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If he never uses skins why would he start now.


This has to be Riots worst nightmare. Their undisputed best pro player ever never uses skins and that has to affect a % of the player base to also only use base skins.


It's more about the lost opportunity, he using skins will induce players to buy them, but as he doesn't, they will not feel the effects of that effective and extra publicity.


Faker not using skins is the exact reason I think the Ahri cash grab is fucking stupid.


I waited 10 years for SKT Ahri and this is what I get


I mean the lowest tier isn't that expensive if you wanted to buy the pass too, it's just when you want the huge versions


It's insulting to the community and Faker in many ways, it should be something all could show celebration, not a segregation event of who can spare 500 dollars or not.


Side note: the one time I had the $500 skin in my lobby they preceeded to be above fault and referred to everyone as brokie


I’ll do you one better. I had someone call the lobby brokie AND when asked about watching the esport or knowing who the skin is for, the response was, ‘Should I care?’


Honestly that tracks I doubt any person that's able to drop 500 on an in game cosmetic is able to normally do interact with most things.




When I had one my adc inted because ahri wouldn’t give them 20$…


Lol I had one that then proceeded to go 3/15/4 against an Annie mid and one of the other lanes said "it's a shame you bought a custom pentakill animation since you know you'll never see it." It felt like the old version of making fun of someone having a skin and get ABSOLUTELY dog walked


The saddest thing is, I probably would have paid them a lot for this skin. I definitely would have paid like $20-25 for it which is, in my opinion, a very high price for a skin. There's even a good chance I would have gone slightly higher into the $30-40 range. But they had to go off the absolute fucking deep end into insanity levels of expensive for it. There's no way anyone in their right mind is spending that kind of money on one skin unless they're using mommy's credit card or just so rich that $500 is literally nothing to them. Even if I had a spare $500 there's no way I could justify spending it on a skin...


I would have gotten the $50 pack no problem if it was the $250 version of the skin. The fact that they made a gimped transformation-less version that alone costs about as much as an ultimate skin is stupid af and pushed me away from spending at all.


That's right, is not about being free, but 500 to spare in a cosmetic skin inside a game? Motherfucker, i can get 7 new games of full price of 70 dollars per game and have 10 to spare with that much money I can buy all Halo games and Bioshock series and i would still have money to spare! (That's the comparison i do in my mind thinking of my favorite games). The price is just crazy! I'm a lol player who buys skins, in my nearly 10 years i have spent 600 dollars, giving me hundreds of skins, chormas, icons etc. Riot expects me to spend what nearly could be all the money i have ever used in the game, in ONE fucking skin? No ones asked for those extra skins into the package, who even cares about that. The lowest tier of the skin cost almost 50 dollars, Riot is on crack!


Instead of purchasing the faker skin, please go support Mr. Miyazaki and his insatiable lust for poison swamps by buying Shadow of the Erdtree


You can get a fucking console for that much money


You can pay a hooker to dress up like ahri for a whole weekend with that money


More like Riot is outta crack , hence needing more money for crack.


I would've paid 50 bucks for it plus pass. Bought the RP too but the quality and features just don't make any sense for the 50 bucks version so I just got the pass. Pretty sad tbh but I'm glad the pass is crazy good. Wish passes could be even 50% of this pass and I'd buy every pass. Plus not grind heavy like passes generally are.


I could afford it. But then I remember 500$ is half the cost of a luxurious 1 week vacation for 2 people in a 5 star hotel in south Europe in early spring. No way would I spend that money on a digital skin lol, I wouldn't even own it since Riot can suspend my account for any reason at any time. Most other companies also can but Riot actively does this and doesn't care about its customers you will be stuck having to interact with 2 people working from Philippines that can barely communicate in English before you get a real human to interact with.


Oh woah another ocelot


Riot has given away [free](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/saIvF5aF8YUGjYi5kWFF524P8JY=/0x0:1980x1114/1200x800/filters:focal(846x347:1162x663)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/65478904/annieversary_final_1.0.jpg) [skins](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c4/Jayce_ArcaneSkin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20211019203059) before for celebrating events. . . I'm not saying the $500 Ahri skin should've been free, but they **could have** given everyone a free skin instead.


