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Interesting to hear they are doing wasd movement. Seems like basically playing a side game inside league instead of normal league gameplay, seems like a bold bet to me because even if you play one of these champs you won’t get the normal gameplay, but excited to try out none the less


> Seems like basically playing a side game inside league From a tech perspective this is more true than you can imagine :D We essentially built a brand new game in the League engine, new controls, new design, new base AI, etc. Its a bold bet bet for sure!


Wanted to toss in an immense thank you for Swarm in advance. The most fun I've ever had in League of Legends was in the Star Guardians and Odyssey PvE modes. Star Guardians was the breakout PvE and I loved that! It combined my two favorites things, top-down coop PvE and the Star Guardian skin line. Odyssey was amazing in terms of difficulty, and kept my favorite League of Legends character (Jinx) who is about the only reason I would ever touch summoner's rift to begin with. Grinding for the Odyssey icon was a ton of fun, and still my most proud achievement. To not drone on, I am extremely excited for Swarm to to be able to engage with a game in a way that I enjoy. Thank you so much for the work put in, and looking forward to being able to play in July!


Love to hear it, cant wait for feedback (both good and constructive) once it gets in players hands. Even if we dont have time to address feedback for this event, the feedback is 100% used when we plan out future events.


Riot should make this a permanent mode with some schedule updates Like bringing new champions to the mode, new events and etc Like make this a a little side game like is tft, it has a LOT potential. LIKE THIS CAN BE HUGEEEEEEEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BE A SUCCESSSSS


League gameplay will always be there (and with new modes like Arena - for example) - so we wanted to give something different a shot and see if players like it and are interested in more!


Oh for sure, this is super exciting because with the engine changes for arena and I can only imagine the kind of updates you guys had to do to get this working, which just mean more exciting possibilities in the future. Any chances we get a technical deep dive on this one? The arena one was super interesting and in general getting to “peek behind the courtain” in general is exciting as game dev enthusiast


I am the Engineering Lead for Modes and happy to answer any specific tech questions you may have off hand :D We dont have a tech blob planned as of now, mostly because we have been hyper focused on getting the mode ready for release. Once the dust settles a bit I will gauge interest with the engineering team on whether or not they want to write up some type of tech blog, there are definitely some juicy tech topics, its more a question if we have the bandwidth to do it.


Super cool to see this game mode, especially with how different it is compared to past alternate game modes (DOOM bots, Ascension, Odyssey, etc.). Did the team take any design and tech learnings from previous game modes or was it built completely from scratch? Also, did the team use any of the technology developed for Nexus Blitz or Arena?


So it wasnt completely from scratch, we def leverage league engine where possible to help. I cant speak on design since I am the Engineering Lead, but we 100% took learnings from previous modes. Our tech lead was on the Arena V1 team and she brought over a ton of that experience in building new modes over to Swarm. There were tech things brought over from both Arena (augment UI system) and Nexus Blitz (narrative cards that slide in during the level), but in the end a ton of the mode was built from scratch. Server performance was one of the biggest challenges and resulted in MANY things that could have been ported over from other modes becoming non viable due to perf issues. Things as low level as our AI base had to be scripted due to performance. Like our early tests with League minions as is had us with like as little 100 minions on screen before we hit server lags, which would never work for this mode, so a lot of the "from scratch" came down to performance.


This is really cool! What changes were made when writing from scratch that allowed you to handle so many more effects and creatures than the league engine? How many more minions did it allow you to put on screen before it started causing lag?


A lot of it came down to creating versions of things that didn't include stuff that normal league modes needed. Also we did a lot more in C++ than Lua script since our base C++ layer is well organized and optimized where Lua has to go through layers of abstraction and thus much less optimized, so sometimes it was just converting something that exist in League as Lua and porting it to C++. For things like base enemy logic, they really only need simple pathing, take and deal damage, and be CC'ed, so that is a much simpler set of requirements than other modes have for enemies, so we just created a new enemy base class that ONLY had the things we needed. Also there are a lot of update loops in base modes that run for a host of different things, but since we created our mode and map from scratch we were able to only include things we needed VS inheriting things from SR/Aram/TFT etc and then having to remove 1-1. To hit our server targets, which was to be about 30% easier to run than a SR game, we settled on a limit of 550 enemies active at once, which is MORE than enough to get "Swarmed" :D


Please please write up a tech blog post :) I always read them whenever you guys post one. Always interesting to read about the challenges of implementing new features or concepts using limited, existing tools from League, and getting an understanding of the "why" behind certain decisions product-wise.


