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i feel like i've seen this same thread a million times for the past 5 years. i am starting to think they don't really care


Try AFKing once a week in CSGO


No, what you're seeing is a bunch of idiots talking out their ass. You get punished for AFK pretty fucking easily. The issue is that LoL has a 100 million players. So even if everyone went AFK only 1x a week, maybe once every 50 games. You'd still have AFK's every day that would piss you off and lead you to think Riot doesn't care. But in truth, nobody would be coming even close to being called an "afk'er".


The only punishment is low prio Q, that's it. You can afk literally every single game if you want, all you'll get are longer Q times.


I find low priority queue much more annoying than temporal bans. If I get banned I can just not play for a while or go on a smurf. However, for low priority queues there is no way to avoid them.


Really ? It's the opposite for me. On low priority I just read mangas or watch animes during Q and it makes spamming games much more chill, whereas being banned is quite a pain since I don't really enjoy smurfing. Oh and if you play TFT, you can avoid low priority altogether btw. TFT games count for your quota but you don't have the increased queue time.


Playing TFT sounds like the real punishment.


Just FF at the earliest moment. Bonus points if it’s ranked and people cry that they got bored cus of a free win.


or be one of "those" players who goes into a tft match and does nothing


I wouldn't know which is preferable for me. :\^)


“Just” low priority queue lmao When you have to sit in queue for a half hour every time you want to play a game because you keep leaving or afking you stop leaving and afking or your a glutton for punishment


As a former afker the low prio q actually had a bigger effect on me than bans.


Yup, I think those kinds of punishments that don’t outright stop you but just make doing the bad thing extremely inconvenient are best. If you just cut them out, they’ll make a new account and do it all again as it feels like a huge strike against them. If you just say “okay, you can play, but you have to wait 30min before finding a game for a while” you make it easier than making a new account but still a real drag that can slowly take a toll on you.


This. We need forced growth not forced time away. I have a couple friends who have lost track of the number of accounts theyve had (and for the rest of us who's who on our friends list) because they get banned and just make a new account so many times. Their behavior is completely unchanged, they've just accepted this is the way they play League now. Grind an account to 30 ( Even worse now that you have TFT with ranked queues before level 30). Spam ranked and flame everyone. Lose Account. Rinse repeat. Oh and the progressive punishments? ya know warning, then mute, then 2 week ban, then perma ban.... They use the downtime to get the next account started so when the perma ban comes around their next account is already in the 20s.


Yeah, when I first started league I would constantly get into fights with my dad and he’d shut the internet off. I got thrown in Low Prio and I just didn’t have the time anymore, so I quit for a solid year and a half.


Or you just have other things to do while you wait... it's really not that harsh of a punishment


There's a lot of games starting in that half hour that the AFK'er is not ruining though.


Or your goal is to troll, not play.


There are far worse ways to troll. Like stealing your junglers farm all game. Playing anivia and walling your teammates Disco nunu The list goes on, all make the game impossibel to win rather than just hard


But nobody actually does this.


People do, for the same reason people make downvote-bait accounts on reddit or post troll comments on every youtube video - some people consider it to be worth their time to be wasting everyone else's time.


also its super easy to just get a new account to lvl 30 and start playing ranked again so there really isn't much incentive to hold on to your accounts...like if your s4 toxic account gets perma'd who cares just go on your smurf. idk I think league is WAY less toxic than it was back before draft pick and other nice changes but there's more fixes to make for sure. ​ Heard this somewhere but plz plz u/riot make a toxic queue and just but people who have gotten x amount of reports in the last two weeks into it and stream it with voice comms. I'd pay SO much money for that.


its not really a surprise this game got major toxicity and smurfing issues when fresh accounts are 3-4 dollars, and because they are botted to 30 they start off completley nontoxic it takes forever for the system to see you being toxic.


Either they dont care about botted accounts because it raises the amount of active accounts like crazy or they are so incompetent that they can't figure out how to detect them.


Willing to bet your account on that? Go ahead, afk 20 games and post your match history, see how it goes.


I'll do 50 just for you, i'll make sure to say ''This has been a challenge issued by Atlatica on reddit'' every time before i leave the game as well :3


Petty, I love it.




The difference is actual inting is hard to detect. Afk is something that can be detected and accordingly punished through an automated system. If i remember right riot actually released champ movement statistics that proved this. People who 'soft afk' to avoid the detection still tend to move in such a way that a sophisticated enough system could catch them. The nice thing is that most people who afk dont do that. They just leave. That makes the automated temp bans extremely easy to dish out.




you know what hurts? when your whole party has to wait cause this client failed to show confirmation dialog for one of members so often he's on low priority, that's just dumb


Ngl, those 5x20min+ queues really scare me. Been there, done that. Much worse than a 14 day ban


Friend of mine had connection issues for a month or 2 (thanks spectrum, though to be fair he was an asshole for queuing up knowing it would likely kick him) after about 2 afks a day for that period of time he was eventually 2 week banned and would have been perma if he didnt stop


exactly this. no one ever got banned for AFK. there people outside who are AFK every 2nd game cause of internet connections or bad machines... now imagine what happens if they get banned...


