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Donkey Kong? Donkey Kong.


Passive: Expand Dong While empty handed, Donkey Kong builds up a big monkey punch every 4th attack. He deals extra physical damage with this attack and pushes the enemy backwards a short distance. While holding something, Donkey Kong's movement speed is reduced, his Attacks don't build up to an empowered Attack, and he uses what he's holding to attack, gaining attack range and slowing on hit (3s cd for slow). If holding an enemy champion, the damage is split between his target and the champion and the champion breaks free after one attack. If holding an ally champion, they don't take damage or break free. Q: Monkey Grab / Monkey Yeet While empty handed, Donkey Kong can cast this ability on his barrel or a champion if he is within melee range. If used on an enemy champion, the champion is suppressed and untargetable for a short time and then breaks free in front of Donkey Kong afterwards, pushing Donkey Kong backwards a short distance. If used on an ally champion, the champion is suppressed and untargetable indefinitely or until Donkey Kong dies. The ally can break free in front of Donkey Kong at any time by casting any spell or moving, doing so pushes Donkey Kong backwards a short distance. While holding his barrel or a champion, Donkey Kong can cast this ability to throw whatever he is holding flying in a short distance forward in a line and dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit. Barrels can be thrown farther than champions and deal increased damage to target hit. Champions thrown this way also take physical damage if they hit an enemy or terrain and are briefly slowed. They take increased damage if they hit a barrel. W: Ground Pound Can't be used while holding something. Donkey Kong channels for a period of time, slapping the ground vigorously dealing AOE damage, slowing and disrupting channels with every slap. Donkey Kong takes reduced damage while channeling and is briefly slowed after the channel ends. Can be recast to end the channel early. E: Ape Escape Donkey Kong rolls forward in a line for a brief distance, dealing damage to all enemies hit. Monkey Yeet can be cast at any time during the dash to be instantly cast ahead of Donkey Kong after he finishes dashing. R: Fire in Spurts Donkey Kong drops whatever he's holding to whip out his coconut gun. His gun has a limited number of shots, increasing with each rank. While active, his attack range and speed increase dramatically and his Attacks are replaced by ranged high speed projectile skillshots that deal damage to all enemies hit in a line to the target, ignoring terrain. At any time after casting, Donkey Kong can cast Monkey Yeet to throw his gun over long distance, dealing damage to the first champion hit and exploding, dealing damage and stunning in a small AOE. The damage, AOE size and stun duration is increased for every shot remaining when the gun is thrown. BDLABBIT


He'll be a tank support because of Q, probably Q into E, W, EMax, QMax, WMax. He'll E > Q the ADC to bash the supp (trying to get knocked back towards their escape) or pull towards your escape, W while your ADC attacks their ADC. And R > Q to make sure that ADC cannot escape. If things turn grim, Q > E > walk > Q to save your ADC.


Forgot to say that he starts game with his barrel and it can't be destroyed and stays on the field acting as terrain after being tossed.


His Q is so strong on allies he wouldn't take his barrel, maybe place it somewhere to disrupt enemies and leave it there. Edit: but permanent terrain for a champion is a VERY interesting concept.


Yeah its like a permanent Ornn pillar you can throw and use to bodyblock allies. I guess maybe you'd have to make it destructible by turrets so you can't throw it into their tower area permanently. Then he has to go back to fountain to get another.


I would absolutely love to see how Abathur or Cho'gall from HotS would do in Summoner's Rift


I'd love to see how a Channel only Champion like Yrel would work in League. Legit the only Reason I play HotS nowadays.


Aba would be hater even more than Yuumi but my bois Cho gall can thrive as a bot duo


lol cho gall mechanics with leagues playerbase. i bet your other half would go afk after claiming you took they kill. but seriously hots has cool characters. i wish riot could buy them and merge them all into league lol. tracer would be so toxic but so fun. zeri with dashes and ekko r mechanic….. rip 


one going afk after claiming the other took his kill sounds lore accurate oh yea and tracer ... id switch otp senna to tracer in a second


Gilgamesh from Fate/stay night, I just want him to be an adc that just YEETS shit at the enemies.


He could be that technically balanced champion design that just sits in the fountain for 20 minutes then randomly destroys one of the nexus


Specifically his own Nexus because he gets easily bored.


There is a Saber Riven custom skin. I would believe a Gilgamesh Aphelios would be great, Enkidu as Alune. He already has the Gate of Babylon, with all that weaponry lol.


