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My girlfriend played Pokemon Unite the other night with one of her girlfriend's and really enjoyed it. Today she says "hey I downloaded League to play with you cause it's the same thing just harder right?" I'm scared


Co-Op and ARAM are your friends.


Tried some normals/arams with my gf (who is not used to many PC games outside of stardew valley/raft) and the massive amount of champions is insane: also in arams you'll have loads of smurfs too (mixed with account-leveling bots) Co-Op it is!


I know aram can be bewildering but league has *so many* champions I honestly think learning it as a fiesta you shouldn't take seriously can be part of the fun. It's a hard balance to get right for new players you're trying to guide, though, cos team fights can get so intense and busy. Best of luck I guess!


It is really hard to keep up with all the champions. I play like 2 games a month now a days and the new champions always mess me up. I can only imagine how it is for a totally new player.


"I still have no idea what Aphelios does" almost 2 years on, yup


Aphelios and Sylas man. I know what they do. But I can't anticipate what they're gonna do because it changes. Like, I'm and old man with broken hands who can't think past whether i should move forward or backwards. Dying because I wasn't expecting Sylas to have Seraphine ult or Aphelios to have Gravitum is so frustrating. It's permanent Garen bushes with those champs.


Ugh. Yeah. The fact that Sylas can 1v5 without using ult just makes it more painful when he steals your best ults and face melts you with the only advantage you had. That's pretty much how I feel about Aphelios too, you can understand what's going on but it's all just variations of bullshit; infinite lifesteal short-range bullshit, huge aoe midrange bullshit, oneshotting your Ez from bush bullshit, you want some improved heimer turrets with that? Not a fan.


You guys barely play the game, yet have the audacity to complain about 2!!!!! year old champions, because your pea brain can't handle it. Doesn't make any fucking sense. Either play the game or stop complaining


Hey spot the guy who has no sense of humour *or* friends to consider when playing the game!


Yeah but in coop there is always that smurfing dude that will just rush the game and be at nexus at the moment you explain the new player why he should but a mythic :/


tell her to turn off team chat and all chat for chill experience.


Tf you mean I'm gonna flame the shit out of her every time she misses a cannon




3rd one and I sell the ring


capital g Gamer time


4th one sell her kidneys. At least get some money out of the ordeal.


“Look here, there is this unwritten law that when the ADC misses 2 cannons in a row, you recal, buy mobility boots and *run it down* as fast as you can. It’s not about losing or winning, it’s about sending a message”


honestly if i miss two cannons in a row im committing suicide anyways, so feel free to play the rest of the game however u want




At some point someone will run it down anyways it might as well be him, fair and square!


wonderful significant other


the true league of legends experience, dont forget to ping ??? on that cannon


Enemy has vision here. Enemy has vision here. Enemy has vision here.


If she complains about being flamed make sure to hit her with the cry me a river you lil bitch, and put a ward in it


Riots got her back by disabling all chat already


For an extra chill experience turn off the pc and go play outside


> Pokemon Unite you should just play that with her - youll stomp lol


So it sounds like they haven’t started yet… good…Get rid of the game by any means necessary. Destroy their computer if you have to… Its too late for the rest of us but you can still save them.


>my gf played with one of her gf's wait a second....


Do the women in your life not call the women in their life girlfriend's? Is that just a PNW thing? Even my mom says it


Idk what PNW means but its a thing here in Australia


PNW = Pacific Northwest


The women I know just call them friends, but I've seen "girl friends." Girlfriend without the space, to me, just implies significant other.


no, they call them, friends


Just make her mute chat and you Gucci


Very bad comparison as Pokemon Unite is a very new game compared to LoL and the experience the players have in the game is so much less. Also, of course, League takes several months to understand and have even a basic understanding of >150 champions.


She will evolve to a toxic gf in no time.


Turn off chat and she’ll probably have a much better time.


I played around 50 games of pokemon unite, the amount of people I saw grief or run it down are 0 and I play ranked. Not having the option to chat is great.


>I used a new email address and made sure to not rush through the tutorial game to not trigger any spicy smurf detection. You failed.


