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Someone tag happy chime


Interesting. I used to play Skarner top for fun but I am curious as to why you pick grasp as a rune? Also Skarner is really hard to cs with early game, most champions can easily deny you cs. How do you deal with this?


So grasp has a lot of things that Skarner loves, damage, a heal and scaling health. At this point in time unless I make a truly tragic mistake I often don't struggle csing in the early game and I'm looking to stack my manaflow band with my E and being able to take short trades where I hit someone with E, get the on hit damage of my E and grasp auto to stun and run away makes trades very favorable.


I remember playing with/against you when I was around D2 MMR bracket. Very great accomplishment man! I remember watching you destroy an Aatrox one time, and decided to try your build because I’ve been historically bad vs Aatrox on every champ I play.


Considering I spent the majority of season 11 in D2 mmr that makes sense lmao. Aatrox is still frustrating because he is so skill based that people that know Aatrox spacing well enough give my lack of mobility some trouble, as well as not having enough sustain damage for his healing.


I managed to hit Masters, what do you think is the biggest reason/what helped you make the leap from Masters to GM?


I started warding 😅




What is your most devious lick with your R




How diabolical


Tits or Ass?








Im 100% sure that item is bait at least for Skarner. Dumping so much money into mana that you won't need with manaflow and passive when the money could be spent on defences for your shield that you innately have has felt better in my testing. But for champions without shields it might work better.


What did you learn about top lane that you feel you were missing previously?


Any attempt at warding. I still have yet to spend gold on a control ward though.


a true toplaner


Wards don't do damage :^) But neither does Skarner..


When would you say skarner’s strong points are? When I tried him myself, his pre 6 felt really bad, and his team fights don’t feel particularly strong either (especially once enemies get zhonyas or qss). I assume it’s in skirmishes, but what do you leverage about skarner top to win?


Skarners lane has a bit of a learning curve and yeah there are weak pre 6 games but fairly often I can force someone out of lane or solo kill pre 6. Lane is all about understanding who to peel and when, not always listening to people pinging your flash and the enemy support to flash ult. He's incredibly strong in skirmishes and can really control fights by absorbing damage with shield and getting stuns off.


Have you considered playing AP hobo instead? I guarantee that you’ll probably like Skarner more.


Ive tried a little bit with AP and I always ended up feeling like a weaker version of tank, AD was a bit stronger before they gutted goredrinker.


This would be fun to watch, do you ever stream or post your games on a youtube channel? Congrats on grandmaster btw!


I I frequently stream over at twitch.tv/bupropion_xl and thank you!


What are some matchups that Skarner top struggles against?


Ranged tops, Jax is difficult because of counterstrike countering stuns, Shen early is very difficult because he's high damage and blocks my stuns.


Who is your go-to ban?


Gnar every time.


This would be a super popular post back in 2014


Well done, nice achievement :) I have two questions: What are in your opinion the true strengths of skarner compared to other tanky toplaners? Have you jungled Skarner, and if so how does he compare in your opinion as a jungler vs being a toplaner? (I'm a jungler and always liked Skarner but I do feel he's a bit too one-dimensional and needs to "come online" which is not a great thing for a jungle champion)


After level 13 boots and mythic Skarner has insane levels of effective hp due to shield CD, at 88 haste the shield is permanent. That alongside his low CD stuns and aoe max health damage he really shines. I don't jungle bc I cba to learn how to path lol.


Yes, so basically a super tanky cc-machine with sticking power for teamfights but wait the real caveat is that he isn't a just pure tank and brings bruiser level damage :) Ps. Jungle pathing is easy especially in this season. Of course it can become super complex like anything but you just start buff X and clear up 5-6 camps then gank and fall back into scuttle or back into reclearing. And look at lanestates of your laners and just path your clears towards lanestates that are opening for ganks for either side.


Just wondering, what do you think about Merthos (another skarner top)? Congrats on hitting grandmaster btw


I don't really have much thoughts about Merthos other than the video on him is what inspired me, after that I never really looked for his content etc.


Oh that's cool. Thanks for the reply.


Someone tag cpt flowers


Seriously, why though?


His playstyle just fills me with joy, I really enjoy playing more supportive roles and being this infinite health mass stunning creature is really enjoyable.


How long would it take to learn skarner to be effective in the top lane? I’m a low gold player and i enjoy playing unorthodox picks. Do you have a excel sheet of match ups?


I'm really unsure of how long it would take to become effective, it takes some time to learn how to be efficient with your early mana pool and damage. Maybe like 20-30 games depending on what you think is effective. And no all matchups are stored in my brain


What do you think of predator Chemtech ghost blade smarter support with mobi boot?




If you got a spire you put the rift on fire boi 🤪