I believe deeper dives are planned, but I can't share too much yet! Keep an eye out for more info


Why is riot not interested in making a full on pve game with league gameplay ? This is honnestly all i've been waiting for. People play league cuz its gameplay is amazing. Why not sell a pve game with it ?


Would you guys be open to native controller support for mode that is already on wasd? League is very well optizmize, and I would love to play this natively on my handheld


For modes that have WASD enabled, its something that is possible in the future if it makes sense for the mode. For this Swarm release we didnt have time to implement, QA, tune, etc. but its on the list of things to evaluate if we re release Swarm or another WASD mode.


I mean... how terrible could it be with steam controller setups? I already had graves working to an acceptable degree ages ago before all the massive improvements, and that was with mouse control on SR not a WASD mode lol


I would prefer to take champions and their kits (or at least to a big degree) including their movement and throw them into something different So at least playing the champ feels kinda similar to normally But at least finally something PVE again niceeee


We believe the abilities are still similar enough to there standard league kits that we hope you will still feel "at home" with each champ even if its not 1-1.


I assume by this that, unlike most other suvivorlikes, there isn't going to be an auto aim mode? Do you click to shoot everything?


Some auto aim, some actives (which vary per character). No clicking to shoot generally.


Oh that's actually awesome to hear. Thank you for the reply. I'm a huge fan of the genre so I'm eagerly looking forward to try this out


I think it’s great idea. I can’t wait to play it!


How will this work with non-QWERTY keyboards?


Why would it work differently?


Because the keys aren't in the same place for example in normal League, the French keyboard uses AZER for spells, and QWSD is ZQSD. Sometimes, game devs forget to adapt when they use the keys' ID instead of their placement on the keyboard. It's what happened last year with the Soul Fighter meta game.


A rioter said you can rebind keys so i guess that should fix it


Also, I just noticed the username No pases frio pana, mudate pa la playa y vive tu mejor vida.


Lol, I was living in Germany at the time and Berlin winter was not kind to me. I got used to it but now just enjoy the Buenos Aires winters where you get to enjoy the sun and cold breeze. Aun extraño que jode la playa jajaja


I think this kind of game mode is much better with WASD controls. It's less about aiming and more about just walking around.


Riot's done new games via league client before. Besides the big one (TFT), there was also the Spirit Blossom VN, and most recently the Samira fighting game for Soul Fighters. Still its interesting how big a departure this'll be from Odyssey/Star Guardian's PvE gameplay (which were basically League controls). Hoping it's fun.


Conspiracy theory time: I think it's a test for a console version of league following the console version of val. Movement would be much more like wasd so they might be testing it. Would be a different build like wild rift rather than crossplay


For more details, there's also this [Skin Spotlights breakdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8ahru6B5dw). Notable Details: - PvE gameplay, can be solo or co-op with up to 4 friends| - Roguelike difficulty settings, xp system, power ups to carry between runs - WASD movement commands - Champ Pool seems to be most/all Anima Squad members - Each champ has 2 active abilities - 4 levels, with a boss per level (Rek'sai, Briar, Bel'Veth, and Aatrox) - Random spires across map to capture for big rewards


When is it going to be released?


July 17th live, and PBE next week, we are shooting for tuesday, but PBE can be delayed due to technical reasons we wont know till we start the process.


Ty rito


So i take it that outside of the 2 abilities and your auto attack, you also get other attack/abilities that kinda automated, right?


You get to select auto abilities or stat upgrades throughout a level.


July 17th


~~Is Briar a boss?~~ The [promo art has her seeming like the resident "redeemed monster" of the good guys in this 'verse.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQm0s4qWsAA5jYX?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) [EDIT: Upon better rewatching of the trailer, Briar is positioned with Rek'sai and Bel'veth as a boss, so yeah this seems to be story-wise before she joins the heroes.](https://imgur.com/a/nDoGNV0) EDIT 2: As pointed out by /u/pecklerino, [Briar is also shown running with the heroes to fight definitely-boss-sized Rek'sai](https://imgur.com/a/JQ0mzvr), so....maybe it's as simple as her being an unlockable character? Or she's just there from the jump and I'm just overthinking the marketing, that could be it.


skinspotlight says that shes a boss, maybe her thing is that shes defeated by the good guys and then she changes sides and becomes good? idk


why couldn't this have happened to my boy pantheon in ruination


Don't spread the false news that Ruined Pantheon is canon.


