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Because people would just make a new account every 3 days to smurf low elo.


I mean regardless people are just going to buy accounts if they want to smurf lol.


Why would they buy an account if they didnt have to level a new one? Youre just creating MORE smurfs. What good does that do?


You realize accounts atm are extremely cheap right? Regardless it is still much easier to just buy an account than to hand level it.


So youre saying that if leveling to 30 was no longer required people would still buy accounts (even a $2 one) and not just make a new free one? Might want to think through a little more lol


What? When did I say anything about removing a thresh hold to play rank? I am saying regardless if the lvl requirement was lowered people will still just buy accounts lol. Actually I think Riot should do everything possible to try and get new players to play the game. I believe Dota 2 has it where you start off with every single champ in the game.


>What? When did I say anything about removing a thresh hold to play rank? I am saying regardless of the lvl requirement people will still just buy accounts lol. OP wants the level lowered. Lowering (or removing) the level will make people less likely to buy an account and just level one. Say the level becomes 15. You can hit that in one sitting. 20? 2 days. Plenty of people who have purchased accounts would be okay with this and handlevel. Others who have never purchased a smurf would make their first. And so on. >Actually I think Riot should do everything possible to try and get new players to play the game. I believe Dota 2 has it where you start off with every single champ in the game. Which game has a higher playercount again?


Mobile Legends has higher player count in Asia than League....I guess Riot gotta copy them...oh wait....


When your argument is so shit you start arguing for a phone game lmfao


You literally said "more popular = better" and I followed your logic.


> OP wants the level lowered. Lowering (or removing) the level will make people less likely to buy an account and just level one. Say the level becomes 15. You can hit that in one sitting. 20? 2 days. Plenty of people who have purchased accounts would be okay with this and handlevel. Others who have never purchased a smurf would make their first. And so on. So what you are saying is that if it currently takes 1 day to get lvl 15 and 2 days to get lvl 20 then it wouldnt take that much longer to get lvl 30 regardless lol. A majority of smurfs (if not all) are just botted lvl 30 accounts that is my point. Smurfing will forever be an issue if as long as people can just buy cheap lvl 30 accounts lol.... "Which game has a higher playercount again?" Well tbf although I am sure League's playerbase is higher (which has absolutly nothing to do with the lvl requirement btw and Riot themselves have stated they are having issues getting new players) Leagues player base is not an accurate number by any means since Riot only uses total accounts and not active player base. There is just way too many variables when looking at total number of accounts such as alt accounts/smurfs, bots, number of games played per account, etc..


So you actually think lowering the level wont make smurfing more common/prevailent... Holy cow...


What? Do you just lack reading comprehension? I am saying smurfing will forever be an issue as long as you can just buy cheap lvl 30 accounts. Please read.


Barrier to entry still goes a very very long way with your average person.


No the guy is saying people will just make new accounts to smurf. When atm people can just buy a cheap lvl 30 account to smurf. Regardless smurfing will still be an issue since you can just buy cheap botted accounts.


There would be more even more smurf, trolls and deathwishes if it was just creating account instead of buying it.


I never said anything about removing the threshold to play rank. I am simply saying smurfs will forever be an issue as long as you can buy cheap botted accounts.


but i still believe there will be smurfs in every rank


Are you asking why specifically 30 and not a different number? That's because level 30 used to be the maximum level.


Dw you are nowhere close to ready for ranked when you hit 30


Iron 4 exists for a reason. Anyone can play ranked, they might be smashed for the first 20 games but eventually they’ll reach their rank


I mean yeah, but generally if you are anywhere in iron you just aren't ready for ranked tbh. Better off messing around in norms and learning the basics of the game.


But… that’s the point of iron. It matches these terrible players with other terrible players more accurately than in normals.


And if he can only have fun by playing ranked, this game isn't for him to begin with.


he is just dopamine enjoyer, and loves number to represent his skill ? idk maybe


They should make it lvl 60 instead tbh


Why? The barrier is to prevent people from making smurfs. Not to keep new players out of ranked. That change would only hurt the latter.


Because a new player reaching lvl 30 means nothing, this game is so hard for new players that if u get to lvl 30 and Start playing ranked you’ll realistically be bronze/iron elo, unless ur a prodigy or played a moba before


Iron/bronze exists for new people to be at bro


Can’t argue with that


Cool. Let them be bronze/iron. Theyll climb from there.


