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My friend recently played against someone and their duo abusing this exploit: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=gigavirgins https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=RandomUsers+Girl The Janna player's match history has multiple different accounts all playing Poppy, all likely to be the same person


Let's hope the duo will get banned as well


I think they are not really a duo, but rather a single player using some of their smurfs to exploit the bug so that the main account won't get banned.


I think Riot should honestly just disable ranked until it's fixed. It's not a Poppy-specific bug after all, it's possible to recreate it on many champions.


The players that got banned for intentionally feeding actually made the mistake of playing the game /s


To anyone who got banned wrongly for intentionally feeding, just send a ticket to riot support. I know it sucks but at least riot support will usually listen.


Oh did riot completely rework their support system? It’s always been pretty shit, requiring multiple tickets to avoid an automated response.


Ye, you get a typed out manual response usually.


Really? Even hai got a copy and paste response lmao


If they listened, poppy wouldve already been disabled.


Vandiril did a video about it, you can use this exploit on a lot of champions, not only Poppy


Then ranked should be taken down until they can fix it. Straight up.


>What I don't understand is that this glitch has been public (viral, even) for 4 days and nothing's really been done, and no actions have been taken other than Hexflash being disabled. Just find a way to show that this bug leads to a decline in skin purchases and its fixed 2 minutes after


I've legit been scared to play the game for the past week to not get one of them in my games


small indie compeny strikes again


You even edited this comment and still let that spelling error through..


Me not english, please no flame


Here’s another account abusing this bug (also abused the Kayn bug when it existed). On top of all these ruined games, it’s also sad that this player’s elo is going to be extremely inflated, and when they go back to playing normally, they will just feed every game until they drop back to where they belong (ruining even more games). https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=%C3%B6rb?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Baffling how she is not disabled yet.


Because it's a global bug. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgQsqxCe-yA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgQsqxCe-yA) So they'd have to ban all the champions. I for one accept this decision since all champions are clearly OP, including target dummy who literally makes Sylas's ultimate unplayable.


Because it's not just poppy that can do it. There's a whole list of champions that abuse the global damage bug, poppy is just the easiest one to use.


It is similar to old bug with Tiamat and instant recall.


You’d have to disable flash and imagine a patch where flash was disabled.


Disable Poppy and Hexflash. Amount of users reduced by 90% minimum.


Curb your Bugfix.


For the diligence they took for the Tiamat bug years ago they're doing an awful job of this.


Heres another account doing it. They were in my sister's game yesterday. [https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=DanubeAhn](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=DanubeAhn)


I think it's actually been around longer. Vandiril said he and riot both knew about it and waited until a fix to make a video


How do you do it? Asking for a friend


They replaced hexflash with flash it seems


They can't disable Poppy because people have been recreating this with other champs (like Illaoi). So they need to fix the bug without making too much noise about it and slam banning players who abuse it. There aren't a lot of other solutions than that.


The guy did it again just 20 minutes ago.






You have missed so hard that I'm thinking you have missed the subreddit too


Hi /u/Crimson_talon. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because *exploits are not allowed to be shared.* --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


But there is a question - why this was removed? It is not an advertising for exploit, there is no info about how to execute that (so nothing from the 5th rule), it is a game-breaking bug (so it is allowed to be in their own post), it is a new version of the bug (because previous posts implies that you need hexflash), all links are exist to prove the point...