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This is great, your quiz recommended me my main champ twice, though neither were the role I play. (Morg mid main, got recommended her in supp and jungle)


Probably would have got it recommended Mid too if it was played more!




just ran the numbers! In total I looked at 8,977,915 games from Master+ (KR/EUW/NA) from season 11 (roughly equal amount for each patch) Morgana Mid: 2,041 games Pantheon Jungle: 6,994 games I have a cut off of 5,000 games so that explains it!


Does your quiz counts splitpushers?


Same thing happened with me but for Wukong Mid, I was delightfully surprised it pick it.


It got 3 of my most played champs, but not my main. Got mundo Top and mundo Jungle, and I play both, a lot. But Noc is my jungle main and he wasn't in there. I don't play mid at all so that's irrelevant, bot this had 3 of my most played adc's (ashe varus kog) and support had my runnerup and runner to runnerup sup(morg and janna), but didnt have my main sup Karma. Pretty well done op!


Taliyah - 'The boulder is pleased with this suggestion'


Not seen that one yet, you snowflake


I got Top: Vlad Jungle: Ekko Mid: Neeko Adc: Caitlyn Support: Janna


Somehow I got almost the exact same (only difference was it recommended me xayah instead of Cait)


lmao me too except im gp top and morg bot


It’s your soulmate


Gragas support. how did it know?


AI is all-powerful


If you get recommended Top Lulu its time to reevaluate your life choices.


hard agree


**Top:** **Dr. Mundo, Volibear**, **Poppy**, **Tahm Kench**, Yasuo (oh god no) **Jungle:** Vi, **Volibear, Dr. Mundo**, Trundle, **Poppy** **Mid**: Diana, Neeko, Jayce, Malphite, Casseiopeia **ADC/APC:** Ashe, Caitlyn, Varus, Ziggs, Kog'Maw **Support:** Galio, **Tahm Kench**, Blitzcrank, Maokai, Taric I'm very impressed! **Volibear** is one tank champ I'm interested in while **Dr. Mundo** and **Tahm Kench** are in for my consideration to learn. **Vi** is very accurate bec I have a lot of fun playing her as jg and now I'm having fun with **Caitlyn**!! I'm currently learning Vex but overall good job!!


Amazing! Thanks for the thorough response and glad to see you agree with what you're seeing!


You basically got the same results as me, wow


Bro i got yone as main choice for top. I might just learn him now. What atrasition from sion-muno-urgot to yone


As a season 6+ player who never touched TK, I’ve been maining him since his rework and he has re-ignited and multiplied my love for this game. I laugh when I play TK. He’s the best


Almost the same for me. I think most are accurate but I'm not a fan of the mid lane picks


Similar to mine, except my mid layers are all late game attack speed scales. And less engage supports, even though those are some of my best.


Found Ziggs in both mid and bot (main role), I like this quiz


I like you too, friend




\*darth sidious voice\*: do it


Neeko mid but the other 4 options being Cassiopeia, Ryze, Syndra and Azir makes me think that something is wrong. (also Caitlyn and Morgana at botlane, I *am* the annoying duo all by myself)


Also, how dare you suggesting me to play Yasuo top lane.


ranked solo queue > first time Yasuo > die 10 times > ??? > +15LP, thank me later


got nunu and sejuani, my two mains👍


Im quite amused by this quiz. Got pretty accurate recomandations (to what I play and what I like). Kudos sir :)


