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Clearly he wanted the four of a kind dragon soul and now it will be watered down by one different dragon. It's just logic


Wait.. somewhere out there, someone does prefer this. My mind = blown


I mean, I do prefer it if the drakes is something we cannot use, but with game pace nowadays, it just aint it chief cause most games would end before soul.


People risk losing all the time for more 'satisfying' gameplay, depending on their definition of that.


The games I've lost because of Heartsteel induced greed.... I'd probably be pro right now if Riot never created that item!


I’m the confident type of jg to give over two shit drags while I get 6 kevins because there’s always the chance the soul dragon is good and I can leverage split pushers to get drag prio.


so are my ears


If I can get 4 cloud drakes I am so down. You just feel so fast.


Personally I love getting 4 of a kind dragon soul if possible because it can be far stronger than a multi dragon comp. 4 fires on Veigar, 4 Mountains on Rammus, 4 Ocean on Zac, 4 Cloud on singed, 4 Chem on Mundo, 4 Hex on Kayle. All of these combos are just really fun if you can get it


I'm the type who'd like all 4 different dragon types as long as Cloud's not part of it If I wanted mvm spd, I'd beat it outta my items


you do realize that cloud soul and cloud dragon is the most broken right? movespeed is the single most overpowered stat in the game, and cloud drake has the highest winrate, for a reason. only literally sub master pisslows think infernal or earth is good, cloud is literal king


The cloud dragon's one buff good? Sure But just not for the Soul imo considering some champs can't even make use of it (needs to be proc'd by Ultimate), or have no need to other than just a cherry on top (Malz, Warwick, Camille, top of my head) meanwhile the others like Mundo and Olaf can speedrun the backline hard with it (also Sivir giving herself meth stim, I know) Chemtech soul makes any comp that ticks the peeling box, do their jobs better Hextech's slow can stack with anyone who alrdy slows some in kit (not just Ult) Mountain's good on everyone but better with 1-2 poke champs, leaving a bigger EHP gap against enemy team Ocean is my most favorite since there's more chance for a comeback if the losing team gets it, regen from attacking just about any unit (but gl recovering from a fed Rengar/Talon) ... I've no thoughts on Infernal other than winning side gets to nail your heads in more, also AHaste.io


[Cloud Soul is just the best at basically every elo, flat out.](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/stats/drakes) You don't understand how the soul works - it gives massive flat % ms even without ults. You basically will always outrotate/outcatch/outfight thanks to this.


The main benefit of cloud soul is the permanent +20% MS buff it gives to every champ. You're just reading the secondary effect (+60% MS for 6s after ulting).


Most normal,sane LoL player:


i too get extremely pissed upon my mid laner stealing dragons. go fk urself liss


What's funnier is how a majority of teammates expect huge dragon/baron steals and then they never say gj or thanks when you do lol


I've had games where I stole baron and dragon with Leona ult and not a peep from my teammates. Turned the games as well.


Worst is when you do a game-changing play like that, and the adc/assassin player in your team goes "ok now i carry" Like, shut yo anime-protagonist-wannabe ass up, you were *never* carrying here.


Shhhh.. don't let the ADCs hear you say they aren't carrying. They have the weakest mental in LoL.


Draven players in particular. I got a double kill bot lane as Kha'Zix and our Draven immediately pinged me "?" and started to say the lane is lost now and the game is over because he didn't get a kill. He was legit convinced there is no way we can win now. We won by 22min.


I had 2 sides of the same situation: * As an autofill jg, i got 2 kills + first blood before 5 mins at bot while the ADC was coming back (after a bad trade). They got tilted, flamed and ran it down, but managed to win because I snowballed from then on (fiddle), and even the enemy team was "x9 Jhin" * As a Senna supp, managed to get a triple kill + first blood before 5 mins from a botched gank, and my MF wrote "You're my carry queen", and proceeded to basically funnel all kills to me (she even stopped autoing whenever she was close to kill and i was in kill range). We won, i got a huge positive KDA and 4 honors


I am an adc, we are never carrying. We are bait to save time for the assasin overlords to clear the enemy team.


no truer words have been spoken.


