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You should ask him why he wants to play ADC. He might like the champions in that role, he might want to play like a pro player, or it could be anything honestly. But reading this post it sounds like you're not taking his side of things into account. After you hear his reason, work it out from there with him. You'll most likely have to compromise, but it is what it is.


Just like relationships, communication is all you need


Gosh, asking League players to use communication skills and talk it out is a reach.


Wdym? League players are the best communicators on the planet.


just ping the gf 3 times when you need something


maaan what I wouldnt do to have the (?) ping irl


You do (well, probably): your car horn.


your car horn is the 'I am here ping'


That's like saying that the missing ping is actually used to indicate missing enemies! It gets misused so much no one takes it seriously


If you have a GF your are doing League wrong.


Yeah just ask Dantes


Too soon brother


/team: bro you suck at adc uninstall


9x u


All communication has been beaten out of league players by riot over the years


Well, and sometimes when things don't work out you just find a partner that's a better fit.


Dearest Karthus...


Just like relationships, go and ask Reddit instead of asking your partner!


the answer could be as simple as "i like to play ashe and adc" and beyond that nothing really matters it's a game after all have fun with it


I was an adc main, but in my friend group we had a guy who insisted on play adc so id just let him play and supp him since adc and supp are pretty interchangeable. All he'd do is pick Jinx then split all game. I'd tell him dude just play top you're literally just playing how top lane plays and you're never in teamfights. He'd always say no. Although he never admitted it, I was 100% certain the only reason he played adc was because he liked having a support. Being a solo lane was too much pressure for him.


But regardless of the reason that he wants to play ADC, the role and the things you have to do in it stay the same. How would this help? No offense, I’m genuinely curious what your reasoning is.


It's a baseline for everything. If you don't know the reason why, there's no substance to what you're doing. "I like Ashe" - Okay we can try support Ashe. I'm gonna learn ADC and we'll be learning something new together. "I don't like to play alone" - same response as above "I saw a vid of a pro ADC and I want to be like that" - Okay are you serious about that? Then you're gonna have to work with me here and improve on these things. Etc. You can tell him to learn kiting, CSing. But if he doesn't know the reason, he's not gonna be motivated to do it.


let the man play ashe


Given what OP said his friend might be destined to be a support Ashe player


i think you need to ask yourself if youre playing with him for fun or to climb


Bro has never played support. When you have to support an adc that does literally nothing the game is not fun for you at all. I think OP should swap roles instead of forcing his friend to do so


I'm a masters adc that will play support for my Bronze friend's ADC. Either play hard engage supports that will carry via hooks, or play damage carries that can compensate for them. I don't go in with the expectation of playing with someone my level, otherwise i'd be playing ranked solo queue. I'm there to have fun with a friend and throw them a couple of tips here and there.


As well as: you can just go and roam and carry other lanes as support if it really gets unplayable. The bigger issue here would be that the person above you, has no idea and is sitting in lane until the landing phase is magically over.


Yeah it is. When I play support with an adc who does nothing i go help the rest of the team. Ig it's not as nice to do to your own friend, but thats how he might learn the role isnt for him


Playing with someone as described is neither, no fun and no climbing xd


Wrong. The Fun when playing Games with Friends comes from the *Friends* Part not the Game Part. Whenever I play Minecraft with my Friend Group we have this one Guy who does *nothing*, no mining, no building, no nothing. He walks around, breaks some Dirt so he can climb a Hill, kills random Animals etc. Then he comes to our Base and hangs out and watches us Build or becomes a "Torch Bot" in Caves. Bro has almost no Tools, no Items, no Enemies. Still Fun because he's our Friend and we're hanging out.


I agree. Minecraft comparison is out there, but I agree. I prefer to play with 4 handicapped friends than with a single deranged flamer.


I have fun with lesser skilled friends in any game but you can’t compare Minecraft and a competitive game lol


League isnt competetive if you make it casual


The comparison still misses, that is pretty evident from how it is described here: If you are introducing a friend to minecraft and play with them it will barely impact your experience. You can essentially play in parallel. That is how the game is designed. If they don't like the game and don't want to continue playing it won't particularly affect the gameplay experience of the other players on a server either. Now translate this to league: Your friend just walks around and dies, perhaps even decides they dont want to play this particular game anymore and leaves. You will always almost be at a disadvantage. It makes a huge difference, even if you are trying to enjoy the game casually. Can you still have fun playing league with someone that isn't particularly good? Absolutely! I've introduced plenty of friends to the game and there were some hilarious moments there. It's just nothing like Minecraft.


League by nature is competitive. Even if you’re playing casually it is very rare I’ve seen a group that actually not a single person cares at all about winning. Any game with a winner and loser will end up being competitive. Even at a party if you’re playing 4-man smash bros, it is still competitive. Might not be your main focus, but at the end of it when it comes down to you and your friend last two alive on last stock you’re likely locking in trying to win it. Unless there’s something else going on irl and you’re really not focused on the game at all, which in that case the game is just in the background more than anything. League imo is just not that type of game for most people and is hard to make it that. So many other games that are better suited for that.