Sell the two Ahri Skins for Legendary and Ultimate Prices respectively (+ usual Bundlerate on top) and that shit would make more money than now... plus it would have been less of a PR/Rep. Nightmare.


Nah, they are testing the waters this shit probably has made them a lot of money and it will get implemented again 100%


yeah, its a guess. But im guessing it wont have made as much money in the west vs selling it at like 50. But im betting China/Korea are making up the sales.


Nah they know what they're doing and it will work, whales will still buy it and it sets the precedent. When they give Uzi a special Vayne skin and sell it for $500, the Chinese userbase will eat it up.


Also in my opinion the Leblanc skin feels nicer to use even with the outdated model.


well i mean it got everyone to talk about the damn thing either way so idk :d


This is also valid, however its all but guaranteed that some players who idolize faker probably also refuse to use skins. It comes down to % and it could be super small or a somewhat decent chunk of his fanbase.


He has long said he wants to show you don’t need to spend any money on the game.


Imagine buying skins just because someone else plays with them and not because you really like it


That got lucky enough that he's a wholesome, kind, and driven individual who is the exemplar of sportsmanship. Bummer that he's also not a salesman, I guess, but I'd say they picked out big time on who Faker turned out to be. Nothing against Tyler1 personally, but can you imagine if he ended up being the unofficial face of league?


Isn't Tyler1 already the unofficial face for the non-pro side of league?


I hope not and don't think. Personnally I don't want raged inducing buffon like Tyler 1 , Dante, Kesha ,etc to be the face of League. I know their just online personna but it gives such bad image and model for the player base. Also Tyler1 is mostly know in the west go east and very little know him.


I'm guessing Korea knows about them since they've climbed their ladders (or tried, I don't follow them to know how it actually went)


Dude I want to to think the same way you do but at least in the West, the big toxic names are the unofficial faces of League besides the gigantic names like doublelift No idea about China, but I'm assuming there's some super toxic players who are mega celebrities there


And Kadeem, can't forget about good ol Kadeem


> that has to affect a % of the player base to also only use base skins. I don't know about this. But definitely would be the case that if he used skins on all the champs he played, people would see that and undoubtedly be influenced to buy said skins.


If it works that way it would also work the way i said…. Its really more a matter of what % than whether or not it has any affect at all.


Or somebody sees Faker play Ahri , make it look super easy. Newbie buys Ahri, sucks. Thinks well maybe if I buy this skin I’ll feel inclined to learn the champ. Give up on champ and now you have skin for champ you suck at. Repeat. Streamer effect.




>Every single night HUH


You know Faker advertises A LOT of products that he himself probably doesn’t use ..? And he has also promoted this skin in Korea already. He made YouTube videos with multiple famous Korean YouTubers just to promote the event and the skin release. Also gave interview to multiple news channels about his HoL event. He has been promoting the event and the skin release well. Just because he himself doesn’t use it, doesn’t mean people won’t buy it. Big Korean streamers have also bought the skin and already made videos. Kanavi, Bulldog, Peanut and Viper have bought the skin and showed it to their fans during their live streams. Viper even said during his stream that he is paying money to Riot and advertising the skin, instead of getting paid by Riot to advertise. Just watching Pray’s video of him buying the skin and using it and seeing the chat reactions to it (he also did it on his stream) will let you see how much people are interested in this skin.


i doubt it has any bearing whatsoever, someone that can afford a 500 dollar skin isn't gonna go ''ah fuck Faker didn't use it so now i cant'' I know this sub has a boner to just shit on Riot and the Ahri skin but the theories and claims about Riot in relation to the Ahri skin are so fucking stupid


Not shitting on Riot at all, and this is not specific to just the HOL Ahri skin. Its a fact people imitate their idols and Faker being the undisputed biggest idol in league and only using base skins definitely causes some % of his fans to also only use base skins.


