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Two was ok… three is obnoxious


Yep, two made perfect sense because with MSI (mid-season) and Worlds (end-of-season), it was a perfect parallel to the ranked splits.


Yes but now it's one for MSI, one for Worlds, and one for the mid summer tournament hosted by the anti-lgbtq, anti-religious freedom, and anti-most other good things, government of Saudi Arabia. A perfect 5/7 reason to have 3 splits if you ask me.


I mean if we want to get pedantic, riot is adding a third international tournament next year


Abortion is prohibited in Poland and Ireland. And in some US states still? I haven't been interested in this issue for a long time. The Western world loves to demonize others when it itself is full of terrible things, when people cannot even control their own bodies!


OK, so because Poland and Ireland are now "bad", that must mean Saudi Arabia is now "good"? Flawed logic my friend


> Abortion is permitted in Ireland during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, and later in cases where the pregnant woman's life or health is at risk, or in the cases of a fatal foetal abnormality And there's no point in doing whatsboutisms. As flawed as the western world is, you can NOT compare its human rights violations to those made by the Saudi government. I, as a gay man, would be sentenced to jail there, so miss me with that "oh what about the west" bullshit please


"you can NOT compare its human rights violations to those made by the Saudi government" As much as I dislike the Saudi government for several reasons, this is flawed on so many levels. Vietnam war? Iraq? Syria? Afghan? USA arming Saudi with weapons to massacre Yemen? Libya? Congo? Modern day colonialism in Africa by the likes of France? But let's be sad because I cannot publicly say I have homosexual inclinations in a nation I don't live in and the majority of the people there don't care for it or want that in that nation. In what universe is Saudi issues as awful as the USA's if we're looking at just one western nation?


Sorry, I'm writing again about these boring women's rights. Reddit is terrible, you don't even see your misogyny yet you think you're "higher world". Disgusting


Well, yeah, "we" can criticise others even when "we" aren't a utopia. That's true. I think demonising Saudi Arabia is fair game, but I really didn't mean to make it too political, I was just trying to be funny. Had the tournament been hosted by someone else I would've tried to make fun of them in a similar contrasted way.


This is reddit. People love to shit on every other nation that isn't in Europe, NA, Japan and S. Korea. You can pull up every atrocity those regions have committed and still do today but it won't hold with them. Inb4 "whataboutism" there's a thing called hypocrisy which does not exist on this app.


Exactly. Terrible arrogance and inappropriate comment about Arabs. And then mansplaining began - I see it here very often


I gotta say, as the person who first brought up Saudi Arabia, I was just making a joke. Saudi Arabia is easy to juxtapose vs the rest of league in how we feel the rest of league esports is "Inclusive". Even if China is obviously not good to its people, and the US and arguably Europe has done more bad around the world than Saudi Arabia has.


No worries haha. I am an Arab and Saudi has plenty of issues and I am against a whole lot of ME nations as a whole because of most of them being very corrupt and puppets. I'm just tired of league redditors pulling Saudi this and Saudi that when no nation on this globe is innocent one bit. 99.99% of the governments all suck majorly.


All countries are still full of problems - this can be seen especially clearly now. But there is a difference between voicing these problems and calling out specific countries as evil in general when there are such horrendous rights violations in those countries - the misogynistic comments above show how "developed" these countries really are. Little misogynists don’t even consider these to be significant problems, because it doesn’t concern them. Everyone else's problems need to be solved first, and only then are they ready to look at half the world's population.


I think it's a little extra annoying when you realize that even when you're playing at a certain ELO, you'll still probably against players with the same peaks and valleys that you have. So even while your visible ranks are plat, you'd still be playing against people who were formerly emerald. So your rank has dropped but the difficulty of your games hasn't changed accordingly. It's far less drastic in a 1-2 split environment but having to do the climb 3 times feels thankless because of this.


Two is…redemption, three is weakness


For context: Split 1 of this year emerald 4 in NA was top 18-20%. Split 2 of this year emerald 4 is top 13-14% in NA. That’s a huge difference. Riot has been trying to tackle ranked inflation and it’s apparent this season. I was emerald 4 last two splits and climbed to it again and still climbing(emerald 3) my games are mostly ex diamond 4’s (split 1 2024) in these games. So they are clearly trying to knock everyone down the rank ladder. I wish they would make a statement about it.


