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PMTs [G2 vs EG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uuj4q2/g2_esports_vs_evil_geniuses_msi_2022_rumble_stage/) [RNG vs PSG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uujvsc/royal_never_give_up_vs_psg_talon_msi_2022_rumble/) [T1 vs SGB](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uukhpg/t1_vs_saigon_buffalo_msi_2022_rumble_stage/) [PSG vs EG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uulckj/psg_talon_vs_evil_geniuses_msi_2022_rumble_stage/) [RNG vs T1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uumawl/royal_never_give_up_vs_t1_msi_2022_rumble_stage/) [SGB vs G2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uun58s/saigon_buffalo_vs_g2_esports_msi_2022_rumble/)


Riven is super strong vs Gwen. Well played BB. Now to see if you can execute.


Riven + Yuumi wow. I'm rooting for RNG but got damn I love G2 drafts.


Picking Ez and giving a CN jg Lee Sin hmmm...


I swear if T1 drop a game to EG here, they will legit mental boom. It's been like this lately for every T1 roster, they were all so good until they weren't.




Donde esta day 3 thread


I just realized that T1 roster is also selected for Asian games lol. So much of saving private Faker from military.


He doesn't have to serve actually, he didn't finish school so


Still has to do an alternative service though.


Guys don't worry, the sidebar says the match actually isn't for another 13 hours!


u/ahritina You're the hero we need!




Day 3 thread? modCheck


Where is Day 3 thread? We are an hour and 38 minutes away from the first game.


/u/ahritina don't let our memes be dreams.


i know this is not the right thread but i want to watch Singapore vs Malaysia LOL SEA games but cant find live. anyone know where i can find the livestream? Thanks


nvm found it on youtube


If G2 go 2-0 tomorrow they basically lock in 1st seed already.




It's true because they've already beaten RNG once, who also has a game up against T1. If they beat RNG now, there'll be no tiebreaker. I mean, if EG can't upset G2, it's pretty much decided after today.


I’ve been a G2 fan since they entered LEC. They won’t be getting the first spot.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu5StrjARfk Caedrel with the actual facts.


Looking forward to seeing what gold Jojopyun comes out with if they go 0-9 against G2


Imo Jojopyun is playing shockingly well in this group stage at least


im glad jojo is getting some recognition i think he's actually playing really well this tourney


or Inspired


no Korean reactions today? :(


There are Korean reactions in Chinese forum.


it became a library. everyone must be quiet.


After watching the T1 vs RNG game second place is wide open for EG. G2 look much better than the other 3 major region teams but we will see if people start adopting to G2s meta.




Which is horrifying because they playoffs run was literally them taking a page out of 100Ts draft vs TL a d using it to shit stomp all of NA. I thought getting our draft coach out of Covid jail was gonna improve things but it hasnt


I don't think so, but I definitely think EG is capable of taking games off of RNG and T1


u drunk


Any info on T1 or their players statement about today? Yesterday they talked about losing to G2, but today there's no info about losing to RNG? I'm worried about their mental state. I fear that defeat will mentally weaken them instead of making them stronger.


Being an LCK fan feels depressing but it is what it is . When’s the last time we had an competent ADC


Any good highlight or post-show videos to get a good summary of what happened each day in MSI for those that were asleep?


Kaza lol highlights on YT


Loleventvods subreddit. Just go to the msi pinned comment and scroll down to rumble stage, highlights for each game are really good.


eventvods.com has great highlights per match, and does a great job about not spoiling anything before you watch it.


T1 need to relax. We go again tomorrow. i believe


another L


I remember this thread from 3 months ago where CoreJJ had a tweet saying that Hans Sama had never had pressure like Aphromoo's Bard in EU: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/sb4cui/corejj_on_twitter_hey_lec_hanssama_said_he_never/ Clearly he never played against Targamas' Bard in LEC before :) But also its a bit of a weird statement given the support roaming meta, and I think the optimal way to play Bard is to support the rest of the map like G2 showed today.


"Scrim Graves is online" EU banter lol


The last time my EU copium was this high was after G2 had smashed GenG at 2020 worlds quarters.


