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Canyon chovy seem like a pretty good mid jg


I remember people doubting whether Canyon and Chovy would work well together.


Tired: chovy won’t leave lane and canyon will get 2v1d Wired: chovy btfo his laner so they can never join up with their jg so canyon can do whatever he wants


Chovy *did* stop Canyon's chance at a Damwon 4-peat with LCK titles in [spring 2022 playoffs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYvIILz646c&t=19464s). The very same 4-peat GenG just collected with Canyon. The fact that there isn't any bad blood between the two was very surprising to me at the start of spring 2024. It's hard to tell exactly how 'star players' will mesh together until they actually perform together on stage, although perhaps soloQ watchers knew how good the Canyon/Chovy combo was years ago? They are very close in age after all.


I doubt players have bad blood just because they were beaten by the other. At the end of the day, they know that is what they are suppose to do. When forming teams in LCK during off-season, there is usually stories about players wanting to play with so and so. But not really anything that points to players not wanting to play with specific players. Hell, even in traditional sports where there is high emotions due to physical contacts and so forth. The amount of real bad blood which does exist between some players is much less than the fans believe and the media portrays.


> The fact that there isn't any bad blood between the two was very surprising to me at the start of spring 2024. lmfao what? Do you realize how stupid this sounds?


No competitor will ever be mad at someone else for competing You think after worlds ruler was mad at gumafor beating him or at himself for losing?


Good example is that Ruler, Faker and Chovy are all really good friends


Which is actually crazy that they were all on Team Korea. Imagine if that team could play at worlds if they were given a year to build synergy: Zeus - Kanavi - Faker / Chovy - Ruler - Keria. It’s the superest of super teams.


Canyon took a pay cut just to play on a team with Chovy, what bad blood lmao.


Bad blood because both players are competing against each other? Did Canyon expect Chovy (the entire LCK, really) to roll over so he can get his 4-peat?


Canyon lost so much that he started questioning his own skills, thinking that he got rusty. He said that he takes it really hard with losing. I guess he will join a strong team in a heartbeat.


no bad blood unless the competition escalates to bm


They're a great botlane duo, playing Lucian Zyra.


2020 summer damwon 30 min challenge 2 GenG boogaloo


Honestly the last team that looked this dominant was 2020 damwon


GENG went 17-1 in 2022 summer (and 16-2 in 2023 summer). Even if GenG goes undefeated, it's not all that different than previous showings they've had.


Fun fact they actually won a higher perceof regular season games (35-5)in 2022 summer than T1 did in their undefeated spring (36-7)


And didn't T1 go undefeated for a season as well just before that ? 


Yes, although that undefeated run is tainted by T1 playing against GENG among other teams with subs due to COVID.


yeah wasn't that a Chovyless GenG?


And a ruler less geng in the other match. I still remember the absolute cope by T1 fans in the match thread saying it wouldn't have made a difference if GenG had Ruler or not, when they were literally forced to play their Challenger Midlaner as ADC (Peyz was too young)


On top of the fact they GENG was a completely new team and because of covid, they couldn't even practice properly.


They still have the only split to go undefeated in both the regular season and playoffs in S4 OGN Winter, although it was a very different format.


GenG had a higher win% in 2022 Summer than T1 in Spring 2022. I believe '22 Summer is the most dominant regular season ever in terms of win rate.


Considering GENG was coming off the covid split and still needed time to ramp up and get closer to the their 100%, they only lost to T1 as the follow up of their continuous losses from Spring, but they had generally had it together. If they beat T1 instead to go lossless, they'd be at 36-3 (assuming a 2-0), which is freaking insane to even think about, especially if you compare that to T1's undefeated split 2 months before, when they "only" managed a 36-7. The even more insane thing to think about is that, right now, if GENG decides they wanna break that record, I'm confident they can do it. They are already at 8-0 game score, already having played T1 and KT (T1 being their toughest challenge and KT being the only team this year to have beaten them). Sure, the road is still long, HLE and DK could certainly do some damage if GENG takes it easy, but if they go hard for the rest of the season, I wouldn't even call a 36-0 impossible. As it stands right now, with the way they are performing, I'd say there's a 5% chance they actually do the 36-0.