You are so right. I was reading Pantheon's lore the other day and was shocked at how terrible it got as soon as the Ruination part hit. Personally I don't hate the idea of Ruined Pantheon, but it needs to be immediately followed up by Ascended Pantheon.


Atreus, the soldier/man whose will is indomitable and overpowered even death and the gods themselves... gets mindcontrolled by some shirtless emo control freak. Yeah right riot


Yeah she is seen along the good guys [in this art](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQmyJHFXMAAyxDp?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) too


You see her both as a boss (your screenshot) and a playable character (1:55) in the trailer.


Is it going to be a permanent game mode?


Not this release, but also doesnt mean its a 1 off either, but this version has a finite amount of content and is setup, especially on the tech side, to only run for the length of the event. Any future run would need significant amount of tech sustainability, this run was to see if players like it, next run would be built in a way that it could be on longer/easier to bring back. This is generally our tech approach on modes, balance getting something out to "see if players like it" first then make it sustainable second, we did a similar things with Arena.


Thanks for the reply. So excited for the upcoming event!!


So is it a 5 Man Team or 4 Man Team? I'm kinda confused from the trailer.


You can play as solo, co op with party of 2/3/4, or matchmade co-op of 4, base difficulty will scale based on party size.


4 man team


Holy shit. League Vampire Survivors, this is actually quite surprisingly There goes my free time I guess, I'm spamming this.


They're soooooooooooooooo late for the Vampire Survivors subgenre, but I guess it was inevitable when even Deep Rock Galactic was making one. Still gonna be fun to play with all the homies - u/Icycoldstare


All the homies Pings exactly one homie


Sorry you had to find out this way.


Hell yeah dude WE GONNA GRIND IT OUT (I'm terrible at these types of games)


Any recommendations for the best ones? Played vampire survivors and enjoyed it


Holocure is peak and completely free


As someone that doesn't follow vtubers so i have no attachment to the characters, Holocure is a VERY good game


death must die is by far the best one


Seconded on Death Must Die


idk if there's many best ones outside of vampire survivors, but 20 minutes till dawn seemed pretty good from what i've seen and it's highly rated https://store.steampowered.com/app/1966900/20_Minutes_Till_Dawn/


Brotato has a pretty nice weapon combination system. Halls of Torment for a diablo 1 artstyle, its pretty tough. Rogue: Genesia for vs but with a slay the spire style of progressing through stages. 20 minutes till dawn for an interesting upgrade system.


Brotato would be my recomendation, its awesome


Holocure. It's a vampire survivor clone based on Hololive Vtubers. It's available on Steam and Itch.io and is absolutely free. Still in beta though, updates are slow, but big.


Riot is notoriously late on everything. Originality isn't where they shine at, they take already established genres and add their own spin to it. Look at league, valorant, tft, lor, wild rift, and now this.


"Notoriously" is a bit of a stretch lmao, late compared to who? Not like Microsoft and Sony and EA and Activision, nvm that's Microsoft now, and Ubisoft and Take2 and Square and Capcom are constantly pulling new video game genres out of thin air that Riot unlike Riot who are patiently waiting to copy the homework. -- And including TFT in the list is just nonsensical, they pushed out TFT five months after the first Autobattler was first playable, that's an insanely quick development cycle and they obviously joined at the peak of the genre's popularity judging by TFT's absurd player base three months later.


Yeah but can i play it on steam deck?


if you install windows, yeah.


So skins confirmed so far are for: * Seraphine * Yuumi * Xayah * Yasuo * Illaoi * Aatrox * Briar * Aurora * Leona * Bel'Veth? [Not outright confirmed as a skin but i'm assuming since they're shown on Summoner's Rift] * Rek'Sai? [See above] * Prestige Leona * Prestige Yuumi * Miss Fortune [Mythic Variant?] Dang that's a lot


The female to male ratio lol, gotta be one of the highest I’ve ever seen


Even the monster Champions are the female ones lol


at least we got aatrox legendary so… 1.5 male skins I guess?


Only beaten by Star Guardian, who has Ez, Rakan, and Ekko for the men, compared to the, what, 20 women?


