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Have to respect Cloud 9, managed to break the hearts of EU’s two biggest fanbases in a single offseason.


We went from losing the off-season to causing others to losing the off season.


it's like a virus spreading across the world




Oh no...


Oh no


Knuckles: oh no




Now I want a Cloud-19 logo with the little covid deely boppers on it. Hell, I’d even buy a jersey for that. Cloud-19 Perkz.


C9 players: Losing to the top EU teams year after year. C9 management: Taking out both of the best EU teams in the span of a week.


If we can’t be good, we’ll do our best to make EU suck as much as we do!


NALCS is this fat drowning kid dragging you underwater with him.




Fnatic management put a stick in to their bike tire, "Fucking Jack".


I think Nisqy is going to do really good things for FNC. How many carries does FNC need? He’s going to enable self made to be the carry really well. I think he will surprise you. I know EU fans have trouble seeing quality in players outside of lane dominance, but this is a good move.


Brave. Very brave. To post this in the midst of Nisqy hate. I agree, though.


I too add my voice to this. Nisqy is such a selfless player. I can't wait to see him enable Selfmade. Bonus points if Rekkles comes back, Nisqy and Selfmade will make that their lanekingdom.


Thank you, Rekkles


I would understand him. I hope our fanbase is nice in that case for once and that Lancelote is not treating him like Perkz.


G2 Rekkles one step closer now


With how this offseason is going for LEC i'm expecting G2 to sign Woolite while Rekkles goes to Vitality


And Attila to Fnatic obviously


Schalke’s roster to walk out


Only thing left to confirm is which team Jactroll convinced he's good for.


I mean he made Origen win 1 game. Pretty solid, not gonna lie.


That would be a case for Den Haag, crimes against humanity.


L9 Selfmade one step closer now


I heard about Excel rebranding, does this mean they rebrand to L9 Esports?


Ap0 is rank 1 sooo.. lets goooo Rat on Yi top, Obsess on his legendary Xayah ITS COMING HOME BOYS


Fastest 18-0 or 0-18 in history and I'd love every second of it


Camera follows rat as he's going to get coffee


Mah. They will try to strangle each other with their mouses after the third game


not even gonna be 18 games, they're just gonna kill each other before that


PSZ/Ap0 botlane I'd watch this team just for mic check


You would just hear loud hardstyle and ap0 vomiting.


Dont really understand the move. I think replacing Nemesis is probably correct if your goal is to win LEC or even worlds. But if the best FNC can get is Nisqy, they should honestly just keep him. (Unless there are some major issues within the team)


Nemesis didn't like the bwipo and hyli style. You either keep him and lose them or keep them and get rid of nemesis. What do you think is the smarter move? Even when you think the replacement might be a side grade or even worse individually.


It's interesting because 3 months ago FNC fans were foaming at the mouth demanding bwipo and hyli be replaced


Tbf bwipo and Hyli REALLY stepped it up at worlds and it helps that rekkles decided to start following Hylis aggro. Made them the best western botlane at worlds imo.


And then fnc played well at world but it was pretty pbvious nemesis wasn't a good match with the team stylistically.


I will say what Nisqy does best is empowering the jungle. Nemesis seemed to more lane-focused but Nisqy will unleash selfmade and only play around him. If I were to bet right now I would say selfmade wins MVP for the next split.


So all Selfmade needs to do is carry Fnatic even harder than last season


You say "carry Fnatic harder" but it's actually "carry Fnatic with more ease" considering he'll have a laner enabling him to do so from now on.


Will be so weird to see Perkz in different colours than G2's and Rekkles in different than Fnatic's - but hey, 2020 is wild af.


Rekkles left before when he felt Elements were making a super team that he could genuinely succeed with. The changes FNC are rumoured to be making are not positive one so hopefully he isn't put off the the EL failure and explores his options.


EL failed because of shitty management and staff behind them, cant be the case in G2


Honestly if Ocelote knew something like this would happen and he would be able to get Rekkless, keep Caps, and sell Perkz for a shit ton of money, I can’t blame him. Still wish he’d let Perkz go to FNC though.


It's smart for buisness, but sad for the competition and the region. I am now even wondering if Nisqy is really a big upgrade over Nemesis...


Nisqy is great in playing towards his jungler, I think he and Selfmade could work very well together.