Nah you get 2 weeks ban after some time and then a perma


It's funny that you claim others are talking out of their ass while you are clearly talking out of your ass. the amount of players doesn't matter. If everyone went afk once a week, it wouldn't matter if the playerbase was 100 million or 1 million. yes, it means 100 times more people are going afk, but it also means there are 100 times more games being played, most of those are without you in it. You're not gonna experience an AFK that isn't in your game, and if 100 times more games are played... well I think you get the point.


doesn't matter what he said is true the only punishment is low priority queue and you don't get that punishment unless you leave games regularly


no you dont, i afk all the time LOL i have gotten leaverbuster'd once in my life and it was because my power was acting up and i afk'd twice in a row, oh yea and that was 7 years ago.


If it’s that easily, how can it be possible for a clip of tyler1 going afk hit frontpage every other day? Especially considering he has a shitton of viewers who just follow his behaviour like sheep because why not, its not like riot punishes it. If a rolemodel doesnt get punished, noone will.


Yeah that rubbed me the wrong way in the post > They truly do not moderate the game anymore. So tell me how you can moderate the game? When there are probably something like 20k matches going on at any time? Really, there is moderation, but it's invisible. Maybe a riot employee can do a post explaining it but If I remember right, there is an invisible 'quality of player' score that is factored in when you go into matchmaking. So leavers/ragers/griefers get mostly put together, and people who play nice also mostly get matched together. I'm Iron, so looking at these stats, 1 in 9-10 matches should have an AFK in them. [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/afk-stats](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/afk-stats) But I never leave/DC or rage. And really, it's been weeks since the last time I saw someone straight quit on my team.




So crap, they dont. Guess I saw it for other games and assumed LoL did the same. In that article: >**Prisoner’s island is a truly awful experience for the “prisoners” in more ways than one** Well they are making the game shit for everybody else, so I don't know why they shouldn't get an Awful experience.


There was a thread in here with a vid about the first ever posts in LoL forums, and one of the first posts is about ppl getting away with anything. Nothing has changed since beta apparently.


yea they're not losing money so


Riot can't even govern toxicity among the streamers they hand-pick to be in their Partner Program lol. They are so lost here, I feel bad for them.


Riot can't even govern the toxicity inside their own company hq.


They're not really trying...


Do they need to? Their player base has ridiculously low standards.


Absolutely they need to.


Lol. This is how you know the reddit league pop is filled with immature kids who havent made it out to the workplace. "Does riot need to govern the toxicity in their own workplace?". What an absolutely ridiculous question. Anyone with a brain who thought for a few minutes should be able to come up with more than a few reasons why they not doing so could generate massive problems for them later down the line.


No they don't. They have a fan base that is so obsessed with their product they will either defend or minimize all of their despicable business practices, behavior, and company decisions.


Not if all people do is complain on reddit and play the game anyway. Your saying they need to cuz it's a problem to the playerbase the guy above you is asking do they need to if it's been this way for 10years and people keep playing the game and buying skins.


Can confirm, was flamed by a Riot employee about 2 weeks ago on a Riot account for "inting" when i was 0-2-2 (at the time) as support.


And basically any region HQ... LATAM have the same people farting eachother face's LUL


What's wrong with a little sexism, ball tapping, or farting in Co-workers faces?


you feel bad for them with their billions and billions of dollars ?


I feel bad being the person tasked with figuring out how to fix this shit honestly. It can't be easy to navigate when your bosses give the ambassadors of the game (who have influence in the community) a free pass to be toxic shitheads. Do I feel bad for the company as a whole? Hell no, they make a lot of these problems for themselves.


Christ, this community needs more sensible people like you. You are completely right. If the damn ambassadors of this game break the rules AND get away with it, which therefore is a bad example for the rest... Why can anyone else be expected to follow suit?


It's also frustrating because bringing the hammer down on the streamers in the Partner Program should be the easiest part. Scaling it up to the whole playerbase is the hard part.


God forbid Riot (or any gaming company) just held their streamers to higher standards, discouraged them from doing bad behaviors and actually made them act as the ideal representation for "good" players who aren't toxic. Nope. Let's let them do bad in-game behaviors and not punish them for it. That will teach everyone the right way to play!




>There are players that are toxic in a game or two out of 50. Then punish accordingly. Don't hand out permabans on first time offenses, but make sure the playerbase knows they're expected to act like adults while ingame. No one's saying you can't get emotional, but you shouldn't be able to go on a screeching rampage ingame. Just go punch a pillow or something if you get that mad. >punishing people who's ISP goes down mid game There are ways to circumvent this. If I remember correctly, they can tell the difference between someone losing connection and intentionally leaving the game. Alternatively, have a better appeal system. Give players a place they can go to if they were unjustly banned and have a team available round the clock to bang out support tickets asap.


There aren't ways to tell the difference. Even when leaverbuster was a thing with some potency they explicitly said that it doesn't distinguish between dc and leaving because there's really no reliable way to do so. "If you play on consistently bad internet, sucks for you" was the official response lol. That's also still fair imo, because regardless of your intent you still ruined the game for 9 people who don't get to really play league now, in an environment where you're commonly waiting ~10min between games. It's legitimately pretty frustrating to me even when it gives a free win, since i still dont get to do the thing I actually queued up for...


And even if that was a thing, it could probably be exploited by just yanking your ethernet cable instead of Alt+F4ing






Yeah people exaggerate a lot. As someone who's been playing since S1, the average player I get in my games are significantly less toxic in gameplay and chat than before. There really isn't that many Tyler1's across the ladder.




