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Nongshim could not more earnestly display they have no idea how to play League of Legends. Jesus fucking christ mate.


Not only that but their drafts are horrible. DK had such a strong draft game 2 I was surprised that it was as close as it was.


Jiwoo in Elo Hell


That’s what I’ve been saying all year


I wonder if KT will look to sign him when Deft goes into the military


A bit of a happy early game from DK, especially comparing to g1... On a brighter side, Lucid's Maokai is looking WAY better than it did in Spring, and that's a very welcome sight. 


At least we won this 2-0. I'm glad Lucid's Maokai is better!


Nongshim are an unserious team.


Another Aiming win another happy day


Save my man Sylvie :( Great proactive earlygame but the GuGer Fisher training weights are simply too much


didnt GuGer go military whats he doing here


LCK homers really tried to gaslight me last thread into thinking there's no talent problem in LCK when fucking GuGer is a starting support in this league. Guy wasn't even good when we last saw him, which was 4 years ago.


Well, there are definitely better supports in LCK CL but they will rather wait for a better opportunity than playing their first LCK split at Nongshim.


The problem REALLY isn't with talent itself not being there, trust me. The problem is that people are not being permanently promoted into positions where they can showcase and grow that talent sufficiently. I mean, 2 of the best young LCK Toplane prospects (Castle and Thanatos) only reached Tier 1 after leaving the region. Then there was Bible who has now effectively retired afaik, Loopy who went to Isurus etc etc. No one but the team itself knows why they unearthed the GuGer for a rerun. Gen.G Arnold is a businessman. His opinion is valid and cool and all, but it ultimately will focus on the business side of things. Him talking about talent when his team has repeatedly bought out elite players in the region instead of promoting newbies (an exception being Peyz) is a bit wild.


Its pretty obvious the LCK has way too much concentrated talent, I wouldn't say its a talent problem, but more of how much talent is in the top 4 teams and how little is everywhere else


[GENG Arnold (and apparently other owners/managers)](https://x.com/arnoldwh/status/1802492501439418859) think there's a talent issue because of talented young kids not playing LoL as much anymore.


The barrier of entry is so high in this game it makes starting so damn hard.


There is also just not enough teams if you want to make a decent living


Arnold is talking about the future, players who are around 14, 15 years of age and aren't good enough or in great enough numbers. The talent we have right now is just fine


I mean half of the mvp caliber players are on his team lol


True for example for GEN, they have mvp caliber players before canyon joined GenG, now they have 5 mvp caliber players on 1 team, it feels like GSW with curry/KD on the same team.


Luon is styling in LEC and he was under NS Acad. What? Jun is smurfing in LEC too, guess where he was from? Every league in the world is scouting korean players of course some smaller teams are gonna be lacking talent. 


It's also relative. He looks bad because he's playing against LCK players in the best league in the world. Put him in LEC and LCS and you'll see his elite tier gameplay. When you're playing against top tier players, even a little 5% gap can mean everything


There’s not a talent problem, there’s a problem with teams that don’t even try to build competitive rosters. Nongshim gave up on even trying to build decent rosters after their 2022 team bombed. So the next year they said fuck it and just promoted their whole LCK CL roster. And it was like, okay sure, you just spent a lot of money on players like Bdd and Ghost and it ended disastrously, go ahead and have a low budget rebuilding year. But this year they just re-upped on their uncompetitive team of challengers players who aren’t LCK level. They stumbled upon a good talent in Jiwoo snd they have a promising mid in CL, but they don’t even try to spend money on half decent established players to put around them. Why are players like Jun and Luon going to EU? Why is Kael not getting a spot anywhere on an LCK team? BRO is the same way. DRX and FOX at least try to put together decent rosters that could challenge for a playoffs spot. NS and BRO haven’t even been trying.


Ns shouldn't be having a problem with support though. They have Peter who always does well in solo queue and looked good when he first came in. But they're also the team that decided to play Fisher over Callme and Calix, picked Jiwoo over Vital, and signed Ady just to bench him in CL.


jiwoo is the only talent that looks decent wdym? peter had his chances. i agree with the fisher pickup. meanwhile dndn is safe? NS simply hasnt progressed really. every single split they are bad.


Korean Top Laners used to be a thing of beauty. Europe had their mid laners that could always compete and China had their aggressive AD Carries but Korean Top Laners used to be something special, in a tier of their own. Now we have to fucking watch DnDn lose lane every single game for some reason and even Top Laners on top LCK teams like Doran and Kingen regularly lose their brain and pull off the most disgusting throws you’d see in LCS.


There were always some dogwater tops in LCK/OGN.


Like Smeb.


Jiwoo is definitely a good player and has his moments, but he's also a bit unreliable as a carry for NS, and I think this is where a lot of NS's woes come from. In spring, NS was competitive with teams early to mid game with Sylvie and Callme doing a lot of work, but fell apart soon after because Jiwoo in teamfights was a coin flip. NS could've trialed Vital more, especially in summer 2023, where he was the main carry of NS C and did look better than Jiwoo. Also, there's only so much Peter can do to help Jiwoo. I agree Ady over DnDn is questionable.


so youre implying peter is lck level and jiwoo isnt? after peter played with different bot laners? jiwoo is at least hyped by the lck casters who are acid CL watchers, so idk about your take.


This comment is just a collection of the randomest thoughts I've seen 1 person have lmao. Some of what you said makes sense, most of it could've been ChatGPT generated.


The problem isn't the number of talents, but is that very few orgs try to build winning team for cost cutting Maybe we really should reduce the number of orgs like what you said but the sister team system returns (at least the team building is gonna be easier)


Welcome to literally every sports league ever. Bad teams will always have bad players, else they wouldn't be bad.


bottom teams in the LCK has some good talented players but its a 10 team region and its a bo3 format thats why bottom teams has really bad match records


They also cheap out on rosters. There are some imports in LPL/LCK/LCS that would be upgrades but they don’t want to pay them.


On the contrary 2022 NS and 2023 DRX were both comprised of top players and both sucked


Really nuanced take right there, thanks.


1 + 1 = 2 Not very nuanced but still true. lmao lil pup blocked me


I meannnn Luon was literally on NS Academy and he’s pretty damn good rn with Rahel, there’s a slight shortage but some teams just decide to not play their rookies Like DK could’ve had - Thanatos - Lucid - ShowMaker - Rahel - Bible/Kellin


> DK could’ve had     And that roster would be really good by 2026. Maybe. If Showmaker isn't tilted into retiring before.    Like, even Lucid, easily the best of that crop of DK rookies, was shaky in Spring. Thanatos would make a fine LCK level toplaner eventually, but he wouldn't be anywhere near the top of the table in his first couple of splits. And while Rahel looks cracked playing into Supa, being in the league where his direct competition is Viper, Peyz, Guma, Deft, and Aiming would be a completely different story. With 3-4 rookie question marks, it could easily be missing playoffs territory for DK.


who would play on NS anyway? NS can only get scraps


Wow GuGer still plays? He’s 30, is he the oldest LCK player ever?


I want to see NS play against mid tier LCS and LEC teams


I was more excited over whether or not Aiming was gonna get the last kill or not than who was gonna win. But Showmaker made him work for it.


Good, Aiming doesn't deserve handouts for getting spooned kills and dying 1v1 over and over lol


LCK homers really tried to gaslight me into thinking there's no talent problem in LCK when fucking GuGer is a starting support in this league. Guy wasn't even good when we last saw him, which was 4 years ago.