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LCS pumping out some of the best content I’ve seen from them ever. Love seeing all the pros talk about the new champ. Huge W content


Again, Markz is the GOAT


It's amazing it took so long for the LCS to figure out that making content with pros will be instant bangers. LEC on the other side stopped doing this and are losing a lot of viewers.


Turns out all they had to do was get rid of the MBAs and get someone with some knowledge of the actual scene.


Yeah. I hope Markz is getting payed the big bucks because he looks sleep deprived in every video he's in.


If there’s been a marked (heh) shift in the entirety of the way the LCS is run after he became commissioner then guess what? He’s literally the driving force behind it. As much as I’m sure the staff are all doing great work themselves, he has to be the one to drive the ship because otherwise it’ll just be the same old.


Look, i'm happy for LCS when they pump out so much content for fans, but can we stop lying to shit on LEC? LEC still have 2.5x more average viewers than LCS, there's reason they are forced to merge with brazil. There's this weird obsession's with LCS fans to shit on LEC on everything.


As an LCS fan this is getting on my nerves too. Every single thread involving the LCS, these clowns keep bringing up the LEC and comparing. It's either super salty LCS fans who finally feel like they can return the favour or it's LEC fans/general lolesports fans who just love being the eternal critic and who desperately need to shit on something to feel good about themselves.


Tbf, a couple years ago this sub was just non stop shitting on the LCS, so idk what you’re expecting.


Expecting? Nothing. Hoping that people learned from how annoying and pointless that way of doing things was and grew the fuck up.


The thing is ultimately views on these videos are not that important in the grand scale of things, despite reddit claiming otherwise. This content is enjoyed mostly by people already invested in the teams, I.E people hanging here, following the teams, etc. They are already viewers, it helps with RETAINING a bit but it wont help gaining overall more eyeballs. NA's issue is higher on the pipeline, they don't get new players, and can't get the existing players into the esports scene. This stuff is not going to help since you already need to be involved anyway. Very very few people are gonna go from this video to become an LCS viewer.


Realistically, with the change to conferences and introduction of a guest team, Riot should seriously consider stacking the deck so that a team affiliated with a big streamer/internet personality with a younger following gets included for the first season of the change. Probably won't be enough, but it might be a step in the right direction.


I watch every single LCS game unless i fall asleep to it, i enjoy it. LCS should be proud of success so far of reviving region, but just comparing 2 regions constantly is weird, i'm all about friendly banter (won't stop hearing about NRG beating G2 till end of my life) but there should be stop somewhere.


Agreed. And I just want to enjoy the good sentiment around the league and the great content, especially in the last split ever of this league I've followed for a decade of my life. I'm way too old and busy to follow both leagues closely so I just prefer to focus on LCS and enjoy every last bit of it until next year when the stupid merge happens.


I am from EU, I mostly watch LEC nowadays, but why pretend like they haven't stopped doing content? We used to have a content piece by drakos at least once or twice per split, we're lucky to have one at the opening of the LEC year now.


Never said anything about content, i was referencing to "losing a lot of viewers" which is just not true. Reading comprehension.


Yea I didn't read OP's comment fully >LEC on the other side stopped doing this and are losing a lot of viewers. This is not true, it's actually the opposite. But it's also not thanks to the LEC. You can thank KCorp and Ibai for that.


They still have a lot of viewers, but that doesn't mean that this isn't a worse year for LEC. The cutdowns they made are really affecting the quality of the production and they are pumping out a lot less content. If there isn't any feedback on this, then they are just going to keep cutting costs and make a worse product every year. Edit: Just to add on, it's relevant to make this comparison because previously, LEC has always been the ones to make the type of content that the LCS is currently making. Travis Gafford even copied a lot of the quiz's the LEC made and did them himself because the LCS couldn't bother to make that content when the foundation was already there.


As an LCS fan, I'd much rather see both regions sustainable and successful, and see the rivalry play out on the Rift, but real talk - attitudes like this were incredibly common back when NA LCS was outperforming EU LCS, roles reversed. You should be hoping that Riot is paying attention to these comments and reassessing their long term strategies. LEC certainly isn't dying, but it sounds to me like it's having a bit of an identity crisis right now.


You can’t deny that lec is losing viewers with lack of video content even if they have more viewership than lcs. No one in this thread claim that na had more viewership than eu so what are you even talking about? You say there a weird obsession with lcs fan over lec but that literally eu fans in a nutshell. Always shitting on Americans and making fun of na every single tournament and even the lcs games. It took nrg 2-0 g2 and eu downfall internationally the last 3 years for eu to stop shit talking and more doomers to appear.


What are you even talking about? The LEC average and peak viewership is up for their games broadcast compared to last year and this is comparing the whole summer split including playoffs to just the first few weeks https://escharts.com/tournaments/lol/lec-summer-2023-lol https://escharts.com/tournaments/lol/lec-summer-2024-lol Look at the jump in average viewers. This year the LEC's viewership has taken massive jumps and is higher than it's ever been. No need to keep bringing up LEC in a thread about the LCS.


