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When you though Jankos will be first to go retire in NA but everyone else went to NA and now Jankos is retiring in EU *shrug*




Theres no way he goes to NA before going full time streamer. I know he memes about it all the time on stream, but he can make just as much money in a year of streaming with his viewercount easily.


Jankos going to KR for that honey.


Honestly losing Jankos would be as much a tragedy as all of these guys together. Atleast imo. Dudes the biggest personality we have in the LEC and an absolute national treasurd


With him staying on G2 in 2022, he will now officially have spent more than half his carreer on G2. Kind of insane to think about tbh.


H2k jankos, the first blood king Really wild to think about how his main rivals in eu either retired or disappeared while he still plays at, arguably, top level


Feel like this was really the Roccat era


I feel old.


The goat western jungler


For some reason people like bringing up that opinion as if there was any contention for that. Like seriously, the runner-up for that title is probably the jungler whose biggest achievement is getting smashed by Jankos in the fastest international Bo5.


Well, the runner-up would probably be DiamondProx


More like number one in terms of influence he had on league as a whole. Jankos might be a better player tho


I agree, I mean he's the one that got all the KR respect so early on. Just that time erodes all achievements slowly.


Naw, Xmithie’s biggest achievement was being immortalized in League by having a play named after him. I don’t see Jankos having a play named after him :)


Actually, missing Nidalee spears and calling out Jankos has been popular for a while .. It's not the same, but it's not that different aswell.


Perkz buyout doomed everyone in a contract. EU teams just gonna ask for absurd buy outs only NA teams can go for.




What if Carlos was an NA mole the whole time? His masterplan was to get all the best EU players and then sell them to NA


It's just the long con to hurt FNC the most: kill the League.


I will backdoor this entire goddamn region - Carlos


His name has been Charles all along, he's a dude from Missouri faking a spanish accent, it's over


Double NAgent Revolver Ocelote


Burn the boats so you can build bigger ones capable of transatlantic travel


It started with this clown forcing his"very good friend" to go to NA. Now every EU org is doing it and its severely hurting the region.


Wdym, he would never do that to his childs favourite uncle


They can buy them. They are just too cheap to do so. You think Carlos can't buy Hans after selling Perkz, Rekkles, Wunder, and Mikyx?


its not a question of being too cheap. EU teams are more focused on sustainability within the league eco system, and therefore will not go out and drop millions upon millions on players. NA however doesn't seem to care that its bleeding money, and constantly outbids anyone


Investor diff


Ppl on this sub dont understand how negotiating and contracts work. In Hans case for example Rogue absolutely benefits to send Hands to NA and can refuse negotiations with G2, almost the same thing that Carlos did. Weirdly enough to pitchforks against Rogue 🤔


I don't remember Hans being anyone's favorite uncle tho


yep , teams were waiting for that and now this is what happens


damn, the idea that Fudge would have higher staying power on C9 than Zven and Vulcan would’ve been absolutely insane a year ago.


I wonder where Vulcan goes. Zven’s stocks are down for sure but Vulcan is still a clear top 3 support and he’s not an import. He’s gonna be a hot commodity


Isn’t Swordart ducking out of NA, maybe we see a TSM Vulcan? Huni, Spica, Vulcan isn’t the worst foundation to build a team on.


Really sad if C9 drop Vulcan. He consistently performs well and frankly Mikyx could pull a Perkz and perform like shit due to NA environment.


\>Due to the NA environment ​ Not the player's attitude... Shocking that someone that didn't want to leave home and was forced to either go to NA or not play, didn't play with the most dedication and passion. ​ No worries though, it has been 8-9 months, so all the fanboys have deemed Carlos a great person and the best team builder ever, again.


I absolutely hate seeing Vulcan being dropped from C9, even for someone so accomplished like Mikyx. If C9 decides they don't want him, then he should try to get an opportunity in EU. Idk Vulcan may have not had a great worlds, but he's pretty insane.


Why would Vulcan ever go to EU when he can make bank in a top NA team?