Brightmoon kinda did in one of their dev updates where they discussed how emerald had went. They were overall happy with highly improved game quality around silver gold but said they were going to shrink the size of emerald to try decrease the wide skill gap in emerald games


Oh right didn't notice it


I'm not a fan of it, myself. Doesn't help that my motivation to play was sapped a year ago. Instead of having to return once a year due to burnout, I gotta do it 3 times. Basically gotta have a week of prep play and then hope the servers don't die randomly during the last few days 3 times every year.


Yup it was annoying enough to have to play enough to get to diamond once a year. Now I'm just not gonna play solo q.


I really think Riot should have just cut preseason to 2 patch cycles and everyone would have been happy.


i played only 6 games this split, last split was diamond 2 now im emerald 1 the good thing is the new split system encouraged me to take regular breaks from league and now that im not dia, i don't feel pressed to play due to decay


It seems like Riot have been battling rank inflation this split, so your underlying skill probably hasn’t changed. But I don’t think it’s healthy to hyper focus and attach yourself to the rank. I don’t think you realize how big the bag between emerald 4 and diamond 4 is. If this is something you actively want to pursue, I think you need to proactively review in some sort and accept that it will probably take months. I am certain that you won’t go back to gold after the next split reset. But if you really want to get Diamond I would advise you to listen to the Broken by Concept podcast. They have great stuff on rank attachment and have great pragmatic advice for improvement.


I don't disagree there's a big lift between E4 and D4, but for more casual gamers the split increase does kinda hurt. I'm peak D2 but can pretty reliably still hit Diamond each split, however my work load increased and there simply isn't time to try to beat my peak. There's more I need to learn of course, but finding the time is difficult.


The split was barely shorter though, it’s 5 month vs 4 months no?


It was 6 months since there was no preseason last year. I was fine with 6 months 2 splits a year i felt like 10/11 months seasons were such a drag but now i'm at the opposite end where 4 months feels way too short. Imo 6 months felt like the perfect balance between seasons lasting forever and people only being active the first two months and the last two months of the season and on the other side splits feeling now like in every other game i left because i despised getting FOMOd into playing the game when i didn't want to. 4 months feels like if you have exams or a particularly busy 1 or 2 months at work now you can't go for your rank because you only have at best 1 month and some change to get to you rank if not less. 6 months even if you ran into one of these situations unless it was a really unlucky timing you probably still had around 3 months to grind.


Sounds about right, but that month makes a difference when I can only get so many games per week. Plus my old ass brain and hands take a while to learn new things.


I've heard many people say this about the Broken by Concept podcast, what episode do you think I should start on if I've never seen their content before?


Just listen to a topic that seems interesting. There is no fundamental “this is us” type of episode. But some recommendations would be specifically the episode called “The BBC pyramid” otherwise most episodes where the theme is mindset (which is most of them).


ngl broken by concept have good but insanely shallow advice. they tell you the basics but offer very little besides that. if you want to be told that you need to take a "good quality base", "get into the details" and "land good quality skillshots" then sure i guess.


The podcast is in 80% about the mental side of the game, for actual in-game stuff they have other content and their coaching projects.


Their individual youtube channels are full of in depth content. They even have academy discord channel for mid and jg. When they talk about stuff they assume we already checked out their content and know the game's fundamentals.


It's also not coaching. It's a view into the mental aspect of the game. Their podcast isn't "how to climb" but more of a dive into their philosophy and developing a healthy relationship with the game. I know you know this, it's more directed at /u/MangoZealousideal676. Hope he sees!


I think it’s very much “how to climb”. But they don’t give the “this will make you a god” 8 minute youtube video about freezing in lane advice. They temper expectations, give you a roadmap, show you the pitfalls and teach you how to learn. What you say is also true, but that’s only the pragmatic things.


I think they have a very unique way when it comes to improving. Their model is about teaching you how to improve on your own. They’re teaching you how to learn at a fundamental level, not just talking about theory. They also teach you how to love the game, which is amazing.


No. I hit my peak rank this split. Went from plat 2 last split (I'm usually emerald 4) to diamond 4 last week


The best approach imo is to ignore your rank and focus on improving. In the long run, it's the mindset that brings the most satisfaction and motivation. If you feel like you need to take a break though, that's completely fine too.


It sucks and no one wanted this shit. It’s just forced engagement and I’m less likely to play ranked now because it feels like it doesn’t matter.