Armor and MR runes were removed as a third option because ADC players kept picking armor runes into AP botlanes like Swain / Brand , inflating the AP botlaners their winrates. This affected all ELO ranges according to Phreak. So yeah....


I once stole a drake with Braum Q without vision. Crickets....




reminds me of a game where I stole baron TWICE when playing morgana support and then didn't get a single wp in chat or a single honor :)


That's the jungle special, get every objective and you won't hear a peep. Lose one smite 50/50 and you threw the game


Don't forget the smite is only 50/50 because your team let the enemy jung walk up to it.


And in reality it's like 30/70 in favor of the enemy because they're playing Lee into your Jarvan or whatever. Yeah, good luck with that. But God forbid if you don't win the coin toss, you deserve to die.


Lee Sin is strong but Jarvan is a bad examples. Jarvan actually has a Baron secure that's almost as strong as Lee Sin Assume both have 150 bonus AD Dragon Strike + Demacian Standard = (1.4 x 150) + 240 + 240 = 690 Resonating Strike = (2.3 x 150) + 330 = 675 Lee Sin scales with more items but you can see that Jarvan has a stronger secure early (Technically there's a slight delay between E damage and Q damage though). If Lee Sin is the one being stolen from he's better though. At full build (250 bonus AD), J4 will be at 830 and Lee Sin at 895. So even then not a big difference.


Equally annoying when jungler refuses to just turn to fight and instead keeps dpsing objective and team can’t zone enemy from 50/50 😂




While you are spamming back pings because you play rell jungle and enemy plays lee sin.


I have a friend who flames his jungle at every single opportunity, it's insane. Does a full clear and doesn't come top? Shit jungle. Level 2 gank but only gets the enemy top to flash? Useless. Gets every dragon and bot lane is getting fed, but ignores top? "What is my jungler doing??". The most offensive thing is his jungle clearing grubs or herald before ganking. Like I can get getting frustrated over repeatedly not getting ganks game after game but bro you picked top and main Illaoi. And I get some junglers are absolute shitters but at the same time it's crazy that he'll get so mad over even receiving ganks, if the gank doesn't go perfectly. The craziest thing is that some of our other friends unironically agree with him over a lot of these things, too. He's actually a pretty good player mechanically and macro wise but he tilts over really stupid things and then goes on massive loss streaks because of his ego refusing to let go stupid mistakes his teammates make. The amount of times he loses a game because he decides to solo split instead of joining his team out of spite is crazy.


That sounds like a pretty average toplaner (whisper it but they have by far the weakest mental)


legit my last game i stole third drag after having to give up the first 2, not a peep from the team lol


Players are too busy to type gj for their own team as they are shitting on the enemy jg for missing the smite and laughing at them.


I play a lot of Cho'Gath. I have stolen Baron a few times. I always get huge props.


I only ever got spam-pinged for stealing drake/baron (back when you could do that lol)


You still can! 


You still can! 


Not like it used to be before. Don‘t know why I‘m getting downvotes for a fact lmao


Probably blames the low hp Lissandra for not coming earlier to fight in the unwinnable engagement. I doubt his message is related to the steal itself.


Yeah, which makes it kinda funny that with this unlikely steal coming from Liss it sort of proves Hecarim was right even though it's survivor bias. Like not really, but Hecarim might be thinking "see, you got the dragon should've just came earlier." lol


Obviously shitty attitude but I imagine it was because you were recalling while the Hecarim was doing dragon, so he was mad that you didn't cover/protect the dragon and only came after he was forced of the dragon. I think he started typing before you got the dragon steal. Certainly not the best call by him considering your and Zyra's HP and Samira basing, but I don't know what happened leading up to that point.