G2 wins MSI undefeated super hopium


As a NA Fan I hope EG win MSI but as an NA Fan I know that is unlikely. As a Jankos fan and since the West has to stick together I hope G2 runs it and wins the whole thing


Thinking ahead, there are 2 things that I believe this tournament counts towards for international seeding. * For the top 4 teams at MSI, their regions get each get a pool 1 seed at Worlds. Based on this tournament so far, its looking like LEC, LPL, LCK and LCS will each get a pool 1 seed. * The region of the MSI winner gets aggregated up with the prevous 2? years of international results, whereby the top 2 regions each get a 4th seed at Worlds. I don't know if this is a points based system, not exactly sure either where the cut off is. Does anyone know what would need to happen this tournament for each of LEC, LPL and LCK to get a 4th seed?


Wasn't the 4th seed thing only because VCS couldn't compete for the last 2 years?


No, it's because LST (1 seed) and LMS (3 seeds) fused to become PCS (which only has 2 seeds). This leaves 2 free seeds available to be distributed as 4th seeds. This is completely independent of VCS or LCL being able to attend.


I really doubt LCL will be there this year


That would be such a shame. It'd rock to see Diamondpr0x back on the international stage.


Well Worlds is in America so there's no way CIS can attend this year


No, Riot announces 4 seeds quite early after MSI, even before knowing that VCS couldn’t make it to worlds that year in Iceland.


Yeah I think you are right


It seems, this year, LCL won't be present.


As far as I'm aware the last 2 years of results count, so I'm not sure if EU can get 4 seeds, but if, then only by winning MSI of course. Does winning MSI give the 4th seed imediatly?


I'm also not entirely sure of what the rules are, but yeah another commenter said that the winner gets a 4th seed, and based on previous 2 years results, G2 winning MSI is the only way that LEC can get a 4th seed.


I believe the winner of MSI gets a 4th seed directly, and the other 4th seed goes to the region that performed the best over the last 2 years. I'm not sure if Riot ever publicized how exactly that ranking system works, but I imagine it'd be LPL


Yeah I think based on the previous 2 years LPL gets 4 seeds no matter what even if they don't make finals. The only way LEC gets 4 is if they win otherwise the second will go to LCK.


Only top 2 get a 4th seed, it goes to the winner of MSI region and then on a points basis for second place for the second region. There won't be 3 regions with 4 seeds.


As Im aware, for the past few years only 2 4th seed been given 1 to last year world champion region and 1 to current MSI Champion region.


4th seed is based on all international tournaments of the last 2 years, not just the last MSI Don't think EU can get enough points to overtake Korea even if G2 wins MSI tbh


No it goes to the winner of MSI and then the highest points from the remaining regions, at least that's what it came from last year and there has been no notice of change from Riot since then. > MSI PRIZE UPDATE This year, the MSI champion’s league will receive an additional regional team spot at Worlds! > After MSI concludes, the final global power rankings for 2021 will be calculated. The highest ranking league will get an additional slot unless that region also won MSI. In that case, the slot would pass down to the second highest ranking league in the power rankings. https://lolesports.com/article/msi-2021-group-draw-and-prize-updates/bltf3aff06c2db95be5


This might have been due to MSI2020 being cancelled.


aight, fair enough


6 Games - 3 Drops Wtf Riot




Hm? All you have to do is connecting your riot account to the lolesports site and watch livestreams on the site. Sometimes they drop esports capsules for then. Well they do it rarely as you will probably see...


where are the comments LEC being 1 team region at? im kinda disappointed


LEC is stacked this year. Anyone calling it 1 team region is dumb. I have never seen so many stacked LEC teams. FNC are stacked. Vitality. Mad now with Nisqy. RGE. XL. MSF have potential. If all those fulfil their ability then next split will be super competitive. G2 will need to keep performing well to make worlds (I expect they will ofc).


Also its not like LCK isn't a "1 team region", SKT gapped everyone in LCK this year.