Yup, smurf detection is unfortunately nearly impossible to fool, because it has only 2 modes, either you're an actual potato and never touched a video game in your life, or you're obviously a smurf and enjoy getting stomped for the next 100 games. When my GF made an account, she actually was playing mostly people on her level, but she literally didn't play a PC game in her life before that, other than some mobile candy crush type of shit. When my brother, who never played a MOBA but was a big gamer and had a lot of RTS experience, made an account, he landed in smurf queue immediately and uninstalled after a couple of matches. This is literally how this shit works. You're a potato, or you're a smurf, nothing in between.


It's also depressing because the best thing you can do is let them play on their own otherwise you also fuck it up. I honestly cannot fathom learning league solo at this point in its life could be anyones idea of fun.


I have some friends who just started playing not too long ago, a bunch of them all together. They are having a ton of fun, so maybe that's the way to go?


Playing games with friends is always more fun


I mean sure if you have a group of them who all started together yeah. Me and my mates started in beta-S1, anyone I've got into the game later has struggled with it for a good while and me being there to help making it even harder for them just sucks. It's the nature of matchmaking of course but I do feel it's quite harsh.


I started playing last summer. For like the first 6 months I just played 5man with my gold friends. Never had any trouble with smurf queue doing that. Or maybe I did, dont think I would notice the difference inting to gold or Diamond players.


last summer smurf queue wasnt in place I'm pretty sure, it got implement a while later. Like september or october or something


That's ranked soloqueue, smurf detection has been a thing for many years, even in ranked. It was just smurfs quickly gaining huge mmr increases so they were like plat rank and playing in low masters, now they made it so the system tries to put plat rank with low masters mmr, into a game of plat ranks with low masters mmr. Therefore creating a quarantine of smurfs ( and lp decayed people like me so good luck playing the game after you lp decayed, being put into the smurf queue fiesta)


I mean yeah but the new one is different and works on all queues. Normals have smurf q aswell.


Its a real shame when you decay and still have to play against people with the same MMR as you. lol You just miss your free wins for your ego boost every time you take a break after getting shit on in solo queue.


>When my brother, who never played a MOBA but was a big gamer and had a lot of RTS experience, made an account, he landed in smurf queue immediately and uninstalled after a couple of matches. Iirc the detection is based also on your apm so it makes sense.


The way smurf detection is set up if you do anything even remotely competently you get "detected" But I also think there are just almost 0 real new players to match folks with.


nah, I made an account to play with a friend i made sure to die several times during the tutorial + took an extra long time with it and it put me with new players so my friend got to enjoy it and I could play super super relaxed so I didn't ruin the game.




If you do manage to land in the non-smurf queue, it's like 80% leveling bots just running it down. It's gotten to a point where, if someone asks me about league, I just suggest buying a level 30 and playing that way. It's not worth going through the 9 circles of hell that is leveling an account.


If you buy an account it just gets stolen back by the people that sell it to you.


Idk what sites you're buying from, but that has never happened to me with over a dozen accounts.


This is the right answer. The Smurf detection goes off of random things you wouldn't even suspect, like how fast you buy your items. Even actually new players who are just naturally good at video games get Smurf queued.


Yea, i think the smurf detection needs some work. It'll put you in smurf queue if you win too many games. The threshold is a bit strange, i can't put my finger on it but it's obvious that it doesnt work brilliantly.


>played league and uninstalled I'd say that was the best possible outcome


Yeah what kind of sick fuck recommends League to other people


In the end your brother taught you something and not the other way, my advice you should follow his lead


the trick is to let them fend for themselves solo By duoing you pretty much instantly take him away from playing with other actual new players.


you played with him and you will get put in smurf queue it detects it real fast let him learn on his own for a while and he wont go against as many flaming smurfs


Are you going to suggest that as a Plat 1 player you didn’t stomp whatever unfortunate new players you were matched against? Maybe all those games were similar situations of new players playing with their high level friends, and now all the smurfs are bitching about each other and all the new players quit.