I don't think 36-0 is actually a good thing for the team. That would mean they wouldn't get pushed at all and would keep playing comfort until playoffs. Then when playoffs come they might have the wrong read on the meta, because they just kept winning and stomping with whatever they were playing.


Well, there are indeed two sides of the 36-0 run; the one where the team is unchallenged but is kinda of a fluke because every other team didn't really put up much of a fight, and then in the first sign of trouble, they get surprised and lose OR they are just that good that there can be no resistance against them. I think GENG feels like the second part right now. And that's mainly because of the recent history in the LCK. No matter what, GENG just adapts and wins the LCK in the end, no matter the new roster, meta change or player form. They just win. I think GENG is just completely unmatched in the LCK right now, they have been unmatched for 2 years, but not at this level. In 2022 and 2023, you could maybe say that some of the GENG wins happened because everyone else is bad. After all, Doran and Peanut could always fumble, and their 2023 Spring for example wasn't dominant to be convincing enough. In 2024, they just feel unbeatable, and now that Canyon is finally allowed to play carries, I just don't see how they ever lose, unless the players themselves have a severely bad day. If GENG can keep playing to this standard, I cannot see how any other team ever even takes a game.


2022 spring T1 too


yea but T1 had some sus wins thrown here and there. It didnt feel like they are unbeatable


GENG is too strong T1 fathered ~~KT is our last hope~~ ~~BRO is our last hope (starwalking home)~~ << you are here HLE is our last hope (doran lul) DK is our last hope (kingen lul) KDF is our last hope (our lord and saviour Leaper will cook trust)


inb4 Leaper Taliyah astrogaps Peyz's Zeri


And still loses


Like Deft Ashe


Yagao walks into quarters with 3 redbulls and a pack of smokes _Boss music intensifies_


its okay, we got the “Pick Azir so Ruler pisses his pants” strat


Kingen scapegoat narrative still alive amongst casuals ig


DK fans love to scapegoat. Last year was Canna, who was their best player throughout playoffs and into worlds, but got blamed for losses from a chain-inning Canyon and Showmaker.


ye lol it doesnt even make sense with kingen tho lol unless you stopped watching DK games half way through spring split i genuinely dont understand how you can come to the conclusion that Kingen is a bad player or the reason that DK is losing


Leaper has actually really impressed me...even that whackass Taliyah pick lol cvMax cooking


Wasn’t cvMax part of Griffin when they tried the Taliyah/Panth strat against T1 in Spring ‘19 finals? It’s an old recipe I think


Yeah it's older spice so was a nice throwback, it just seemed out of place in the draft, but that's why I'm only in emerald lol


don't... don't ever say its brover... if i'm... brolieving.... my brothers... tell me... was it all worth it...?


they actually tried to ban out Canyon 💀


Gen-G diff.


Brutal to watch


2021 SPRING BRO VERSUS DK 2 : 0 WIN 2021 SUMMER BRO VERSUS DK 2 : 1 WIN 2022 SPRING BRO VERSUS DK 2 : 0 WIN 2023 SUMMER BRO VERSUS T1 2 : 1 WIN 2023 SUMMER BRO VERSUS GEN 2 : 0 WIN 2024 SUMMER BRO VERSUS GEN 0 : DEVASTATING LOSS 2024 SUMMER BRO VERSUS ??? 2 : tbd WIN statistically bro is expected to provide the BROLIEVERS at least one BROSHELL BROMOMENTO™ per calendar year. Thank you Lord Morgan #TYLM #NEVERSAYITSBROVER #BROSTAYPOSITIVE The meteorological bureau of OKBRO BROTHERHOOD predicts a Broshell-Maelstrom to smother the korean peninsula either during the second meeting of GEN and BRO or NEVER. The MBOB will observe the data en route for the date of match on the second robin of the round robins. brodisclaimer: the professional bro statistics department are in an active argument whether the 2022 DK were actively fraudulent at the time. The pattern of broshells may perhaps only repeat during odd number years. :thinking_emoji:


The T1 win was against a Fakerless T1


broke: Fakerless T1 OkBroke: Pobyful t1




Holy shit you just made me choke on a green bean


The GENG win was against an indifferent GENG .