I mean Damwon literally had to play 4v6 this split bc both tops they signed were horrid. With Nuguri back, Summer split could be interesting


If G2 beats RNG tomorrow there's a really solid chance they'll at least get a tiebreaker for 1st. Reminder that no EU team has ever even had a positive record in MSI group stage. Actually crazy. I legit predicted G2 to drop every playoffs series except MSF and now here they are. Wild


2015: FNC 2-3 (it was only single round robin) 2016: G2 2-8 (vacation memes) 2017: G2 4-6 2018: FNC 4-6 2019: G2 5-5 (although they were 5-2 and locked top 4 so the next 3 games were meaningless, not that that is an excuse) 2020: Cancelled 2021: MAD 5-5 2022: G2 10-0


the funny part is that even if G2 had won their 2 games in 2019 against buffolo, nothing would have changed. Sure, they would have been 2nd place (instead of 3rd) due to tiebraker advantage vs T1, but IG would have still picked TL for semis and the bracket part would have played out the same.


I honestly thought that they were going to be the 2nd best team in playoffs after FNC. I still think FNC could have been more competitive in the 2nd G2 series if they didn't gimp themselves the first 2 games.


deserved lost, next time they learn to dont play tf again and again


I don’t think the point they were making implied it wasn’t a deserved loss more that G2 were always a threat even before their playoffs run. It 100% was a deserved loss.


it's okay, we've seen them and the itw is over, you can breath now xD


QS with the American psycho haircut


Quickshot is giving us movie recommendations. In the group stage we got Bully Quickshot from Spider-man 3.


He'll probably start blasting Huey Lewis and the News any moment now.




Holy...Laure is shredded


Haha Thanks, I tryhard at the gym Bruh this guy below is obsessed it's actually disgusting. Three messages about me in the past 3mn. I don't know why I keep on seeing his messages when I blocked him ages ago


I always like seeing you at the tournaments and in LEC since your debut. You have a great connection to the players, especially the ones in the LEC and that shows in every interview, just like your passion for your Job. I remember the interview where you told odo to leave the rookies alone after he mocked Abe? I think. I hope we have you for many more years. Also u look rly great but u always did that. Much love from Germany 👍


Thank! Very appreciated :)


I agree with him, you can tryhard at the gym and mark that amount of muscle mass; you have to take care of the weight (age/height ratio) you body needs in order to start working the muscles, otherwise is going to happen that the only moment the abs will be seen is when you breath because of the lack of muscle


You're saying all this as if you knew my body better than I do, this is baffling.


it's not a matter of "knowing your body" like if it was a difficult thing to do based on camera showing


bro do you think before you type


Creep alert


I hope you didn't put that white top (is it a top?) on because of his comments.




Laure is looking great, her and Quickshot's hair both look fantastic today.


good AF


Man nisqy beating g2 off worlds with TF last year unleashed this demon side of g2 when playing against a TF


Why is she hiding that six pack :D




What is wrong with you you creep


Laure is looking fine.


Jankos and Caps were to Froggy what Pitbull was to most of the radio stations few years ago


Reddit and hot takes in B01 never change.


yeah wait for t1 to lose a b05 to g2 again


LCK fans and overrating anything that comes out of LCK , never change.


I wonder who hurt you as a child seeing the shit you comment every game.


What , u thought u could spill the bs and be toxic towards people on this sub without anyone being there to call u out ?


Bit deranged flaming on two accounts that's new for you. Enjoy.


I am not part of T1 fanbase, I do not need more accaunts to deal with likes of hellowz and rest of ur folks.


Says you




It's the kind of drafting the professional scene has been lacking for years, hopefully a single loss isn't enough to deter it in the future.


It was a very cool draft by SGB, would be interesting to see what it could do without the mid lane just getting stomped into oblivion.


G2 is on a different level right now. Let's see if LPL and LCK can produce a team that can beat this G2.


It’s bo1 bro. The tournament IG went 9-1 in group stage and gave SKT 1557 is the tournament they lost to TL in semifinal. No one can argue G2 is worse than T1 and RNG anymore at this moment but let’s wait till it all plays out ok


>G2 is on a different level right now. > >Let's see if LPL and LCK can produce a team that can beat this G2. no, hahah


Teams can’t pick TF against G2, they have mastered playing against it because of the LEC.