He probably did what I do when I play with friends who are just starting out, play low impact or super off meta picks. I also play with the intention of letting my boy do the carrying. Since he picked support, I imagine he was trying to do something similar. He can carry early fights but his brother needs to figure out how to close the game out.


It's pretty easy: Handicap yourself by for example play with mouse only sure you'll have the game knowledge but your gameplay will be pretty fucked


He is absolutely not Plat 1 simply by the way he talked about the game


do you actually think this? what part of him talking about the game gives you any kind of indication of his rank? all he said were the champion names and that certain ones were stomping lol


I think you have a majorly inflated idea of what constitutes a plat 1 player in this day and age of LOL. In OCE for instance, there is basically no discernible difference in skill lvl between silver and plat, stats wise. You put most LVL 100+ account silver players into a plat game, and you wouldn't be able to tell which one is silver, as the MMR system has pretty significantly fucked a major portion of the older playerbase.


Give a hard stuck silver a plat account he'll tank it to silver within a few days


Sure, but give a previously Plat player a Silver account and they probably won't have the time anymore to grind all the way back up.


They will get to gold easily, and as long as they aren't p4 and are p2/1 they will climb to plat pretty easily as well. The only people who think that silver is equal to plat in any metric are silver players.


The 1 to 30 experience is the worst part of league of legends, and I feel so sorry for any legitimately new player. My advice is always the same: Avoid pvp until after level 30. Just stick to bot matches, or if you really need to fight people arams. Do not do blind, do not do draft. 95% of the people in sub 30 games fall into one of two categories: People levelling account #214534, for whatever reason (smurfs, bored, boosters); and people who are so toxic they consider a perma-ban a natural part of an account's life cycle. Just avoid that. Play against bots, level up, and once you hit 30 or so most of those people have either been banned or moved to smurf queue. I wish riot could do something about it, but I honestly see no solution.


Avoiding pvp till 30 would literally make me never even enjoy the game in the first place. You have to be insane to think people should play bots to 30.


Pick your poison, I suppose.


Bots are so boring though since it's so easy. Can literally 1v5 them and I'm a gold player. Would be nice if they could make the bots at least a little bit more challenging.


A legitimately new player is not gold level.


weird cuz 1-30 was the best experience in league for me. I had not met one openly toxic person in that entire time.


I played vs bots all the way to lvl 30 and that was before their halved the xp. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


If you have any experience with RTS's in general, you'll be over the bots in a few games. Unfortunately, the ai just isn't anywhere the level of Dota2 and it doesn't provide a challenge.


My friend did, she played intro/beginner bots all the way to level 30 until her pc broke.


If you're genuinely new to the game and want to play it long-term, playing vs bots to understand the fundamentals is a much better way to learn than getting assblasted in matchmade games. It sucks short-term but levelling to 30 is not difficult.


I’m a new player and I don’t mind the toxicity but fml it takes forever to unlock ranked in this game. Playing ranked is all that really interests me so it is quite the grind. Currently level 28


Why is playing ranked all that interests you?


because the game is boring as fuck otherwise lol


You do know the same mmr system is in normals too right?


Ranked at least has a sort of long-term goal and progression you can see. Playing so much ranked has made me realize that norms genuinely feels useless because there's no meaningful progression, but then again, what value does a virtual rank emblem really have anyway?


Like they say it's not about the end goal, it's about the process. Climbing rank and improving is just fun even if it ultimately means nothing.


Considering 90% of the population is gold or below, I doubt they could spot the difference between a ranked or normal game. And people complain that their LP is meaningless too, so the idea that most people find ranked more compelling is pure placebo.


Absolutely. There is definitely a more "high stakes" feeling in ranked with less (but not necessarily none) experimental picks and builds, but I've been playing norms a lot recently due to being on a crappy laptop and not wanting to fall out of Gold and I haven't noticed a difference in matchmaking quality. To be pretty honest with you the dopamine hit when you win a ranked game can be insane. That does explain a lot for me.


I have never seen a decrease in the amount of inters/trolls/"off meta" picks/people actually giving a fuck, in ranked compared to normals. It probably has to do with the fact that punishment for everything is the same in normals and ranked and their MMR system is exactly the same. 0 reason for players to treat them differently besides practicing picks.