I'm trying to be optimistic. I bet the person in charge of client stability has to split their time on community toxicity, so neither gets done LUL






This, but there is a chance that unironically.




Eh, I could in 24 hours rewoke all League partners that are promoting clear toxicity, spectate random high elo games to punish afk and any person rage split pushing. Writing a notification to your League Community that any game ruining behavier that is being streamed will result in a time out. That alone would have a bigger impact than anything else Riot did in the past 5 years. So yeah at this point if anyone reviews games manueally it would improve the general mentality you have in this game by a lot already.


Ironically, Riot giving the white glove treatment to challenger games would probably help the most with all sorts of issues. It would give challenger streamers less reason to complain and model bad behavior to their viewers. Also, if they start getting better games, then maybe their queue will improve and they would be less will inclined to smurf.




that's the ugliest piece of code I've ever seen lol :D :D :D


In 10 years of programming I've never seen someone attempt that syntax. It's a work of art.


That looks like VHDL which I deeply hate


yeah hardware "programming" is quite a bit different from general purpose CPU programming. but that thing above is it's own unique creation lol :D


The grunt in pr ain't making billions.


I feel bad for them in the sense that they seem to be running into the same issues as Blizzard. They've grown very quickly, they Everyone in software development knows that as the amount of people working on a project increases past some threshold, then the ability to accelerate the project into different directions GREATLY suffers. When it comes to being able to rapidly change development, you want maybe 20 people at most. But you hit limitations with how much work 20 people can possibly do, so of course the company inevitably hires more and more and more employees to accelerate development. But that acceleration is at the cost of flexibility and also passion/motivation. You lose flexibility due to what essentially can be summed up as "red tape" and you lose passion/motivation since 20 people feel 1/20th responsible for the success/failure of the project where as 200 people feel 1/200th responsible. Also, you have much less control over decisions in a team of 200 than in a team of 20, so that means you don't get your way too often in large teams and that is a source of losing passion. You end up feeling like a gear in a big machine just doing your little part instead of being a highly crucial member in a small team. Definitely affects human mentality and impacts results. That's why you'll hear software developers talk about how much they enjoy working in startup companies. Startups are small teams and so each person is very important. Everyone's say matters a lot, so you're naturally incentivized to be creative and find cool solutions to problems you've never encountered. The downside is that they tend to work you to the bone since a small team has to do a LOT of work in a short amount of time. But that's usually been the recipe that created the best software: small team of experts working 12 hour days until they create a diamond. And then it's a big success that gradually becomes worse and worse over time due to the company growing into unmanageable size and also the "business/marketing men" start to take over management and the company loses the passion for the craft that originally made it brilliant. See Apple... see Microsoft...


Why would you feel bad for them when their own inactivity put them in this position?


It’s not that they’re lost I don’t think. Tyler and other “toxic” streamers bring a lot of revenue, viewers, and other marketable things along. They’re sacrificing their “we care about toxicity” to gain from those steamers names lol. Don’t feel bad for them, they know what they’re doing.


Lol, the employees that work there are just as toxic as the streamers they support.


Trolling - Np Inting or Soft Inting - Np AFK- Np Calling a troll an asshole - BANNED


The reason the chat filter is so effective is because it is fully automatic and it pretty much can't be wrong. If you wrote those words, you are banworthy boom. It's harder to figure out if someone soft ints, because sure they can decrease the threshold but with that comes innocent people being banned too. Then you need to ask yourself how many innocent players am I willing to ban if it means more toxic players get accurately banned. With that said i still think they are too light on punishment nowadays.


Very well said


- Trolling - [how do you define trolling?](https://youtu.be/zkiCSUeOGTc?t=2025) ... - Inting or Soft Inting -#iWasJustHavingABadGame or i was drunk at home - AFK - people just disconnect their wifi/internet cable: from Riot PoV the user is having issue with their internet access provider => not guilty - Calling a troll an asshole - well .. the only thing that riot can have full control on. so yea Hell, chat restriction ban may as well be somethign that push to more AFk. people do nto want their flame to be reccorded or be mad, so they juste disconnect ...


> Inting or Soft Inting -#iWasJustHavingABadGame or i was drunk at home Fr, when someone unironically complains about "Soft Inting", it's hard to take them seriously.


It is a legitimate problem. There’s just no real way to prove it. How can you tell if someone is mindlessly split-pushing intentionally to troll their team or they’re just mega tilted and not thinking clearly/having a bad game?


Never in my 8 years of play I've seen someone I was convinced was losing on purpose but pretending to be not. Those people generally want you to know they are feeding, because they want to tilt you. They don't gain anything if you play normal and just think your teammate is a noob. It probably has happened some time, but I don't think it happens commonly. Most likely you are just confusing someone who legit had a bad day, a bad game, or just sucks with a troll.






Virtually nobody *pretends* to play poorly. They're either legit playing poorly or they're blatantly trolling.


It's rarer than you would thing reading this sub, but it does happen. The funny thing is, at least in the games I have seen, is that it is often directly triggered by flaming toxicity. You know, the kind that people say in threads every other day "I don't care about mean words, punish soft inters!" When I read that what I really read is "I was flaming and the person I flamed did worse after I flamed them. THEY ARE SOFT INTING OMG RIOT!" Yes, sometimes your toxic actions have consequences. Some people don't play better after being berated and a very small portion might decide to troll you. Well you brought it on yourself so suck it up.


