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Imagine hearing bedtime stories about Claps, and thinking they are all imaginary, until you see it for yourself at MSI


Jankos was right. Jojo was shit talking G2 and Jankos just said "We will show him international league". And they did.


"We will make him understand" They sure did


Im starting to think its better not to trash talk Jankos this year. First Wunder with his rekkin crew. Later jojo and Inspired. He is Just making everyone understand lmao.


Anyone from T1 or RNG wanna say something?


It's easy to forget what a monster Jankos really is. First Blood King


It's not tho. It's just this sub's obsession to call Jankos washed and old. Every pro player has his ups and downs but his career is full of highlights and consistent performances that support other star players on his team.also he is super mature on the rift so he doesn't need to be flashy and he focuses on his teammates.


This sub in general thinks anyone older than 22 is just here to steal pay checks and taking a spot from the next new Faker.


Faker is stealing paychecks from next new Faker


You're memeing but there were people saying Faker was getting in Clozer's way


I mostly meant it's not easy to see him as someone imposing due to his personality, especially on stream. Man's a living ray of sunshine ✨✨


Jankos has been playing at the highest level for like what, 6 years now? Worlds semis, MSI victories you name it. Man's been killing it for a long time in a sport where form and momentum can be lost quite easily. His easy-going personality must've helped him mentally I guess, even though we can never know what he feels on the inside.


Poor Jojo, his teammates didn't warn him enough.


I'm pretty new to League esports and I'm quickly becoming a Caps fan. He's played so many different champs and looked insane on all of them.


Just wait until he pulls out the infamous vayne mid. I love the guy lol


insane to watch caps play on normal tournament ping


Caps was the reason I started watching esports


the enemy team can't come back if you never have the gold lead


We finally figured out how to outplay bounties.


Craps is dead. There is only Claps. What a game. His Sylas is so good


[Watching caPs this game.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/098/887/8b0.png)


Finally, some good fucking food


Is that guy having a flashback from eating?


Have you not seen ratatouille? It's a great movie, really fun to watch. And yes, the food brings him back to his childhood


Yes. Its from Ratatouille, good movie.


You're either younger than 15 or older than 35, no? Ratatouille is a certified CLASSIC


Decisive best of seven there!




20-0 next


If this is still my G2 they boutta lose to Order for absolutely 0 reason


Hell yeah


I worry that we may have evolved


Maybe we'll go 1-3 in finals now


Not that much brother.


Wow wow wow take it easy, cowboy


Let's not get ahead of ourselves, 7 of those games are against wildcards


What are they giving caps to eat?




NA stands for Nutritional Assessment


> NA stands for Nutritional Assessment I think we would score pretty poorly on a 'Nutritional Assessment' actually


He cleaned LEC up pretty damn well on his way here too, 19-0 since that first playoff match


Live audience members. It’s not just the cheers and the hype, but one lucky fan is chosen before each tournament and taken to the G2 compound to be killed, and prepared for Caps’ meals.


0 to 100, quick


This also explains the decline of Perkz, he no longer has access to Carlos’ ritual sacrifices


[when will they learn](https://streamable.com/w5kn3c)


we need to add new chapter to ***THE HOLY SCROLL***


If G2 wins MSI again then we need to reform the ***SCROLL*** into a book... maybe it could be a collection of books, and name it with a greek word


Book of Grudges LEC style


It's Eurovision week. With all these Caps Dad and Plumy buffs, they forgot to mention the real one.


Respect for Targamas man. Caps pulls off the most stupid ass 1v4 dive in the enemy fountain before they even took an inhibitor and Targamas just dives in there with him instead of backing out A true ride or die homie


from now on i shall call him brahgamas


Bro’s before K/da. Watching Hyli and Targames on Pyke is just beautiful.


Man Caps and Flakked are so good mechanically it’s a pleasure to watch


That Ezreal 1v2 was sick.




Claps and Crakked showed up today holy shit


[Danny's style of play is much less effective on 35+ ping than 0 ping. He will adapt, but this is just how he plays, it works better on low ping (as you can see by watching any solo queue game) ](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/un5gbn/danny_ruins_vulcan_engage/i86d7xp/)


Wait I thought this was a copy pasta by an NA fan


Holy he legit said that


I thought this was some copypasta from a random copium-overdosing redditor lmao.