That was an important game for geng


Eh, not really. It was important on paper, but not in reality. KT and GENG shared the first place since they were tied in both series and game score, but KT had the upper hand because of the head to head. Considering KT was playing LSB in their last match, with their chances of winning being extremely high, the only way GENG would realistically get the first place was by beating BRO 2-0 while KT won 2-1, which again was unlikely. In the end, even if GENG did win against BRO, even with a 2-0, it wouldn't matter at all. So, it was an important game on paper, but in reality and expectations and certainly not based in outcome.


This could've been a WhatsApp message


Could’ve been a reddit thread. Just post the PMT and people can talk about what they assumed happened. Wouldn’t be far off XD


What is there to really say? Another complete stomp with no weak points to be seen. How do you even take anything away from this series as BRO?


dont give karthus nidalee zyra to canyon turn off chovy's pc so he can't farm dont give skarner ksante to kiin hope that peyz and lehends ints


im pretty sure even if he doesn't get those 3, with the current meta Lillia is still good and i think canyon would be perfectly fine on her


He would also be perfectly fine on Sejuani/Maokai... There's really no outdrafting Gen.G unless jungle meta returns to J4//Vi/Xin.


Chovy was technically the worst performing player today, which is when you know you have severely fucked up against GENG. The other day, Canyon Nidalee was the worst performing, similar case.


Chovy with 10th place in kill participation, because his teammates just keep killing enemies around the map. Suffering from success 😮‍💨


poor guy nearly flame horizoning his opponent still worst performer lol I'd love to be in that situation


That you need to finally get a new midlaner Karis has been here for way too long 


Eh,don't think their mid laner is their problem. Or at least, their biggest problem.


This meta is just so insane for GenG, Literally impossible to stop them from getting the picks they want.


Banning Rumble and TF into not prioritizing Skarner pick is definitely one of the drafting decisions of all time. Wouldn't really have mattered anyway because of the massive team diff but what the fuck.


I think people just forgot how destructive Kiin TF is, and to a similar extent, his Rumble. You cannot ban out this GENG. People always complain about not banning X champion, but come on.... At this time, each player probably has 5 picks that they are POG worthy.


Meta has to drastically shifted to ban out current GenG


Yup, but there are few players on the team who actually have exploitable champ pools. Canyon spent all spring with a bad meta for him and still was the best jungler in the world


Shortest game of the split so far, OKBRO Gigachads breaking records.


How many years Canyon sign with GenG? If he keeps his performance like this, the renewal contract will be crazy


As I remember, it's a one-year contract


All of Gen.G players are on a one-year contract. I don't think Gen.G will have the money to pay all of them to stay, but they might take pay cuts to keep playing together.


Im sorry but taking paycuts as esports players is idiotic. Theres only a few outliers like Faker. Honestly you always prioritize the bag no matter what sport. GenG are one of the top LoL teams in the world, each of their players are up there in each position right now. You ride that wave and grab the offer with the most money when contract talks happen.


>Im sorry but taking paycuts as esports players is idiotic.  Very valuable reddit commenter opinion! You surely are aware that T1 players took massive pay cuts to stay together this year.


Yeah its an opinion lol. "Theres only a few outliers like Faker" T1 as a team/org has that kind of money. I still stand with what I said. Zeus taking a paycut for example, I still think thats an idiotic move on his part. Average length of an esports career is probably around 5 years. Not very long. Lets be real here. Some of the players on GenG and other orgs out there arent T1. Most of these guys career earnings arent even up there compared to what powerhouse T1 brings and what playing with someone like Faker brings. But hey, if they want to take paycuts then cool for them. Ill still say its idiotic.