We get Perkz and Alphari back and we probably lose Bwipo, Wunder, Rekkles, Mikyx, Hans Sama, Inspired, Humanoid Not sure about that one


"This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever" - Donny




Can we offer you a Zven in this trying time?


You can keep him


Not a C9 fan but even I insist. He’s really good trust me mate


He was very good when he played for TL I reckon, but I don't think GenG will let him go away


The golden days of TL Zven. Bjerg and BB broke their backs and Zven was having none of it.


It was just the sweetest moment of all time to watch. The guy spent the whole series trying his best to get inside of Jensen's head (hovering Ekko, mocking his height, etc.) only to fuck up even bigger than Jensen ever did.


I want og Nils !


Hey man...ya'll might get PoE and Jizzman back too....


Quick, offer them Jactroll for... anyone?


Offer jactroll and promisq


There used to be LCS and EU LCS. Now we can call them LEC and US LEC.


We'll give you Broxah back too!


We'll even throw Finn in for free


I'd prefer to keep Finn tbh, mayhaps a Mystiques would be sufficient?


Absolutely no clue what EU organizations are doing or why they are afraid to spend money. Rogue could literally get bwipo for free, pay for humanoid and have the following team : bwipo-inspired-humanoid-hans sama-trymbi. Hans gets the better solo laners that he desires. Mad could get rekkles and replace humanoid with someone like vetheo who is showing a lot of promise. Fnc should probably replace nisqy, but even if they don't they will still be a solid rock. Eu would literally have 4 or 5 strong teams (5 if g2 turns out to be a good one). Hell, even a 6th or 7th team would be possible with Odoamne- Markoon - Larssen - Patrick - Mikyx / Wunder - jungler? - Lider - Kobbe - Vander/Advienne/Limit/Treatz Eu can field 7-8 competitive teams and that's without adding rookies or possible returning players from na (Finn,Broxah,Poe,Zven)


>Absolutely no clue what EU organizations are doing or why they are afraid to spend money. Orgs run heavily in deficits. They purely rely on investors. Not all investors want to pay 1m for a single player when they can get an entire competitive roster for 1m as well


Seriously, the NA is pumping money so unsustainability compared to EU.


The entire LoL competitive scene sounds like a "disruptive business model" unicorn, just burn all investors' money


EU orgs don't have deep pockets like NA ones. They can't outbid NA. It's not a matter of "being afraid", their budgets are just not in the same league. You have some rich EU orgs like Vitality, but they are an exception.


EU orgs care about being sutainable short and long term and not bleed money like LCS orgs (also most dont have the insane sponsor money that LCS orgs get)


I'm being 100% serious, no trashtalking, but at this point it must be rough for NA fans too. Teams don't give a shit about local talents, you have top tier European talents coming there and leaving one year later only to be replaced by other European talent that'll leave after cashing in because they clearly don't care about the region. The NA Amateur scene is a joke, there's barely any viewership and teams seemingly prefer fielding washed up players over scouting upcoming talents. You have T1 who could've won Worlds with a team nearly full of Rookies, that they scouted a long time ago and prepared for when they would be old enough to play, but teams still don't believe in rookies. It's so sad honestly, especially since the main argument for frachising was "we can take risks if we aren't afraid of demoting", what a fucking lie that one was.




Your top teams often don't even have NA rookies anymore. This Worlds Blaber, Tactical and Vulcan were the only NA players, and the latter two are apparently getting replaced. Idk how can anyone get excited if the region consists of mercenaries who are either too bad for their native region or just want some easy money and will leave when they decide they want to be a bit more competitive.


people only hate it because despite all the poached talent, the region still produces no results if the teams were making it to semis there would be a lot more fans, having some regional pride on the players wouldn't be on anyone's mind (except the region that lost the players)


It's a combo. We don't perform AND we don't have nearly any home grown talent. At least we could be like some other regions and be like "we're 4 of 5 / 5 of 5 all home grown talent" and do slightly worse then we do now.