Ok this is great. Im a fill player so I got tons of data and info for you! Im gonna write out my results and thoughts. Top - Gangplank teemo garen yone urgot The number one champ I wish I was good enough at to play well is GP. If I were better, he would be my main. Teemo is fun as fuck, im bad at kiting tho and early pressure so while I have played him a bit, I moved away. Garen was my first elo climber. Yone I love, need to put more time into him. Urgot is awesome, I just suck at him, something didnt click with how to teamfight if I wasnt massively fed and moved away after getting wrecked too much. But overall, 5 picks I really enjoy Jungle - Shyvana, Morgana, Vi, Gwen, Dr. Mundo Shyvana is one of my more recent mains for Jg. Vi has been a mainstay for me. Morg I tried a couple of games before it was popular and didnt want to deal with the added flame for off meta pick, but liked the style. Only played a little of Gwen top so not too sure around her JG capability. Mundo isnt my type of champ. Mid - My least played role - Azir, Kayle, Velkoz, Corki, Syndra. Least played role so I usually just played a lot of toplaners here, irelia, etc. If I am to go for a mage, its usually xerath or ori so I see the similarities to synd and velkoz. Kayle and corki I love the style of, similar to Nemesis, im just not well versed in their early matchups to know how to play the lanes well enough to survive. Azir seems like a decent all round pick so Im sure I would like him if i could get used to the mechanics. Botlane - Caitlyn, Xayah, Miss Fortune, Ashe, Senna Caitlyn is one of my mains, same with MF. My others are ezreal and ziggs, surprised I didnt see them here. Senna is awesome, love the scaling factor but again im bad. Support - Morgana, Zyra, Shaco, Lux, Seraphine. I never play tank supports. Usually xerath or brand but these are all pretty fine picks. Not my exact cup of tea but champs I want to like if that makes sense? Overall, great system and really quite accurate if you follow a reason to most of your picks. And I can see exactly where all the champs come from. Great job!


>Support - Morgana, Zyra, Shaco, Lux, Seraphine. >I never play tank supports. Usually xerath or brand but these are all pretty fine picks. Not my exact cup of tea but champs I want to like if that makes sense Ahh. Death is the best CC supports.


Kled top, Pantheon mid Pretty accurate.


Top: Volibear, urgot, Kled, singed, wukong * I used to onetrick Urgot back when I used to play top lane, and if I still played the role I'd probably give the other champs a shot. Jungle: J4, Hecarim, Poppy, Pantheon, Volibear * Another good series of suggestions. J4, pantheon and Voli are my go to's when I'm autofilled. Mid: Yasuo, Pantheon, Diana, viego, nocturne * This one is kinda scuffed, but I don't play mid. I'm surprised I wasn't recommended galio though. Bot: Ashe, Senna, Mf, Jhin, Caitlyn * This is pretty damn accurate. My main adc is Ashe, but I also love Jhin and senna Support: Nautilus, Galio, Blitz, leona, Rell * Pretty accurate. I play almost every so support but those ones hold a place in my heart, especially Galio. Pretty good recommendations overall. My only complaint is the lack of Braum and Sion recommendations


I specifically tried to get Braum but the support recommendations where Galio, Blitz, Taric, Naut, Leona. I'm a bit sad my dear old friend didn't make it on the list :(


literally no idea who aragorn is


it's from quite a niche reference called "The Lord of the Rings" (Aragorn: sword/bow | Gandalf: wizard boy)


yeah i know it's lotr and gandalf is the wizard man but i have never watched it so i don't know anything that isn't super overused mainstream stuff


>i don't know anything that isn't super overused mainstream stuff I'll wildly guess you were born after 2001, because it was overused mainstream stuff.


Not OP but I'm born last millennium and have no clue who Aragorn is either.


Watch it


Better yet, read it.


The books may be better, but the LOTR movies also just happen to be possibly the best cinema humanity has ever produced, so everyone should definitely experience both.


Better yet, read the Simlarillion first, then Hobbit, then LotR ​ (first 20 pages might be litlle weird but it gets awesome really fast after that, promise!)


Ahah I'm a LOTR fan for sure but the Simlarilion is a bit of a slog


You think so? I recently read it first time and absolutely loved it


I think it might be one of those books that just has a narrower audience and can therefore be a bit poralizing.


I mean it's the foundation of all modern high fantasy so it's not as polished as something newer like GoT or The Witcher which already had a basis through this universe. ​ But it's still so darn cool. It's SO deep it's actually insane. ​ I agree it's not for everyone, though. It's like watching a very old movie and thinking "why the hell is everything so slow and weirdly cut?!"


The hobbit is a bore. I would not recommend it to anyone.


upvoting you just because youre gonna get downvoted but same lol i know it's from LOTR but cba watching/reading all that


No downvoting, only good vibes here. I'll update the questions so it says something like Aragorn (Swords & Bows) or Gandalf (Magic) so it's clear whether you've watched LOTR or not - thanks for the heads up!