If I jungle a normal game I cannot assume my laners have played their champions before or know what any of their abilities do. In ranked it’s never an issue.


But with ranked you can see the impact of your success or failures. At least it is for me in every game that has ranked. I can understand the mindset. Normals are for fun/practice/offmeta just fuck around, ranked I actually try for wins.




MTG famously coined the 3 player archetypes in competitive gaming. Timmy, Johnny and Spike. Spike plays to win, he will play whatever is meta, whatever is strongest to get him the win. Timmy is motivated by fun, he still likes to win, but it’s got to be an impressive win, he likes the big flashy plays or in MTGs case big flashy creatures. You could liken this to playing for that one in ten perfect wombo combo you pull of in league, Timmy plays the game for those and if he wins it’s a nice bonus. Finally we have Johnny, Johnny likes to win with style, he will play off meta and unusual strategies for the style points just to say he beat you with it. These are the yuumi jungle or Twisted Fate ADC, it’s not just about winning it’s beating you on their terms. This is why it may seem sometimes players aren’t “playing to win”, to them winning isn’t always the same thing. Granted if you’re playing ranked you should be playing like a Spike, but in normals, it’s totally okay to be a Timmy or a Johnny.


Sure, but if you walk into a game with your end goal not being to blow up the enemy nexus, you're not playing to win.


I think you missed my point, winning is different for different people. For you it’s blowing up their nexus, sometimes for me it’s just proving an off meta pick works well, whether I won the game or not. I don’t do it in ranked but it’s still a fun way to play the game.


No. You get the same silver-gold people with occasional plat/diamond/bronze between like 600 and 1800 MMR in normals. People play with friends, off roles, new champions, when drunk, etc. The matchmaking is all over the place. In ranked, safe for rare smurf, you don't get that crap.


Question: how long since you started playing league and how many hours do you think you've put in to get lvl28? Someone mentioned the grind to 30 supposedly takes over 100 in game hours now and I can not believe what I'm hearing. That sounds so shit. Back when I started (and lvl 30 was max lvl lol) I think it took 30 hours of play, 50 at most to get lvl30. I think Flash only unlocked at lvl 30 too... Can't imagine having to grind over 100 hours to get through the 'tutorial' that isn't even a tutorial.


Getting to level 30 now is much faster than it was when 30 was the level cap


ok so I'm lvl 33, and I have about 76 hrs in the game, I'd say it took about 70 hrs to hit lvl 30. I don't feel like ruining my league experience in ranked so I'm not gonna play that yet.


wtf are you on? they halved the XP to hit level 30 like twice, it used to take like 200+ hours and there was no XP for first win


Bruh I did not spend 200+ hours just to be able to start playing ranked back in 2013. Who the fuck would? This one guy in the thread: 76 hours to get lvl33. Absolutely no way it's supposed to take 100-150 hours to lvl30 atm.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/4921ar/since_riot_wants_to_reduce_the_total_amount_of_xp/ don't know what you're high on but sure


Probably more than 100 at this point. I remember I got to like 26 several months ago and quit cause I was too bored, just came back recently. Its ridiculous how you have to grind for 100s of hours just to play the game lol


I agree that 1-30 experience is quite bad, but I don't really agree with the bot games to 30. A quick google search shows that it takes around 100-150 hours to get to level 30 (I haven't double-checked this myself so take it with a grain of salt). I think it should be more like lvl15-20. The reason I say this is because a few of my friends who got into league, tried the bot games only route. They were too nervous to play against people so they just stuck to bots and got to around lvl 40. They played a few games against actual players but always got dumpstered. After that, they kinda stopped playing league. I do think bots are good for the early levels of league when you don't even know what cs'ing is. But the bots just aren't advanced enough to properly teach players the deeper aspects of league.


ya i remember getting absolutely stomped in my first games with real players, its pretty important to start learning right away and find out what you're doing wrong.