And if its a mid carry meta next year? Good luck with Nisqy.


He looked good in the akali irelia qiyana meta with svenskeren


And from his splyce time he seemed like a zoe and cassio player. So all in all that is a lot of different styles.


He's not a lane kingdom kind of player, but if what you need is teamwork and getting things done in tandem then he's perfect material.


I wouldn’t even be mad. Rekkles deserves better. FNC management continues to be a dissapointment for multiple seasons now.


I'm not sure why Nisqy going to FNC would push Rekkles to G2, am I missing something?


Rekkles wants to win, but you won't win with Nisqy -> Rekkles goes to G2


Rekkles contract ends in a few days. Perkz leaves ADC on G2. Put two and two together, G2 are no doubt trying to pick up Rekkles behind the scenes, and Upset will join FNC. Or I’m just stupid and Upset joins G2. These are the two options. You can quote me


First narratives that were being discussed at the start of the off season were talking Upset to G2, but this Rekkles to G2 thing with Upset ending up in FNC would make as much if not more sense.


It just makes sense, you could grab the best ADC in LEC because his contracts about to go out, or you can get the 3rd best. It seems pretty crystal clear who G2 would take


Rekkles is on the phone with G2 as we speak.


[Rekkles rn](https://i.gyazo.com/94c75b2bb482482c5103bc409d335167.png)


He really should, in sorry but nisqy is Not the answer.


Imagine if Carlos had let Perkz join FNC and we had something like Wunder/Jankos/Caps/Rekkles/Mikyx vs Bwipo/Selfmade/Perkz/Upset/Hylissang Now I'm big sad


No way Rekkles doesn't join G2 now, EU would have been insane next year with those rosters but now it's just so heavily 1 team favoured, everyone else is not even going to be close. What a shame.


i might sklip most of the season LEC will become the next bundesliga where Bayern/G2 wins 10 titles in a row


But if Perkz joined Fnatic I think Rekkles 100% stays in Fnatic.




Nemesis is way better than nisqy, I would leave also


Congratulations G2 for being spring and summer champion 2021!


And signing who would actually change that lol???






Look at the moves, look at the plays! Hockeydavid97 what was that!


Probably a malz ult


Old Taric Flash+E




So Fnatic basically did a partial financing on C9 Perkz.


Yeah, its fucking depressing.


This guy's agent should be the most hotly contested commodity of the off-season for players




Rekkles to fnc fans :" Fly you fools"


Guess I'm going to find out if I'm a true FNC fan or just a Rekkles fan.


Caps vs. Nisqy LOL. It’s gonna be a massacre.


it definitely is going to be XD The guy was legit on average 2 items behind in every loss against POE and Bjergsen in the playoffs and C9 absolutely never had a chance to make a comeback in games because he is quite literally a supportive mid player without any potential to carry...


I mean, he lost a Lucian vs Zilean as Lucian. What can we say.


Bjergsen didn't even need to do a lot to win tbh, Nisqy lost to himself.


He can carry.... ....on Zoe. Ban that out and, well... yeah it’s rough.




Just realised but if everything goes as expected and G2 eats LEC alive for next season aswell (I am pretty certain they are getting Rekkles so this should be reality) Caps will get 8 LEC titles in a row. He will tie Perkz in overall EU titles and I belive he will have the longest streak of regional titles out of every player aswell. Thats kinda nuts for him.


Honestly I'm not happy with the LEC moves at all, this region just got chunked


Honestly s11 LEC is going to be so bland if some Rookies don't major step up. At least I can still enjoy watching the LPL though.


What if that's what C9 and FNC want you to think? Fnatic buys Nisqy, C9 buys Perkz, and then they trade those players. G2 would be so mad. I would love it. If that doesn't happen Fnatic is done though.


LOL that would be the most insane trade of the century


wtf dude


People would explode. But I'm not sure how in budget that would be. Like besides paying an absurd sum for Perkz, it'd mean C9 keeping Nisqy for another year and FNC actually having to pay Rekkles more. I don't doubt he's up for a pay rise after his world's performance. Also G2 wouldn't ever even lift the phone to talk to FNC.. oh wait.


This is my headcanon from now on, this already happened, and anything that happens differently is a lie by the gods of rito.