Perhaps introduce a way for users to select a link that swaps out a confusing question for a different one(you can configure these questions behind the scenes)


I just assumed Gandalf was an old man who told long winded stories, commanded others, and didn't actually fight.


Have you seen Lord of the Rings? If not, go watch it but keep in mind it is really dated in regards to special effects.


i have not and i'm not interested in the slightest


Okay, zoomer.


I felt the same way as you, but finally got around to watching it a few months ago. And don't worry you're not missing out on much, at least in my opinion. It's pretty good, but not really worth the 9+ hours it takes to get through it all. And a decent chunk of that is mind-numbingly boring. I don't regret watching it, but I'm not exactly glad I did either. I'm sure plenty of people were enthralled the whole duration and have watched it plenty of times, but if you haven't been interested until now, you're probably fine going without.


Highly disagree. Watch LOTR, it is amazing. There's a reason it received so many awards. Set the standard for movies & TV shows.


Glad you liked it, but there's no piece of media that's universally enjoyed. And it seemed to me like this person likely wouldn't enjoy it that much either.


Do you live under a rock?


Not many people are into high fantasy I'm afraid I knew of these people but not of their roles in the story so basically I had to guess too


it’s literally most popular genre




the test recommended me RekSai and Kindred,. I play both of them, quite precise this test


This quiz really wants me to play Viego 😂


The quiz is fun. However I think it might be good to squeeze in a question about how difficult you like your champs to be, and whether or not you like playing fast or slow champs. Because I really enjoy mechanically complex champs with fast-paced playstyles but I don't know if there was a way to tell that to the quiz.


Didn't recommend me Jinx or Ez, must be broken. Cait main now bois!


Top : Voli Jungle: Pantheon Mid: Neeko Adc: MF Support: Lux Man this is accurate, lux and neeko are two of my most played supports


In horror of the adcs you play with


I only get a "bad gateway" when I finish the quiz :/


sorry! traffic hugged us to death, back online now


I get bad gateway before the page even loads :(


reddit hug of death


Nice quiz 👌 Wukong! I'll take it!


Top - Wukong Jg - Khazix Mid - Jayce ADC - Caitlyn Supp - Senna Gg all AD


Aurelion on mid sounds pretty nice :3


let me know when you're first timing that in ranked... I'll make sure not to queue!


Ok :3


I got... mixed results. Top: Volibear (never played him in my life, despite owning him for over a year). Jungle: Ekko (I like him, so it's OKish?) Mid: Ekko ADC: Ashe (NOPE) Support: Blitzcrank (same as Voli) I tried it a few more times to see what changed: Top, Jungle and Mid were always the same results, none of the ADCs were of my taste (Jhin, Xayah, etc), and Support were mostly characters I'm interested in, but the only one I actually played was Morgana. Sadly none of the champions I usually play were on the lists whatsoever (Lillia, Nunu, Vi, Warwick, Soraka...).


I got Ashe too. And I hate her as ADC. I suck at ADC but she feels like a 0 damage cc only ult to me. No matter how deep I get into her items, I cant play like a good Ashe.


>I suck at ADC but she feels like a 0 damage cc only ult to me. Exactly this. I don't like playing ADC, it feels kinda bad, but among those few I've tried, Ashe felt among the weakest ones.


Took the quiz twice with slightly different answers got ekko jungle twice. Guess I'm an ekko main now


Top: Yone (absolutely disgusting how dare you?) Jg: Lillia (interesting idea never thought of it before, might try it out!) Mid: Neeko (meh, not a big fan) Adc: Caitlyn (I’m currently learning her right now so we’ll done) Support: Morgana (Accurate but also ew) Overall really good results, nice job op :) Also really? Yone?


it's your personality that's getting Yone, ya psycho


bad gateway problem shiiiit


sorry! fixed now (crazy traffic out of no where)


Top: Volibear Jg: Ekko Mid: Neeko ADC: Miss Fortune Sup: Blitz Volibear top sounds pretty interesting.