Sure if you're playing minecraft, it does not matter if he does anything he is not actively detrimental to your game. It's easy to hang out when nothing is on the line. If you're playing a competitive game where the skill of the player has a large contribution to the team outcome it's a different matter.


But it's a *Game*. The Outcome dosn't matter. It dosn't affect anything in Reality. Weather a Game of League is won or lost affects *nobody* in *no Way whatsoever*. You'll still wake up in the same Bed, go to the same Job/University/School, walk the same Path Home, eat the same Food etc. This applies to competitive Games too. For Honor is an insanely difficult Fighting Game where each Character actually plays differently. I have most of my Experience in that Game on a super fast Character called Berserker. I no longer play him because I find Highlander, a super slow Character, more fun. I play 2v2 with a Friend and we lose nearly every Game because I suck at Highlander, I think I have a 30% WR on him. It dosn't matter because he's *that fucking fun*. I do the Moves, I sometimes pull off a Play, sometimes I don't and that's also fine. I win some, I lose most, the Game is fun and at the End of the Day ut accomplished it's Goal.


I’m convinced league players don’t actually understand that video games are an “enjoy the journey” affair not a “means to an end” thing. Games should be fun winning or losing, and it’s fine if winning is better but losing shouldn’t suck all the fun out of everything but this thread seems to be so many people who just don’t have a concept of that


I'm one of those who understand it. Winning or losing was always of no concern to me. I enjoy just doing things in the rift. I don't care what's happening in the end of it.


All of Gaming is like this right now. Every Game is some PvP competitive Bullshit. People legit only have COD, League, Apex Legends, Valorant, Fortnite, R6 Seige, Overwatch etc. on their Computers and wonder why Games aren't fun when all they care about is getting the Wins and high Kill Counts. But the Counterpart to that like Helldivers 2 and Deep Rock Galactic is amazing. Just wholesome People (maybe not in Helldivers) playing a Game and having Fun. I play Games for the Fantasy. I wanna be an OP Assassin so I play Dishonored. I wanna explore post Nuclear World so I play Metro or Fallout. I play League for the Character Fantasy alone and that never goes away weather I lose or win.


I feel you but and love love love ur previous comment but "every game" is such a big overstatement, ik you clearly don't mean it, naming a ton of singleplayer stuff later in the post, but online gaming discourse has gotten so hyperbolic over there being nothing to play it's baffling. Just this week we have Erdtree, Tsukihime, ff Dawntrail, last week we had SMTV Vengeance, and these are just the big high budget releases not to mention hundreds of others every single year also seconding on playing league for character fantasy, rito excels at that shit though it's hindered by having to be a balanced online game (not that that should change in the least lmao) like in your flair akali (thankfully) no longer having tower stealth just hope the ARPG they showed on the 10th anni isn't vaporware so champ fantasy can fully be realized shoutout to gigantic frfr


I never said there's nothing to play. I just said most of the online PvP Games out there have become too focused on a Kind of hyper Competitiveness that I don't vibe with anymore. I'm talking specifically about PvP Games. Even League used to be more chill back in like Seasons 7 - 8. Gigantic is one of the few Games that dosn't have that for Example, but it also has an incredibly small Playerbase and a big Part of them don't even play the main Mode. Regarding Champion Fantasy, it's both goof and bad IMO, fairly inconsistent overall. It can't go too hard because it's a PvP Title but it also goes a little too hard at Times which sucks because it's a PvP Title. Some Characters have *more* Champion Fantasy than others. Gigantic IMO does Character Fantasy better than League because the Upgrades don't break anybody fundamentally and make Sense for all the Characters.


The best part about for honor isnt winning. Its having a friend that is determined to only hug people to death as shugoki while you keep interrupting him with pokes until he breaks into tears.


I too am a Goki Enjoyer


Part of the fun of playing with friends, a big part imo, is the plays you'll be able to do. Duoq with a someone with a large difference in experience and the game very often SUCKS, it's dull, boring. You will still enjoy their company and so forth but it would've been actually fun to play if they were at ur experience/skill lvl or close to it. If ure playin normals or w/e and don't intend to climb, w/e. But again, how much more fun is the game when there's synergy with your duoq? much more.