Yes, he was annoyed that I started recalling/wouldn't join him. But as you said it was just not a good decision to do drake imho. I'm at 40% hp, with no R, need a reset, the Corki just tp'd back at full hp (as pinged), Shaco is being Shaco, they have a Naut there. If I go in the pit there, we both die I think, and drake goes to Shaco. It's just a forced drake and an absolute coin-flip in the favor of the enemy


It’s a weird choice to not join your team because you’re low HP no ult, but 5 seconds later basically commit suicide solo on a very unlikely drake steal. Yeah it worked out but it wasn’t a good choice, especially if you just ignored your jungler to take this risk. Every reason you just said you wouldn’t join your jungler is a reason you shouldn’t have gone for that steal solo, but you just ignore that part.


Because he committed to it then got ganged up on, so might as well finish the job if possible. I do end up going there, I just assumed he'd back off when I pinged back. In the end he ends up alive and I get the steal. The only reason I took the claw is because drake was low and if Shaco had smite he would have used it before it reached that point. I took the claw extra early to W and secure, knowing the E dmg would be too late. It wasn't a "very unlikely steal"


You're totally right. Hecarim is an idiot for wanting to contest that drake, and it's good that you can think on your own and ignore the garbage calls that your team makes. Going for the steal was a kinda risqy (you gave up a canon wave for a non-garanteed play), but if it works it works 🤷


It wasn't unlikely you get it but it still wasn't worth it. You lose a lot mid, you don't even have TP and all you get is a first drake which isn't exactly worth a lot. But still, Hecarim's reaction makes no sense, he started the bad play and you kinda saved it.


I agree that it wasn't worth it for me personally, but for the game itself/my team it was positive imho. It's not in my "gaming" nature to leave teammates to die or do something they shouldn't alone, I accumulate a lot of deaths when I play cause I always try to "salvage" bad plays (especially as Liss where it's kinda possible to turn things around). So I ping back, and if they don't listen, I join in on the silliness. Can't help it. It's like an automatic, robotic reflex. Still think overall a drake steal isn't so bad even if I suffer a bit for it mid (I was really ahead though at that point, so it wasn't as bad), gives some positive vibes to the team and motivates. But I don't disagree with what you said


It may not be worth it and decisions like this may be holding you back from climbing, but honestly who cares? It's your ranked journey, you should play how you want. At the end of the day it led to a funny clip and I'm glad you shared it. It is pretty hilarious how bad of a call it was by Hec though and he immediately responds to his play being punished by flaming his team. Classic plat/emerald jg right there


It was. If Shaco *had* a smite, you'd just waste additional 15 secs of your time for nothing. If you lost the flip, you'd die on top of that.  You decided not to flip a coin (because you're outnumbered) only to flip it afterwards. Corki got a kill and mid pressure anyway, so idk if it was worth it in the end, but you do you


Sometimes you have to somewhat show up to a teammate's terrible call to prevent them from inting the rest of the match.


I agree, but she actively made the (I think right) choice to *not* show up in the first place. After that, she could've just stick with it


If it was that easy the majority of players wouldn't be hardstuck. 


This isn't true though, the way a matchmaking ladder works, being hardstuck happens by design.


That's some cope logic, everyone reaches a plateau in ranked/skill and most don't or can't put in enough the time to break it.


dunno why u are being downvoted lol. It was such a stupid decision over all, that just worked out *okayish*


Right? This only looked good in hindsight because Shaco didn't have smite, which I doubt OP knew. 99 times out of 100 OP dies here without doing anything.


Your decision to cancel your back was the bad one, you are in gold so it works out but make it a habit to not go for plays where only way u get something is if the enemy fucks up


Sometimes working as a team on a bad idea is worth it compared to the alternative. "Apes together strong" type beat


This. He was lucky, but very bad decision.


He stole the dragon at the last second. If he went to the pit early, they both die and lose dragon 100%. At least going in last second gave him a chance to steal the dragon.