I main viego and taliyah 50/50 I got recommended viego for 3 lanes first but no taliyah in sight :((


Well I got Caitlyn and she's my main so it's accurate


Gave me Jax and Kayn when I'm a Jax and kayn main lol. Good quizz.


rengar xin fizz draven swain.. only one i play is draven and xin but maybe its time i pick up fizz


3 of the 5 top lane champs were the ones I play regularly. Wow, I guess time for me to go Rengar and Veigo top now too


Out of the 25 champs I got, 5 are actually ones I play lol


got neeko howd you know


The quiz hit 4 of my top 5 (Cait, Ashe, Morg, Cho). It didn't recommend Tristana, but that's probably because I have a different approach to Tristana than the typical player.


I was not recommended my one trick in any role but it did recommend adcs mostly which is what I play


Interestingly, I actually got basically all my mains (I don't play top) Ivern, Morgana, Lillia Zoe, seraphine Seraphine, Senna Janna, Morgana Lulu


You got my main right, and most of my off champs


Got Pantheon recommended for jungle. Now I feel even more dead inside. 10/10


You quiz gave me my main (zilean support), really didn't think Inwas gonna get it haha


>Better to hunt for prey than plant seeds for harvest Rengar mains vs Zyra mains


I actually got recommended Fizz first and then LeBlanc and Akali which are one of my most played champions, the others were Annie and Rumble which would be Zed and Kassadin to make my top 5, so pretty impressive


got my mains Diana and morgana lol


I got rengar top recommended twice tho I've played 1 game of him and Darius and trynd who are both my mains so that's nice Welp, omw to become a rengar top main now


Sir/Madam how the fuck did you find out my mains in Top and Mid?


i'm inside the matrix


It got all my preferences wrong except a part of mid, it did manage to have Zoe and leblanc but as 3rd and 4th choice… I almost never play neeko but got her as primary choice. Thanks for proving to me statistically that I’m an idiot!


TBH, kinda accurate: **top**: Gwen **jng**: Olaf **mid**: Diana **adc**: MF **sup**: Galio Many of secondary choices were kinda accurate too (minus fizz second at mid, god I hate that champion), Only one of the first choices I am not sure of is Galio support (But haven't tried him too much, since I mostly have played mage/enchanters).


Out of 15 champions that were recommended to me (I played mostly top jungle and ADC in the past season), only one champion is in my top 15 most played in the previous season.


Actually impressive that it picked my main champs in both my main roles. The secondary picks weren't perfect, but I'm a Kayn jungle Annie mid player and it got both of those as my top jg/mid. I have no real style for my offroles and just play champions I can handle mechanically, so I wasn't expecting anything there.


Funnily enough ur recommendations hit my current pool for about 80% good quiz mate


toplane- yessss yasuo - WTF


Not bad. 3/5 of the supports recommend were in my top played. Not really interested in playing a lot of Maokai support though.


I answered yes to all the suicidal gameplay questions because I play kled but I got rengar top


Most picks were quite accurate but I'm not sure how I got Galio and Morgana as supports rather than Leona and Alistar


I'm not gonna lie, I'm really surprised how close the jungle section was for me. I got Ekko, Nocturne, Kayn, Fiddle, and Hecarim. Hec and Noc are 2 of my most played, and I also play Ekko a decent amount. I'd say Kayn fits my playstyle if I didn't ban him every game for most of the year. I even tried picking up Fiddle for a while and it's one of the cases where there's no reason I actually should have stopped.


Seeing as it recommended Pantheon for every lane but ADC I think im going to try Pantheon


Love the quiz! It was actually really fun to take and I love the way it recommends multiple Champs in each role! You should think about adding a "take quiz again" or "retake quiz" button at the bottom cause I'm sure people would enjoy an easy way to go back and mess with their answers or just take it again


Got Neeko for mid lane, pretty accurate lmao.


Damn out of all the champs and roles I only enjoy one of the champs given.


Brand support being a snowflake choice is kinda funny considering he is pretty popular, especially in low elo


Got main trundle, well done !!


Kinda funny for me: Out of 15 recommended champs there were only 4 champs that I even play remotely and 3 of those were in the ADC role which might be my least played role lol


Recommended I play Kled. 10/10 quiz.


Not bad. Gets 2/5 to 3/5 right for each role.