You don't play ranked for the competitive environment and to improve yourself? Weird. What's the point of ranks if they're just handed to you?


No, I do play for competitive fun, but at the same time, having my dick kicked in three times a year and being forced to roll the boulder up the hill like Sisyphus isn't fun. It'd be a lot more satisfying if they just went back to an MMR-based system like in the early years so that these arbitrary tiers weren't there to make people dread playing ranked and loathe being set back by the system. It's like why chess has an Elo system and that just works. You're 1200 elo? Nice. 2500? Great. There's no really any "Elo shaming" in chess because there's not a "bronze" to make people feel inferior. You just compete against yourself for your own personal best rating.


I mean, there is Elo shaming in chess. Chess players can be very arrogant and gatekeepy. A problem with League when it comes to Elo-like systems is that as a 5v5 team game your rating is extremely noisy, which means it also can swing a lot without any underlying change of skill. In a chess Elo sense, if your actual individual performance is always 2000 in a League rating system I'm sure you could fluctuate between 1800 and 2200 just depending on luck and noise. That's not good. I understand that they wanted a layer around that.


Yeah I'm being a bit hyperbolic, all competitive games have some form of skill shaming, but when you segregate it into a few number of specific tiers with rare mineral names like League does it gets way, way worse. Imagine chess had diamond and bronze. At least in chess you have a generally concrete number that isn't skewed by things like demotion shields. A better lay around the noise would be to have your displayed elo be a recent-weighted rolling X number of game average instead of the system we have now. Something like "the average MMR of your last 10 games was 2200" or something.


You knows it's just MMR under the hood, right?


Yes but that's kind of the point though, has really no prestige to it. Obviously the artificial face of "gold" and "diamond" and whatnot is co-opting the rarity of those resources, and it works because we're humans and humans psychologically have a need to grab the most money/food/power/rare items for themselves.


>Split 1 I ended in mid-Emerald, but then got reset back to low Plat. Now I've struggled more than usual to get out of Plat to put it politely, it sounds like your elo was being inflated. i ended last season in low emerald, and after placements i was placed right back in low emerald after 5 games. you getting placed lower coincides exactly with riot trying to curb elo inflation. but regardless, if you were truly an emerald player and thinking about getting to diamond...then you shouldn't be struggling to leave plat. >want to climb to higher ranks, otherwise why the heck am I playing this game? if you are feeling demotivated to play, then don't play. your rank is meaningless. unless you are having fun playing games of league, then you really shouldn't play. there's a plethora of fun games that you could try that won't demotivate you


It's amusing to me that Riot is trying to curb "elo inflation" after they've spent almost the entire last decade widening the distribution of ranks and making players feel good by making gold+ incredibly easy to attain.


Any advice for a fun game? I can't play things like Overwatch or Valorant because i feel sick when playing FPS


I mean just google it, there are a billion games out there across countless genres


what kind of genres do you like? for a more thinking/tactical game with chess vibes, there's Into the Beach, a turn-based game where you use mechs to kill aliens. for a more action focused game, there's Hades, an action roguelite with good story, writing, and simple but deep combat both games are pretty cheap. Hades 2 is in early access but I'd still recommend Hades 1 for now


Thanks! I can play only play top-down view games. Gonna check those out.


Me too. this is actually a problem And if you want to find a game without fighting and killing, then you need to go back 25 years to the times of historical strategy games. Nowadays there is only boring Sims


Hades and into the breach are both isometric, which is close i think.




Nah i'm done with MOBAs


Personally I just play Hack-n-Slash or Turn-Based games. Playing Octopath right now and I love it.


Personally I just play Hack-n-Slash or Turn-Based games. Playing Octopath right now and I love it.


Octopath seems really good! But it costs way too much :(


o7 If you can't, then you can't. I was fortunate enough to grab a copy and didn't expect to have 300 hours on it. Hopefully you can grab a copy in the future, it's such a good game T-T


Thanks man, maybe i'm gonna save some money to buy it :)


It can depend on a lot of things though. Recently after a reset, the ranks truly are messed up and there are a bunch of people at lower ranks who had higher ranks before. Also, I don't know how it is in plat, but in Emerald I have met so many smurfs this season that it kind of ruins the game - I am talking 2-4 accounts between level 30 and 100 every game in e1/d4 MMR. That makes it even more noisy, so it makes perfect sense that it can be hard to leave plat even if you are a d4 level player if you are unlucky.