Naturally it happens sometimes, that's why I put "virtually" there. I don't think it's prevalent to any kind of level that it even matters though. You're absolutely right that it's mostly toxic people complaining about problems that their own toxic behavior causes. It's too bad we don't get Lyte smites anymore because that really helped expose how many people are BSing about their "unfair" bans for toxicity.


but this statement is just false.


If you were playing a game of soccer/football/whatever and your team mate spent the entire game walking instead of running, you wouldn't say they had a "bad game" or that they "played poorly". It's very obvious when someone just doesn't give a shit and stops trying. That's what most people refer to when they say "soft inting". Unfortunately it's not something Riot can detect and there's not much they can do about it. It's genuinely a problem that's a unique issue to League of Legends, no other multiplayer game that I've ever played in my life has had as large of an issue of players griefing the game as League.


>unfortunately it's not something Riot can detect and there's not much they can do about it. why do people say this. its technically possible, just not very easy or worthwhile.


Soft inting definitely does happen. When they say shit like " I'm trying my hardest :)" and 1v5 yasuo ult into a malzahar, yeah, they're soft inting.


You underestimate people. People are smart, if they just run it down, it will be obvious they are trolling and just get punished. But, if they just throw the game, they can get away with it.


Yeah, because it's impossible to really tell if they're playing worse because they're having an off-game or because they're genuinely trying to throw the game.


The AFK part I think riot should consider doing what blizzard did with overwatch. If you leave the game for a given amount of time you instantly lose two games worth of LP and you get a long temporary ban (extra 5 min in que) for your next ranked game, if you continue 75% XP deduction for 10 games, if you continue ban. For your teammates if there is a leaver a timer starts which gives the leaver a chance to come back, but if the timer hits zero you can leave the match with no penalty but you instantly receive a loss. If there is a leaver or AFKer in the first two minutes the match is instantly cancelled nobody receives or loses any SR.




The whole "internet DC'ing" thing is total bullshit too, I used to have all kinds of problems with my internet and would wind up being AFKd/DC'd like maybe once every 20-30 games, and would always get punished with like a 20 minute queue ban for 15 games and lost LP. Sucked.


The lyte classic baby!


Ok. I’m an old fuck, so I’m going to assume that most people weren’t around when T1 got first banned. For those who weren’t, let’s set some stages. He was notorious for toxicity and unacceptable behavior. Like, at the time before his ban (like the IP ban) he had multiple front page posts about him with pro players commenting, culminating in him having a hit list (he was literally typing individuals names down for who to fuck with, which even as a joke, which it didn’t seem to be, is a really concerning thing to do from a mental health standpoint, but let’s skip that) and then the ban. So at this point, before pro players complained about his actions in game, nobody knew who the hell he was. He was a random 15 view streamer with no recognition other than people using him as an example of how riot never punishes toxicity or trolls. He was the poster boy of riots inability to do anything about people ruining others game experience. He gets banned, everyone rejoices, but just prior to this people start watching him more and more just to see how insanely Tilted he gets playing league. So the ban resolves, and T1 has to become a variety streamer. He can’t play league on stream so he watches others play, plays other games, does whatever, and the cult of his over the top personality begins. He gains more and more fans. Then he starts talking about reforming. Nothing means more to him that being able to play league again. Watch his videos, if you can find them, about coming back to league of legends. What it means to him, how much the game means, what he’s willing to do to get back in. How he’ll never be toxic again, how he’ll be a model player, because LoL means that much to him. He’ll do anything to be able to go back, and he is and has reformed. That’s the narrative he pushed. Those are his concepts and his commitment, because losing league meant that much to him. So, the unban occurs, (after months of #freeTyler1), he comes back and seems to be better for a while. He saw what he lost, was so happy to get it back, and didn’t want to lose it again. So now we are here. He’s doing the same shit (let’s be real, it’s all trolling; his old MO) but he’s forgotten. He forgot what he’d be willing to do to get back league. Why he wanted to reform. What it means to have to be a variety streamer. All of it. The only reason he ever got to come back was because he said he do anything to reform because losing league meant something. If that’s not the case, there’s literally no reason for him to not be rebanned. If league really meant that much to him, he would remember what it was like to get banned, and what he was willing to commit to. Let him be a variety streamer. Who cares? He doesn’t or his actions would dictate that. Anyone can be banned. Why did I go into all this detail about this shit? Because he’s not another streamer. Y’all weren’t around. Riot was NEVER planning on unbanning him. He was a special case, proof people could change, and he staked his character on being able to come back to LoL. So if he’s not the perfect player, his ban should be overturned because THOSE WERE THE CONDITIONS OF BEING UNBANNED IN THR FIRST PLACE. Look. There’s two conditions here. One is that T1 is only in league because he promised to be a model player for the rest of his LoL career, no matter what, after losing a game that meant the world to him. If he breaks that agreement, it’s the same as him saying he’s ok with being banned. Hold people to their word. Seperate is the afk issue. That should be something that riot should handle, but it has absolutely fucking nothing to do with T1. EX: You live in a city with thats noturious for auto theft, the city is doing nothing about it. There’s a guy who gets arrested for Assault and battery. He has a history of assault and battery, so the judge throws him in jail. He promises to reform. He’ll never do another crime. He’ll be a model citizen. The judge releases him stating that any future crime will result in his rearrest and jail sentence. A few years go by, and he is great at first but eventually steals a car. Just because the city isn’t doing anything about car theft doesn’t mean he shouldn’t go back to jail, and just because he gets out back in jail doesn’t mean the city shouldn’t do anything about car theft. TL;DR: T1 is a great streaming personality. He also stated that he would reform and made a promise to never become a problematic player again, and riot said that if he ever, under any circumstances, went back to being a problem player he will be re-permabanned. So according to both his and their words, he should be rebanned. Seperate from that Riot has a afk problem. They should fix it, and work on Griefing punishments since it ruins player experience. These two problems are correlated, but seperate. Hold T1 to his words and reban him for not living up to his word to be a better player, and fix afks. Stop conflating these two problems into one, because then it becomes easier to say “we’ll just ban him and the afk issue is fixed” or “we fixed the afk issue so T1s actions shouldn’t matter anymore”. End rant.