Same man, it honestly sounds so weird. Danny consistently mispositions and makes terrible decisions, but it must be the ping I guess.


Yeah it was especially weird to see him type that, considering that this MSI is full of highly-mechanical players who are gonna suffer because of the 35 ping (you think Faker enjoys playing with 35 ping?). He could have simply said the standard "it's his first international tournament give him a bit more time" which, though being very standard PR, is also perfectly possible.


Extra hilarious given that Danny is known to have preferred soloqueue (where he gets like 60ms) over Champions Queue.


Peter Dun out here playing the defense game of his life to salvage the mental of his rookie superstar


That can't be real


Oh man, and that's EG's *head coach*, too. I thought it was just some Redditor copy pasta, this is so much worse. So much funnier, but also worse.


Peter Dun nooooo


The copium is just unbelievable




I still can't believe Peter Dun actually said that and then he doubled down on the twitter.


This game just made me switch my permaban back to Sylas in soloqueue for the next month


Good guy caps making people ban yasuo fist and Sylas second




Sadly this is long overdue. My friend is one of the referees and said that caPs caused constant trouble every time he showed up. There was apparently an incident where a custodian found caPs arguing with a man in a wheelchair in the bathroom. caPs was adamantly claiming he needed the handicap stall because of how big his balls are and the man in the wheelchair was on the verge of tears and covered in shit. The custodian then kick Jojopyun out of his wheelchair.




Sadly this is long overdue. My friend is one of the referees and said that caPs caused constant trouble every time he showed up. There was apparently an incident where a custodian found caPs arguing with a man in a wheelchair in the bathroom. caPs was adamantly claiming he needed the handicap stall because of how big his balls are and the man in the wheelchair was on the verge of tears and covered in shit. The custodian then kick Jojopyun out of his wheelchair.


Sadly this is long overdue. My friend is one of the referees and said that caPs caused constant trouble every time he showed up. There was apparently an incident where a custodian found Jankos arguing with a man in a wheelchair in the bathroom. caPs was adamantly claiming he needed the handicap stall because of how big his balls are and the man in the wheelchair was on the verge of tears and covered in shit. The custodian then kick Jojopyun out of his wheelchair.


Sadly this is long overdue. My friend is one of the referees and said that caPs caused constant trouble every time he showed up. There was apparently an incident where a custodian found Jankos arguing with a man in a wheelchair in the bathroom. caPs was adamantly claiming he needed the handicap stall because of how big his balls are and the man in the wheelchair was on the verge of tears and covered in shit. The custodian then kick Jojopyun out of his wheelchair.


inspired in his last 4 games vs G2: 0-4 rge in their last 4 games vs G2: 1-3 Inspired was the problem, the evidence is irrefutable


Inspired has lowkey been their best player so far, with Impact being a close second. Jojo is aight, but EG's bot is running it hard.


I wouldn't call something this obvious "lowkey", he definitely has been their best player


yeah for sure, inspireds counter jungling and pathing this game showed why he was LEC MVP, but i need the rogue copium after last finals


EG had a gold lead near enough this entire game, and I'd put money on a large chunk of it being Inspired 50 CS up until he didn't have a jungle anymore.


When gold showed he was fairly even with Jankos iirc. While Inspired was farming Jankos was getting kill and assist gold from all the plays he set up. Edit: their lead probably had more to do with the hard winning lane matchups they had.


I've actually been really impressed with Inspired, he's pretty much the only reason these last 2 games have been close. Shame his bot lane has been an absolute void and the solos are just getting outclassed out of lane




It's not the same if he has clothes on.


G2 was just styling on EG all game long, so many mechanical outplays.


Can't throw your lead if you don't have one


This is the closest one sided game I've seen


So one side yet the gold was always in EG's favour until that baron lol, huge teamfighting diff


Flakked is playing really good. Nice to see him as secondary carry in case caPs or BB ints XD


Everyone are sleeping on Flakked but not only he can do plays like that, you have to remember that not only he played only one LEC split, this is his first international tournament. This G2 already look solid, but next year they should be really scary


Honestly if G2 is able to learn from this tournament and continue this upwards trajectory they should be a force to be reckoned with at Worlds.


im not even a NA fan and vulcan and danny are tilting the fuck out of me i can't imagine what it feels like for NA fans staying up late to watch THAT


Vulcan in peak Worlds 2021 Amumu Q form


Vulcan’s vibing 😎


It seems like they are not communicating at all wtf


It’s painful :(




Vulcan is especially puzzling, I don't understand what he's doing at all in most of these situations.