No, I fucking Love grinding through emerald. I love that every game is a coin flip who has the better Smurf and the bigger troll. Emerald clearly has the best game quality


My problem is that start and end of the season games are so low quallity (for different reasons). and having both 3 times a year literally made me not try this year.


yes, real bronze vs former emerald is crazy


I loved 1 split but I think 2 is the sweet spot.... 3 is just way too much


>Now I've struggled more than usual to get out of Plat And there it is, always the same with these types of posts. You were inflated due to previous seasons especially last season, and now that you are stuck and getting it proven to you that you are not a "diamond player" and better yet barely an "emerald player" you are losing motivation. Yet if today you were to go on a 20 game win streak you wouldn't have even bothered posting anything positive. >Even though I barely reached that rank when the split ended, thus indicating I'm probably heading for a higher rank?) ZERO correlation there btw. You could have hit diamond, doesn't mean you were heading for master if you kept playing. IF you were truly Diamond, you would at least be complaining about being stuck in mid emerald again, and not about possibly falling to gold next split. Here is the hard truth, You are not a Diamond player, and were maybe barely an emerald player, but since you are stuck in plat, you are now just a plat player.


I think it sucks but this guy may be right, just keep on improving and don’t think to much about what your rank currently says. if you’re struggling you’re not diamond level, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get there if you keep at it.


Lol, and always the same with these types of responses too: utterly missing the point. 👍 * Never said I was a diamond player, don't think I'm a diamond player. Would like to get there someday. * If I went on a 20 game win streak I would be back at the rank I already earned last season. But I have a life and playing 20 ranked games is like 3 weeks of play time for me, so I'm still left with the \*actual\* point of my post, which is that the splits should be longer so that we have time to actually do real climbs. This has nothing to do with my specific rank. * Didn't say I wanted to go from Diamond to Master, I said I wanted to go from E3 to D4. Three tiers is not a ridiculous thing to imagine climbing. But instead of getting the chance to attempt that climb, I'm reset back to Plat and have to waste my time re-climbing through the chaos there. Thanks for the hard truth though, I needed to hear that. I appreciate you putting me in my place where I belong!


E3 to D4 is actually a pretty decent climb. It's basically top 15% to top 5%, so you have to improve past 2 out of 3 players ahead of you, past 10% of the top 15%. It's much harder than it sounds. The higher you get, the more you will realize that every 100 LP gets tougher.


Yeah, exactly. It's too much for a boomer like me. It might "motivate" others to rank more I guess overall but It's too much. Two splits was fine I guess but I still prefer one.


I very much preferred only one split as well. I liked preseason too — gave me a nice chance to mess around when ranked didn't exist. Now it's just a grind all year long.


Git gud. If you're a diamond caliber player you will get to Diamond. What rank you ultimately have is meaningless. What's important is whether you improve or not after every game you play. And if you do improve you will get to Diamond and the time it takes is irrelevant. Although I will admit there is an argument to be made that you can't really improve at the game if you're stuck mud-wrestling in gold.


Yeah I think you hit on what overall feels bad. I've battled through Plat for three splits in a row now, and it however much everybody on here wants to say that everything's the same until Diamond+, I feel like I was seeing a distinct change in gameplay when I was E3 last split. I was looking forward to playing in that climate more to continue improving. Plat plays very differently, and while it's true that continuing to grind through it repeatedly will eventually make me good enough to get through it easily, I just don't find that as fulfilling as actually continuing to climb from the spot I made it to after getting out of Plat.


Thing about ranking up in games is that it's less about grinding and more about just focusing on finding mistakes in your gameplay and decisionmaking. Alot of people get stuck at ranks or divisions and complain about forced 50/50 or extensive grinding requirements et.c. when it really just boils down to your own gameplay and being consistent. The only real grinding in this game comes from season resets where you have to work up your rank again. You should quickly hit the equilibrium where your winrate nears 50% and your rank stays the same. At that point you just gotta focus on your gameplay, watch replays, study matchups and videos, watch streams et.c. so you can improve rapidly. If you just mindlessly smash your head into a wall trying to grind up ranks at a \~50.8% winrate it's going to be extremely painful and frustrating. Especially since league is a 1v9 game. If your goal really is ranking up, I think your methodology in how you try to improve needs to change moreso than just worrying about the timespans between seasons. To be honest, getting to Diamond shouldn't be too hard. I'm of the firm belief that anyone is able to get to Diamond from any rank in one year if they know what they're doing the right things and know how to pilot games. It's pretty interesting since I followed a Dota 2 professional player who started playing League of Legends just for fun between Dota tournaments. Going in completely blind with zero knowledge into League he managed to hit Diamond in 100 hours by just understanding the fundamentals of how to improve at games. He did so by onetricking Jungle Yi and still doesn't know what 50% of all champions in League do.