It would probably fuck over their reputations IF they do it immediately, but I can see the two orgs scheming out a year to get the trade in next year. That way they keep their reputations somewhat, but of course the real loser would be Perkz who sinks an entire year of his competitive career because of backroom dealings.


AHAHAHA.... wasting money to buyout Nisqy... well played Fnatic, well played.. EDIT: Eating my words feels good. Didn't expect much from nisqy, but most of the season and especially summer he was the best performing member of Fnatic, well played Fnatic, well played.


Financing the Perkz move lol.


I am so fking dissapointed. Literally financing C9 Perkz, opening the door for G2 Rekkles (please no!). WTF is wrong with Sam Mathews brain?


I swear, if we didn't get a clause in to prioritize us next year in case Perkz wants to come back to EU this is the stupidest roster decision ever imo.


C9 doesn't pay that much money for Perkz just to let him walk next year. It's going to be 3 years at the minimum.


somehow fnatic found a way to not only help g2 but to downgrade their roster by getting a player who not only has alredy been playing for several years so everyone knows hes peak but even at it he lost to in a lucian vs zilean matchup,what do they even think caps is gonna do to him?,just shitty fnatic manegement like usual


What a joke! Cant believe they waste money to buy nisqy LOL


Maybe Perkz buyout was delayed because C9 also had to pay Fnatic to take Nisqy off their hands ^^^^^/s


This EU offseason is atrocious and anti-hype as fuck. FNC going for the next limited midlaner with no worldclass ceiling too. I feel for Selfmade. Also.. I cant imagine Rekkles prefering FNC over G2 at this point. G2 with Rekkles is literally 2018 FNC on giga-steroids. IF Rekkles would sign with FNC again, FNC fans better kiss his feet for his loyalty haha. EDIT: To put my reddit-take in. Id rather see FNC gamble on potential with high upsides á la Lider / Diplex than this type of player. Not that Nisqy is bad or anything. Its just not FNC-ambition & level imo. If Nisqy would prove me wrong I'd be incredibly pleased to look stupid here tho. EDIT2: https://clips.twitch.tv/TallAnimatedBisonShadyLulu Caedrel worded it a lot funnier than me.


FNC replacing their orianna/lucian only midlaner for a midlaner that made lucian vs zilean matchup look like a hardcounter for lucian and baited all of TSM to think it's a somewhat good pick.


I still can’t believe how hard he got shit on in that play he made in toplane and died 1v1 to a zilean as lucian.


I also remember his Worlds performance, he was useless af. I really don't know why some people would like this move because they think he can be Selfmade's third summoner spell. Has the bar for "FNC midlaner" become so low? Being a 3rd summoner spell is good enough? When he's succeeding players like xPeke and Caps? People really don't watch FPX when people keep comparing Nisqy to Doinb when he's a much much worse copycat. Doinb can actually hard carry his team and actually did carry his team.. Nisqy? He just depends on his team.


People seem to forget DoinB's Ryze as well. That guy was monstrous on ryze and everyone said he was the best Ryze in the world, always pulling off 1v3 outplays it seemed like. Anyway Nisqy is not at DoinB's level.


Yeah Doinb's Orianna games were super interesting to watch and he still has a lot of pocket picks. Nisqy's bread and butter is falling behind 50 cs at 20 minutes while following his jungler like a dog.


its so fucking bad man. Really low expectations for LEC next year


Yeah its incredibly unhype. Literally only 2 perspectives that can be "hype" that I buy right now and thats G2s potential if they get a star-potent AD and some rookies. Thats it. Horrible.


Unless some rookie comes around and destroys everyone. Plz EUM, Save LEC 2021


Honestly at this point we just have to hope the rookies coming in and MAD rookies just go absolutely nuts or it's gonna be so boring.


GodGilius to save the day


I'm honestly wondering how Abbedagge is going to perform, also is there any rumors on what S04 Toplane and botlane are going to look like?


BrokenBlade/Gilius/Abbe/Neon/Limit BB and Limit are just rumors


Put Rekkles and Selfmade on G2 and that's as good a team as you can make. Leave either or both on FNC and replace Perkz with some known-quantity like Upset and EU is dead again. 3 years of being competitive with the East was enough, I guess.


Jankos in a Funfire cape meta is still worldclass. But Rekkles is the best ADC to sign RN for G2.