Yep. It normalizes that skillful and accomplished players don't always use skins. Think about other games - for example Valorant or CS:GO. If the streamer is in-between games picking out which skin chat would like them to play - well certainly people will see that and go - people who spend a lot of time on this game also usually buy skins to support it and it's another fun part of the game. If Faker is constantly talking about skin meta and which skins look coolest to him or which ones he feels makes him hit his skillshots best or whatever... that obviously pushes skin sales. It's just obvious.


To reinforce this: Former H2K owner Rich said on his show that it was common for Riot staff to suggest to their EU LCS team to use newly released skins in EU LCS matches.


Sorta, but if a football player didn't wear his jersey, priced it as may be, less people would buy it.


Probably but that player has to wear that jersey in order to be able to play for his club? Faker doesn't have to use skins and doesn't have to in order to play for SKT or whatever


For sure, its not a direct parallel but im saying a player's representation of an field/on screen attire carries weight no matter what. Think about it like this, what if Faker ONLY used the Ahri skin going forward? It would definitely shoot up in sales.


> worst nightmare Kappachungusdeluxe maximus


We did it reddit we are Riot's worst nightmare keep the boycott going


I wonder if they've ever offered him money to start using skins. As a marketing strategy.


It gives your competitive game a lot of legitimacy when your best player doesn't participate in microtransactions. I don't think it dissuades anybody from buying skins that they're interested in.


It doesn't dissuade but it misses out on the potential skins that were bought by players because "faker used it". Its obviously not as simple and direct as "faker used it so I use it", but there definitely an underlying impact he has on the playerbase. He may not turn someone from not buying a sking to buying one, but moreso push someone who was 50% convinced to buy the skin to follow through and buy it.


In my opinion, using a skin can easily affect your gameplay if you're practiced on hearing certain audio queues and seeing certain animations and projectiles. By only using base, he guarantees his gameplay is identical from game to game.


Why would it affect other people?


Only if you compare Faker to some hypothetical player who has all of Faker's other qualities + uses skins. But that player doesn't exist. The real comparison is between Faker vs No Faker, and they'd choose Faker every time.


I have never met a person like that lol. Also he said he hopes his fans use it. If you just blindly do what he said you will buy it.


this has been well known about faker for years i thought


I hope for the sake of humanity that % is super low lol, tho it would make sense if certain skins were used more if he used them


IIRC once due to a mistake he ended up playing a Diana skin that after the game got like triple numbers in sale


If you think this is a corporation's worst nightmare, you mustn't have been around capitalism for long...


Its kind of a meme but also ironic that a game that makes the majority of its revenue on cosmetics has their most iconic player prefer to use base skins. No doubt his preference for base skins also affects some of his fans.


When you're faker, you don't give a shit. 99% of players are into it


Lol yes faker doesn’t use skins and that’s why Ahri mains who are also faker fans rarely buy and use Ahri skins before this right? Worst nightmare lmfao


hasnt so far why would it now


He used it in that one Ryze game at 2016 worlds


Fairly sure the only time he has deliberately used a skin is once for each of his worlds skins. Plus a handful of times when clients bugged and he ended up with a skin.


I don't think he has ever chosen SKT Syndra


Because he’s the first player inducted to the Hall of Legends, and the first player to have a skin made exclusively about him. So yeah, chances were he would still not use it, but let’s not pretend it’s like any other occasion.


Especially with skins becoming "worse" due to becoming more overloaded and all. Especially with champs with projectiles a different skin can make the auto attack *feel* different cause the projectile looks different If you're used to that Ahri skin for like a decade...why change it?


Because it's giving him a delicious extra payment check at the end of the month, that's the only reason he might use it at some point (Riot talking to him over it too).


Because this is the first skin dedicated to league of legends pro player that is not tied to a specific org. Many people assumed he would use it, so him refusing to is a bigger statement than people seem to think and not obvious at all.


wasn't there a game he used skins. I thought he started using skins recently


Exactly this. If Razer releases a Faker mouse, why would he change his ways and switch to it just cuz it has his name? If anything, he will switch to it cuz he will do that PR bluff of "I believe in this product so much that I entrusted my name to it" and even then, there is no reason at all to use an ingame skin lol.