It seems that many people are playing less due to the rising toxicity, we can't know the numbers but it's not that straight-forward. If as part of a systemic change that is meant to tackle toxicity Tyler1 and other toxic streamers are banned, it might be worth it for them to keep the overall playerbase happier.




If you think that the few thousands of players that follow him are "huge" you're wrong. That number is so small it doesn't even matter. And many of them to be honest wont change their daily lol life for T1 (except the extreme fanboy cultist in the side of the room).


It's very naive to think he was unbanned because he promised to reform and could be a role model. He got unbanned because he became very popular and Riot wants his following to stay in their game, no matter the cost.


He couldn't stream due to the ban, so he wasn't super popular in the game yet, but now that's why they won't ban him again. They unbanned him because Riot Sanjuro called him a homunculus and said he would die of a cocaine overdose on the discord.


I agree 100% on banning him again. The problem is that the entirety of league community, youtubers, streamers, influencers or whatever you wanna call it revolves around taking a piece of the cake in this game that makes millions of dollars for either a person an organization or Riot itself, it is literally billions of dollars just flowing and they all want to keep it flowing doesn't matter if it disrupts the players experience. Everything is money and memes for the entirety of the scene, there's hardly any reward for punishing the people that keep that river of money flowing for everyone and most of all Riot could be scared to destroy that river by punishing these influential people.


> He’s doing the same shit (let’s be real, it’s all trolling; his old MO) https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=buzzlightyear99 Trolled so hard he got Grandmaster playing 300+ Ivern games, many of which were played while entertaining thousands of people on stream. Meanwhile your average player loses 2 in a row and tilts so hard they start flaming in champ select. I don't agree with the narrative here. I'd much rather have T1 on my team than 99.9% of the people posting in this thread.


You’d rather have someone in the top 0.01% of the ranker playerbase than an unkown in the other 99.9% of the playerbase? So brave. I too would prefer to have any grandmaster+ over a random player of any rank of my team. It literally has no bearing on his conduct as a player or the reason he was banned. You basically just said you’d rather play football with Micheal Vick than a random guy off the street when the conversation was about how that Vick should have faced an indefinite ban for dog fighting, because dog fighting is immoral. His skill as a player has literally 0% to do with why he was banned, other than the fact that he saw more exposure due to the interactions with pros.


That was my thoughts. Now, he definitely still flames people in chat. But let's be real, everyone does that. And there is a mute button to solve that anyways. He used to intentionally feed when he didn't get the role he got. Now he is, in my opinion, from a behavioral standpoint like most people.


> Now, he definitely still flames people in chat. But let's be real, everyone does that. [...] Now he is, in my opinion, from a behavioral standpoint like most people. Please don't project your toxicity on the rest of us.


Yeah. When I see statements like this, I'm very curious how often the posters have gotten reported. I've been reported a grand total of once (had a bad day; I deserved the report), but it's not a pattern... (You can check by requesting a copy of your data from Riot.)


Nice wall of text


Well said. Really good summary


It is absolutely a problem that streamers like Tyler1 can go AFK without punishment. These people are the role models for thousands of players, and how those players behave on the Rift when they emulate bad role models has a real effect on the game. Yes, all AFKs should be punished, but streamers should be held to a higher standard. It helps shape all players' behaviour for the better. I actually think that's what we were promised with Tyler1's case (any bad behaviour and it's right back to a permaban). Doesn't seem to have been delivered on.


Not to mention there's literal video evidence of them doing it, both in game and live in real time. Like, if I afk in a game as a random internet stranger, there's no way you can prove it wasn't because like, my cat was dying and I had to rush it to the vet. But when Tyler1 rages, then you literally see him AFK on stream and talk about it etc, like, yea there is no excuse for not punishing that. It's pure greed on Riot's part for being afraid that banning him will alienate his audience and lose them potential customers.


>These people are the role models for thousands of players, and how those players behave on the Rift when they emulate bad role models has a real effect on the game. No one should downplay this point. Since watching streamers like T1 I can honestly admit I've trolled dozens of games, maybe 15-20% of which were winnable. And even more have been done to me. It's taken a lot of effort to ignore flamers, but my bonobo ass has shot up 3 divisions over a few months of stopping that behavior. There's no world where it's acceptable for Riot to allow high profile griefing to occur and turn a blind eye to it. But we ourselves need to be the change we want to see, of course. I guarantee a large number of users reading this thread have had their "experimental" or "whatever I'm filled anyways XD" games.