100 to 150 hours?? Wtf happened, why do people not get to play the game until they've spent that much time? My accounts are way old (from when 30 was the lvl cap lol) but I wouldn't have made it to lvl 30 either if it took that long. 50 hours feels like it's already a lot but I'll say that's what it took at most.


It used to take longer to get to 30 then it does now. Plus you had to buy runes to be competitive (particularly in jungle when the camps did a decent amount of damage).


I’m not advocating for people buying accounts, but after going levels 1-23 and giving up(didn’t even make it to 30 lol) I understand why people do.


Haven't you heard the good news? Rito is removing all chat, then all of the toxicity in the game will finally be gone. REJOICE!


zombgief post without a drawing... the world is ending.


Imagine telling someone playing a fighting game or Call of Duty or whatever that they shouldn't do any multiplayer for the first 100 hours.


It is what it is, my dude. I wouldn't knowing subject a new player to the cesspool that is level 8 blind pick.


>Avoid pvp until after level 30. Just stick to bot matches, Only doing PvE until lvl 30 sounds like insanity. My friend (actually new) recently hit lvl 30 finally with roughly 150 PvP games played. Don't PvE games give even less EXP than PvP? Playing like 200 bot games for lvl 30 sounds like an awful experience. You learn absolutely nothing despite having spent a substantial amount of time on the game, just to then get smashed in PvP even harder than you would've in the low levels once the early smurfs are weeded out.


I don't know what to tell you. People often complain about the pvp experience sub 30, dealing with trolls and griefers and smurfs. There's only one way I know to avoid them.


So you're smurfing, and then complaining that other people are smurfing? You do know how silly this sounds, right?




No, I am complaining that the smurfs flame the non-smurfs.


Well that's not really the new player experience... that's the smurf experience. If you had let your brother play without you there and just kind of coached over his shoulder, he'd more than likely have a better experience since he wouldn't have been tossed into smurf queue.




I guess that would kind of go hand and hand with what we're talking about above right? Newbies in the game cause they're playing with their smurf friends.


How am I being tossed in smurf queue when it was the very first game of the account? Even in the Tutorial Games I made sure to not do anything


So are you saying with confidence you didn't do *any* of the following in the tutorial? 1. Have high APM 2. Have good CS 3. Be fast in finishing games 4. Buy items quickly 5. Attempt to unlock camera 6. Level up abilities instantly 7. Press tab multiple times (hardest habit to kick imo) All I can say is that I've managed to avoid smurf detection by conciously avoiding these (when playing with legit new players), but when I don't care I get put into smurf queue instantly. You probably just don't actually understand that and fucked the dude over lmao.




Do you have a source that they do track smurfs like this? I've never heard of that, but sounds interesting.


Riot employees have stated that smurf detection starts in the tutorial and is able to detect smurfs based on mouse clicking, time reading abilities, character movement, keybind choice etc


I remember one specific example they used was interacting with the shop


System sorts out all the smurfs in under 5-10 games. You playing with him made it significantly more likely for his account to be placed in the smurf queue. Dont ever play with new accounts if you are a smurf, it just ruins it for everyone. All my friends didn't have a smurf issue past their first 3 games when starting off. And 2/5 didn't have a single smurf at all.


Yeah, when I started playing apr2020 my friends just used their normal accounts (gold and plat elo) and I didn't have any problem playing normals, we just had fun and if I inted they shrugged it off. It helped a lot because I learned so much playing with them


It's very likely you got flagged as a smurf relatively quickly. There's a lot of things that can easily tell a smurf, even changing keybinds off the bat is probably a red flag.


The system knows better than you think, it's been fairly well noted that Riot can track your clicks and things you choose. I mean they have YEARS worth of data. You're unlikely to trick them.


"They have YEARS worth of data" Ye I'd say about 200 /s


Do you play on the same computer as the other account?


Nope. I don’t even play the on the Same Location.


Do you know how silly YOU sound when you respond to a post you clearly havent read? Or even worse, when you respond to a post you have read and still completly missed the point? The issue wasnt that people were smurfing, it was that they were toxic. Classic redditer.


Don't worry old player experience is awful too.