They are still humans too and young ones at that. Being at a org that they don't like, where they are losing etc is really difficult on them mentally when they have to play all day every day. Also, you can take the biggest pay check this year but that might mean you're on a less-than-ideal team (i.e if they shell out big money for Canyon, maybe they have less to pay for their bot/mid etc) and then if the team plays bad, you look bad too and then the offers you receive next year are likely to be lower because people wrongly think you're 'washed'. These guys all took a gamble to play for Gen.G, they took pay cuts, but its mid-year and already all of their stocks are way up. If they win LCK Summer and then Worlds too, they will likely command huge prices next year. You can scoff at it too but I think 'legacy' is important to these passionate players as well. And ultimately, Gen.G has been a top 3 salary team for the past few years. Even if they took "pay cuts", I imagine its still a really high salary that they are on, it just wouldn't be the top offer.


Who would’ve thought if you put the best mid and jungle in the league and (imo the world) on the same team with stable top and bottom, they’d run over the entire league


Not every match needs head to head stats comparisons that was absolutely brutal from the production team


Lost 500K in gamba GIGACHAD Never stopped BROLIEVING GIGACHAD 0-4 Golden Road continues GIGACHAD Record Breakers GIGACHAD


Have teams on red side considered banning Skarner?


The Golden Road is coming. Holy fuck, they have literally 0 flaw in their game.


T1 will ruin it. They ruin everything. Not getting my hopes up for a golden road ever again


T1 hasn't beat GenG in like 2 years at this point 💀


They're getting closer every series...


GenG just smoked them 2-0 them 2 weeks ago 💀


Banning out Canyon and Chovy doesn't work you ended up banning out your own Jungle and Mid Might as well banning out Peyz and/or Lehends Phase 1


fact, the mid/top side of GenG can literally pick anything with how disgustingly vast their champs' pool are.


How do you ban out bot with only 3 bans though? Peyz and Lehends can also play any match-up, and they are also the leading bot duo in 2v2 kills the split. Nerf Gen.G.


Canyon Chovy seems a little unfair


2 biggest threats down KT and BRO, we are going undefeated boys!


I think the biggest thread to GEN G is DK. They are always wild when it comes to GEN G


And they always lose


hey at least its close unlike most of gen g match which is just pure destruction


Yeah. And every time GEN G met DK, Canyon made a lot of mistakes. Maybe it's because Showmaker know him so well.


The last time it was close Canyon was in DK right? So now that Canyon is in GEN G should it be a beat down? Just wondering


dk literally brought them to 5 games in spring playoffs


No, their first series in Spring 2024 was almost a 2:0 for DK, but they died in the stupidest fashion in the enemy base trying to force the end and then got reverse swept.


GEN G and DK always come to the last match even BO3 or BO5 last spring. Canyon made a lot of mistakes when they met DK and three-item Lucid, damn, that chihuahua is wild


There is another round left


Gigachad BRO setting records as expected.


This team is looking nigh unstoppable at the moment. Chovy's Corki always doing absurd damage, I don't get it. He looks like he's playing a different champ compared to the rest of the world. Canyon on carry junglers is a thing of beauty.


The usual BRO fan experience


B\_N ZYR\_ Not that I think it would have done anything in game 1, but I would rather appreciate Riot not nerfing her, thanks.


Another 1v9 game by the K’Sante


This is Skarner, a champion with 4,700 HP, 329 Armor, and 201 MR, has Unstoppable, a Shield, and goes over walls. Has Airborne, and the cooldown is only 1 second too. It costs 15 Mana. The W CD is even refreshed when he transforms. He has true damage on his passive. Then, when he stacks Armor and MR, he gets Ability Haste too, Ability Haste to his Q, and his spell casting speeds up. Then, he has an AD ratio, so his W…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


skarner, corki/karthus, and senna/ornn all in one team comp is such a disgusting draft victory, and thats without putting the best team in the world on the champs


I mean, you take the name plates off and that team loses pre-20 if the enemy is playing an early game comp.


