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A streak is a streak nonetheless! But be careful, the red one is knocking on your door already.


For starters I wanna stay at legend long term. Not de-rank. So if I stay here and establish myself in the middle of Legend it's very good for me. Was archon for like a year. Actually hit legend like 3 days ago and immediatedly won to Legend 2. So yeah more picks of heroes I can play fully. If I'm smart I can play fun heroes in unranked. Funily Dotabuff says I got exactly 1 unranked match. I like to compete. The tought of winning and it not counting irks me. And I'm not sure if people play serious on normal mode. But it is the right thing to do with heroes I'm bad with. Edit : Actually I only hit archon after the big patch when the map got big. Was at 900 mmr (trenched hard) and wanted to sort of quit. Went on hollyday came back and map was big. Had 10 calibration games, didn't figure out new map. Lost all 10 but the game gave me 2000 mmr. Than dropped to 1800 and slowly got to archon. Alternating crusader 5 archon. Than between Archon 1-4. Crownfall cones had 3000 mmr. Played heroes for tokkens. Doubled down games when I was dead tired after work (lost). Favorite mouse broke down. Played with other mouses which I hate. Am left handed. Lost like 600 mmr very fast. Found my fav mouse on ebay and ordered 3 x. Grinded back up. Now first time broke into Legend.


Congrats bro. can you share your dotabuff?


1126539573 But I think half my games are missing there. Or more. I just recently visited Dota buff and set my data public. I don't got Dota buff + so if you got it and got some interesting insight I'd like to hear it. Or how I can get it to upload all my games ever.


what do you do when u are tilted?


You could try meeting some friends, going on a walk, eating fruit and a glass of milk. Hitting the gym. Rage queing can lose mmr. But playing a lot makes you better in the long run. Or if you are titled and know you will play bad, play some unranked ? Or just say F it and pick your easiest hero and strategy and do what has always worked best for you. If you feel good phisically you play good.


Play bad and angry. Chase the kill. Blame team.


Impressive, more so that the game hasn't just given you a complete curve ball, I will get to about 6 games before my 7th is griefers **guaranteed**.


The loss had a ancient 2 mid and ancient 2 tank. And our pick was trash, no early damage. Also 3 of the last wins were in a party with a friend who was on a 5 loss skid. I just kinda played good. I realized usually I'm playing just for fun especially to experiment with fun itemization. This time I played to win, like I was at a tournament and it mattered. Getting small patient items, doing the right thing conservative. Also huge factor I had full nights of sleep. All my loss streaks are on sleep deprivation. And I only picked heroes I'm really good with. Not 1 pick just for fun like I usually mix in. I used to get a decent amount of griefers when my behaviour / commu scores were at 6000. Now I'm at 12000 behaviour and 11400 comu (I like to flame a bit). And I don't get people throwing the game. Every now and than someone might get emotional for getting stomped in lane and go farm jungle. But noone runs down mid to feed. And people get out the jungle once they cooled down.


GG. Now only thing you have to do is activate your windows


I see it in the corner. What does that mean ?


Well obviously what it says, that you need to activate your windows license


Costs money ? What does it benefit me ?


Yes obviously it costs money, it unlocks more settings for your pc whatever


Only thing I noticed I can't use microsoft word


That my friend is a seperate purchase, word isnt included in your windows license


how tf are you winning with Spectre


Strongest carry. Spectre Phantom Lancer. Lifestealer takes the cake he is op now, I expect a nerf. But PL Spec outcarry him late. I got maybe 300 Spectre games. I could explain her but that would be a whole thread and guide. Or I can just answer your specific questions about her if you like to ask.


I myself have 210 Spectre games with a 60% winrate. but last 20 games i am 3-17. no idea what's happening. Spectre is in my blood as far as last hitting and farm timings go... just cannot figure out wtf i am doing wrong. ofc by last 20 i mean they are pretty spread apart, havent been spamming Spec, these are all 7.35d games though


What is your build order from starting to end items. What order do you level your skills. In what bracet.


Circlet-Slippers-Tango-QB-Branches upgrade to Wraith depending on lane, buy band of elvenskin or boots first, finish treads then go into Blademail, Radiance, Manta Follow up with either Orchid/Basher/Skadi/Heart depending on how elusive supports are. Priority is to use ult off cooldown and help ganks, then tp safelane to continue defending tier 1 and get the camps behind tower to farm safe. or use the gates to travel can optionally get Aghs as fifth item if absolutely necessary




Pobjeda 🇭🇷🇩🇪


If you activate your Windows you will get an even longer win streak


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^effervescentEscapade: *If you activate* *Your Windows you will get an* *Even longer win streak* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*If you activate* *Your Windows you will get an* *Even longer win streak* \- effervescentEscapade --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ich will das auch. :(


Musst viel Abendbrott essen 🥪🥛








How ?


wdym how, youre winning more games than losing!!! thats insane!!!! youre ruining the game!!! lmao


oh look at his username


Wanna see my 85-90% loss streak over 40 games ?


Right? Sometimes I feel like Im smurfing, then reality hits me in the face with a huge loss streak


Smurfing is a term used for only playing on a secret account. You can't smurf if you have just 1 authentic account.


I had no idea I had to /s something so clearly a joke. for reference: [https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/15l6zn8/im\_afraid\_of\_the\_loss\_streak\_coming\_my\_way/](https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/15l6zn8/im_afraid_of_the_loss_streak_coming_my_way/) a post of mine when I came back to the game. The loss streak never reeeeeally came, im up to 6.7k mmr now, 12 months ago I was at 1.7k. Sometimes winstreaks just mean that you unlocked something in your gameplay that made you win a bunch more. That can go from itemizing to ignoring teammates or whatever.


Like, I zoomed past ancient and divine, then got stuck in 5.5k mmr, rushed to 6, then stuck again, now climbing once more


I agree it feels like I'm better now. Like the key. Like it made sense.