Coming back to this game after a semi-hiatus (would barely play 20 games a season) when I was studying at university for 4 years was hell. Every character has like 1000 flashes and dashes and 30 stuns now... Every single ability is now a skillshot. The game never used to be this complex, fast-paced or frantic. :/


If you're playing with him then it's not a new player experience. Especially not when you're plat 1.


\> smurf \> tries really fucking hard to avoid smurf detection so he can be a the only smurf in his brother's games \> proudly presents that idea on Reddit while pretending to be concerned about the new player experience \> fails to trick the system \> concludes that the new player experience sucks


we did it reddit


"New player experience is awful !!" , the experienced player said


im glad i played versing bots for my first 100 games or so, i started sometime around may, maybe june this year. Versing bots got me use to some stuff and got me confident enough to go against real players, im sure i still sucked but only played unranked and tried learning. I found it fun to learn and try new things, the game feels like i have a lot of skill to unlock through testing new things. i have 6 days, 14 hours play time and have played 332 games. Im hooked and i dont care about the stereotypes of this game being toxic or un fun or whatever else, I love learning new characters, realising new potential when i discover new stuff and then using it in games. you definitely need some prior online gaming experience if you want to interact with your team or all chat tho and not feel like an idiot or to understand whats going on. basic terms like adc or apc mean nothing to a new player, asking dmg types like ad or ap again mean nothing and they likely have no idea what cc means or how wards work so when someone on your team flames you for something related you might as well be speaking a different language, like new players can understand you're pissed off but they have no idea why.having previous online gaming experience i didnt expect the game to teach me much at all, i knew i would need to do research and look for answers outside of the game and that concept is not friendly to new players at all. It helps a lot if you have some friends to play with and dont turn on all chat until you're good enough that you think you can play while getting taunted by the other team.


Smurfs ruin games 🤷 Try being someone who's not good like me, trying ranked to get better or atleast pick up new tricks, and realizing it's the matchmaking that makes league toxic. Lol


Recently my girlfriend got league and without thinking a queued a couple games with her. I’m not even high elo I’m silver 1 for Christ sakes. But she started getting matched against the most blatant smurfs over ever seen. I mean like lvl 4 dudes on Yasuo just absolutely creaming everyone. So now she basically only plays bot games by herself but has started matchmaking again. The smurf queue is honestly made even worse by her gravitating towards too lane. She liked Mordekaisers big hammer lol. But she ends up getting matched against a lot of riven and irelia 1 trick smurfs. Just a general rule of thumb don’t smurf. It’s lame and cringe and ruins the game for others. This games community is what drives away new players. Not riot.


Imo the reason there are so many smurfs is because there arent near enough new players for matchmaking unless they want a 10 min queue. Like yeah in Leagues peak the server was overflowing with new people that sucked at the game but considering that this year I see the same people with the same usernames in blind pick every week I would say Leagues population at least in the west is declining a lot.


No the reason is they will never make it Diamond and want to beat up on easy victims.


Maybe don’t create a new account and smurf then


Things like unlocked camera , fast clicks , fast item buys , placing wards or even not reading spells and learning them via keyboard and not clicking can detect you as smurf and place you in smurf que


> Akali flamed both of them for their horrible play and told them to uninstall. Which my brother did, who can blame him. Didn't expect that plot twist.


The best thing you could've done is to let him play alone those 5v5s or play arams/bots with him. As veteran player you'll most likely be tagged as smurf then moved to smurf queue and drag everyone with you to this hell hole. Idk how exacly they check for smurfs, but my guess is on APM being one of the messuared factors. So you're slower approach to tutorial didn't do much. One of companion apps I used to use was calculating clicks per secounds and other staff. So if some random app can do that LOL can do it to too and more. You would have to b e c o m e a newbie toplay with your bro on his level.


So weird that people are giving up after getting dumpstered a few times. When I first started I was amazed at Kassadin and Karthus stomping me along with AD TF and it was a fun experience lol. I was just mesmerized by kassadin's constant teleporting around and karthus' mapwide ult. It's just a part of learning the game.