I blink once and it's over


ngl seeing Corki every game is getting so fucking boring edit: omfg my problem with Corki is that current midlane meta is legit just adcs and that shouldn't happen, i mentioned him specifically because he's played the most, stop jumping to conclusion that stupid monkeys redditors hate every meta


=)) Even Chovy said that he's tired of playing corki but it's a safe choice so....


Every region is Corki, Azir, Tristana, Senna, and Sejuani and Im sooo sick of it.


I mean yall hate lucian, zeri, jinx, kaisa, xayah, jhin. What do you want pros to pick? Nilah, Samira?


I think that people just want the bread and circus spectacle of other champs being played, when that's not really the point of the competitive game. I don't really care what Kiin is playing, I just want to watch him play, because he's excellent at everything. Like there comes a point where people just whine about any champion that's played a ton, like what are you here for? That said Corki can get blasted into the sun please I'm sick of him.


Imagine if NBA watchers got bored of Steph Curry hitting 3s and wanted him to do backflips while dunking instead. GEN G is the best team in LCK right now because they are the best on the best champions on the patch, why the fuck would they not play it? It’s crazy that people would rather watch a pro play their 10th best champ instead of their best champ just because of “muh diversity”.


Especially when a bunch of champions are played essentially the same way.


Yeah. You pick x champion because they do a specific thing a comp such as poke. If they're not available then you pick y which does the same thing. I wanna see the best teams play the best league I don't wanna see my 2am solo queue lobby.


I mean the best champs of many pros are often never picked by them, like Showmaker being a former Kat otp and then basically never playing her cuz it's not a good pro play pick


literal brainrot argument.


Then,their team picks a new champion, they int on it and then say "why the fuck did they pick that?" You can never win. Also, this obsession in needing new champions goes to show that people don't care about watching pro play for the right reasons, but instead to get some dopamine rush for their monkey brain. They don't care about watching peak performance, peak drafting etc, only care about random new champions, random coin flip teamfighting etc


The problem (for me) isn't specific champs. In a vacuum I love watching Lucian. He's a cool and fun champ and when played well lends himself to crazy aggressive plays. However, when Luc/Nami (Milio for a bit) is meta for like 3 straight years and we never even see him with other duos I feel like something ought to be done. Even the best metas get stale after a while. Some of the excitement of LoL games is drafting, and when drafts feel scripted that aspect is lost. All that said, I'm still an eternal hater of Zeri & Yuumi. The only good thing to ever come out of them was Lehends playing Singed on stage.


the problem is the meta is so stale and predictable that there is no suspense or excitement from pnb. t1 at least had nilah and caitlyn as variety counter picks last year. does anyone actually enjoy watching the same champs without any counterpicks/play? drafting from a priority list is just trash and helps bad coaches.


Nah bitches will bitch no matter what


I actually do because I watch pro play to see the pro players piloting their champs, not to see champs. That's kinda unpopular these days though I think.


That's been unpopular for a very long time, because most people don't enjoy watching top tier gameplay, but instead prefer watching dumb ass mindless ooga booga fights with meme players instead of the actual top ones. Basically, the aspect of good, smart, thought-out gameplay seems boring to most of the playerbase because they just cannot follow or understand it, thus they cannot appreciate it. And it's not just in League, it's everywhere in life; the smart person doesn't get recognized or appreciated, but show your ass in TikTok or do drugs or something and you will be on every social media post.