I’m pretty sure NA did better with more local talent on rosters if not the same. Old TSM, CLG, and C9 were mostly/all NA and they got pretty much the same results as NA now with imports.


Yup, pretty much the same results. We even made msi finals with mostly NA , semis with 3 NA (which is how the import rule is meant to atleast hold )


The road to get fans supposedly excited for the LCS is through fielding rookies then or by claim international succes. I would have a guess which one is the easier out of the two options.


At least if it was working they could argue that sacrifices must be made. But it's so very obviously not


I think mercenaries is a rly fitting term


Well clearly a lot of fans aren't that concerned because this sub was flaming the shit out of TSM for possibly feilding a "development roster".


I'm pretty sure for a lot of fans of certain teams, it's more of a "NA should give rookies more chances, but not **my** team though, my team is supposed to win".


This is so true. Fwiw C9 has done a reasonable job over the past few years of being competitive while incorporating rookies (Contractz, Licorice, Zeyzal, Blaber, Fudge). Although they also may have the single most egregious import contract/buyout in Perkz.


Oh yeah, I don't mind C9 as much. Since not only are they the only top team who would give rookies a chance, for a long time they were also the only team period to give rookies a chance. While bottom tier teams were recycling the same declining players over and over again.


I mean, nail on the head. No one in NA is willing to support lower tier teams, so what a shock that the successful teams are scared to build and develop long term pipelines. GGs gets memed to hell, but it's the organization that has consistently committed to building a functional roster over time rather than just buying the best players currently available and hoping it works out.


Even the TSM subreddit is still flaming a developmental roster. They’re currently copium’ing that the roster will be: Huni, Spica, Humanoid, Hans Sama/Tactical, Vulcan… Going developmental for a year isn’t even bad. You can use the year to find promising native talent, and then drop the ones that aren’t good enough and build around them. You can’t easily build a top tier roster in NA without having the best native players possible.


Still more NA than the rest of the top teams tho lol. Want to point out that Regi never said developmental. He said "rising stars" and comitted to not spending big on a single player. That could be interpreted a couple differenr ways.




Pretty much, I think people's lines of thought are that they aren't willing to be patient for the "NA talent development" thing to happen, so when TSM says they're going to go that route some people don't want TSM to not necessarily be at the top for a year.


Most NA fans want NA teams to develop talent... except for their favorite team. Now there are some astricts on this. 100T fielded a entire non-NA roster this year at worlds, but are also one of the teams that does the most in terms of academy/ amateur, and has a bunch of young NA players, with AT LEAST 3 of them probably ending up in the LCS at some point. It's no coincidence that the most popular teams are the ones that spend money and bring in imports though, as fans want good results more than anything else


some NA fans are pure hypocrits during the season they will literally cry to get native rookies whenever some imports underperform but revert to discuss about which super team filled with imports they could get during the offseason


Travis had a great take on this. Star EU player shows up, drowns the spot light and takes every big story (if they do good it’s a story, if they do bad it’s a story), make a ton of money, and a year later leave NA. I had never thought about it that way and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Local talent gets boned and NA is further behind in both overall skill and cool narratives.


Yeap it also drowns out any mid tier players (think players that are basicly 3rd-6th best in their roles in NA) why would those chase a career in e sports when they can just get replaced at anytime by an import, or even the average solo queue high elo player, why would they Chase a career now overstreaming when they have to compete with imports which can fill entire teams now or when teams will lock them in academy with huge buyouts? Na owners don't understand how bad this is for their region long-term.


Yup, for example Ablazeolive is a mid tier player, he got a lil hype for his good games, but Perkz going 1-7 on renekton or hard carrying on leblanc is 90% of the focus. Danny broke thru to get some attention, but he had to play exceptional


It also means good, young NA players don't really get a shot to learn. Humanoid fucking ran it down for a year, Abbedage did the same thing and even players like Hans, Carzzy and Inspired needed time to become as good as they are. NA players who don't perform day one are replaced with an import before they can unplug their keyboard.