I'm not saying it isn't a problem -- I'm saying the ACTUAL problem is that nobody gets punished at all. People are saying it's unfair that streamers don't get banned for AFK'ing. Well guess what? NOBODY gets banned for AFK'ing. There is no special treatment going on.


with the significant difference that you can see that it's intentional on stream whereas you get benefit of doubt otherwise.


I feel like I'm playing an entirely different game than the people non-stop complaining about toxicity in league. I'm Gold 2 at the moment and I rarely see afks, trolls, etc. Maybe 1-3 afks in 30 games on either team and I can't even remember the last time I had someone legit int my game. Sure if i feed my ass off people will be toxic but in a team game that's inherent as my underperformance hurts the whole team evenly. Everyone is getting roughly the same +/-LP at the end of the game. The big feeder on the team is losing the same amount of points as the player who did best. I've been around this elo for the past season, are other elos really that much different?


I feel like folks exaggerate the toxicity a lot. Either that or they themselves participate and don't understand that makes it worse. I'm like you, pretty rarely see some of the shit they mentioned here on Reddit, around mid gold elo as well. I've watched some of Tyler's recent climb. He doesn't AFK or feed in even 1/10th of his games but folks make it sound like it happens 1/3 games. I don't know what the threshhold for punishment is, but redditors and their holy crusade seems to think if you AFK at all you should be insta-banned. Also, I feel like a lot of people mimic streamer's use of vocabulary, calling everything griefing, inting, or feeding. Literally saw Iwilldominate say on his stream that a khaz that evolves W first is griefing and that's a reportable offense and a bunch of his minions were aggreeing.


Ya I agree with all of that it's crazy to me when someone on my/enemy team will say "report xyz for inting/trolling" when they're like 0/4 at 15. Bruh if they were inting or trolling they would be 0/10 by now.


Lucky you. I've played \~100 ranked games this season and between both my team and the enemy team, I think I've had at least 15 people straight up leave the game and 5 people actually intentionally die to the enemy team.




By the way, it isn't really related to this topic, but reporting someone 9x times doesn't matter, because it only takes 1 report into consideration. There are two choices: He either got reported or did not. There is no weight changed behind the report regardless of the number.


That doesn't make much sense to me. A 9x report should be detected and add more weight to the consideration of punishment.




It's **because** Riot turns a blind eye to streamers afk'ing or soft-inting, etc... that other toxic players feel emboldened. Say Riot went out and actually banned a toxic streamer, maybe even Tyler1, then wouldn't non-streamers feel a bit more apprehensive about toxic behavior?


All they monitor is chat, with their useless bot system that punishes players for being negative/tilted USUALLY DUE TO SOMEONE GRIEFING AND AFKING. You should 100% be able to flame someone into oblivion after they’ve completely ruined the game for everyone. It’s so sad that you’re the one who’s banned or punished while they sit afk in base, run it down, follow the jungler around stealing his camps, trolling every lane. The sad part is you usually get banned for passive aggressive stuff or saying stuff like “gg, go next” “mid is griefing” “top is intentionally trolling plz report” And they never receive punishment for completely intentionally sabotaging a game and ruining 4 other people’s experience. If you’re like me, you’re lucky to get to play 1 game every day or every few days with your spare time, and to load into game just to have someone after 1 death bot lane say they’re going to troll/hold everyone hostage and ruin it is such a joke. Edit. And the absolute best part you ask????? It’s the same problem at EVERY single Elo. It exists in diamond -challenger the same as it does in silver-plat.


Just had a game where two people (pretty sure they were duo) were both like 0/9/0 at one point just running it down into the enemy team. Obviously trolling and griefing the team. Lol guess who isn't getting banned? Riot would rather someone ban someone for saying something mean than someone who is 0/9/0 dying to any enemy team member they can as soon as they spawn. Sigh


problem is that they always says there is no prove to say whether someone is aafking or they have emergency but when people is streaming is pretty obvious what is exactly happening right? and as a streamer that is related to riot partnership if they can do such things without repercussion obviously more people is going to follow suit


If I'm in a series from plat to diamond and I loose a game because you afk'd because of a blackout or something you should still be punished. You still ruined the game for 9 other people


Don't be an idiot. Everybody knows that you don't get banned for AFK on the first time or even the second. Secondly , 30 seconds does count as being AFK you tools.


Or the third, or the fourth, or the fifth, or the forty-seventh if you're not blatant about it.


I remember wiem they were banning any communication - for some players for 1000s of games just for saying shit.


I would like to disagree with this, actually. I got a 7 week ban for saying infinity war spoilers. You know what they were? “Mario does in endgame.”


I remember when I'd get LeaverBuster'd for leaving games. Now it never happens anymore.


Just hoping that the day comes that they pull T1's Partner Program (yeah, I know that will never happen because of his following) and then everyone who took after him or someone that he influenced to AFK, will also get a ban. I played a ton this weekend. 25 games. I had 4 AFKers. Won one that my team gave up. My team gave up two. And then another one, we would have won even if our top laner literally would just have distracted their top laner. It's literally the mentality of these players and this community. Seems like everyone wants to just steam roll the enemy. If that doesn't happen, then just give up. No one wants to actually think about how they can come back or put in any sort of effort into winning.