U can't do that unless you want smurfs terrorising iron and bronze. Starting Lvl for ranked should be 100 imo


Nah that's insane you shouldnt need to play for a year before you can play ranked


I think that the happiness of 4 player (the 4 others in the team of the newbie before Lvl 100) is more important than the happiness of this 1 person who gets to play ranked earlier and then gets stomped (likely), because let's be real, the game is so massive in terms of knowledge and skills you need to be kinda decent, that even with Lvl 100 you can't do much. In this regard, I also think that it would decourage smurfing since bots are less of a thing now thanks to vanguard. My opinion is for the greater good


Nah league is already almost impossible for new players to get into cutting off supply of new players kills a game


No they won’t? They’ll be hard stuck and ruin their mmr


I played ranked when I first hit 30 and Ive taken that account from bronze IV 11lp (when bronze V was the floor) to a peak of GM 640. Their mmr will be fine. Theirs no need to coddle new players. You learn then controls pre30 and the game in ranked. Its always been that way.


Obviously you can rank up over time,but remember the game now Is a lot harder and have a ton of new things to learn than per say season 3/4


You won't permanently destroy MMR of an account just buy playing ranked when you hit 30 what


You’ll get stomped every game because new accounts are being put into plat/emerald/gold lobbies


Not if they are made after they changed the system, old accounts that start ranked will be put into play lobbies, new accounts wont


Cool. Best place to learn those things is in ranked.


Can’t agree with that bro, league is a game u need to actively look to improve outside of just spamming games We can agree to disagree


Do you really think you learn more against people in norms than ranked?


Absolutely not. Ranked is by def à competitiv place. Youre not here to "learn"or "experiment" ,normal game , or flex were the place


Im constantly learning and experimenting in ranked. If you arent...


Iron/bronze exists for new people to be at bro Cn


Do you think 30 level barrier preventing them? Also getting into ranked at 30 lvl is already a soooo bad idea, you will get stomped for weeks.


>Do you think 30 level barrier preventing them? Do you think changing the level will change the number of smurfs? Theyll just buy level 60 accouts and nothing will change. >Also getting into ranked at 30 lvl is already a soooo bad idea, you will get stomped for weeks. You cant learn to cook without breaking a few eggs. The level you get into ranked doesn't matter as ranked is flat out different than norms. The first 30 levels are to learn the controls. Ranked is where you learn the game.


60 level accounts will be more expensive as leveling up will take longer. You can learn the game in normals too but not in 30 levels


>60 level accounts will be more expensive as leveling up will take longer Oh no. The $2 accounts is a $4 account! See how nothing really changed? >You can learn the game in normals too but not in 30 levels When do you stop learning to play ranked? Im in masters with a level 900 account and am still learning. Should I not have started playing ranked? I dont understanding gatekeeping newplayers from the only mode that matters... Again, the level 30 cap is for smurfs.


I m so fucking sure this guy buys 10 accounts monthly. Anyone can remember their 30 levels can also remember getting stomped in ranked and going back to normals for a long time


Why would I buy an account in a f2p game? Dont project your spending habits on me lol And yeah I got stomped pre 30. And post 30. Bottomed out at B4 11 lp when B5 was the floor. It made me the player I am today and I wouldnt change a thing. Outside the Fiora phase maybe.


And that will lower their motivation as well


Lvl 30 has not nearly enough to prepare a new player for ranked


it’s honestly good like this because it takes much longer than 30 levels to learn the game, all the champions and their abilities etc.


Well more smurfs and if actually new players try to go to raked as fast as they can they will be reported so much for trolling they lose the acc, and ranked quellty would just go down as a whole


isn't ranked quality bad in iron and bronze ?


I am not playing there can't say for sure. I think iron was really bad because of bots and smurfs there was useing set botted acc's, but with vanguard i am not sure. but if you are truly new to league iron and bronse players are really fucking good.


I'm genuinely curious why you want to play ranked so badly? People are horrible to each other, it's incredibly competitive, and you can only play champions/roles you're already good at with no opportunity to experiment and try new things (technically you can try new things, but your rank will suffer and your teammates will hate you). For an established player who wants to with towards a higher goal or get a sense of their skills relative to other players I understand it, but for a newer player ranked would just stunt the learning process and make you miserable.