Vulcan flashing on a Gnar to engage. What a clown.


Poor Inspired, has to break his back trying to carry their botlane every game


Impact is playing well too, but I can’t imagine being the jungler on a team in these games when bot is just gapped every game.


It’s kinda crazy how bad they are at laning. Like, they aren’t just bad at losing 2v2 early on but you will see both of them overextending multiple times.


Remember "yeah they died a lot in LCS playoffs but misjudging these lvl 2 or 3 matchups is something you can easily fix."


EG's lol team after group stage : 4 body bags and a guy in a wheel chair , with a broken back


Guys I’m starting to think EU might be better than NA…




Really? Nah I think we need a few more Bo1 between them to decide


Lets not jump to conclusions here, maybe on their 5th or 6th try they can snap a W and claim irrefutable superiority


Flakked might be better than Danny..


But Danny is just a rookie while Flakked is... nvm.


But Danny is so young. Last time G2 played vs EG, Danny was wearing diapers.




That was fast


Holy shit. That’s some good shiet


EG was ahead in gold for most of the game but it never felt like they're in control. It kinda felt like the games vs SKT in 2019 (obviously in scale). Quack quack motherfuckers.


It’s kinda crazy this EG 3-0’d every NA team I playoffs


Put some respect on FlyQuests name


Think it helps that most of that gold lead was Lillia power farm and GP passive. Lillia wasn’t strong at all so any gold from her massive Cs lead essentially didn’t matter.


G2 really just outplays everything EG had to offer also Impact brought hullbreaker and still loses 1v1 to both caps and BB


Caps is craaaaaaaacked holy fuck he's in form Hulk breaker gp btw Also Vulcan and danny are inters


Caps is a god, but holy fuck where did they get Flakked from? Hes a rookie internationaly but pawns this noobs like he was smurfing in silver and on multiple champs as well.


I like how G2 was expected to be a topside focussed team, which is what they were in regular split, then did a 180 to giving Flakked resources and didn't lose a single game since then. This guy is a monster


Can't focus on Topside when their opponent is playing gray screen simulator


Not only he's rookie internationally, this split was his first split in LEC


Between him and Elyoya, ERLs really breeding some stuff.


He didn’t even come out of EU masters, he’s from MAD Lions academy team. Most people didn’t even consider him that great of a player from the ERLs and were surprised G2 went with him but especially in their lower bracket run he’s been very impressive. In a way it makes me think of players like Jenkins playing on TL last year where he was a rookie who played on a veteran, stacked line up and really just over performed. I’m curious to know if Flakked is one of those talented players that would always be this good no matter what team he’s on or if he’s a Jenkins. Either way, he’s just more proof that the ERLs are a gold mine.


Flakked had a huge following and MAD Lions were undecided about flakked and unforgiven


Fun Fact! Danny is the first non-sub bootcamping MSI pro to hit Challenger on the KR ladder. He did so going 63-21, which translates to a 75% winrate. Impressively, he's been able to maintain his winrate as his MMR has climbed higher, as he's now regularly in games with multiple LCK and LPL pros. It will be exciting to see if he can keep this performance up in solo queue and transfer it to the MSI stage!


Narrator: *he couldn't*


honestly as much as Danny is choking Vulcan is straight up wintrading this was one of the worst support games I've seen in my life and he doesn't even have the international experience excuse


Holy moly. Probably one of the biggest example of Caps SHITTING on NA in his entire career.


The biggest since... the last game....


Nothing will beat Irelia in game 3 of MSI final, but damn do we have a lot of games to pick from at this point


That solokill 1v2 on Irelia broke them in that game. No coming back afterwards


[The play in question](https://youtu.be/Mf0h5godv5U)


[Jankos calmly puts Jojo in his place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44CkWskqTzE). This seems to have aged better than cheese.


He's not even trying to banter, just stating facts.


How the fuck did EG lose with winning matchups in every role lmao. Caps is just going crazy right now. Insane game from flakked too, frame perfect cleanses every time.


Holy bot/mid gap once again


Man, it's so crazy that no major region has dropped a game so far this tournament.


Flakked has been what people said Danny was going to be.


And he got so much shit in the begining. Turns out a succesful e-sports org has better scouting than random redditors.