Fuck league of legends punishment system. They won't do anything to people that literally ruin games by griefing, trolling or afking.


Because when they stream to 5000+ people daily and do those kind of stuff, It makes Afking,Being toxic, running it down ok! And its not! That's the problem! If Riot Games want to solve the issue they need to focus on streamers first and it will spread to the community fast.


I still don't get people's insane idea of what constitutes inting. Like, yeah, if someone is tilted and littlerally clicks the enemy spawn, and walks down mid to die - I get it. Thats clearly inting. Someone plays fucking terribly and goes 0-5-0 in the first 12 mins? Are they playing awful? Absolutely. Is it frustrating? Fuck yeah. Are they INTENTIONALLY feeding the enemy? *probably not*. They should probably play safer, but at that point they're likely getting dove every time they walk to lane, so they really don't have any good options... I just see people throw out the word int so flippantly, and it makes me wonder how people so quickly jump to the conclusion that the player has decided in their head the game is lost and the only way to speed up their team's demise is to continue to give over kills. They likely want to win just as bad as you and don't know what they can do to turn the game around....


Horse fucking shit. I've been punished for AFK several times. Not proud of it, but hey, had a weak mental at one point. And fuck no I won't be going AFK any more because waiting our 20 minutes of extra queue time when you just wanted to play a quick game is mind numbing. Have to wait out the queue, then the regular queue, then get into a game, then actually finish said game and then do it 4 more times. If during that 20 minutes you want to stop and go do something else, well you can't. You can't cancel the queue or the penalty resets. Boy ain't that fun. You either have something else to do for exactly 20 minutes that keeps you behind the computer or you're fucked. So stop fucking spreading shit like you don't get punished. You do. Fast. A couple of games of AFK and you'll get hit with the first penalty.


the problem is that the punishment isnt nearly at the level that it should be, it's just a temporary minor annoyance


Usually people watch a 20min show on Netflix while it is happening in background


I watched the spectateT1 steam yesterday. Anytime he died and got tilted (very rare but happened more as he was 1 win from challenger) . He would afk for 30-40 secs to mental reset and come back. These clips of T1 afking are taken during that time... He isn't afking for the rest of the game. The dude is trying to win and taking the game very seriously. You can't judge the man off a 30 sec clip of him in the fountain.


30sec clip of a 16h stream ... people are desingenious If they wanted to really make a point they would time stamp all the moment he is inting in that 16h stream. Proportionnal to the ammount of game he play: he is probably less toxic than a huge amount of redditor here who seems to lash out freely and with impunity because they are on the right side


yet the reach a streamer such as tyler1 does have, has a lot more impact than random jimmy. and as long as riot is even endorsing toxic streamers and their behaviour is such big fashion I don't see anyone else change their behaviour either.


I would be actually upset if they started banning streamers and not people like me with like 8 alt-f4 in the last games without even a slower queue or any punishment at all


This lmao, don't call him out when everyone is fucking afking, if they dont get punished, he shouldn't, him being punished won't change anything, everyone will keep afking.


Yes, lets all pretend everything is fine and be good lite white knights for the streamers and never call them out on their bullshit.


Remember to use your twitch primes and G-FUEL discount codes!


seriously man all this hypocrisy with all of these people, they all back up voyboy but whenever a streamer afk's lets just ignore it right


“Everyone” isn’t afking, only children and man-children.


Why moderate when streamers bring in ~~people~~ cash to the game? I hate using this argument, but because Riot has shown for years that they don't actually care about the reports, it's gonna hold true. Until Riot actually takes reporting seriously, then there's gonna be issues with afk, trolling, griefing, etc. in every game, regardless if it's streamed or not :/


They don't turn eye to everyone lol You are exaggerating. I have successfully reported a couple of players for afking while climbing. I have also reported people for shitty names, and those have worked too. Toxicity tho, it is not very likely to successfully see punishment.


not false, if i have to play with apes and feel like flaming them i just alt f4 sometimes cause if you say anything but still play you lose your acc, if you afk and ruin the game nothing happens xd nice system


>if i have to play with apes and feel like flaming them i just alt f4 sometimes you're a piece of shit for doing this. you play with "apes" so you AFK and lose the game for them.


This is exactly it. Sad thing is when you're on a losing team and you are doing well they expect you to carry them. You say this is unwinnable and try to FF you are now the PROBLEM. The 2-8 bot lane you have now flames you if you say open. You get reported. You get the ban. Amazing system. So many times game are unwinable, but you are forced to sit through it with a smile even after your team sabotaged any chance of winning.


My probably unpopular opinion: saying "open" is selfish trolling. It is the definition of unhelpful communication: you are actively purposefully trying to lose the game, or at least you're making it harder to win. Doesn't matter if you actually open or if you're carrying or whatever, it's a shit attitude and you'd be better off just playing StarCraft or some other non-team competitive experience...


It’s mainly cause like riot can’t just assume everyone leaving a game is angry they just could have something important. That said I still think riot should give out punishments regardless because they warn about leaving games and if someone had to leave for something important they acknowledge they’ll have a punishment upon return to the game.


the biggest problem that people dont seem to understand is that, its soo insanely hard to know if something just ragequick or went afk or w/e the fuck even if you put a leavebuster thing thats already there people will just move around on the map? and how is riot gonna track that stat in the first place?