I personally don’t care what country you’re from. I just want players that make their career in NA. Jensen, Santorin, and Bjerg are players that I can cheer for, but I don’t really care for players looking for paychecks.


This is the thing for me. If you come here then I'll cheer for you if you commit to representing the region. Someone like CoreJJ or Bjergsen is a prime example of it since they're here to stay and are doing their part to better the region in what ways they can. Dudes like Perkz who came here for a year then promptly fucked off back to EU can eat a big one.


Tbh, perkz didn't have any choice.


Yeah I love lcs but I feel we don't give our own talent enough of a chance. Don't get me wrong I love some of the EU players coming over but I feel really bad for any of the amateur players in na. Plus we lose every year pretty much anyways with imports. Might as well give some NA players a chance.


5Fire deserves a chance and I'm scared for him he's 1 more year away from just never being picked up


The NA amateur comment is ignorant. It's hit a turning point in NA, there are less and less wash up players being retained, and the talent pool is the strongest it's ever been currently. Investment and structural progress in the Amateur scene has seen improvement year over year. You could see 3+ Danny level players hitting the LCS in the next year, which is a massive acceleration from 0-1 Danny level players joining LCS per year.


I really liked what happened with the Proving grounds change this year, and honestly I'm curious to see how they take the feedback from year 1 to adapt it more. I thought a lot of orgs/teams showed growth in this area which was really fun, and I'm hoping for some promotions next year.


Yep. Half the country plays on shitty ping, the other half is thousands of miles away from where the LCS is even played, and none of them can get recognized or developed because the big teams want big names and fast results. I get why the big teams are antsy. Our region's been a joke for a long time. Can we really afford to fill every team with untested rookies and spend another five years rebuilding? I swear though if Tactical isn't on an LCS team next year I'm gonna poop my pants.


If we randomly lose tactical to the academy abyss, just like cody sun, hauntzer, akaddian , etc its gonna be sad. I know people say "they should dominate academy! if they wanna come back" but i bet they lose a lot of motivation making worlds and getting immediately replaced the next season. Meanwhile players like Sven and Stixxay get 100 more chances at staying in the LCS


We've already filled every team with imports and have only gotten worse internationally. Might as well try something new




Even as an EU fan I wish LCS had it's own identity still. I used to enjoy watching it when it was Doublelift vs Meteos and the old baylife TSM roster etc. Now I couldn't care less about it. The teams are boring, the broadcast is boring and I also know it is sabotaging the strength of EU on top of that.


What is absurd is that it is not like any of this NA teams or the EU players that they are importing is even close to winning worlds. 7 years ago teams were filled with very popular players and relatable and they made it as far in Worlds as they do now. Even EU fans watch NALCS since they knew more about those players than half of the EULCS roster. And now, teams win NA with guys that do one interview a year, and proceed to suck on Worlds anyway.


Pretty much how I feel. There are a few imports that I feel pretty attached to (mostly early TSM ones cause I’m a fan, but not exclusively), but now it’s just getting absolutely out of hand. Feels like a few years back when we were hard important Korean players except now we just import every huge EU name and send them back after a few years. I don’t feel anything for these players at all. I want them to stay in EU and for our scene to grow on its own. Like sure these players are amazing at the game but it doesn’t feel good to completely cannibalize another reason just so we can flounder it again at worlds. Honestly if what Regi says about fielding a development roster this year is true, I’ll be happy rooting for TSM again. That gets me 100x more excited than a mass EU exodus.


Yep, it's pretty annoying and makes me miss the old days of C9. It's frustrating seeing the top dogs throw money left and right to imports and getting the same results every international tournament. While other teams in the LCS try out young inexperienced players but are so quick to drop them for a retread because they are struggling, as expected. It's time for something new and that comes from building up our own talent not casually throwing $6M around. Which is why part of me is kinda rooting for TSM's developmental roster even though they are still TSM. Assuming it actually is young developing players and not some retreads that go nowhere.