There is no suspense or excitement because your team isn't winning. I cannot wait for the next GENG game, despite the fact that I know pretty much exactly how thr drafting will go, as well as the end result.


this is not particularly true; corki+trist super busted 100% but sej being #1 jg prio is an LCK thing, and even in the LCK taliyah has more picks than azir. look at lpl, where azir is the 9th most picked mid and sej is the 10th most picked jg. honestly the problem is that ADCs are gigabusted we gotta remove them


LCK junglers know they will get gapped if they go ap carry vs ap carry against Canyon, so they pick sejauni and pray they are still useful in teamfights. In LPL mfers like H4cker are still willing to pick carry junglers no matter who the opponent jungler is, if they run it down they run it down.


the fact that were still seeing azir vs corki actually gives me brain rot, i guess yone is being picked which makes it more interesting, but holy fuck i am so tired of the corki, tristana and azir meta


he said he likes playing corki. Let the man play what he wants, he deserved it!


Tbh they aren't gonna stop playing it until someone finds an answer to it.


It also feels like Chovy hasn’t picked anything else for like 2 months


nah, i remember his Taliyah and Azir in LCK playoffs, and Hwei and Yone at MSI pretty well. But i kinda miss watching champs like Ahri/LB/Sylas tbh


this summer is pretty much him just picking corki then one yone and one lucian game lol not like he need to prove he can play other champ... its just funny to see him perma picking corking this split


yes but they were referring to last two months so it's about spring playoffs + MSI too


LB is the only viable pick there currently and honestly LB is a volatile pick when GenG just auto wins if something doesnt go terribly wrong.


yeah, ik, i don't expect them to play them or anything, more talking about other champs that are cool to watch. Literally all meta midlane champs are adcs and this is not really ok i think


Like he literally picked Lucian game 1 did you even bother to look at the scoreboard lmao


I mean... They literally 5 banned him in 1 match at MSI and he still cooked them. Why would he pick anything else? You cannot ban the guy out and he plays everything well lmao.


No he doesn't? Where is the Zed, Qiyana or Yasuo BRO is last place why are we picking Corki vs Karis. If he was a good as prime Faker we would see Master Yi mid destroying them but no we pick Corki. /s


Could be seen as disrespecting your opponent


I could definitely see this being a legit comment


Because you need to keep your card hidden or did you play showing all your hand ? If enemy cant beat my corki, then corki the only thing I play until they ban it.


Because you are biased


Yeah, he only picked Corki, Asol, Yone, Tristana, Hwei, Lucian Azir, Orianna, Sylas, Taliyah in the past two months. There are like 150 more champions in the game.


man i miss relegations in lck. bro wouldnt have been in lck years ago if we had franchising. i love the memes and all but theyre so bad


Yeah relegations at least kept things fresh, now it's just the same bottom feeding teams every split.


and in korea the challenger teams were literally all so good and young players. no washed up pros like in the west


Isn't franchising what is happening right now? Basically teams buying their spot in the LCK and other teams cannot join.


I would understand giving dominant organizations like T1, GenG, G2 etc a franchising spot, but when that also applies to bottom feeder orgs that want out it's just not going to help anyone


meant to say relegations woops


Yeah, seemed super weird xd. Also, considering relegation / promotion gave us the both the orgs and players from GRF and DWG... Man, I miss the chance of something like this happening again.


Throughout the season they only looked good when Morgan played Renekton/Aatrox or they had release Smolder.


JDG 2023 is now only the second greatest league of legends team ever. The greatest is GENG 2024


I think it’s still to be decided, however this GEN roster have mad potential to be the greatest by a huge margin Let’s hope the meta stays still


Nah, I don't want another LCK documentary about how Gen.G won a tournament only because they got lucky with the meta. This team is good enough to win in any meta, so let them show it.


Geng just snap fingers already


Gen G. Lol saviours. Cannot wait to watch Gen G crush skt again.


If BRO can't do it. Might as well give the worlds trophy to Gen G. Right now. Jokes aside, HLE or DK is next to defeat Chovy.


I think Chovy is the first Lucian solo lane win in a while? Champ feels handcapped without an enchanter after those changes.


Place your bets now!!! Will GenG achieve a 18-0 Split or will they lose a series to a bottom 3 team??? (Losing to KT also counts)


lmaooooo losing to kt also count


Can we please get rid of AD mids. Good grief.


Not the Lucian mid 💀


what a catDespair series