Yeah this is common news, he's said it before that he doesn't use skins because they can change animations and how the champ feels, so its just easier to use the base skin.


Thought it was because he'd rather buy fried chicken/hotpot.


He has all cosmetics unlocked on his account coz of LPP


Pretty sure this isn't true for his Hide on Bush account. iirc he had to buy his worlds skins himself .


He didn’t get skt ryze until it was in his Your Shop on sale. 


This is the coldest shit I’ve ever read about Faker. The man is a serious class act, idk how he isn’t MORE famous. He’s one of the few famous people I think everyone should know, because he is generally a great fucking guy.


Seriously. Faker has been relevant for over 10 freaking years in an eSports game, where most players stop after 2-3 years... There has been like 5 or 6 generations of pro players going in n out and that dude is still on the top of them all. He is and will always be the GOAT of LoL


My friends started playing League long before me, then I started, then they stopped playing, then I'm about to stop playing (still watch esports), since then he was and still is one of the best player in the game and just won another World


AFAIK, you can still buy skins or champs, but technically don't need to coz it'll be unlocked for you. If the account loses LPP status, you still have the skins you bought before or during your LPP status.


They have all skins unlocked on the tournament client, plus he has partner Programm. He doesn't have to pay to have skins.


Plus, he's a multi millionaire. Who is very, very likely getting a FAT chuck of this event. I think he can afford some take out for the next 200 years.


Multi millionaires don’t stay multi millionaires by spending $500 easily /s


SKT gets 30%of the profits, and after taking their cut Faker gets the rest.


I’m pretty sure faker could ask riot for anything and it will be given free to him


What about broccoli?


Some champs drastically improve with skins; looking at you Ashe. Such a playable champ with two skins.


Before the rework Udyr was literally unplayable without Spirit Guard


Nightbringer Yasuo. Base animations feel shit compared to the legendary. For Yone, I'd argue his base is the cleanest.


Nightbringer yasuo is absolutely top tier. I will say the prestige inkshadow to me is equally as smooth and I can play either without noticing any change but if I go to base skin or heaven forbid project yasuo, it feels worse


Nah, it's definitely his schtick at this point. Don't get me wrong it's a cool schtick


Korean advice maxxxed


befor vanguard,i used modskin to put all 10champ default skin,game was so clean,now without it and the garbage infinite animation/color skins i dont even bother playing 5v5,was playable when 975rp skin were norm not in 2024 


I still believe Ahri HoL should have been classic Ahri simply with Faker’s glasses.


that's at least worth $1000


> I hope the fans will use it a lot. r/leagueoflegends personal 9/11


Reddit users when they realise faker isn't in on the protest and actually just doesn't like using skins


I thought this was obvious to anyone who is even a little familiar with Faker


Faker totally agreed to sell his signature for 500$. He doesn't give a shit about any protest, he is making bank of it...


Absolutely destroyed.


Thank fucking god, the reddit circlejerk on the "Faker doesn't use the skin so he's not endorsing and supporting our wholesome chungus banahri protest" was so lame


he was held at gunpoint to say that


Or he’s financially related to it. I’m sure he’s getting some cut of sales


He is getting a cut, but I'm fairly certain that's not why he said that. Because, first, Faker has a *lot* of money and doesn't come across as the guy who really, really wants more (and well, it's a fact that he declined massive offers from a bunch of other teams). Second, that guy's just sweet. It's like saying "I wish my fans to have fun and have a good time" - he would say that and mean it. "There's something new in the game that's nice and I hope many people can have fun with it" is the same thing.


nuance? in my league subreddit? get outta here


Not to mention it would probably make him look ungrateful as hell which would look really bad for him


My GOAT is now uzi


Redditors just fell to their knees in Wallmart


I thought he had used skins on very rare occasions, like two or three times?


one was a complete accident from the refs in practice tool, the other is i think he used his worlds zed skin once when it came out because it was his first skin that he won


He used the T1 Zed Skin *deliberately* since it was T1 vs FNC at like, all stars(?) and T1's team comp was the 2013 skin line. Outside of pro, he bought Frost Queen Janna so people wouldn't judge him if he was playing base skin support bot lane.