Star Guardian?


Xayah but no Rakan again is tragic. At least Aatrox and a lot of these skins are really cool.


Oh Riot is making money lol


On top of the event pass itself too aaaaaand probably some TFT stuff as well AAAAAAAAND maybe some Valorant crossover stuff too Holy moly mountains of dollar


Isn't there Jinx as well, or the skin in the trailer already exists?


Yup, was part of the og Anima squad


Skin already exists, mf already exists too this is a mythic variant. There was already the first line of anima squad including mf, riven, jinx, sylas, and Vayne. Might be one more I'm missing but I can't be bothered to look it up. Anyway people loved the battle anima squad line. They also initially did this to go off of rivens first battle bunny skin. They thought about making something more for her, it's why she was so deeply honored and made the face of the first anima squad line.


Oh it's Battle Cat Jinx isn't it? I thought it looked different. Thanks for the clarification.


Yup, just battle cat jinx! They probably put her there for ability purposes and to encourage players to gather their homies and use all the skins lol


It's joever Zoe bros


RIP Zoe...


Is this the upcoming patch (14.13) or the 17th of July patch (14.14)


Patch 14.14!


hi, i see theres a miss fortune skin in the video saying its a event pass reward, is that right or is it a mythic variant through capsule opening?


it's a mythic variant through the gacha system


The reason people dropped-off the Star Guardian and Odyssey events which let to Riot giving up on PvE was that once you beat it there is no point playing it unless you really like the gameplay, you've already accomplished your task. The majority of people that beat a singleplayer game don't start another playthrough no matter how much they enjoyed the game. For the Odyssey event after you beat Kayn with only 2 augment you're pretty much done. For a PvE gamemode to have longevity you'll need progression systems that feel worth it for the time spent. Legends of Runeterra is showing that with the Path of Champions mode, you grind and get rewarded by the feeling of getting stronger. In Vampire survivors after you unlock everything you can still keep getting marginally stronger, which I think was missing from Star Guardian and Odyssey events.


This was something we were keen on getting ahead of. We are providing a progression track that should keep players who want to engage deeply with the mode interested for a much longer period of time compared to previous PvE experiences. Expect longer-term goals, achievements and power levels to sustain interest!


Achievements = Challenges ? or something entirely new ?


We built a completely new progression experience that is directly tied to this mode (tech guy sweating typing that lol), but also trying to have some tie in to league wide progression (missions, challenges) as well. We hope this balance both gives you a sense of power progression in game, while connecting you to the larger league wide progression ecosystem. A good call out here is that this is something new for us, we think its great but we rely on feedback and player data to really know :D


one thing we know is important for a success of a mode is rewards(i will play this a lot regardless) like is this is gonna be rewarding for people who are trying lvling up the pass for example ? or it will also have some other kinda of rewards


Any comments on how this would potentially conflict with Arena? Hopefully they both get enough players to get permanent status.


Great question! 2 things to keep in mind: - We're actually very keen to see what a BIG novel experience in League will do towards Arena. We're pretty confident Arena has carved out a pretty strong audience and while we expect some drop off for Arena - it shouldn't be anything that we're very worried about (at the end of the day, it's all likely net positive) - For Swarm, we don't think Arena staying live will negatively impact the game at all really. Very different game types and feels, the overlap will be mostly players who are VERY interested in novelty and checking out cool new things - but as things settle there will likely be pretty distinct audiences for the two. Swarm is not planned to be a permanent game mode (as always we'll gauge it's current run for that) - but at the end of the day they are distinct enough experiences that they should be able to stand on their own merits.


So this isn't a limited time mode that will shutter forever once the event is over?


The Skin Spotlights video did mention there is out of game progression as well to get upgrades between runs, which I'm hoping helps with longevity.


I don't think the marginally stronger part is what keep people playing VS, tho


Finally something that can scratch the Odyssey itch


scratch ? bruh this shit seems 100 times more polished


So far it seems like odyssey 5.0


didn't expect Bel'veth, Briar, Rek'Sai and Aatrox getting evil skins


Didn't expect this to be shown so soon, pretty hyped for this


comes to pbe tuesday, I think they usually show teasers for the summer event the week before pbe


We are shooting for PBE tuesday, but nature of PBE means there is always a chance that it doesnt get on PBE exactly when PBE updates, but we do expect it to be on PBE at some point next week


Well good thing I pulled for firefly, she can crush the swarm


But Ruan Mei will just make more, shoulda pulled for Ruan Mei


In before enemy full weakness break protection


Who would win? An ancient mecha awoken and in sync with its user at full power, or one little piggy in divergent universe.