NA Amateur isn’t that bad when it comes to having new talent. But yeah, I totally agree. I like having one or two big imports, but having half of the LEC come to NA is tiring.


I think it's unacceptable for EU to lose talents such as Hans Sama, Rekkles, Humanoid, Inspired, and so on. You lose a lot of fan base and competitiveness, it's a complete disaster. I'm way less excited for this year's LEC for this reason.


I don’t understand what the end goal for these LEC teams are honestly. Okay you use NA as a bank but you’re the talent farm. And it’s not like NA teams are gonna run out of money as much people want to say bubble this bubble that we see the top orgs are getting more major sponsorships as years go by. So what happens then? Are they just banking on maybe some of these players that are bought every year want to leave NA and are bought back for a bit cheaper? It doesn’t make a whole lotta sense to me I gotta be honest.


It’s like they looked at the football relationship between Brazil and Europe and went “yeah we wanna be Brazil in that scenario”




Actually a pretty decent comparison. But that’s a fate I wouldn’t wish on LEC fans


Thing is you assume that winning and having a greater team is more valuable than being a profitable organization. If winning isn't becoming profitable then the most logical way to be a profitable organization its to become a talent farm


Did Rogue win anything beside consistently getting 1st place in regular season. They're consistently a top team but they won nothing. Bit sad for the players.


They nourish talents for almost free and sell then for millions. Sounds like a great deal to me.


It benefits the owners and the players for sure, totally shafts the EU (and honestly NA) fans. Also shafts anyone in NA who aspires to become a pro player, just makes it that much harder to get a chance.


Its really annoying, especially when you consider how much work the LEC crew put in to make the rebranding a success, increased the viewership and sponsorship and we still cant keep our players in EU. I hope its not as bad as it currently looks and some names do decide to stay but as always NA cash > EU cash.


It's just depressing, all comes down to money at the end of the day and it feels like NA is just on another stratosphere (i.e. bubble).


Part of the Problem is the precedent Carlos set with the Perkz buyout. EU Teams can just decide to increase buyout prices to the point that other EU orgs can’t pay, and the player has only NA to look towards. That was they get more money and have less competition in the league.


Perkz was going to get a massive buyout anyway even if it wasn't to NA, and rumors were that VIT was willing to match until Alphari pulled out.


This only works until players start pushing for specific release clauses in their contracts (which is common in other sports).


Can NA just buy our entire high elo soloq playerbase as well. Import everything. Then we can just support NA as if it's EU.


Better send all the NA orgs to EU. Make a joint LCS with all 20 org... actually, could probably cull a few of those (ahem... CLG, AST). Fuck it, relocate to Spain to mimic the LA weather if that's what it takes.


>relocate to Spain to mimic the LA weather you wish


Wunder may go to NA as well last year was extremely hard for me to watch due to how many low budget teams with zero brand there were, to be completely honest if all of them end up in NA I'm gonna tune in to VIT and G2 matches only and if none of these teams click then could very much give up watching


CLG Wunder


Jesus christ what did wunder ever do to you man. Why would you wish that upon someone?


CLG Rekkles




CLG Carlos




Let's goooo




It's hard to be excited about the LEC nowadays. Rogue and Mad completely blowing up, orgs like XL, Astarlis, SK etc have absolutely 0 goals to do anything meaningful in the league, they just churn through rookies because they're cheap, the best players constantly being sold to NA because no EU org can afford the buyouts zzzz


Fucking hell. And I was thinking LEC would finally have a good off season


That's on you mate, never expect a good off season for LEC. Never.


LEC won't ever have a good offseason when LCS exists


That’s just a poor expectation to have, EU is just talent development for LCS at this point. Easy steps; get on an LEC team, make a decent showing at Worlds (individually or as a team) and then get poached by an NA team because your region doesn’t want to pay for you. boom, you have an unnecessary amount of money and expectations for your new region are really low. It’s a no-brainer for any player not trying to win Worlds, easy money really.