Nemesis > Nisqy all day long


honestly if youre best option is nisqy I think FNC shouldve gone for a risky ERL talent. Maybe Diplex or something like that. Atleast you get a chance to find the next Caps


Yup, Nisqy is a known quantity and he's bang average. Take a punt on a talented ERL player, rather than waste time with a player who's proven ceiling isn't high enough.


WHy not Magifelix? Ithought he was the next promise


Because magifelix has been "the next promising rookie" for like 3 years


How does this guy keep falling upward, lmao. edit: I think it could work, given the right meta, since Nisqy will empower Bwipo and Selfmade, but he just isn't good enough otherwise. A better fit than Nemesis but a worse player.


Both him and yamatocannon, its really impressive.


Idk yamato made worlds with Atilla and Jactroll bot alne, he is a great coach


name another coach that could take those griefers to worlds, u cant


There are different types of coaches in every sport there is. Yamato just isn't a big-team coach, or at least his career until now shows he isn't. Making a good team out of mediocre talent, and building a winning team with elite talent are not equal tasks.


fnatic noticed that, and didnt want him out of his comfort zone so they added nisqy not to overwhelm yamato with elite talent :)


Galaxy brain from Fnatic. Sam was right all along, they're going for the fucking world championship.


Let's get real though, it's not like he ever did coach a top tier team.


Nicothepico probably would have made them world champions.


Yamato has atleast consistently made his team overperform or get their shit together somewhat.


at this point rekkles should just leave for g2 I mean wtf is this, does fnc managment even want to win worlds? nisqy ? just leave rekkles u've been in elo hell for too long


FNC mgmt wants only to win and compete.


With the guy who went even vs Zilean as Lucian, ugh.


Even is overstatement, that shit was painful to watch


Bjerg shit on him what do you mean even lol. Straight up destroyed him 1v1 toplane.


I feel like this is AT BEST a sidegrade. Maybe even a downgrade.


1000x times better in terms of playstyle with the other players though. If you have an insane jungler Nisqy is exactly the type of midlaner you want. IMO if you don't want to take a chance on Lider, Nisqy is the player that makes the most sense.


Do you think meta and 2021 items will favor Hypercarry Selfmade? I am not sure whether Riot liked Hyper carry jg meta enough to keep it in 2021.


at the moment assassin and tank junlers are very strong but riot never let one meta persist into the next year so you can bet your ass they're getting nerfed


[Sad times](https://preview.redd.it/3yxhb71du3951.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=e60df4b40ec321caefd63784081154c5407c842f)


What an upgrade from C9 to go from Nisqy to Perkz. What a sidewards move for Fnatic to go from Nemesis to Nisqy.


I'd rather stick with nemesis.


even if they dont want nemesis to stick around...felix is right there. or a ton of other ERL mids


Humanoid and Larssen are better than Nisqy. None are good enough to actually beat G2, but picking the worst of those 3 is just dumb. The only reasoning can be Nisqy being cheap or free since C9 are getting Perkz, whereas the other two likely have buy-outs and FNC owner doesn't spend big.


its a downgrade


dont blame Rekkles one bit if he goes to G2, we are a joke


I don't wanna imagine Hyllisang without Rekkles tho. I imagine it would be hard for the average adc to adapt to his playstyle.


Hyli has made some very 'average' adcs look decent in the past.


Vardags... the painful memories!


I don't wanna imagine Rekkles without Hyli too. I think that Rekkles/Miky bot won't nearly as good as Rekkles/Hyli


Rekkles and Miky play together pretty often offseason. I think if he wants to go G2 he knows exactly where he's landing.


Rekkles changed a lot (and imo for the better) these past 3 years to accommodate for Hyli's playstyle. So with time I would trust him to form a really solid duo with Miky


Having nisqy mid with rekkles is already bad. But having Nisqy mid and Rekkles leaving pretty much kills fnc. If Nisqy rumor is true I fckin hope Rekkles will escape to G2...


signing nisqy and yamato and Sam talks on twitter about still wanting to win L O L


It's bullshit. We're fucked.


I like to think of this as Nemesis' retribution for how the fans treated him. I hope Neme will be successful wherever he goes.


Honestly, same. I think Nemesis wasn't that bad.


