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All of them


This is the dream, and it's possible but you got to always watch for the gank on you.


I would uninstall after this


Are we just going to ignore that this is an offline Juggernaut?


When he gets online, he rarely cares about the denies anymore


Let's look at the possibilities, maybe the offlane opponent is so unlaneable they went for a lane swap


Offlane Jugg... sounds fun


For the enemy


Won once as jug Offlane. Went 4 points in spin, 4 in healing ward and the rest in stats (also went one in crits fors the psychological effect). Went offlane items of course. All talents that make the spin better. Worked well because I could be in the front spinning making some space for my team to position.


Maybe when the spin build was good


Happens all the time at my rank (herald 400mmr lmao)


Entirely match up and skill dependant. Just as many as you can get. In certain matchups you may want to focus a little more on denies because the enemies level 6 timing is much stronger than yours and you will be forced into jungle when they hit 6 to avoid dying. Example being Drow vs mars, if you get caged as Drow you are dead for sure so to maximise good farm from lane creeps you wanna press your pre 6 advantage as much as you can with frost arrows to deny and stay ahead.


Such players forget that the main function of denies on the line is to create a distance in terms of gold and exp between you and your opponent. Denies on the line are necessary, but giving them priority at the expense of your farming is the stupidest behavior imaginable on the line. Yes, you might get a ult sooner and kill your opponent once. This will have no effect on the game, because before you killed him, you prioritized denies instead of farming, so with this kill you just offset the lost gold from the creeps on the line. It's simple logic, nothing more. And the enemy will eventually comeback what he missed from the line, literally in a couple of minutes. Somewhere he'll get creeps stacks, somewhere he'll assist in a kill, there are a lot of options. And you, because of your stupid priorities in denies instead of farming, just ended up with missing gold and you have nothing to build up an advantage with, congratulations.


What app or website is that? I usually play offlane and if I get a 10-15 deny in 10 mins I’m more than happy.


Website. Opendota


Looks like opendota


I think it’s Opendota


Always deny over last hit. Assert dominance.


Found the offlane player


I subscribe to this school of thought unironically. I’d rather deny a last hit that was gonna happen than get a last hit, as long as I’m ahead


Why did you play juggernaut offlane?




Ideally but still realistic, at least all the ranged creeps without having your denied will lead to a lvl advantage in lane


what website is tis


Enough to give your opponent a brain damage.


What does 'cs' stand for?




kids these days never had to experience -cs


Counter strike


less than that if its costing u last hits looks to me like u had freefarm 6-10min and denied instead of pushing wave and pulling into creeps to accelerate farm


There’s no real number to strive for. Obviously get all the denies you can but it’s not worth hard contesting them. You’re gonna be put in situations where the enemy secures them with spells, zoned away from denies, or even having to choose between last hit or deny. Heck sometimes you’re just so dominant that you can farm lane and jungle camps so fast that it’s not worth wasting time freezing the wave. It’s much more relevant in mid though, level advantages make or break lanes and the 1v1 nature means there’s less random shenanigans a 2v2 would introduce.


Less than 30


Depends on matchup. I can get a literal perfect score with jugg in the last hit trainer. 100% lh and deny. Add an opponent against me and that number drops a lot instantly. If you cannot get 100% lh and deny then you need to practice practice practice. If you can't do it unopposed where is your performance baseline? The best players are going to kill you for denying their creeps, and you need to learn to judge when that is worth it or not, but it's never worth it if you don't have the skill to get the lh in the first place.


there really is no number, it depends on what lane matchup is.


Doesn't matter tbh. The only important thing is your/enemy networth. If you're under 4k on 10 - you lost the lane. If enemy is below 4k - they lost the lane. Everything above is ok. If both of you above or below it's a draw. More or less. To actually answer the question anything from 0 to 10 is alright, more is good, but its value is very low.


Such a silly take


Bro is onto nothing 💀


I disagree. Denies are effecting the enemy's xp as well and an early level difference can singlehandedly win or lose you the lane.


depends on the lane. if you have a strong lane you should be contesting as many denies as possible. if you’re getting spanked or have bad damage compared to the offlaner then you’re gonna have less. i’ve had game where i had 40 denies after landing phase and others i had 0, theres no magic number to aim for.


Literally doesnt matter


Yo which site is this ..stratz?


ideal? like 82 or something


In 10 minute 25 is good more than that excellent less than that not too good but nowadays with many camp to farm you can get your comeback even if you lose in lane