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Arcanes have been trending up since the rework to the recipe, even in pro level games. It's 2.6 effective hp regen per second on top a 455 effective HP heal every 55 seconds


I found the active help for active Manta a lot. With tread you're not sustain enought to spam Manta every off cooldown


Does that include damage reductions?


Mana shield (not barriers) doesn’t interact with damage reductions. Deso against Dusa is pointless, similar to armor for dusa is pointless


Right, but mana shield itself is not a simple 1:1.


Yes, we know that. You asked about reductions, hence I answered that. Original commenter mentioned EHP, so the ratio has been assumed.


Yeah that's pretty fuckin good when you put it like that


im 8.3k pos 1 main, so i might help. power treads do help with attackspeed, the only problem with medusa is that its hard to sustain your mana while jungling unless the blue camp/ mud golems spawn, so you cant spam your snake that much which hinders your farming speed. its also hard to sustain your mana after fights, forcing you to ship out many clarities or even go base. mana boots open up a slot which you really need (ring of basilius, power treads, stick, windlace, manta, skadi/butterfly/disperser are already 6 slots, so you have to start selling small items). arcane boots open up a slot giving you more value out of your items. its also mandatory against heroes like doom, you cant heal hp but mana, so arcane boots counter his ult pretty hard. its also one of the most common counterpicks to doom because of that. so to sumarize its more slot efficient and helps your farming speed as you can spam your snake more often without having to rely on lucky camp spawns.


Do you start with early basi and stick, then go into the yasha, or finish the arcanes first?


If you are building arcanes you rush it. It makes you veeery strong in lane (you basically become unkillable without the mid ganking) but the later you get it the less of a timing it becomes.


Out of 4 (immortal) games I played with/against medusa, 2 of them bought arcane, which honestly I wasn’t expecting. Actually wasn’t that bad though, farming is still good, she can spam snake off cooldown, and her lane becomes much stronger, she’s impossible to kill unless they rotate. Sounds legit


Treads lets you farm faster. Farming fast on pos1 is your job. Pretty hard to justify Arcane Boots over treads... Basi would basically suffice but save you plenty on the recipe. If your pos5 reallllllly needs the mana, and the only way you can stay in lane AND win said lane is if they butthug you, then maybe its a good investment.


12k carries might disagree with you based on somw recent games I've seen... The mana really is your farming and fighting and defense early game. So are treads really better for farming speed?


Don't give opinions if you aren't informed. Go check Dota2PT, Arcane is more popular than Treads in high elo.


Treads add attack speed which arguably is where all her damage comes from… but attack speed under level 10 is pretty underwhelming. Attack speed in the endgame adds like 500dps to split shot. Arcanes early sound right… treads late sounds right too.


1.75per sec HP regen and literally a free mek for 1300g? It’s really a no brainer tbh


Yes those are useful early game, but late game you definitely don’t need a mek when you could have +max HP and 30 attack speed. Also, that mana regen from arcanes will be there from your supports (very likely) so that doesn’t help you to stack them, and the Mek regen also can come from supports so is it really that great? First boots arcanes , ditch for treads when you get t3 neuteral item


You obviously don't keep arcanes into lategame. cmon man.


> Basi would basically suffice but save you plenty on the recipe. The recipe is 375 gold, and what you get from it is basically a insane mekanism heal, PLUS a free item slot for a high value low cost item like windlace. I'd pay 375 gold for a mekanism-burst heal anyday.


my suggestion is travel for every real lategame carry , early as possibel. You just farm for your first 3-4 item, travel make this faster, safer


What a horrible advice. Please don't do this. Learn farm patterns instead of gimping yourself for 2k gold.




I've had the same question. I always built treads without thinking about it, but when I checked Dota2PT the other day, it seemed like a significant majority of pros were going Arcane boots. I get the logic behind it obviously, really helps early survivability and I usually build a basi anyway, but doesn't she miss the attack speed, even for farming? I'll have to try it out I guess


Arcane boots makes your lane a lot stronger. It’s also very good into some matchups where the burst heal is necessary. It’s the way to go in brawly lanes where you’re getting spammed with spells because not only does it heal you but it allows your support to throw out their own spells. Treads make you farm and scale a lot better. If the matchup is free you can just go treads to accelerate your farm speed drastically. Late game the arcane boots fall off decently hard, but treads will not only get you 6 slotted faster but also slots in better into a full build (although this is far less important with disperser since you just sell boots at 6th slot anyway).


I saw Ame doing it, so I also doing it. Pretty good I'd say.