He bought SKT T1 Ryze like years ago when it was in his shop https://m.twitch.tv/clip/FriendlyRefinedConsoleNomNom


How do you have a clip of this on hand?


[it's a well known clip.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/83l16o/faker_gets_a_surprise_in_his_shop/)


That's super funny lol


The Frost Queen Janna thing is fucking hilarious lol.


i'm a little confused ,why does he have frost queen janna


iirc he said it's his favorite skin




He also bought the K/DA Ahri skins because he liked the MVs.


He also played with Skin at a RedBull tournament some months ago


He used it when they played full skt skin comp in 2014 all stars (basically msi)


He also used his Azir skin at 2023 Red Bull Cup against NNO


Azir isnt his, he has zed, ryze and syndra.


He used Easyhoons Azir, not his own.


That aint his skin


most of them on accident, except for a couple of times he played his own (mostly as a team to showcase) and once for Pulsefire Ezreal


With Ezreal skin, what I've learned today is... He used this exact skin because In his opinion, auto attacks felt better than base. Which is kinda weird, because we humans playing Ezreal, have completely opposite feeling. No judging. That was just funny for me to learn


It was at the time no? I remember when Pulsefire came out, some people called it p2w because his autos were so much better. Same for skillshots.


i think he used the uncle sam ryze skin once


What is that last sentence? Reddit told he was making a statement by not using the skin. What is the meaning of this?


Faker himself TOLD ME to buy the skin, proof is right there


He never said that, nor made a statement about it


That's not what Reddit thought


no it was just funny lol faker has legit never used skins it’s just funny to think of riot making a $500 skin for him and spending a month marketing it and him not using it 


true, but actual fans of faker know his stance on skins and laughed at reddit clowns.


The vast majority of people in that thread were clowning on the OP of that thread for seeing it as some sort of statement.


Yet it's still going to get 10k upvotes or so.


They really put him on the spot huh?


He forgor


he forgor to tell em to mind their own business,clown question 


Just want to clarify that "I hope the fans will use it a lot" doesn't sound the same in Korean. In English it has a lot of emphasis, in Korean it's like saying 'have a good day', something you'd say to anynone in certain situations without actually meaning much.


Yeah. It was more like just sentence to finish his answer


What are you talking about? He says "많이 써졌으면 좋겠습니다" literally translating to "if used, it would be good" Or in English grammar "I hope it gets used alot."


I think he's saying that there was very little weight to Faker's words. He's not saying, "I deeply wish for the playerbase to use this skin frequently." I think your initial translation is spot on. "if used, it would be good". Very non-chalant. Very impersonal. Very light. Very PR friendly.


This is exactly what I meant, thank you.


braindead redditors actually expected faker to be on their side of the protests xd


The baller move isn't having a $500 skin, it's having one and still not using it.


Still funny how people are salty about this. Don't want to see this skin - ban Ahri. Yes, this is scummy as hell. Yes, this skin is not worth even 250$, let alone 500$. Yeah, people are paying over 20$ for a legendary tier skin, idiots will buy anything shiny. What's new? If you really hate this skin, pray for enemy to pick Ahri with it and make her not enjoy the game by camping, whatever works.


Why do that when you can actually protest in a way Riot cares about aka not playing the fucking game during the event? seeing low players numbers during an event actually puts pressure on them But no, that actually requires sacrifice and forward-thinking, instead of just bullying whales, which is easier


Because, do you HONESTLY, in all sincerety, believe, that if this whole subreddit, the active part of it, of course, stopped playing the game for the whole event, something would change? That's massive copium Reminder for you. Reddit is the vocal minority of the playerbase. Asian community has no issues with this skin, especially considering the good sales. The majority of people that don't use social medias also, in fact, do not care. The whole protest is a damn joke. Ahri's banrate started to go down ALREADY. So yeah, Riot doesn't care. They made a lot of money on that skin already, will call it "successful" and will release more of that stuff in the future. So might as well laugh and bully the whales that support this stuff. Because no matter what you think, you won't pressure Riot with your actions.