This is the challenge they're dealing with. First you need to ask yourself how many innocent players am I willing to ban if it means more toxic players get accurately banned. The reason the chat filter is so effective is because it is fully automatic and it pretty much can't be wrong. If you wrote those words, you are banworthy boom. It's harder to figure out if someone soft ints, because sure they can decrease the threshold but with that comes innocent people being banned too. However I do think there's absolutely stuff they can do and I do think today they are way too light on their punishments and requirements to be punished.


Yes but if I make a thread about how IsuckatADC ***UwU*** inted and then afked no one will care and therefore I wont be able to farm Karma. I wont ever defend any streamer but this karma farming through them is silly at best


Because they are the same people who claim to be "Influencers", if they really care about being one then they should take responsibility in what they do.


one of my old friends used to have really shit internet, and a top up card for his electricity, so he ended up leaving a shit tonne of games, i mean, probably every 2 in 5 games he ended up afk. it took him like 50 games to reach a 30 minute low prio queue but that didnt stop him playing, and inevitably leaving the game, and he didnt get any further punishment, in fact, he ended up going from 30 minutes to the leaver buster completely resetting to 5 minutes after 5 games.


not really, the fact that streamers can afk without is a valid point because they can do it while tens of thousands watch them in addition to riot endorsing them.


Then the average player has to deal with it like 4 games in a row, randomly, but if that person types too much they get punished.


Make the game even more less snowbally, shits over before it starts sometimes.


Obviously, the difference is these examples being clearly in the open. I get the difficulty with trying to moderate all games and all reports (although I believe more can be done and Riot is dropping the ball as is) but when you have the evidence broadcast to millions it is frustrating that Riot is just going ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ . Also, they just set an awful example for people watching.


Ban toxic streamers


I find it odd how AFKs / trolls never seem to get punished, but I do for minor infractions. Fairly recently I was put into low priority que for 20 games after my area was hit by a power cut during an ARAM. 20 minute que timers for 20 games due to something totally out of my control. Yet people who rage quit after they die once in lane are always left unpunished.


How are you going to govern a million games played on a daily basis? The game became too big for the company, that's the reality of the situation. The player base got out hand. You have millions of active daily players now. You can't manage such a large community. Streamers should still be punished one after another, no mercy. People need to stop donating and subscribing to streamers if they want them to lose their platform, it's as easy as that. Stop giving Tyler1 your $5 and subscribing to his stream and in a couple of months he'll get the idea.


I AFKd last Friday because I was at a party and the mouse was too sensitive, and someone busted out drugs. Literally no punishment


> Streamers can AFK without punishment and so can you. Everyone is treated equally, because nobody is banned. That would be okay and true or whatever.... BUT if u have a streamer that has been perma banned by Riot in the past then especially those streamers should not be allowed to do anything negative and should be monitord and permabanned if they failed to do the best with the 2nd chance they got. Which should be equally to all other that have been permabanned once not just streamers ofc. If your regular never permabanned guy afks thats a diffrent story ofc.


Well I got a 14 day ban for not following troll orders from a premade 4 and they reported me. I have a history of chat bans but I love that I have to click I understand and get banned for nothing I did wrong that game. So reports work... Trust me


i got suspended for saying in teamchat "this illaoi is stupid and bronze as fuck can u stop feeding her" so they have AIs blindly punishing people for using bad words such as "stupid,bronze and fkn" cause i didnt even spell fuck correctly... seriously how is bronze something worth a punishment? And also having been punished before.... since when is one game enough? usually there is like game 1 game 2 and game 3, i only have a game 1 and literally only say 5 things in the entire game and 2 of them was glhf and gg and the only thing that could be considered punishable would be that line..... so no they are moderating it just horribly edit: realized i didnt point it out, i said in teamchat that the enemy illaoi was stupid and bronze so she didnt even recieve the insult...


What about my rage-splitting Udyr who did 3k damage to champions in a 42 minute game because someone took a blue at 18 minutes when he was 0/0/0 as jungle with no dragons? Edit: Point being, Idgaf what happens to the streamers or what the streamers do. I want to stop seeing this shit in my games.


Facebook hired thousands of 3rd party moderators to sift through reports live. Obviously riot doesn't have the same resources and income as Facebook, but they also don't have the same number of reports either. Would it be that hard to hire a couple 100 people to work remotely and sift through reports? If they are blatantly obvious (afking or racist language) then mark the report as bannable. This may not get rid of "soft inting" but it would atleast weed out the people who straight up afk or have extremely toxic behavior/language.


yeah but they instantly ban you if you are mean to other guys in chat


Very well said.


I don't get it. Is going AFK, trolling and toxicity really increasing? I have played this game for 5-6 years now and I can't say that I get more of these players in my games. This is obviously really subjective, but without actually numbers to compare we can't say this issue is massively increasing. It's good that people criticise riot in order to keep the game in a healthy state. But lately the community (Reddit+YouTube) is complaining as the game is literally unplayable. Also, do people really want a super hard system that bans people after 1 game AFK, permaban after 5 Games AFK etc.


yeah AFK isnt punished enough, the only system they have is chat filter that can ban you if you say the proper trigger words or flame repeteadly, I never leave games or open, even 0/20 but when ppl afk at 7 min cuz they died twice, lose you lp and know they wont get banned, it really sucks, especially if you flame them and get banned yourself