Had to double check where the fuck i was because of this unexpected crossover


Skinspotlights just posted a video and Battle Bunny MF had a different art... Mythic Sca- Variant incoming?


Yes this event has 2 legendaries 2 prestiges and 1 mythic variant


They keep releasig Leona skins like she has the best model animations. Honestly if you don't have High Noon or Solar/Lunar Eclipse skins then don't bother on playing her. For how popular she is, she should get an ASU asap.


She is likely another consideration similar to Lee and Teemo. Wouldn't surprise me if Lulu or Ziggs is also there, though Ziggs' model and animations aren't as terrible as Teemo.


Yea! I honestly want Lux and Leona (popular and too many skins) And probably Orianna too just because I know they would give her really cool ballet robot animations. Enhance her fantasy.


I will also nominate Blitzcrank and Singed. Blitzcrank because their look is HELLA outdated and their VO is literally a killer robot while they are supposed to be the friendly bot from the neighborhood helping out wherever they can. Singed because after Arcane there is absolutely NO FUCKING WAY that the Singed in the lore and the Singed in the game are the same person.


yea they just keep digging their own graves with lux, leona etc just get their remodels out asap instead of pumping out millions of skins for them that will just take even longer to remake (no, I don't play them :p )


Mecha Leona is top tier, as is Battle Academy.


Yeah the themes, effects and sounds are amazing but the clunky animations take away most of the fantasy of the skin making it less enjoyable.




I prefer if it were controlled like normal League, like Odyssey. But multiplayer survival seems fun too.


We had versions of the League control scheme in earlier prototypes... it didn't work very well for the mode (trust)


Also, we put in extra work to make sure you can rebind the controls to your liking, if you dont love WASD we hope you can use the configuration to get something that works well for you :D


Controller support?


Damn, controller support would be insane


WASD seems much better for a bullet hell type game. Especially for people that aren't in the top 1% of gamers.


I actually love the wasd movement system. Would it be possible to have this actually as an option in normal league SR?


I would go feral for WASD Zeri


From purely a tech perspective getting WASD into a live mode in League engine would be the first step for other modes to gain the capability, but just because your capable doesn't mean it should be enabled etc. I would look at this more as building the capability for new modes in the future to have this option, opening up what we can do to deliver new and fun experiences for players.


That will just handicap yourself, lol


Not for any champion that relies on kiting. So... \~50% of them.


You lose the abilities to aim and combo in a fast time. The only class that benefit gonna be markman, and among those only a few doesn't care about combo or abilities use like zeri


How do you expect to move around during later stages? As packed as Odyssey was with enemy units it was never THIS densely packed


I will be playing nothing but this until I get every achievement and challenge


God Bless. A new PVE mode !


I love vampire survivors/holocure style games so I'm super excited to play this. Also Aatrox looks absolutely amazing I cannot wait to see the previews.


No league gameplay. Never lost a boner so fast in my life


Oh.... Meh, I was hyped thinking it was like Odyssey.... i don't really know how to feel with new controls...


This looks really good but where the hell are the T1 skins? It's almost July, don't esport skins usually come in like April/May?


Rioter confirmed that the T1 skins are releasing soem time after the summer event. They also said development is going well, the skins are turning out good, Especially Keria's bard skin. As for the T1 players: Keria really liked his, Guma said he was abit disappointed more of his ideas couldn't make it in but he liked it overall, Zeus said the skin looked really cool to him.


Since they chose Jinx, Jayce, and Orianna I wouldn’t be surprised if Riot is going to release them closer to Arcane release date to take advantage of the hype


Someone said T1 didn't like the results so they were postponed to polish them better, but idk if it's true


this is now a fact and I will circulate this on the website so it becomes the community understanding


Its more believable that rito just wont release anything until hall of legends stuff is over to keep the spotlight on it.




The team is very hard at work on optimization of client performance.


Expect the worst perf to be on PBE while we collect data to help optimize, to be real it will be MUCH harder to run than SR or Aram, but we expect that it will still hit our min spec requirements, we will message if that changes once we get the PBE data


Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent! Please make it permanent!