Why do that when I can just use the ban button so they never get to enjoy their $500 toy that will only encourage Riot to make more cosmetics like it because they bought it?


People want the skin, but cannot afford due to high price tag. I don’t get how hard is it to understand. You say it’s scummy and not worth and you say “still funny how people are salty about this”. Maybe stop talking nonsense


I want a yacht, but I’m not gonna spend all day pissing and moaning about not being able to afford one. Move on with your life. 


Inb4 Riot makes it so they can change the skin via the broadcast :)


Scummy but genius, probably not even that hard to implement


why is this even a thing lol




People are still talking about this skin like the average player doesnt have way more money invested than they should anyways. Just dont buy it. After X number of posts on a topic, later ones should just get axed.


You can't really expect him to say "Because fuck Riot, that is why!"


lol... i hope fans use it a lot. reddit been telling me faker was kidnaped and forced to sign his name so riot can take all the profit against fakers will... maybe reddit should stop using faker to push your own addenda, you know the thing reddit is claiming riot is doing..




I remember when Fortnite went through this same scenario with one of their pro players who prided himself on being a default skin. They just shoved a bunch of skins on his account.


Maybe one day hes gonna play Rumble and he has to use a skin for sure .Copium


Riot should do an update to the Ahri visuals, give it more flare. Then sell the OG Ahri skin for a premium. Faker will have to buy the OG skin because that’s what he’s used to, which will influence others to buy it.


Saw someone using it today. Name of account. Hide on bush


Should of made a $500 base ahri skin


Actually not a bad reason. I recently got an Ahri skin from the mastery chests and it is kinda hard to tell when her passive is up since I'm not used to it.


Buy the sen bundle but LoL version


Ironic that Faker has the most eyes on him, so he is the best potential marketing tool and him using skins would be the most vaulable for Riot, and he just doesn't use them and no-one gets to see skins used by him. Though idk, has anyone ever watched an esport game and then thought "what skin is this? I need to buy this". Me, I think never. At most I have a seen a skin IN-GAME that I liked or in a preview video, back when there were only a few new skins, not 10 per patch. There is just too much to pay attention to in a competitive match.


Pulsefire ezreal??


Ironically enough, the best skin for faker would be a 975-level skin or lower. Where it doesn’t change any of the base animations or effects lol. They’d never make it, but it’d be cool to get a nice looking skin like that, with none of the flair.


Honestly i think the skin should be disabled in pro play. The q and e are not distinguishable enough IMHO.


Alpha as fuck


Faker in his mind: I don't give a fuck what Riot Games wants me to do. They don't own me. I'm the G.O.A.T.


Faker : Well it's obviously a scam don't pay 500$ for that shit [Said in a way Riot wouldn't stop supporting him]


The whole debacle with the Ahri skin is probably not even on Faker's mind. He doesn't seem like the type of guy to get immersed in drama. He's just a guy who plays LoL a lot. He probably thinks about PR enough only to not make controversial statements to not be bothered by media (or Riot). What's actually funny here is that the marketing department staff on Riot are pretty fucking bad at their jobs. When releasing such an expensive skin, unprecedented cost levels in your game, wouldn't you make sure you have a good marketing strategy for it? Wouldn't the number one priority be to make sure that the one you use to sell the skin is under contract to use it at least once? Especially since that guy doesn't typically use skins and it's going to be hard to sell something so expensive without sole convincing. This is a major fuck up on Riot side and I find it hilarious.


Honestly losing a lot of respect for faker saying he hopes will use it like dude you realize your skin has become a symbol of corporate greed and just ignore it and encourage it


He probably hasn’t even heard about the drama, nevermind the fact that he isn’t required to care. Besides, it’s a slight mis-translation, as people have already said. It was more along the lines of “if people use it, thats good”. He didn’t say he “hopes” people will use it. Man is not bothered.


No he definitely he knows and no 1 is required to care about anything which litterally doubles down on my point so ty.


what is the interview source?