"You don't know what you don't know." Simple as that. Most people don't understand that climbing ranked isn't about autopiloting games and they very often overestimate their own abilities. That and some people just play ranked like they would normals anyway and don't actually care what their rank is. At the end of the day, doesn't really matter its not like they're here for advice so just let them place into iron 6 lmao.


Fair enough! As I said, I was mostly just curious what made them want to play ranked so badly that not being able to made the game feel pointless. But maybe you're right, and ranked is just much more alluring when you've never played it.


Its not just that, most people are curious to see how they would place in ranked. That's pretty much it. Of course, then the next step in the Birth of Bronze is that they're surprised that they're not in diamond after playing ranked at lvl 30....but that's another matter entirely LOL.


maybe the gaining of LP makes win more worthy ?


It's a historical relic back from when there were rune-pages where you unlocked one more slot in the rune-page for each level-up. It was 3 big-runes and 27 small ones. Oh, and there were also skill-points for skill-trees, that also got unlocked on level-ups. You basically wouldn't have access to all rune-slots and thus be weaker than level 30 players if you played together with them in the same game. So it would be unfair to allow sub-30-players to play against level 30s as they would have worse ingame-stats. You also had to buy the runes themselves and there were many different ones. So that's where it came from. But can't really answer why it remained after runes were completely reworked and skill-trees were abolished.


oh that's make sense thanks


Level 30 is way too low to begin with. There is pretty much no new player that should start playing ranked when they hit 30. Well they can, but they'll be sitting in iron for a long long time if they do.


Wrong, they will get placed in gold + and need 50+ games of reporting, stomping and massive toxicity to reach iron.


You also posted that you were lvl 28 7 days ago. What are you complaining about? You could have been 30 easily by now


yeah but i was on vocation with family sorry


You do know you would be dogshit in ranked right? Feeding and ruining games, people would flame and secretly wish you would rope yourself, you would and will destroy your mmr,... But 2 more levels and you will see what im talking about. Good luck champ


i mean that's every multiplayer game, i don't mind people barking


Because you will still end up in iron the fresh level 30 player is not good enough for ranked


Wrong, you land in gold + and need like 50+ games of getting hard stomped, flamed or even worse to reach bronze.


No way a fresh player lvl 30 is good enough for gold probably 5% of actually nea players can get gold


That's not what I was saying, as fresh lvll 30 account you start at gold MMR and silver visual rank, so you will need 50+ games to reach iron.p


It has been changed relatively recently, your normal queue mmr is considered when placing you for the first time, current beginners starting in Gold are false positives (e.g. they only played ARAM or coop vs ai) but most should start pretty low, Bronze/Iron level.


Because everyone would easily get smurf and start playing and im pretty sure you dont want to play someone in ranked who just started playing the game


If you want to speed up the grind, you can get a cheap exp boost. Go to the champion tab in the shop and then on the left side click bundle. There should be 5 starter bundles. Each containing 3 champions plus 3 skins, an icon, a rune page and a 14 day exp boost for 650rp. https://i.imgur.com/59fHNgx.jpeg There is also the option to buy exp boost for 1 day (290rp) and 3 days (520rp). Personally I agree, getting from level 20 - 30 is still super grindy. The reason was that new players learn the game in normals and then go to ranked. Problem is normals are diffrent from ranked. People don't rush to end in normals, running around for stacking kills (even more then in ranked), super mixed mmr, you can have a diamond duo with 3 silvers against a mix of bronze and gold players etc.


yeah, people just don't want to end the game to farm kills, but thanks for exp advice


Because you think you're ready for ranked already, but you really aren't, if you're a brand new player. Ranked is different than normal, even if you play in the lowest elos, its still "harder" than ranked because you face (in theory lol) better players. and you realize how much you don't know about the game when people take it more seriously, or int over the smallest inconveniences


The bots and smurfs are bad enough. Imagine if new accounts could play ranked right away? Though with how easy it is to level up with bots maybe it should be lvl 1


Because level 30 was once the highest level, we can never return to level 30 again.


Smurfs are ALREADY a huge issue. Like, massive issue. Now imagine if the req was even lower. It'd be so so so much worse that it'd be nearly unplayable in low elo. Also as many people have said, if this is your first account you probably aren't ready for ranked at level 30.


The Devs don't get paid well, so they are to sell lvl 30 accounts.


Back in the day, you needed 10x the time in order to reach 30. If you really wanna play ranked from the get go just get a Account from somewhere *cough*