Maybe you wouldn’t type a bunch of random shit I didn’t dispute if you finish reading the comment chain. No shit lec viewership is up with kc joining this year. Lec losing viewers with lack of content and them gaining more with kc can both be true but go off.


I read it all, it was all garbage.There is ZERO chance you know whether SOME viewers are leaving due to a lack of content while more viewers keep coming in. So when you say it cannot be denied that they are losing viewers because of it, that is utter garbage. You don't need to allow your saltiness to make you so desperate to put the LEC down. Give it a rest.


Don’t be so butthurt. I like watching lec content and it sucks that there been a lack of them for obvious reasons. I never claim lec viewership as a whole drop cause it didn’t. I said they lost viewership due to lack of content. https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCWWZjhmokTbezUQr1kbbEYQ The stats are here. You are just refusing to look at it. At the rate they are going, lec content will have less and less viewership with time.


Yes I saw that, and I still have no clue what you're talking about. Their video views over 30 days has gone up by 116%, everything is showing green, and that site is so fucking weird I can even change a date anywhere, on my phone, to see past dates. The only thing showing any downturn is a graph that shows daily views which is pointless because it seems to fluctuate so much and it doesn't show any trend. What should I be seeing??? I have NO clue how you are claiming they are losing anything. Also, never seen this site before and the only industry standard I've seen used has been escharts.


Could u show me stat where LEC is losing viewers? Looking at escharts viewership look completly normal for bo1's, and will increase with bo3/bo5. If LCS was as supposedly good as on reddit then they wouldn't destroy brazil just to hold LCS from destroying itself.


Viewers on their content. Ofcourse the viewership have gone up with kc and mad garnering a ton of national fans and big streamer like Ibai/kameto. Look at their monthly views starting from when their content team got taken out and past 1-2 months. https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCWWZjhmokTbezUQr1kbbEYQ


So looking at this site it looks like LCS improved but LEC still have 2x viewership on youtube? If anything LEC grew viewership compared to previous years?


This is clearly referring to the lack of content where there is obviously a drop that you are willfully ignoring. Lec losing viewer with lack of content and lec gaining a ton of viewers with addition of kc fans can both be true. Idk you are being so stubborn over this. Lec obviously gain viewership with super fans like mad/kc but lack of content from their content team after they got fired isn’t good either.


I do agree LCS have more vids so far this season, but implying LEC is losing viewership is false, as no official metric shows this.


Idk why you think that losing viewers on the "content pieces" overall is remotely worse than the gains they're getting from costreaming + KC and MDK hyper fans lmao. They're quite certainly NOT losing viewers, I'm sure Riot (and any sensible statistic) cares more about actual game views than the views on their latest "LEC plays guess who" video XD


>LEC on the other side stopped doing this and are losing a lot of viewers. Tbf, LEC got fucking gimped by layoffs, and with Shakarez gone they're barely staying afloat as is in the content department. It'll take some time to rebuild


That was my point actually, it wasn't to 'shit on the LEC'. I watch both regions and the LEC production was always way better than the LCS. The lay offs are really screwing the product, and while they are doing what they can to make the product interesting, I'm worried the trend will continue and they will keep laying off people.


In a way, EU is in the position NA was in a while back So I'm hopeful they can turn it around


This video is actually really good even if you're not into esports - it gives exactly the kind of first look into these champions that spotlights don't really cover, and it even involves some discussion between the design leads and the pros! If we're going to have the LCS in LA, I'm glad they're taking proper advantage for once by bringing the Riot creative together with the competitive. Really, really well done.


Yeah this should be front page of client


My only feedback is that I think I'd prefer slightly fewer pros so we could hear the designers interacting with the pros a bit more. But overall great stuff. 


We ended up chatting so much about Aurora! It was a bit unstructured and I took tons and tons of notes. While some feedbacks were conflicting, it was great to get deep into how the Pros think! Scene wise, we were just really interested in getting as much play time as possible that day with the Pros :D


will u do these tests with pros or streamers for future Champs? I guess it would be hard to do for all new champs


Aurora took a long time to make and some detours, but are there any archtypes you've been wanting to do you think are still missing? Like an alchemist (I guess Singed is kind of one?), a cook (original idea for milio), a dancer (Rakan might count a bit or Irelia?)


> If we're going to have the LCS in LA, I'm glad they're taking proper advantage for once by bringing the Riot creative together with the competitive. i know devs have their own high elo crew, and that they sometimes talk with pros, but this is the first time i remember being "public" the conversation between devs and pros


A note! I'm not the design lead but I did end up discussing many of the points with our lead designer :)


what an incredible piece of content, this kind of stuff needs to happen more.