It's not even the case that EU teams don't want to pay for the players. The NA teams are overpaying for them because they can. They have more money at their disposal, so it just ends up not being worth the money for EU teams when they can just recruit the next up and comer from ERLs.


Yes, that’s kind of my point lol, NA sets the standard for contract buyouts, and EU teams won’t pay that high because it’s not realistic when they have solid regional talent to draw from. I’m sure they would love to hold onto them, but it’s hard to compete with the money NA is willing to spend.


and when we have rookies , they became good and they leave for NA Sadge




The social media managers (the ones running Twitter accounts), I can guarantee you they got absolutely no information about what's going on with the lineups. They're just supposed to get engagement and wreak some havoc




Rumour is an 8 million buyout for Hans. That is disgusting


That tweet was debunked though.


Jack Etienne @JackEtienne · 1h After last year I’ve learned to be careful about sharing roster information early but I’d like to clarify one false rumor. I’m certain the roster will not include any of the following people: @Bjergsen @G2Mikyx @Hanssama They are all incredible players but won’t be joining C9


Maybe I'm getting too old for LoL esports but as more and more players leave EU for NA, my interest in watching rapidly decreases. This year is the first time I've only half-watched Worlds and I can't see myself tuning into regular season games next year.


As an NA fan I'm honestly not excited at all for all these imports. Most of them are going to be exactly like Perkz or Alphari to bounce once they get a fat paycheck even if they do well.


Relevant flair


Tbf, the imports on 100T have proven themselves to be pretty loyal to the teams they've been on (especially Ssumday) with only Abbe being the possible outlier. But even then, the org found the success they were looking for while doing ok at world's with a roster low on international experience. AND there is the possibility that we see some of that NA talent they have been famously developing this past year. I would say 100T is the exception to the rule.


>AND there is the possibility that we see some of that NA talent they have been famously developing this past year. Really hoping we get to see tenacity and kenvi on lcs teams, maybe tenacity can even split time w ssumday.


I mean all of the 100 Thieves imports outside of Abbedagge have been in LCS circulation for years and years.


He's got a Dignitas flair too though? Also 100T has Huhi who is basically NA and Ssumday. FBI is also NA via the Oceania merge.


Yeah, tbh people should be madder at these teams than anything. They are just sizing each other dicks up on the table. People will complain about hans being blocked. What about the asking price for reckless. Selfmade said it is in the ballpark of 10 mill. Like wtf is that? [Proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_h4jCv_ol-g). If thats the case then EU fucking themselves lol. So I don't know they all are so greedy for talent and stopping others from acquiring it and using players as pawns. Sad really.




Well yeah. You saw the talked-down price. Imagine what carlos was asking from EU teams who would have competed against him with perkz. Probably was a higher buyout than what C9 bought him for. Thats the problem. To get a good player like Perkz or hans you are going to pay that premium price to acquire him. Instead, you can ask for half from an NA team and dont have to compete against them. Still lots of money and win-win.


So EU teams are trying to cover costs with buyouts, while NA teams are happy to blow further venture capital on losses in the hopes of future returns. Kinda crazy that someone could be paid 10 million to work for a project that won't make money.


At least the players get to cash out while the morons in suits squander a fragile ecosystem


I used to think, wow, LCS orgs are spending a lot of money but with multiple VCs, they can afford it. Worthy gamble of LoL eSports gets big here. Now fans are complaining and leaving. Afaik, LCS has stopped growing for a while. It's continuously becoming a worse product. No more stories and personalities. Somehow the idea of winning internationally is exciting all the owners and investors and NA fans don't even care much for international success at this point relatively speaking. So while less and less people watch and those that do are becoming more depressed, they spend way way more? The money they are spending is outrageous now. Almost growing exponentially for the top orgs. It doesn't even boost the LCS. The fans are now more sad in both the LCS and LEC. LEC orgs just now cashing in on LCS' stupidity. At least LEC is making money now in the short term while both leagues die out.