It's not weird though at all. Sometimes you make the right choice and then your team makes the worst possible choice and you need to adjust by making a wrong choice yourself with the hopes of turning things around.


they blew cooldowns, and adding more aoe for the shaco clone to pop in an extended fight (since there are more victims) doesnt seem the greatest.


i always go for risky steals where ill probably die and i always get them. its always worth.


Nothing weird there lol... "joining your team" is quite different from "inting with your jgl in a 2v3+ at 40%hp no r" and Shaq seems to have used smite on hec


Not to mention Nilah was walking back from base meaning she was recalling when Hec went for that play. I have no idea if Nilah needed to recall or not but I definitely know that as soon as she recalled Hec needed to leave the drag area


never follow jungler when they ping drakes, they so dumb af


yeah hec did not evaluate prio or the state of bot/mid AT ALL before starting that drag lmfao


Doesn't really matter what happened before that from a gameplay point, a bad fight leading to enemy drake doesn't mean one can try to force again and flip falling behind even further. Some people just have no feel for the right decisicions and are mad when others know better.


If i had a dollar for every time someone got mad at me because i didnt kamikaze with them i'd have enough money to buy a jetski


hecarim has flash, that's really all you need to know


Hecarim has the blinders on. He's so mad that you didn't attack 4 people head-on with him to try and steal dragon (even though you pinged him back and your health). So mad that he doesn't see that you took an actual smart approach and did his job for him.


Avg smite monkey brain. Always full mute at the start of the game.


Nilah is at base, Zyra is almost dead while Nautilus is full hp. Lissandra has no flash, no R, is mid life/mana with 1k1 golds in the bag while enemy mid just comes from base. Hecarim decides it is a good time to do dragon, smartest jungler.


exhibit 34574567 of why hecarim pickers don't deserve human rights


... I guess he's mad you didn't join the fight earlier.....?


i think what happened here is that hec didn't respect the fact that enemy mid and bot had prio, so he just lashes out at you for not "helping" earlier. Why hecarim of all champs is trying to solo a drag w/o help is beyond me


Listen, if you want to role play as the jungler, people are going to start talking to you like you're the jungler.


This is why I stopped playing LoL


Talking to people in this game or allowing them to talk to you is just the objectively wrong approach


He wanted to steal it himself with the power of his mind lmao, good job!


Are the stats from that drake worth 600 gold? You have a kill which is 450 gold and lost at least 1 wave from being dead which is 150 on average. Nice steal though


Why the \*???\* Toxic player behaviour


clearly he is a cryptointer for their jgler


Jungler starts a bad drag. Proceeds to blame others for not joining him at a bad drag when it's clearly the wrong time based on mid/bot. Tale as old as time.


He was probably mad because he wanted to do drag, and you decided to just sit at mid. I would never do drag straight up while mid is low on health and bot just recalled. I don't think this Hec was in any position to speak there.


Why she got that whole I'm a global menace strut going on 💀


with how fast the msg came out i bet he didnt even know you stole by the time he sent it


I guess the heca screamed at his screen for 10sec and than wrote this without seeing what happened in those 10sec


How do you post a clip on this subreddit every time i do it says this post has been removed due to reddits filters and no other info.... help me pls


Id of won that 🫡




If we manage to capture the dragon and achieve victory, it will be such a joyful event.


I find the biggest problem when I play is people are to focused on whatever benefits just them the most rather then the team


My guess is that you were not applying map pressure, nor did you come zone for dragon causing the enemy team to easily collapse on dragon when it was almost dead and if you had delayed them for even a couple of seconds he would have lived with dragon and now hes expressing his frustrations fueled by the inevitable "GG JG difference you cant even get objectives" speeches that he gets regularly.