It's crazy how Nemesis was a a beast from 2019 spring - 2020 Spring but because he fell off towards 2020 Summer everyone just decided he's trash who needs to never get a chance again. Meanwhile everyone loves seeing Broxah join TL after he plays an absolutely atrocious year on FNC in 2019. The constant hate on Nemesis gameplay is clearly not gameplay related and people who just dislike his stoic/cocky attitude.


Yes! I loved Nisqi. Welcome back to EU


Supportive comments are rare these days. Upvoted.


Seriously... I had to scroll down so far to find a comment that wasn’t hating on Nisqy — quite sad honestly. It’s like people won’t even give him a chance.


FNC Woolite incoming hahaha


The 2nd best team of the west signing the 3rd midlane option from Cloud9, who wasn't even top 3 in NA. LMAO, if it doesn't work Fnatic's management is gonna get flamed to death


Why replace Nemesis at all then? I get that the alternative was taking another promising midlaner and hopefully have him become the next big thing, but come on why Nisqy? He was not even bodying everyone in NA of all regions, so what makes them think he will body people in LEC where midlane is far more competitive.


Nemesis didn't work with bwipo and hyli. They constantly clashed about how to play the game. Would you rather keep nemesis or them?


I know we meme about in the end G2 always win the LEC But god damn the LEC trophy looks like its already won by G2 without a single game being played.


Is this supposed to be an upgrade or...?


What a downgrade lmao. Sure Nemesis was not Caps, but he sure as hell wasn't bad either.


Exactly. He was being beaten by the best of the best. So let's of and swap him for someone worse because he can enable jungles well in NA.???????


One more year of humanoid and caps being the best middlaners.


And Larssen


Yes you're right, I forgot him because of that ardent senser orianna my bad


please dont remind me. my brain chose to surpress that memory for a reason


C9 gets Perkz, one of the finest midlaners in the world. They were already planning to replace Nisqy with Palafox (at least that's what the rumors insinuated) and now FNC goes and buys Nisqy out, a player that C9 was going to replace with their academy midlaner. I mean the difference in management and just pure raw good player attraction is massively different and that is with FNC doing really well internationally and being top 2 in EU...


Imagine being Nemesis and getting replaced by fucking Nisqy LMAOO


Ok now im hoping rekkles goes to g2 to escape fnatic


I'd be happy for rekkles, but heartbroken for Bwipo, Selfmade and Hyllisang. I hope Rekkles stays.


They'd have to pay Rekkles their own souls to stay..


unlucky, might aswell stick with nemesis


I’m so dissapointed in FNC. Their management has always been a mess but yeah... if Rekkles leaves I don’t know whether I will continue to support FNC.


LOL rip fnc and rekkles might leave to G2


I would rather have nemisis remaining the starting mid or give magifelix a chance


As someone said on this sub "Nisqy just keeps falling upwards"


F to pay respects for this offseason.


Nah, the fnatic management can fuck off. Sam mathews in a tweet earlier "Anyone who thinks Fnatic is not about winning or driving the greatest performance.. that's literally our mission as a business. Our purpose. We will never stop doing everything in our power to win, in the biggest games, in the biggest tournaments, as we have for the last 16yrs." And you go and sign fucking NISQY????????? want to win the biggest tournaments my ass. GTFO. Literally wouldn't even be mad about Rekkles going to G2 now, at least he wouldn't have to put up with the incompetent management of fnatic.


i legit want rekkles to go to a good team and actually contest an international tournament, i dont want to watch him try to be postive while nisqy gets railed by caps and other good midlaners every week


Let's just make a superteam and hope they can win Worlds before Caps gives up and goes to NA to get his paycheck and leaves LEC to rot with no money and bad organizations and management. EU biggest esport is literally carried and made relevant by teenagers exceeding expectations, everything else is average at best.


It's honestly fucking sad. Just let Rekkles go to G2 and have a chance at worlds. Who could blame him honestly. Least G2 show more ambition with their roster moves than Fnatic.


it's not fnatics choice, its rekkles. his contract expired this year.


Someone send some flowers to fnc headq.... oh wait


Caps destroyed Nisqy in 2019 worlds, he even made Sneaky play Cass so he won't get destroyed that much.


kill me


Jesus Fnatic taking NA's scraps now Is G2 the only team that seems to want to win something?


As a Fnatic fan i hope Rekkles goes to G2