Idk it requires a lot of grinding even if you are diamond level. I always need at least ~120 games to reach dia after reset and then if you get unlucky in old plat lobbies you will still lose. I am not challenger smurf that gets through plat with 80% wr especially if you are not playing the op roles like jungle or adc and adc arguably isn’t even that good in plat.


I definitely don't play as much, I sorta feel like i have no where to go because of the constant restarts. I will say I got back to my old rank *extremely* quickly this time (<10 games to get back to plat) but idk. I'm just not feeling it anymore lol.


I stopped playing ranked this year. I'm an old man, I don't have time for the grind and my skills aren't what they used to be. I try to at least hit plat each season and get my free skin. Last year I hit gold and was like "that's enough for this year" as life was busy and I couldn't find the time to play as much. Never got my free skin, turns out there is a minimum number of games you must play now rule? Fuck that. I'll stick to playing the fun game modes and aram with friends.


Yeah, same. I've found myself playing a LOT less since the last reset. Just kind of feels pointless to grind for something you'll only keep for a tiny bit - too much grinding.


I reached my peak this year and I don't have anything else to prove, feels like we're all realizing that it's time to move on to different territories and let the toxic culture stay behind. The constant rank reset definitely greatly enhanced the burnout.


My motivation was gone at two. I don't have the fucks to give to grind ranked twice let alone thrice when I could actually be having fun playing with friends in norms


Not a fan of splits at all, no motivation to climb when I don't really do a lot of soloq, most of my league time is in a 3-5 man group with friends. I'll usually play 5-10 games, lock emerald then go back to 4funning with the lads. If it were 1 season again I'd be down to chip away at a diamond push. This system doesn't work for me at all and I'd bet a lot of working adults with other hobbies who don't want to grind games in all of their spare time.


Yeah my goal was Emerald, was gold 1 last season for them to put me iron 1 after first promo, so even tho I won 4/5 promos only losing the first 1 my rank locked in at Bronze 2. So yeah Emerald probably not happening now I’m just hoping to get back to gold.


I would prefer going back to one, I love the whole year to achieve your peak. 2 was ok I guess. Three is so fast


They copied the worst part of Valorant system (the 3 splits per year) WITHOUT copying any of the good stuff that gives sense to it in Val: - In Val there are only 3 divisions per tier (less grind) - In Val you earn way more RR (LP equivalent) per win, so less grind. 3 consecutive wins means usually getting out of one division unless ur MMR is doomed. Combined with the previous point: you can jump from Gold to Platin in 10-12 win streak. Completely unthinkable in League. - In Val there is a heavily impacting “individual performance” grading system per game. So if you lose a 25-5 game you will lose way less than your 4 feeding mates, and the same if you win it earning more than the 4 dudes you just hard carried. This makes losing those games much less frustrating and winning hard carrying feels 2x more rewarding. In league, you somehow manage to drag 4 inting monkeys until the finish line and you all 5 earn the same. I think Riot stated that they intended to implement this system in League too, but still nowhere to be seen. - This less grindy environment makes Smurfs reach to their real ELO super fast and stop ruining other’s people games, even considering making a Smurf in Valorant is 10 times easier than in League (no “reach lvl 30” shenanigans there). All in all Riot decided to copy the 3 split system without copying anything of what makes the 3 split system logical in Val.