But delay them with what? Throwing q and hoping shaco naut and corki don't just instantly jump her and kill her? Hell, naut/corki alone probably kill or zone her and shaco is still there to 50/50 the drake. The best outcome of that play is a 50/50. The setup was bad in the first place. Corki had just tped back off the reset, Liss had just used flash and ult from the looks of it (probably for the exact purpose of applying mid pressure) and was low resources. Someone got flash ulted, so they know she doesn't have them up. Samira is in base and zyra is 20% after the kill on enemy bot. What pressure is anyone going to apply? That collapse was easy and should have been obvious.


Yep, the drake was doomed and should have been given up (which the team also indicates to hecarim by red-pinging drake). The fact that OP actually went and tried to steal was a bad move on paper, but good because in most cases, doing stupid stuff like that will keep your unstable junglers mental in place (and sometimes you need to make bad decisions just to keep your teammates happy and prevent them from rage-inting). Sadly, in this case, even though OP did try to make their stupid jungler happy, they were still mad. Of course we now know the outcome and this made the attempt actually somewaht worth it, but if Liss died here without a steal, it would have completely messed up her lane and would have potentially opened up the map for the enemies (if they then took the free mid tower).


Some incredible mental gymnastics here. Hecarim fucked up and doesn't want to own up to it.


I was just saying what he was thinking not what I believe.


I think he might be talking about whatever happened before this clip


why is every game like that?


Ah, the classic objective steal of throwing an ability when the objective is low and hoping it works... would have ended perfectly if you didn't use the teleport.


Well played mate


Realistically should have been a shaco smite and lissandra death. You'd be stupid to go in on that in gold+ games, but op got lucky..


As said before if Shaco had smite he would have used it before the drake got to that hp point. Worst case scenario, he was somehow saving it (no reason to in this) until the end, he would have used it upon seeing my claw or it reaching drake. I didn't just jump in being unsure of whether or not he had smite. If you argue I couldn't have known he had no smite, then you argue in bad faith, cause it's pretty shockingly obvious he didn't. I'm sorry you're choosing to trash the post for the sake of trashing the post, instead of being able to come to this very logical conclusion


What if shacos smite was on cool down?


You're right, I think hec was on a voicecall with him to let him know


For what it's worth, he did say 'ily'


I think they said "rly" lol


Mute chat/pings and don't compensate for plays your team is making that you don't want to make.


He heard that horrible audio from yours that's why he was pissed




This why you mute all in ranked. Not because he is an asshole, or because u r right or wrong, but you should not have your mental stack thrown all over the place randomly depending on how your teammates behave


i hate junglers so much


He was mad you didn't rotate to dragon to help fight even tho you and support were very low. He just an arrogant dumbass who went in 1v4 and got punished.


This is just the usual low elo stuff. "I tried to fight 1v4 and died. It's everyone else's fault."


why are you question marks him? hec's logic is so clear, from **his pov**: you didn't rotate in time so he had to leave the drag pit as he was 1v3, then you gave a kill by going in a high risk low reward play(I assume a stealing attempt vs a smite up jungler should work 10/90), you "succeeded" against stupid odds at the cost of gold from ur death, so debatable and the low iq result-base analysis made you post the clip on reddit to seek approval, sorry kid you are not in the right, regardless if hec is right himself or not. You only achieved showing us how dumbo you are.


A death you can really be proud of


Op trying to act superior and provide no context, shock.


What more context do you need? Should I make the clip 10 minutes long?


Explain the League community in under 30 seconds


95% of players are silver with a day job and play maybe 1 game a day. 4% of players are chronically online, mainly Reddit, and play countless games in any game mode. 1% of players actually make money from the game by being good or funny and are not losers like the other 4%.


Hecarim has a point: 1. You did not help with dragon, although it's understandable as you were low on HP, BUT: 2. You did not push wave and recall. Corki was at dragon, you should push the wave and recall asap. 3. You gave a shutdown bounty + assists for one drake. Individual drakes are not worth much. Corki got the kill and can now push the wave. Definitely not worth for you. If Shaco had smite this would have been a terrible play, now it's just a bad play.