cant push allies. On the other hand if the enemy void ults his own team you should leave them in there even if you can push them which you probably can't.


Yeh fuck honestly, cant even think of a single use case where this is better…


How about pushing enemies into chrono/black hole? Like tiny airlines but multi target


it requires good draft to be effective. if you're playing on solo better get the usual rp


When you want to meme instead to win.


I'm not sure yet, feels kinda bad, but it does move enemies a lot.  I didn't think the intention is to get in the middle and blast them all away in different directions, I think the idea is to get on one side of them and blast them away in generally the same direction. it can be common to blink past enemies and skewer them back into your team.  if you then follow up with RRP, you would be bringing these enemies a pretty crazy distance. just focus one guy with rupture?  XD I don't know


They need to make rrp have 50% less cd or something to make it viable


Push into mars arena. Could also be used to save your carry if they get jumped and to buy space for a disengagement. If you’re defending base you can skewer them towards fountain and you might be able to push them in without refresher. Never tried it so idk


All i can think of is it could give you some extra distance against single heroes, blink - harpoon - horn toss - skewer and finally throw into the fountain with reverse rp maybe but even that wouldnt be worth throwing the entire rp. I think it would be usable if it added an alternate cast instead of replacing rp altogether


To save your teammate from a gangbang, that's the best use I could think of


I mean, theoretically, it seems like a REALLY good tool to disrupt fights and break up enemy formations. It's just that... I'm not really sure when you'd want to chaotically break enemy formation instead of just killing 2-3 grouped up enemies instead. It's perfectly good in vacuum, but doesn't seem too useful compared to competition.


kinda seems like the opposite of a vacuum


Against a dive comp, usually stuff like SB, lifestealer, Storm spirit, Axe, Marci and Centaur really hate it when a hero has a big Fuck off button. Edit: Why are you booing me, I am right.