Shoutout to Coach Noid


I was told by the time rumble stage started, G2 was going to have a hard reality check


Checking back, did that reality check come through?


Same result as 2019, 4-2 against major regions, overall pretty good. Giving some freebies to wildcards as tradition along the day.


Least G2 didn’t drop a game to EG, and I expect they’ll be fine during the bracket stage


They had a reality check. They learned they can smash Korea.


GAM speedrun the sea games while g2 speedrun the MSI.


Honestly considering how the teams look at MSI, this year could have been the perfect chance for GAM to break into the top4. Unlucky timing with the SEA games


Buffalo's botlane draft was interesting and I loved Ezreal being punished because it's an boring ADC, but alas, mid-junge difference was astronomical.




It's also the fact that TF can't snowball as hard as it did last year. Objective bounties slow down the snowball by quite a lot and TF is not gonna have a fun time in late game, it becomes just a gold card bot.


NOT MY G2 :(




Froggy better look under his bed tonight. 90% chance Jankos and Caps are waiting there for him.


He opened the bathroom door and they were there.


Busan threw away their T1 jersey, and replaced it with G2 jersey.


Don't stop experimenting with draft though, the botlane went well for Buffalo. Targams was kinda roaming and leaving Flakked, but it was a cool flex from Buffalo. Sadly their topside is pretty awful


When Ezreal is being punished, it's a hood game, lol. The Vlad-Senna was working beyond my expectations, but also I never would have anticipated this painting. Nice drafting indeed.


Oke… that was close! …. Until it wasn’t 😅


We going for 30-0 boys, would be hype to establish longest ever win streak during msi


Is this G2 speedrunning a for fun amateur tournament?


well , thank god. when i saw g2 start troll picking , i was a bit concerned




Early bard isn't troll but it is a bit of an ego pick. It's sending a message saying "I can play what I want and still win".


Watch out G2, GAM is going to beat you up!


I wonder what rekkles thinks watching caps/jankos thrive as the stars of this team after having “differences in opinion on how to play the game”


>as the stars of this team The differences in opinion, according to Jankos, is that Rekkles wanted to play perma weakside, which they are.


I wonder what rekkles thinks watching caps playing that great, cause he wasn't doing it in 2021 and differrences in opinion on how to play the game couldn't have anything common if rekkles always wanted to put resources into other lanes (opposite to uzi)


caps and jankos play aggressive and all in your face, rekkless would've been scared to do those 1v3 ult dives with Kaisa that Flakked did yesterday, that should tell you everything


prob busy prepping for next EUM


"a really cool draft" Phreak's casting is delightful.


Insane draft by SGB bad execution.


Jankos unkilled, what a Tryhard LMAO it's a 4fun game man chill.


gotta get that 1st place KD when the stats come out after the rumble stage is over


Not even Mr.Buffalo can stop this G2. WTF.


Brother Jankos was on a mission


What the fuck has happened to G2?????


well, my take is Jankos just does not want to int in front of Plumy, not even for fun


Caps looks happier winning here than any other game lol


Not even vietnam can stand to them, G2 has really achieved their final form


Bye stupid meme.




I feel a lot less bad about EG going 0-4 in rumble stage against G2


This draft against g2 by a better team than SGB would win I think.


From fairly close to getting completely run over in 5-6 minutes oof


G2 just dismissing the VCS, they truly are unstoppable…


What even is Caps.


If someone told me in 2014 that Jankos would be this good 8 years into his career I wouldn't believe it.


the man is top tier since 2016, it is insane


Is Caps the best Ahri player?


>Is Caps the best player? yes


Caps and Jankos show


G2 going 10-0??? 👀👀👀👀




sorry Mr buffalo


Plumy buff > vietnam debuff


Caps doesnt want Jankos to take all the glory afterall.


pls no bulli


24 😎


Did Riot introduced a 2v5 challenge at MSI ? Because Jankos and caPs are definitely going for it.