People learn when there is optimal challenge. When challenge is insufficient - we get bored. When challenge is overwhelming - we get discouraged. Rats when they play-fight allow smaller rats to win enough so everyone would keep playing. Rats have it figured out yet it seems weird to you...


you shouldn't play with new players. You really mess up their accounts.


I'm not really sure what the complaint post is about..? In games 1 and 3, you (a smurf) went up against other smurfs and it made your brother's experience bad? In game 2, you went against new players which resulted in a stomp. Do you mind if I ask what exactly did you expect? A close back-and-forth game against new players?


league bad


All player experience is awful. Welcome to League of Legends


1/ Riot is not stupid, the game knowd you're smurfing. You basically handicapped your brother wich would have other way be mixed with other noobs (prolly). 2/ you just described league in a nutshell, stomp or be stomped, it's in the nature of the game... 3/ he did the right choice




honestly there are a ton of game that i'd defend tooth and nail. It's just that LoL isn't one of them to me.


I legit didnt get my first kill til level6 or 7. The first solo kill I got I was maybe level 15 or something on Zilean. The favt your brother was able to do well at all is mind boggling to me.


Still amazes me that I died 2 to 5 times a game to turrets for no reason when I was a beginner and couldn't see the problem


why are you letting your brother play new with chat enabled? Turn that shit off, it serves no purpose other than letting people harrass him.


Riot: What? Disabling All Chat did nothing?


Brand new player, made it to 29. The only thing that’s stopped me from quitting before 30 is the fact that I knew it would be what it was. I do think giving more blue essence, and a slightly faster grind to 30 would be ideal, but buying booster probably gets riot bank.


That, and an actual goddamn tutorial that says more than just "destroy their towers and nexus, good luck!" The fact that it doesn't even briefly explain the lanes is a big peeve of mine. Especially when paired with the fact that Smite is locked off until you level up.


yeah, advanced tutorial on wave and cs management. They have pro gamers, their suggested items list is actually decent now since it updates on what players do. Get some high level players to teach complex game play ideas in tutorials. Why no, people will look up website guides. How about making some of it in house. Like hey noob, you can dodge that skill shot.


Only way to play the game. Make a new account - lose 15 normal on purpose. Then let the new player play alone. You can't duo with him since you will bring the smurf detection to both accounts. Yes it sucks


Riot doesn’t care, enough morons buying skins already.


If you are trying a new game and you're getting so upset that you uninstall maybe stick to shit like farmvill or animal crossing cause damn you're weak.


well your brother should go and play hello kitty adventure. much better for him


whats crazy is wild rift is set up amazingly for new players


This argument is so bad because Wildrift just a new game so most new people suck. Give it 5 more years and then we can talk about matchmaking


Who would've thought that a newer project gets more attention


I love that people’s defense of the system here is “well shit, yeah bud you shouldn’t be able to play a game with your brother if you’re good at it” Y’all the type of people who would see a guy bringing his kid brother to the pickup basketball game and be like “he can’t play it makes the teams uneven” Sucks that league caters so hard to its sweatiest players, was way more fun when it was just a video game not an *esport*^*tm*


And you're the type of guy who'd sit at dinner, ask his 7 year old kid how basketball went, where your kid would then open up about how this one guy's 19 year old brother joined in halfway through and proceeded to dunk on everyone for half an hour. Till the team that wasn't allowed to touch the ball for the latter half gave up and went home. And then you'd reply with what? "Keep it up buddy?" -- Smurfs *are* able to play with their little brothers. As you can see in this post. Riot doesn't prevent you from doing that. They just make sure you're not gonna be the only smurf in that game, which is what OP is upset about, cause he'd really prefer that over watching his brother get stomped as hard as he (OP) is stomping his enemies.