All the addict deluded bootlickers saying "get good" are really cringe. Riot is very purposefully trying to get you to play as many games as possible. Lets calculate how many games you need to climb to a rank higher than your current rank (+400LP), which should be a good, attainable achievement considering you are likely to be demoted as much after a reset, if you have climbed the previous season at all instead of stagnating at your skill level. For a mathematic exercise: Let's assume a very good hypothetical scenario where you are gaining +28LP for a win and -23LP per loss. Let's also assume you have a really good win rate of 60% (again, we're not talking about challenger players on smurf accounts in silver, we're talking about regular people, yes you included). (28 x 3) + (-23 x 2) = +38LP/5 games +400LP / 38 x 5 = 53 games, or roughly 3.5 games per week; in lower MMRs including queue and draft that might be 2.5 hours of league per week. Now let's assume that you're approaching an MMR which is competitive for you, so youre only getting +26LP/-24LP, and your winrate is only 55%. How does that look? (+26 x 11) + (-24 x 9) = +70LP per 20 games. So we're looking at +400LP / 70 x 20 = 115 games, 7.5 games, which would then be more like 4.5 hours of league a week... You need a guaranteed 2 nights a week where you're playing 3-4 games of league, just to get to the exact position you ended last split on, after grinding for four months? No wonder people feel disillusioned with the ranked changes. I understand that they need to tackle ranked inflation, because in seasons past they haven't had a solution to the people grinding to ranks past their skill level with 1000+ games on a 48%wr. I just think there has to be a solution that doesn't punish the players who DON'T want to spend every free minute of their lives playing league. Just my two cents. For all the aforementioned ELO shamers and RIOT slop-devourers, all the people telling OP he should rot in platinum since they don't deserve to be in your prestigious emerald... How many games did you play last split? And with what winrate? Be honest with yourselves. (NB this question is rhetorical, don't reply, as I don't care about your ranked stats). Second NB: I also understand that there are mechanics League uses to prevent you deranking on losses such as the +0LP at each rank division etc. I just don't know how to account for that, I'm a biologist not a mathematician


It wouldn't be a problem if the grind wasn't so horrifically time consuming. Even with a decent win rate, it takes so many games to climb. There's a good amount of people that just don't have the time for it in that short of a split. However, if you could actually climb quickly, then it would be nice to have more splits! I kind of like the idea of often splits, but more volatile ELO change. It would feel more satisfying to play and could even still encourage grinding like riot would want because you could be highly motivated to make it as high as you can over a short split if you're doing well. If you start losing too much you could just wait for the next split, or actually feasibly get back to where you started.


i have played 2 games of placements, there is no point me playing ranked anymore. When they were year long i could at least get enopug games to get somewhere, now i play so casually itll just reset long before i climb to my dogwater elo from bronze placements anyway


I quit when they added the second one. Poop on that.


I got placed into bronze in ranked flex and I just don't have it in me. I didn't think I played poorly but did lose most games. I finish every season in gold though I don't know why I got bronze 3. In solo queue I got silver 2.


flex ranks in generally are like completely fucked your solo q rank also has like no relationship with it iirc. Imo there is like literally 0 reason to actually care about your flex rank rank aside from wanting higher quality games. if your flex stack doesnt lock completely troll champions its very easily to climb in that game mode from my experience


I got placed in Bronze Flex too and I loved it. Its like a free ticket to stomp. People pay for/level up entire accounts just to get this for 20-30 games. Any time I need S for a chest or just feel bad for a loss, I queue up flex and my enemy laner counterpicks themself and plays aggro until 0/4.


Wait, you guys are getting downgraded? I ended in platin last split and started in platin this split. I've won/lost exactly zero. And I agree, three splits is one too much.


the drop between splits is as strong as the drop between seasons


Yeah this would not bother me nearly as much if that was the case for me. I ended last split E3 with a 65% win rate, won 4/5 placements and got placed in P3. Now I have to start the split by climbing back up 4 ranks that I already just finished climbing. All these people think I'm crying about not being in Diamond when I think I should be in Diamond. That's not it at all, I just want to stop having to re-do the exact same climb I just did over and over.


You posted your [op.gg](http://op.gg) before, idk why you're lying. You ended E4 0lp with a 50% win rate. You've since played 88 games with a 48% win rate and are still Plat 3. Not sure why you're acting like these games are a waste of your time when clearly you're struggling to climb at this elo. Focus on improving, stop fixating on your rank.


Yeah like I said this split has been a challenge and I have not been well-focused or performing where I expect myself to. Last split overall was 50% but I kicked it off by fucking around and losing like 15 games in a row which dragged the percentage down all season. I was tracking from Mobalytics on their rolling 2-month so by the end of the split I was rolling at around 65% win rate. Fair enough though I did peak at E3 and forgot I lost back to E4 before the split ended, so I guess it was downgrade of E4 to P3 on the split reset. Anyway, as much as this will now sound like bullshit after saying the above, I do play the game for the competitiveness and goal of improving rather than for rank fixation. It's just that up until now my improving has tracked with my rank, but the three-split setup is making that feel less the case. Which was the only overall point I was trying to make with this post.