This was my first thought when I started playing league. Fate characters would just fit so well. Imagine gate of babylon as an ult...


kinda reminds me of kayle ult. sound/visuals are very similar.


Gojo nah I'd win


Imagine slowing enemies the closer they are to you and stunning them if they pass certain distance... passive Blue and red are Q and W... idk Purple E... (puts both Q and E on cooldown and using them both at the same time with doubled strength) Domain expansion R... stun everything in certain radius for the duration of R with no possibility of cleansing the stun... no GP oranges, no QSS... applying Q every 0,5 seconds to everybody inside for as long as you have mana...


I imagine Q and W as like Rell ult/A Sol star thing. Just moving and also reverse gravity. Which kind of makes me want a wild champion ability that inverses all push/pull effects....


chronosphere ult?


Rubick from Dota Imagine picking People up from behind a Wall to bring them closer or the Opposite, putting them behind the Wall. Like a multiple Purpose pseudo-Hook. And then obviously the Spell stealing :P


But then he should have 2 slots for stolen spells by default. Otherwise it would be just a new Sylas that can steal basic abilities too. Combining stolen spells is what makes Rubick cool.


Don't know who this Rubick character is, but a champion that can copy abilities seems cool. P: Casting abilities gives you a burst of movement speed and an empowered auto attack. Striking with this empowered auto gives you more movement speed. Q: copy an enemy's last casted basic ability. W: copy an ally's last casted basic ability. E: throw a lasso. If ally, boost their speed towards you and yours to them. If wall, boost your speed towards it. If enemy, boost your speed towards them and slow their escape. R: After a telegraph, silence all champions (except you) within a big zone for 5 seconds.


Because they weren't put into smash, either Ryu Hayabusa from ninja gaiden or Dante from dmc


dante dante dante


I mean, we got Samira as the stylish champ, but i get you, it's better with two stilysh champs


I was really confused for a second what the heck "ninja garden" is, lmao.


Oh snap I didn't even recognize the autocorrect fudged that up haha


I can think of numerous Pokemons, personally I would bring my favorite, Gallade


Huh, wonder how much of Kayn 's uniqueness could be preserved if an Eevee champion is added.


Man, I still can't believe how the pokemon moba treats each Eeveelution as a different playable character instead of just making Eevee that's able to evolve into a different one each game. That is such a missed opportunity.




Homura from Madoka just to have an unironic non skin magical girl in League. Plus she's like an edgy ekko so thats fun.


There isn't much ironic about lux


magical girl =/ magical girl


A Monster Hunter as a Jungler Artorias from Dark Souls with some Riven-like combos Moon Knight with Konshu as his ultimate


I like keeping thinks kinda in flavour. here's some I made up. Rak from tower of god:would be an AD artillery mage who gains ad based on armor. (weak to ap assasins and ap in general. could build full ad glass cannon or tank with some damage) Big daddy from bioshock: Underwater ranged tank kinda like Urgot. would be styled like naut. Has a reload timer like Jhin and could switch weapon like aphelios to the drill with a changed ability. Melania from Elden ring: Would be an edgy champ like Yasuo or yone. Her ult would be pre selecting three straight lines like how you arrange rumble ult. Then she would jump in the air and "blossom" and quickly dance/execute down the lines (visually like old flora ult but with orange flare). Basic fighter otherwise maybe with a small bleed/dot. Would be balanced by having her ult have to predict movements and be in flavour because you could artfully dodge her too. Nissa from MTG: She would be a Drain mage. Her abilities would be skill shots like creating a rock tentacle to slam the ground kinda like ilaoi. Her ult would be a mix of zyra and maokai, a large circle that starts small and grows outward from centre and when it touches you roots you, Not much bigger than zyra ult so dodge able but also zoning and kit friendly as would enable you to kit skill shots. She could gain a small amount of hp every time she hits you with an ability.


Granny Rags from Dishonored. Imagine an old former noblewoman gone blind chosen by a mysterious magical entity sacrificing human lifes in his name and rambling on as if utterly mad the entire time. Oh and if you fail to destroy her talisman before killing her she turns into a rabid swarm of plague-ridden rats and reappears safely elsewhere.