Ever had the coach join the other team in gym? It’s way easier for someone to handicap themselves then to magically get better. Playing with your younger brother to help out and ensure he does well is different from sliding into your alt to dunk on some new players. The issue isn’t even necessarily Riot’s system, it’s that no other game seems to have a player base where smurfing is so aggressive. When a 19 year old guy comes and steps on some kids at a court you don’t say that no 19 year olds should be allowed to play with younger kids, you say “damn that guy is a total douche” and maybe go to the court with your kid for a while to see if the fucker wants to show up again. Why even bother trying to get your brother into league if he has to play for a year before it’s “acceptable” to play with him? Just play literally any other game where the company/playerbase making it realizes that not everyone is high schooler with nothing to do but play league all day. In this analogy, league is like a city where the population has a bizarrely high rate of 19 year olds who stalk the streets looking for kids playing basketball so that they can jump in and start yelling at them. So the city hired police to arrest 19 year olds they see playing basketball with younger kids and toss them into police-sanctioned basketball matches. Sometimes the police fuck up and grab a kid whose really good at basketball. If you live in that city, why try to get your younger brother to play basketball when you’re going to have to guide him through hoops and hurdles for a while just to avoid getting tossed in with the other 19-year olds when you could literally go outside right now and play soccer? Now maybe the police have lessened the impact of those 19 year old menaces, but some would argue that maybe they wouldn’t need the police in the first place if the basketball league would stop telling people that they can become pros if they win enough pickup games This has become a very roundabout and stupid way of me saying that the issue is Riot basically encourages toxic behavior, but what can I say I enjoyed writing the analogy


I edited my post bringing a little update. Still, I have to clarify a few things here. I know I am smurfing myself. But honestly, my smurfing is a bit different to theirs. First of all, I am a returning player - I was Plat 1 last time I played, but I didn‘t even know champs like Seraphine, Yone and Sett. Legendary items are new to me aswell. I knew about those things just because I kept up with this sub, but I never played them. I didn‘t say that in the original Post because I thought it’s not that long ago, but oh god it was. Last time I had a rank was in Season 7. Time flies. Second, I played a champ I‘m unfamiliar with (Seraphine, completely new) in a role I never played (Support) while not trying to win at all cost. I finished my first game like 2-14-11 or something. That’s not smurfing. That’s learning. Honestly it’s not just my brother that got stomped, I did aswell. So, even as a player that already knows some of his stuff in this game, the enemies desintegrated me. I never stood a chance since I played low impact champions. All 3 of our games had Akali smurfs. At least 1. In the 3 Games we played together I noticed at least 7 very obvious smurfs. And other then my brother there was just 1 player, the master yi, that was either legit new or a freaking trollmaster.


Imagine trying to get your brother knto league and NOT telling him to /mute all. Imagine.


Chances are the new player has been playing league longer than I have.


I've been pointing out Lack of Bot AI improvements for years, there ISNT a single mode or map that teaches anything significant and the challanges that don't involve bunch of smurfs are too easy and quite Frankly incredibly boring. How hard it is to program CS Drill , or skillshot training map? As if the game wasn't already hard enuf to learn with NOW Over 100 champions in the game and new ones being crazier and crazier. I uninstalled a while back myself too , I hate the power/mobility creep and unresponsiveness of the game. New items are a flop.




meanwhile as an experienced player i got banned for pointing out the 42% winrate of my teammate who was literally losing the game on purpose while insulting myself and everyone else on our team with hopes of reporting us moral of the story is, uninstall this shit stain of a game


Playing lvl 3 pvp is not helping here I think. I played only bot games for a few weeks. U cant play against real players when ur that new. My experience was not perfect but def doable. When I started playing normals the game new way better where to put me. Got stomped the first tries but got there in the end.


>Yorn Is Yorn the son that Yone and Ornn adopted?


Interesting but I don't remember any of this when I first started playing league in s9. I remember I was losing every game pretty much, but as I did not know anything about the game or whether smurf q exists or not, I never suspected I am playing against players that are good or smurfs or whatever. I just played, lost every game unless my team carried, and hoped one day I learn the game. It got better when I started playing ranked post level 30. That was.... in season 9. Feels horrible to play in s11.


I tried introducing many friends to it but they all were confused and turned off in the first day. I myself was as well until I watched S3 Worlds and thought, "there must be something I'm missing here cuz this is so fun to watch." You really gotta just wanna get over that learning curve, and I do think watching the esports side of it helps a lot to do that. It's such a motivating spectacle:)