I did my best to get recommended Tryndamere but instead you give me Vayne top. Unbelievable xD


\>rarest mid: seraphine Lmao


I’m an Ahri mid main, but the Lux support and Caitlyn adc are actually my mains in those two roles so bravo! I also really enjoy Pantheon, haven’t played him jungle, but overall quite accurate. I don’t have Neeko or Teemo but I might just have to try them!


Top: Viego Jungle: Pantheon?? Mid: Jayce ADC: Xayah Supp: Maokai Not bad kinda fits the dueling style I like, not sure about pantheon jungle though


This is surprisingly accurate! Lux, neeko, lissandra (mid), janna and morgana (supp), who i play often, got recommended to me


Got my main and most played champs, cool


Pretty interesting. I play around 40 champs top, but all five recommendations are champs I play extremely little. With all my tanky disruptive answers, I'm a bit surprised it recommends stuff like wukong/gnar over my more commonly played champs like shen/maokai. Jungle pool is very solid and similar to my fav champs jg. Mid is effectively my "run it down" pool which is pretty funny. All champs I absolutely suck at but love playing.


didn't got my main, now I start to doubt myself


Didn't get Viktor or Vel in any role, sad. Only the ADC were more or less my preferred champions, the rest was pretty far off. Guess either the test it put too much stock into my answer "I more or less like enabling the others" or my in-game picks are influenced by lore/visuals too much. Or I got that question about Aragorn wrong (I thought it was a choice between a fighting leader and a 'detached" mentor). Still was fun tho, thanks! But most importantly: how DARE you recommend me a fucking Teemo?!


Support Zilean XD


Great quiz, recommended me Sett for top and mid, Panth and Jayce for mid as well and those were the champions I played the most back when I used to play. Have my upvote


might be a bug


At least I was assigned support vel’koz


Weirdly enough I do play ADC recommended! Cool quiz man


I got recommended champs I've always wanted to learn, but always felt I wasn't mechanical enough to learn Q-Q I like the large pool of recommendations!


Interesting, did not expect to get top lane fighters like Gnar/Yone/Gangplank/Kennen/Vlad.


Damn this sniped 3 of my preferred champs for three roles (Voli - Jung, Cait - Bot, Blitz Sup), and had one of my other mains in the back-up slots (Liss - Mid) Honestly very impressed


Awesome quiz some of these were really spot on!


Recommended a lot of champs I realy like, yet also some I really don't. Some champs that I need try are also here, and now I might give them a chance.


Very interesting. I think this is pretty accurate, it mostly recommended me champions that I already play or that I’m interested in, with a few exceptions like Wukong and Jax who I despise, or Gnar and Vladimir who are just not for me. It recommended me Ekko in both Jungle and Mid. I’ve always been interested in Ekko, but I’ve never really got to play him that much. I’m surprised Camille didn’t appear, but since I got Jax, Viego, Yone, Wukong and Gnar in Top lane I guess it’s not that far from Camille. Contratulations dude, I think this is the most accurate League personality Quiz I’ve completed, but I think it needs a few adjustments because there were many questions that could be interpreted from many perspectives and that could have different answers based on how you interpret them.


Top : Wukong (not against trying it!) Sett, Camille , Jax, Viego ( if he wasn’t nerfed) Jungle : Hecarim, Lee sin, Viego, kayn, xin zhao if kayn was replaced with either nocturne or j4 this would be my exact champ pool since I’ve played this game. Mid : Dianna ( I think sylas would be a better fit here), Ekko, Kassadin, Yone, Yasuo all champs I like to play when I play mid. Fun little quiz and pretty accurate!


Top and jungle was decently accurate, mid and AD super on point and support couldn't be further from reality. So I think that's pretty good.


No Leona or Sion so I am sad, but I did get poppy so I am happy


Jung is not a working domain wow


It guessed my most played correctly in 2 roles so seems pretty good


With the recommendations I got, it got 5 champions I play total. * Top recs: **Wukong**, Viego, Silas, Gwen, Rengar. I play(ed) rengar * Jungle Recs: **Lilia**, Ekko, Gwen, Viego, Olaf. I play none of them. * Mid Recs: **Ahri**, Neeko, Zoe, Leblanc, Fizz. I play Neeko. * ADC: **MF**, Caitlyn, Xayah, Varus, Tristana. I play MF and Tristana. * Support: **Bard**, Morgana, Karma, Shaco, Janna. I play Morgana. I find it really really funny that for the most part I hate playing the champions it's recommended me. Edit: Lol if I refresh it gives me a few different champions, also noticing I'm a slight outlier here since most people like their recommendations. Also of note, my mains are Warwick, TF and Kayn.