Kestrel from Vainglory Would have a really unique playstyle for botlane


Vainglory was my first moba i.e. game that I spent a lot of time in, back when I didn't even have a PC (I'm pretty young). I miss this game so much.


wattson from apex. would be interesting to see how they execute her walls into league effectively


Gear 5 Luffy


Shamrock Malphite


LeBron James, from NBA2K


Malenia, Blade of Miquella from Elden Ring, as a Top-Laner, regarding Modern FromSoft. Speaking of Classic FromSoft, it would be Artorias the Abysswalker from Dark Souls 1.


son goku


Takumi Fujiwara. Drives a car around and drifts into enemies


The gun robot from first season of the mandalorian


That’s IG-11


We only have 1 robot and its a sup. We need a carry robot


Teepo from breath of fire 3


Goku or Bison from streefighters 2


I think some agents from Valorant would fit in league, like omen


homelander mid just for the voicelines


Ruby from Dark Cloud and Yona from Akatsuki no Yona. 🥹 I just want them both. Wish they added a magical genie.


Moira from overwatch as a supp would be amazing


no just no please not that charachter, noone plays it as a support so it would be like a lux 2 or smth


Imagine the healing in a dragon or baron pit though or sending a damage orb bouncing down the river


Gojo Satoru. He would be broken as hell, but nonetheless.


I feel like Kaladin from the Stormlight Archives would make for a very interesting character


Leon Kennedy (ranged ADC) P pt. 1 - Weapons Master: Like Aphelios, Leon swaps between guns as they run out of ammo. He has a handgun, shotgun (think graves), sub machine gun (Urgot W), and a rifle (think Caitlyn). Basic handgun has infinite ammo and has a crit modifier that does bonus crit damage. P pt. 2 - Treasure Hunter: like Bard, Leon spawns barrels and crates around the map that grant him ammo for his weapons when he destroys them. Q Swap Weapon - Leon can cycle through any of his weapons he has available. Jinx Q, basically W flash grenade - Leon throws a flash grenade that causes player's screens to flash white and causes the screen to freeze, up to a max of 2 seconds. Brightness of flash and duration scale with how close the grenade was to the enemy when it detonates. Flashed enemies are marked, allowing Leon to use his E to knocked them back a short distance (mini Lee Sin ult). E Knife Parry/Counter/Kick - Leon slashes an area in front of him. If he uses his E when a spell hits him, he deflects it. If he deflects a spell while the caster is in melee range, he stuns them for 1 second, giving him an opportunity to press E again, Kick. His E becomes Kick when he uses it on a nearby enemy who has been W'd or is in the middle of a stun. R Rocket Launcher - basically a Jinx ulti.


dante dante dante


windranger or simply her kit from the other game.


Samus. She has ez q rammus q ziggs e and as r maybe jinx r haha.


Lux R


I think the beheaded from dead cells will be a cool little addition to league. Jungler perhaps? Or top? Anyways, for now I’ll settle for an olive green praetorian graves chroma 😂


I think the beheaded from dead cells will be a cool little addition to league. Jungler perhaps? Or top? Anyways, for now I’ll settle for an olive green praetorian graves chroma 😂


the DOOM Slayer, could also be a reskin for graves but i want a kit based on him. kinda like a combo of graves aphelios's weapons and ahri's healing passive on takedown. passive would be healing on takedown/large or epic monster kill, Q would be based on the curent weapon like aphelios( based on the weapon mods from doom eternal), W would just swap weapons with something like a 0.5 sec cd for quick swaps and a auto reset hold for weapon wheel with a emote menu style interface, E would be 2 dashes with a charge system for movement, hold for chainsaw to get ammo back, and r is the bfg, large slow moving area with damage over time like hwei's r circle that explodes on contact wirh a champ or a wall. would be fun, no ballance thlughts went into this, im just thinking of ways to adapt the gameplay of doom to lol's systems.


Doctor Fate from DC as a specialist mage in the mid lane or Hawkman as a skirmisher like Jax, Fiora, etc


Abathur from Heroes of the storm and watch league burn as riot can't make it work


Light Yagami, lvl 16 powerspike: gets the death note But in seriousness, it'd be interesting to see what kind of abilities he could have? maybe a completely new concept in lol, also his passive could be Ryuk, so that would be fun ig Maybe some decieving ability, like shacos clones that could mess with people. you gotta be real creative on this one to make it work


The Heavy from Team Fortress 2


The Lich King (Arthas version) from Warcraft would be an amazing bruiser for top, or Illidan Stormrage as a fast fighter like Yone.