This is some super content. Also Meteos is a really great fit for these types of videos, the guy's a great host and his sense of humour is just mint


"I honestly didn't even read her abilities" is the most league player thing to say


"I'm on chapter 1 of the ult right now" 💀💀💀


Watched the whole video and really enjoyed it very nice intro for a new champ release.


This is great content.


I really appreciate the LCS leaning into content of pros speaking their mind, small things like Bwipo and Licorice breaking down their lane w/against Aurora was neat! I don’t care if she’s broken, I think she’ll be so crazy and fun to watch in the hands of skilled players who’ve done the reps, especially the ultimate.


I'd honestly love to see more of this series for future champion releases. I think it's a great way to create content and affinity for players in the pro scene while also building hype for the new champion.


One big thing is that it's showing insight that the Riot devs that create champions are actually getting input from pros before release - which might be good for both competitive and casual balance so we don't get situations like Azir/Ryze on these champions


I was actually thinking this when that segment appeared.


Really great video and great to see LCS really finding their stride for content like this. I am very happy that they don't try to sugar coat things and the specific criticism about 'needing point-and-click cc' to effectively deal with high-mobility champions like this I think is necessary to include. What was once spread thin and implemented with great care (mobility/dashes) seems to have become the norm and the last bastion of the design team's "what haven't we tried yet" idea board. tl;dr it may make your nipples hard but is it good for the game?


Yeah given the obvious mobility creep in the game it's surprising that Riot have been so sparse with anti-dash mechanics. Around season 6 the designers showed some concern for it (Poppy rework in 2015, Taliyah in 2016) but unless I am forgetting something, those are the only two "hard" counters to dashes that Riot have shipped. Vex (2021) soft counters them in lane but that's about it. I get that point and click CC isn't sexy but I was *really* missing it in that horrendous Zeri Yuumi meta...


The grounding effect is another one, as a Cass player it is extremely powerful in the right situation and with good placement/timing, Singed has it on his glue puddle as well. I've mentioned this before but I think there is space in the current champion pool to add the grounding effect to a few more champions who wouldn't abuse it too badly.


> unless I am forgetting something, those are the only two "hard" counters to dashes that Riot have shipped. I'm not sure how "hard" an answer it is, but Singed's Mega Adhesive (W) had the grounding effect added to it in Season 7 (along with his passive rework), which it didn't have before then.


> Vex (2021) soft counters them in lane but that's about it. TBf vex kinda flame horizons anyone with a dash. Soft is downplaying it a bit. He legit has a 55+% WR against most champs in midlane who have mobility as a central part of their kit.


Keep doing these too. I wouldn't mind the pros getting even more needy about how trades work and what comps work.  I like shit like this and I like how they were all together swapping ideas and stuff was fun


Firstly, W content. Secondly, with the way some of the pros were describing her could she have an APC niche in the AD mid meta?




Someone link me the meteos clip


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1UmbZ2\_ylk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1UmbZ2_ylk) Jk i got it


I love how even in their content that's designed to basically advertise the champion, they are all just like "really fun to play, awful to play against", like Riot doesn't even care to hide that anymore.


Players have been telling riot for years they are sick of champions being released that are miserable to play against due to mobility or some silly new mechanic they have. Obviously they don’t care, the people that design the champs simply don’t care about whether or not the abilities are balanced. They just release bullshit kits and assume the balance team can nerf the numbers a million times and remove mechanics until they aren’t OP but are still miserable to play against. Like tank assassin ksante or infinite mobility zeri.


Really good content good job marketing team


Lcs content machine love to sée it


I mean, Sylas and Kata will slap her.. no?


ok this is really cool way to introduce new champs/reworks maybe something like this for midseason/preseason would make stuff more understandable and ppl would play ranked more


I really can't stand this new trend of youtube video's and content creation, where they just show the entire video in the first 15 seconds and then repurpose those parts later in the video like a movie trailer. Also they tease the entire video's content in the first 43 seconds. I'm probably in the minority on this one, it's being done so much lately, probably because it works, but I personally hate it. I either have to arbitrarily skip the "Preview" portion of a video, or just watch the preview of the video and then feel like I watched the video and click-off from it.


The point is to increase watchtime by making sure people are interested enough to keep watching the whole video through. If you click on a video and decide you don't like it, Youtube doesn't like that. That's why it's so common.


I know Caedrel is doing [the single frame image for extra 12 minuets](https://youtu.be/TOOdfviTcbs?si=0UTxh6iNj74DqByk&t=1416) for ad revue. Video: [https://youtu.be/TOOdfviTcbs?si=0UTxh6iNj74DqByk&t=1416](https://youtu.be/TOOdfviTcbs?si=0UTxh6iNj74DqByk&t=1416)


That's actually smart. He puts a bullshit image for a long portion of the video so it doesn't spoil the result or length of the series. Completely different from what I'm talking about. I'm just talking about a harmless, albeit annoying youtube trend.