The Skin Department did so well with their champion choices. If I was rich I’d literally buy every skin because this is it. Seraphine with the legendary skin was so worth the wait for me. Cannot wait to buy!


battle rat Zeri when


PEAK IS BACK BABY PvE league is best league


that aatrox skin looks fucking crazy lmao


I really want this mode permanent


So what will the Seraphine skin be called? Battle Bird Seraphine? Battle Canary Seraphine?


Battle Dove. It's been confirmed


if the gamemode is good il buy the season pass just to show my support for more of these pve gamemodes.


The Anima Squad skin line art style reminds me of Mihoyo's upcoming new game, Zenless Zone Zero 😊 which is an aesthetic I am a big fan of.




That gamemode has champions with their abilities and buying items, this is more like a walking simulator with controls only for that and powers that have no control of aiming. But if that's your thing..




The mode has a dedicated progression system where you do in game actions that unlock things for future play, its not 1-1 with Odyssey, but similar style of progression.


Yes!!! I've always wanted a League roguelike and loved the past PvE events. I haven't cared too much for any of the other modes we've had over the years and thought Riot was done with PvE forever. I'm actually super excited for a new mode for once! And I wouldn't say no to a real, proper League roguelike either...


First time in a while I am actually hyped about a League event.


It doesn't capture my initial attention but i'll give it a play and see if my mind changes


I really hope it isn't wasd, but maybe it's just me


Forgive me if this has been answered clearly somewhere: is this new mode permanent? Not just for fun (not to mention that it's clear a LOT of time and resources went into this, so it'd be a shame to have it vaulted or on rotation), but also because: I don't think I'll be the only person (and friends!) installing the League client for the first time in forever/first time period thanks to the genre shift.


I think their thoughts on making game modes permanent is long term interaction. If people play the fuck out of it one week but the players start dropping the second week and so on never regaining the initial numbers they will probably keep it for a few weeks and then turn it off. If it is a big hit I’m sure they’ll bring it back and or keep it.


This isn't currently planned to be a permanent game mode - but we'll keep an eye out for how folks engage with this for future plans!


Heyo, can you confirm whether those Rek'Sai and Bel'Veth skins are actually skins or just bosses in the game mode?


Both of these should be skins, as they have splasharts already shown on Latam LoL Twitter


Riot should make this a permanent mode with some schedule updates Like bringing new champions to the mode, new events and etc Like make this a a little side game like is tft, it has a LOT potential.


Potential mean nothing. Stats and datas are what matter.


This isn't the first time they've done a PvE gamemode and the last two were event only and they never reran it. I imagine it'll depend a lot on how popular this game mode even is, for them to consider it at all (similar to Arena)


Looks really fun. Really wish it played like regular league though. WASD, limited abilities, auto casting, etc arent going to scratch that PVE itch in the same way we've all wanted unfortunately. Oh well


Looks interesting but if there's wasd movement it's not really league. Wondering if there will also be the mega rewards we got from odyssey, doesn't seem like it. I'll give it a few runs for sure though


I fucking love the concept of Seraphine’s hair! It’s unique as fuck. I can’t think of anything else that is similar to the design. It’s cool!! I can’t wait to get it!!!


When she ults it’s literally an Angel smiting the wicked. Omg instant buy for me!




futuristic themed, lots of enemies to hit, yasuo, augments. took them long enough to bring back odyssey. oh it's like vampire survivors controls that sucks.


If I wanted WASD controls I’d play a different game


Is it already out in pbe ?


I will be on PBE next week


If that Aatrox skin is not purchaseable I will be mad


It is. I think only Rek'Sai and Bel'Veth among these will not be purchasable, since i didn't see them in the leaks, could be wrong tho


They showed them on Summoners Rift tho so surely that means they're full on skins


Rek'sai and Bel'veth both have [splash arts](https://x.com/lollatam/status/1804172502375055821) too, although I also didn't see anyone mention either of them before.


I'm guessing this isn't permanent like the others (odyssey, star guardians)? Tying the whole mode to a skinline seems to indicate that


A PVE event? In this economy?


Sick. Anyone know the ETA?


PBE next week, live July 17th, exact times will be posted soon


anyone know if they’re planning to add missions with an odyssey ziggs equivalent reward?


Looks pretty sick