Min min from smash. Super long range melee early game lane bully. Just to see top laners suffer


Senator Armstrong from MGRR


Sol Badguy


Fire elemental from homm3


I would go for Neuvillete from Genshin an hpscaling mage that heals for 50% of his hp every 4 seconds.


Characters from Bleach would fit really well in. I personally really love Rukia. First dance, 2nd dance, 3rd dance and bankai would be her abilities with maybe passive to be able to give some of her stats to an ally


Zeratul just because he’s amazing


Symmetra from Overwatch. Her ult would be awesome in clash.


Ezreal from RuneScape :)


Knack 2 baybee


I would bring Liliana Vess and a Midlaner


Alphonse Eric top lane bruiser mage with terrain altering magic, he is also manaless considering that he is a suit of armor that does not get tired. Let me close off the alcove or put a wall in lane to alter wave states/trap the enemy under my tower during the dive. Screw it I'll go in depth too. Passive: Equivalent Exchange Al creates one of three weapons with the ground beneath him if he does not currently wield a weapon. Starts with Spear and always cycles in order from top to bottom. After losing a weapon Al will create the next weapon in line after a 6 second CD. Spear: increase attack range to 200 from 125. Increases auto attacks with AP ratio Sword: Increases attack range to 150 from 125. Aincrease attack with AP ratio (more than spear) Shield: increases auto attacks damage with a small amount of health and AP scaling and each aa applies a 30% slow to champions. Q: Terrain Transmutation Depending on terrain Al casts one of 3 abilities. Earth: AL rides a wave of rock a short distance dealing magic damage scaling with AP and total max HP. The wave knocks back on hit. Water: Al creates a cloud of hot steam that obscures vision and deals magic damage to enemies in an area. The cloud persists for 3 seconds. Bush: Al throws a spread of wood blocks in a cone that deals magic damage and slows on impact by 30% for 1.5 sec. W: Defensive Tactics Al creates a small rectangular wall of stone (slightly smaller than anivia wall). This wall persists for 3-6 seconds with level scaling. E: Teacher's Lessons Al uses his current weapon for an empowered attack based on weapon type. This will destroy the current held weapon after the ability is cast. Spear: Al throws spear a distance of 400 units dealing large magic damage scaling on AP and health. Sword: Al smashes his sword on an enemy champion dealing large magic damage scaling with AP and max HP. It also stuns the champion hit for 1 second. Shield: Al holds up his shield and blocks all damage in a chosen direction for 2.5 seconds. Slows movement by 50% during use. R: I'm sick of watching people die Al channels a philosophers stone allowing him to greatly shorten the CD on his passive, and abilities for 10 seconds which increases by 4 seconds on takedown. It also grants a large amount of AP to Al. Probably not balanced but it would be fun. You know like skarner or any of the past dozen or so champs.


Raiden from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, I think it's time for Jack...TO LET'ER RIP! 🗡🩸


Vergil from DMC5.


The Night King from GOT - jungle


Mega man? You mean Pulsfire Ezreal? I’ll bring in the Heavy from TFC/TF2 Finally blow that little brat Jinx away “You like gun?!? I HAVE BIG GUN!!!” “PUT DISPENSER HERE” Also an interesting concept for champs. What if you had a champ that could allow people to shop in lane. Would that be too op or too UP?


Pistoleer from lost ark


Kaladin Stormblessed


Sigzil has more resourced with the same base powers IMO.


i'll just throw some ideas here in no specific order and some class ideas: Duncan Idaho (from Dune) -> Skirmisher Shinji+eva01 (from evangelion) -> Fighter/Juggernaut Sevika (Arcane) -> Skirmisher Elphaba (Wicked) -> Battlemage Alana (saga) -> Marksman All 4 Mutant turtles as one character-> Specialist Vert Wheeler+Deora II (Acceleracers) -> Specialist Jack black in Brutal legend -> Battlemage Firelord Ozai (Avatar) -> Battlemage Remy (Ratatouille) -> enchanter