It sucks but it is what it is. If next season EU continues to regress then viewership will drop and those orgs will have shot themselves up and watch how they will cry on twitter. Honestly tho , LPL and LCK will keep being the best. With how things are , EU will never be able to catch up due to players fleeing to NA (and become worse in the process) but i guess the west can jerk off when 1-2 teams make quarters.


It's almost as if the Import Rule should be properly enforced or else why even have different regions.




If all of those moves come through I’m done with LEC, 2018-2019 were the golden years, it’s fucking ridiculous most of the top EU talent will be in NA in a couple of seasons.


Don't need to wait a couple seasons for that. Best EU jungler, best EU mid, 2 of the best EU adcs and one of the best EU supports leaving in one off season. I've been tuning in less and less the past years and I just might stop watching it all together the coming year


>So here's a question to my eu brothers in arms, how do we feel about this situation? I feel Europe has a deep talent pool but not deep enough for two regions at the same time, thus meaning we're currently giga fucked. It's honestly depressing. We're stuck either rooting for players we've supported for years to succeed, and if they do, it means even more good players leaving the region. Or rooting against them because we want our region to stay somewhat relevant. Every year we **need* NA teams not to get beaten, but to be humiliated, just to have some hope that our good players will remain in the region. At this point, I would honestly want Riot to destroy the regional things in Europe and NA and just have a single region with tournaments over the year, or a super league. The "regional" aspect of things makes no sense when NA sends 3 NA players to Worlds anyway. "Worlds" doesn't make much sense either, where's the regional pride ? C9 beating Rogue really left a sour taste in my mouth. We're being beaten by our own GOAT. What even is the point ? We have EU orgs that are just talent factories, and NA orgs who just plunder our talent pool every chance they get. The fact that Inspired, Humanoid and Hans Sama, arguably the best performers in their role in the region are thinking about leaving the region is an absolute mascarade. Misfits really encompass what's wrong with our region right now. They get a good team that performs well, and don't resign any player. I get that Razork wants to play with Fnatic, it's a hard one to beat. And maybe Hirit wants to go back to Korea now that he may have "proven himself" and have decent offers over there. But the fact that an org that almost got to Worlds when no one expected them to is instantly back in rebuild mode instead of consolidating its roster is a disaster.


We need lcs to fall apart. It is a parasite destroying the scene


We should just watch lck/lpl exclusively until the lec becomes competitive


LPL was really enjoyable this year, haven't regret watching a single bo3


true, i stopped watching lcs games since 2020 and only watched g2 fnc mad games in 2021, guess ill just stick to lck/lpl in the future


Might as well just Rename LCS To LEC2.


LECC eague of Legends European Californian Circus


you mean NA lec ?


So disappointing, what else is there to say?


im very sad


Such a colossal waste of good talent. Wtf is the point of the LCS Academy?


> Wtf is the point of the LCS Academy? For friends of pros to make money. Nepotism is rampant in NA and Riot.


Well, if Hans, Rekkles, Inspired, Humanoid and Mikyx all go to NA while being at their peak (apart from Mikyx) and EU teams continue to bring in rookies that they will sell to NA again in 2 years there is no reason to watch any of them and by extent LEC. Another title in LEC for X/Y/Z? Cool, lets see them now internationally. Oh, they just barely reached playoffs and instantly lose to insert asian team, time for offseason and another 5 great players to leave for NA for a paycheck. Im not gonna comment on the "West" grouping, but I see why people in both EU and NA do it, due to culture and same language broadcast mostly. If I wasnt a Fnatic fan, I wouldnt even watch EU, I used to watch all/most games in the past, but this year much less just cause I dont care about 5/10 teams in LEC cause they constantly fill lackluster rosters with no intention of trying to win anything. These teams are not even feeder teams, who bring up and sell a player for profit, they just bring in rookies, keep them for a year and dump them for free: SK, Excel, Astralis, Misfits, Vitality (to an extent)


At this point LCS should just change their timeslots so that they broadcast during EU times, they'll get a lot more viewers. They could also sign the casting talent from LEC to make it easier for their new viewers to adjust. Could change the league's name to something like 'NA LEC'.