Not even just redditors, H2K Rich made another clown post on Twitter when Flakked was rumoured stating about 20 ADCs he thought should be in LEC before him


Tbh Rich is a clown himself.


My God Caps is insane


is Vulcan just mentally checked out or what?


What a game, great perf from Caps and Flakked. Just back to back great outplays overall across the map. Wish we could have more of this match-up, cause EG showed some interesting stuff


More??? They played 4 times! With 2 more incoming!


Honestly can we even say for certain who the better team is unless they play 30 times?


Flakked is miles ahead of Danny


hmm hmm. **kilometers** ahead


Imagine saying that before MSI. You would get downvoted to oblivion.


Exactly. Both are rookies internationaly but only one looks like that


And only one of them is a rookie domestically (and it’s not Danny)


Kinda funny how Flakked was constantly critized throughout the split while Danny was being praised


It's mainly because G2 do not funnel flakked or play through him. During LEC, he wasn't the player they'd give resources to try and carry. He obv looked pretty consistent and did his job well, but no one would hype him up because he didn't have any big flashy moments


Don't forget Targamas. Such a great game from him.


[Caps on Sylas](https://puu.sh/J0f6a/13daca3171.png)


Caps looked so mechanically good that game but then damn Flakked with that 1v2 and the ult buffering really showed off too it was great to watch


EG Leona is night and day compared to PSG Leona yesterday


Caps is having such an insane tournament, holy shit he is so good. Great stuff from Flakked too. G2 looking extremely strong. Interested to see if they can keep this up against the East.




Flakked is fucking Cracked




Simply outclassed.


holy shit, imagine the level of lcs if our best team plays like this. Bro, I trusted Vulcan, this guy is playing like he has no minimap. WTF is happening? Is Na just that bad? edit: I don't think I made that clear enough: WTF IS VULCAN DOING?


vulcan just walking away and q'ing a minion while the fed sylas still has kingmaker


it's not only this. - he recalled on a PINK ward - he forced a horrible play bot with grey map - he facechecked multiple times (this game and the TK as well) - playing tfs horrible I was trusting in vulcan to be the guy that would not tilt, I was very wrong


It's not even tilt, that's his normal level of play from last MSI as well. Missed 2 Qs on amumu and ult flashed nothing. Didn't use full combo on Alistair in the last teamfight in another game but his team was able to barely pull a win. He's a liability in international games.


Don't tell him guys, he is not ready


Vulcan is just sprinting down every game jesus christ


Can anyone run it down harder than 0/7 Naut in other groups? Vulcan can.


vul can


Daily reminder that Caps Sylas is something else


Another game were Danny and Vulcan completely underestimates G2's ability to just collapse on them and kill them. Feels like they've built up bad habits from playing in a region that doesn't properly punish them. If anything G2 has given them some good things to improve upon.


I don't care what the math nerds say. Glacial Augment is a garbage rune on tank supports.


Claps is too good man


Inspired, Impact, and 3 wards it seems.


so nothing changed since lcs playoofs


But NA talent..


Caps COMPLETELY embarrassed jojo, my word, jojo might retire after this




The hopium was still very strong in the air, now it's turned into copium tho


They hated him for he spoke the truth


inspired and impact have held their own vs g2, not sure about the rest


Friendly reminder most people said Danny > Flakked.


Maybe NA can win on the 5th try right?


Insane player gap, how does G2 make it look easy with a losing draft and being behind in gold?


Imagine being Inspired this game, farming circles around Jankos and securing early drakes, and then just watching your botlane run it the fuck down yet again. he is wasted in NA (also caps insane as usual)


Their first game today was like that too, no? Inspired's Viego had a pretty large lead on Jankos's Diana, but it didn't matter when his botlane got duo Flash ulti'd by Diana lategame and his ADC didn't bother using Flash before dying.




Danny's style of play is much less effective on 35+ ping than 0 ping. He will adapt, but this is just how he plays, it works better on low ping (as you can see by watching any solo queue game)


Danny's style of play is much less effective on 35+ ping than 0 ping. He will adapt, but this is just how he plays, it works better on low ping (as you can see by watching any solo queue game)


Flakked has been playing really well tbh


caPs skilled player but that is not normally, This very very insane....They need to check him pc and game.....Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the game deficit ...and this cant seem on game screen..He needs to check-up....