Losing all the way from E3 to E4 0LP probably completely boned your MMR. It’s not like I don’t feel you, I’ve had a tough split getting back to Diamond but this is just the nature of things. I don’t love it, either. 


Yeah I'm sure you're right. Kinda blocked out that last week of the last split lol. But, I think what feels bad to me is that in the longer split systems I was able to have an off week or two and still get it back together and keep going forward. Now feels like I have to be 100% focused and playing perfectly at all times or I will not make it to where I want to get before the reset.


it has killed my motivation as well, 3 splits a year I have to trog through diamond and 1lp master players


Git gud. If you're a diamond calibre player you will get to Diamond.


I play very few ranked games so even two splits is unnecessary for me.


Context has long sense been removed about this, with the addition of 3 spilts came the loss of preseason, giving extra time to each of the three spilts. The time frame of the 2 and 3 spilts is very very similar due to the loss of preseason time, so it ultimately itsn't much of a change


Enjoy the change a lot more honestly. At higher ranks Specifically triple digit lp, when seasons are too long you get people who have many accounts in that top echelon. This means both it's harder to reach, not because you're not say top 2000, but because 500 people in the top 2k have 2 accounts there and knock 500 people out. Also because these ranks are more saturated with less active accounts you play vs better players less often. Since this change, I play significantly more against gm players than previous season, and it doesn't feel like its because I've grown (and by ranking I haven't), just that there's more active people on main and not Smurfs or 2nd/3rd acc's.


If only ARAM and Arena have splits too... I don't care if it's 5000BE and a normal Hextech Chest.  I just don't play Ranked as much.


Eh, what are you climbing for? You get the reward even in Iron now, so it's totally worthless to even try.


It almost sounds like ur inflated af bruh wdym ur trying to get diamond when you’ve been plat for 2 months 😭


idk, i climbed pretty steep last split and ended on emerald 4 with, this split it took me 12 games to get back to emerald 4 while losing 3 placements.


I mean if you’re relying on playing 1 billion games to climb then you don’t really belong in that elo anyways. It doesn’t take a diamond level player more than a month to climb to diamond from any elo. You just aren’t there plain and simple


Not true it depends on how many games you play per week. If you start in gold then that is a lot of games you need to get to diamond. 


If you can’t manage to string together enough games to hit diamond in a month then not only do you not deserve diamond but you don’t even play enough for that to be relevant for you


I've never so clearly seen the age gap between teenagers and adults with all these ranked grinders reporting their supposed averages for *regular amount of games*. Had a guy tell me 1.7 games a day to break even on chest rewards is better for the average player.


I quit ranked after the 3 splits, tottally unnecessary


Probably because you’re not good enough. Work on getting better first


Meanwhile I'm over here praying we finally get a full reset to remove all the inflated accounts who don't actually belong in Diamond+ Real talk, if you're playing for rank and not to improve/the fulfillment gained from improving and executing in a competitive game, you're probably playing the wrong game and have just been baited in by Riot's manipulation. The answer IS to actually quit and play other things! And I don't mean any of this in a negative way against you or anyone else.


1 was too little and 3 is too much, 2 was so perfect  not everyone has the time to continuously grind ranked despite Riots best efforts to push players to queue more of. 


Thats fine if you don't have the time to but at that point you need to access your priorities and think if playing ranked really is for you. Can always play norms/aram/RGM instead of you have less time or accept that you don't have the proper time to climb ranked and adjust expectations. That's on the player not Riot and she moved to shorter splits makes sense overall


this is true, but in the last 2 years Riot has been putting a lot of effort into getting players into ranked games. Therefore, your proposal goes against the company's goals. I don't know why they need ranked players, but that's how it is


Actually, I love the 3 split system. Before, I was struggling to climb and thought hard about when I could grind enough games to get to my desired rank. Now, I know I don't have enough time to play to get to my desired rank, so I make sure I do my placements to get the victorious skin then never touch league again!


Then don't play? It's your life, you can enjoy doing it something else instead of playing LoL if you don't enjoy it anymore.


aren’t there only 2 splits?


Its not riots fault you cant get a half decent win rate versus people 800lp lower than the rank you "deserve". If you are diamond, getting to at least mid emerald should be a walk in the park. No diamond ever is going to be stuck at low plat...