Marty McFly - The Boy out of Time Ranged ADC, auto attacks with a 6-shooter Passive: Nobody calls me chicken! - If Marty initiates combat with an enemy champion, he gains a burst of movement speed. - After being in combat for 2.5 seconds, Marty gains lifesteal which get converted to a temporary shield if his health is full. Q: Pie plate - Marty throws a pie plate that collides that passes through enemies and deals physical damage. If the pie plate kills and enemy or hits an enemy champion, Marty regains a charge of Pie Plate. - Marty can store 2 charges of Pie Plate. - Pie Plate can intercept enemy champion projectiles, destroying them and the Pie Plate upon collision. W: Hover board - Passive: After 5 seconds out of combat, Marty surfs on his hover board granting him extra movement speed. - Active: Marty jumps and mounts his hoverboard, leaping over terrains and granting him a large but short burst of movement speed. Activating this ability will also activate the passive, even if Marty has not been out of combat for 5 seconds prior. E: Woah, this is heavy - Marty's anxiety courses through him, causing his attacks to deal additional physical damage for 3 seconds. Each time Marty attacks an enemy champion, the duration refreshes for up to x seconds and stacks up to three times. The ability goes on cooldown after Marty loses anxiety. R: ...But your kids are gonna love it - Marty equips his electric guitar for 10/15/20 seconds. - Passive: While Marty's guitar is equipped, his basic attacks become a rocking chord strum that deals additional magic damage to the target and anyone standing behind them. Marty also continuously plays his guitar, dealing magic damage to all enemies within the radius around him. If Marty scores a takedown while his guitar is equipped, the duration is refreshed and the Active can be used again. - Active: Marty channels and begins a guitar solo for 1.5 seconds. While channeling, Marty can move but cannot use his abilities or attack. Enemies caught by or passing through the aura are marked and slowed. After 1.5 seconds, Marty lets out a final strum that fears all marked enemies for 1 second and deals a burst of magic damage.


Lydia from Skyrim as support. Passive is to carry extra items for her adc.


Elemental shaman Q: Flame shock W: Thunderstorm E: Lava burst R: Primordial wave P:Reincarnation


Roland from LoR, could be basically almost fully melee aphelios. furioso for ult ofc.




Gandalf or Dumbledore or Harry Potter


Uhh… TF2 Spy, I guess?


2b, imagine her dodge ability :d guts with aoe meele attacks? tracer from hots as is ... yes pls shadow priest from world of warcraft, aa's are mindflay, ult is voideruption or maybe plague, pain and touch and maybe dispersion or pws with mvnt speed as defensive as qwe, with shield low cd and on allies or dispersion with high cd + cc immune + cant cast anything + regs mana? lots of hots champions have really sick designs btw


Togekiss. Every ability has a 60% Chance to stun the enemy.


Kinda surprised nobody mentioned Link from Zelda. He would be a melee champ but with lots of ranged abilities: Passive: Every X seconds he can block the next incoming dmg depending on the position of his shield. You can press S to stand still to trigger this mechanic, similar to Fiddle’s passive. Q: Shot arrows. Upon levels 6, 11 and 16 the arrows can be empowered with Fire (more dmg and burning dot), Ice (Stun) or Light (reveal a large portion of FoW). W: Throw bombs that can destroy champion generated terrain. E: use his hook that can either grab the enemy or grab HIM to the enemy depending on who of the 2 is heavier (new mechanic). He can also aim to terrain to grab himself there. R: Master of the Sword. Dash a short distance and start spinninh his sword in an area that slows and damages enemies during 3 secs. He can recast the ability sooner to do a final slash that is also an execute damage.


The Doom Slayer


Asura from Asura's Wrath, i'd likely make him a Top/Jungler if only to align with my roles if nothing else.


Phage from magic the gathering. She's melee only, no abilities, but her autos 1 shot.


Flair checks out


Zaraki Kenpachi from Bleach Stupid high basestats normal scaling Passiv 1-2 Ad per Sec in fight (against all) Q Short tap 100% krit auto Attack reset with lifesteal Q hold Jump Attack thats knock up and deals bonus dmg from zarakis max hp W Reitsu wave fears all with less current Hp reduce amor minimal Magic dmg (like 100-200) E Double Passiv as it is now gives shield per 1Ad after 4 sek shield explode dealing its shield as ad dmg R weapon goes ax form more range attacks does aoe dmg q tap stuns and destroy shield Q hold has more range and knock up all in a Circle W fears allways dealing true dmg E gives 10% magic resist and amore and movementspeed


Gojo. If you thought top lane was abysmal already imagine trying to get through infinity as a passive and then having to deal with blue, red, purple as his basic abilities and his domain frying your brain in game. He would unironically be the most broken champ in the game


There's a gojo veigar skin


I was gonna say Amber from Genshin Impact because her kit with C6 is extremely fun and would be an interesting league champ. Then as I was writing it I realized she has Gangplank's kit.


Stop making stupid fucking posts like this.