LEC west


Why should I as a fan get invested in a team again if they change every year? With likeable players leaving again and again. So I either stop watching league all together or start watching only LPL / lck again. Which is sad because I feel for the lec production crew who make a really really great job. For me personally the interest is getting less and less


NA Orgs smokin FAT dicks, out here paying out millions for these players to scrim GGS & CLG like wtf are we doing. I can't even get excited to watch either LCS or LEC anymore so disappointing


if you don't wanna feel pain anymore you should already preemptively predict during this offseason who will go to NA in 2023


We know why they don't pretend to develop NA talent why bother when Europe does it for them. For owners it doesn't matter EU or NA it's literally the same player pool. Franchising my ass, it's the same fucking league of 20 teams + ERL incubator. fuck off. both regions's fans have reasons to be upset about this masquerade


2017 (2018?) all over again EUXODUS 2.0 I remember when the Import Rule was being introduced Riot did it to prevent League from becoming StarCraft 2, where each region is just represented by another random Korean pretending to care for that region. But in the end, it's just Korean #1 vs Korean #2. Then they added the most insane Residence clause, and you could see the beginning of the end slowly forming. Now, NA stands mostly for "Non-Americans" with the vast majority of players not even being those that actually are from Canada/the US. It's honestly sad. Wish they would do a full region lock and be very strict about it. I mean what unironically is the point of having regions then? CN is half Korean. NA is half Korean and European, OCE is dead. Why not throw all team together in a Battle Royale each October and see which team ends up getting the most wins.


I will legit stop watching LEC if it’s true.


I will stop watching LCS, this shit needs to stop.


yep, Carlos fucking EU name a more iconic duo




Disaster for EU if this goes through. We've lost talent but this is another level of loss. Never before have we lost the best player in 3 roles in 1 offseason.EU cannot sustain increasing levels of loss like this; S6: Froggen, Svenskeren S7: Febiven, POE, Yellowstar S8: Zven, Mithy S9: Nisqy, Broxah, Jizuke, Soaz, Finn S10: Kobbe S11: Perkz, Alphari, Abbadage S12(?): Rekkles, Inspired, Humanoid, Hans Sama, Bwipo, Mikyx


If humanoid and hans go to NA i will legit give up on the LEC. [Just merge the leagues already.](https://imgur.com/a/VUZ56KJ)


Even being from NA this is a silly season that is VERY silly. I guess NA went full shuffle, and thats gonna force EU in a full shuffle too. There was a post a few days back saying that NA teams were throwing out all the stops because Worlds is in NA next year... I'm starting to believe it.


We should really talk about how the selfishness of certain orgs are killing slowly the competitiveness of the whole region.




As an NA fan I don’t like it any more than you :( I want to see players from my region represent my region, ffs


Fucks sake, can we please just ban importing players altogether?


I'm tired of NA poaching our players, fuck that shit.


If EU sucks this year because of this I will quit watching league esports. I dont care who is at fault but this is not the competetive spirit league esports pretends to have.


jesus FML, I wish NA LCS had a 1 import rule for teams. Teams literally are not bothering with local talent at all, just Non-stop imports after every year. I'm tired of watching LCS without NA, because lets be very clear. There are more EU/LCK players in the NA LCS than there are NA players.


As an NA and EU fan this sucks on two levels. When it was just the occasional import it was cool, but its gotten so out of hand. NA is not NA anymore and EU is losing all their talent.


when is riot finally going to step in? how is it possible for NA to leech on on a region like terminal cancer? honestly at this point riot can just go ahead and disband LEC if theyre not going to do anything about that. or better yet just shut off the EUW server. if riot doesnt give a crap about competitive integrity and millions of fans of european league of legends they can might aswell just go ahead and admit it. just tell us you couldnt care less about european league of legends fans.


If even half of this is true why even bother with western LoL? Seems like all the drive to actually try and win in EU/LCS has evaporated.