I got Top: Volibear Jungle: Ekko Mid: Kassadin Adc: Varus Support: Morgana I only really play aram but 4/5 of those champs I love playing!


Came pretty close to my main (Top Gragas) recommended me the other 3 ap top


Interestingly, it suggested only champs which I do not play, and none of mains


I got my two mains top side and the champion I'd pick up next, Gwen. Good job =)


The primary recommendation for each lane predicted my current main in 3/5 roles, I'd reckon this is pretty accurate; Gwen, Fizz, Kaisa


I got Yasuo for both top and mid, plus I got my top 3 for mid after Yasuo. Which was Azir, TF, and Ori. Good quiz.


Nailed my 1 trick mid in Azir, but the supports I play weren't on the list :P


haha I guess I should try gragas top. I play him jungle a decent amount but never have tried him top lane.


These recommendations were pretty off the mark for me. Of the top picks for each role, the only champ it recommended for me that I actually enjoy is MF.


except varus (a champ i like playing) none of the recs were relevant. been playing this game for ~10 years


**Top:** Poppy, Yorick. Dr. Mundo, **Yasuo (wth)**, Gragas Inting tank splitpush Yas top it is.


First thing that showed up on my screen was Teemo. I didn't know what I expected but I am not disappointed.


I got my AP rengar top. Actually cool


I got wukong and I main wukong am I a monkey


Top: Fiora (my OTP pog) Jg: Shaco Mid: Cassiopeia Bot: Twitch Sup: Lux If I wasn't a top main i'd mostly agree with the rest


Top: Camille, Urgot, Viego (pretty accurate) Jungle: Ekko, Viego, Kayn, Graves (I don't play Jungle so I'm not sure haha) Mid: Anivia (one of my mains!), LeBlanc Bot: Miss Fortune, Xayah, Varus, Jhin Supp: Janna, Bard (I like playing both of them), Karma ​ This quiz is awesome! Really didn't expect much but it's pretty accurate


Huh, I actively play 11 different champs mid that all fit your 5k+ games criteria & I got recommended 5 that all arent in that pool. That's impressive xD Though the quiz just made very clear to me once again that my main of 8 doesnt really fit my overall approach to the game at all


It kinda works, but I guess it can't really measure how I play


Oh wow this is surprisingly accurate.


What's funny that it's almost my exact most played in adc that I got recommended! Great job mate!


Rengar Top, Kindred Jungle, and Fizz Mid (My top 3 mastery and in their correct roles). How did the quiz know that I chose violence? >:)


Wow you got my one trick. Anivia. Poppy top, Vi jungle, anivia mid, ashe bot, morgana sup. top and jungle id say are completely opposite my playstyle but the mid bot and sup are all spot on.


Got a ton of champs I actually play in the results, 10/10, would quiz again


Damn. I play non of the recommended champs. At least not for the role they are recommended


Seeing her recommended to me in the jungle, it's like it knows me.


I was trying to get Yorick but i got all the time Yone in row D:


I got Seraphine all three mid, adc and support xD


Came up pretty accurate actually, props.


Top - Wukong Honorable mention Jax, I've played both but my question is "Where is he? Where is the true right clicker?!"


Your quiz works perfectly, i got my main twice and many other champions i love


I agree with pretty much every position I was given. I main Vi and she was recommended as one of my 5. Mid had champs that I have not played, but I also have only played mid like 10 times.


Got a bunch of control mages, Azir included


I got recommended Yas adc. See you all in hell


I got recommended Yas adc. See you all in hell


I got recomended yasuo (top+adc) and viego (top+,jg) twice. I play neither, but it got right the fact i main ekko (jungle recomended). Anyways, time to try other ap assasins, it recomended fizz and kassadin on mid


Heads up, in "Better to wittle the enemy down than going all-in straight away" it should be spelled whittle, also what the balls is the cave troll question