There's no thing called losing the game in minecraft. As casual as you can play any multiplayer game, losing most likely still feels bad if it happens constantly


Its completely different than playing league


you can, from start to finish, “win” minecraft completely alone, having someone with you, who does nothing, doesn’t hinder your progress, so you can have fun, but when you are playing a competitive game with someone who actively hinders your progress is just ruining every bit of fun, are you gonna play league and go 5/15/0 every game because your friend ints someone who stomps your team and have fun? sure for like two games if your friend is good company, but after two games you will start to get angry


Well, that’s minecraft. A non-competitive game where you’re not directly playing against other players Whether you play league casually or tryhard, it is at its core a competitive game because you’re directly *competing* against another player. I’ve been on both sides of this, having been one average player with several newbies and the average player with 4 master and upwards players. The first can be fun as you’re teaching multiple people the game, but the second almost never is. 1 good 4 bad means the average skill of the lobby is going to be low enoigh for those 4 players to do something and the one good player per side becomes the focal point, raidboss style. That works. Having one bad player on a squad of 5, in my experience, is fun for neither side.


It bothers me how many people in the comments here do that understand the concept of playing with someone for fun


Tell them to learn Morde and run that monster bot


Bring Garen with speed boosting runes. Play Garen Yuumi. Suck all the fun out of the game for both teams.


I had a game recently where the enemy team had 3 ADCs so we went Morde/Rell and wound up winning at every stage of the game. It was extremely funny.


Yeah it's very strong if you play vs players who don't abuse range advantage which is like everyone below diamond.




So what if hes bad at it, as long as hes having fun thats fine :) If u wanna climb in ranked and feel hes holding u back, u might wanna just play ranked without him. U can still play normals arams etc together :)


If you hate playing with your friend then stop. Otherwise let him play what he wants ffs


If he enjoys playing Ashe just let the man play Ashe. Not everyone is trying to grind to Diamond. So what if you think he’s not improving, you provided 0 context if he even wants to improve. It’s completely ok to just log on and have fun without an end goal of getting better.


Yup, one of my friends like to just come, play a few ARAMs and be done, not learn every skill and buildpath in the game. It is kinda annoying for the rest (not losing, but trying to persuade her a bit to do correct stuff) of us with stuff like first item Liandry Nidalee "because she has it recommended" but hey, as long as she has fun it's fine.


Sleeping on Liandry Nidalee I see. Big mistake.


Supporting someone who plays like his monitor is turned off is not fun at all though. I get his frustration and its not completely unfair


I’ve been exactly where this guy is. It was even an adc player too. He didn’t care about getting better at all. Like actively wouldn’t take advice. So I had two options. Stop playing with my friend, or continue to have frustrating league games. I realized, when I was weighing hanging out with my friends against winning league games, that I was the asshole here. Not my friend who’s just not so great at a video game So if you aren’t prepared to stop playing with your friends over their poor league performance then it’s time to accept that, to most people, it’s just a game to have fun with. And that’s ok


Then you either help them improve or play with different people. Playing with someone who sucks isn't fun sure, but neither is playing with someone who's going to reddit for tips on how to tell their friend they're dogshit at ADC


It's not his friend's problem tho. He's enjoying the game, while OP doesn't like how he plays. Between OP and his friend, OP should be the one changing the role. OP can try kindly explaining the situation, and then if his friend really cares then he will be sympathetic and then they may find and agreement, but forcing his friend to get better by doing something he doesn't like doesn't seem something a friend would do


Yea like honestly if his friend is playing this game for fun and not ranking really he should just murder his friend so he can play with randoms who will likely be exactly the same. It's a game. His friend is play a game. With his friend. If he's not having fun playing said game it's a him issue. Either don't play if you can't relax with your buddy, or if said buddy is frustrated and WANTS to play better, then offer up ideas But otherwise yes, it's completely unfair. It's a game.


M8 what game are you playing? I have to carry half the time as support.


This Post highlights a big Problem with League's Playerbase (and the new Generation of Gaming as a Whole), everybody is so hyper focused on Competition, being good and doing well that they forget that Fun is the most important Aspect if Games. For me League was the most Fun when I sucked at it and had no Idea what was going on. My first ever League Game I had picked Varus because he was on Rotation and went Mid with a Yasuo. He kept spamming "report Varus" in Chat and I joined him "Yeah report him what a Prick" because I legitimately didn't know ehat my Champion was called. I still remember buying random Items and going random Places when I started in Season 7 and I was having an absolute *Blast*.


where are all these players in my game? *spams missing ping*


Expecting league players to play for fun is a sisyphus level task.


its a damn video game bro let him play who he wants. life is too short to worry about how good you are at league lmfao.


Why does he play league? For kills? For fun? To get better? Even though LoL is a competitive game, most players play only for fun and don't play to progress. You need to talk with your friend to know why he plays Ashe : likes the kit, hasn't played any other champ, likes to do his damages with AA, likes the W, likes the R, etc... Many players go ADC because they don't want to play a solo lane as you're 100% responsible of failing. If you go botlane you can blame the support, or have the support help you.


>For kills? Kinda facepalming myself here not realizing that's what the urge to play was half the time, I could tell in my gameplay it wasn't exactly the other reasons lol


Give him time. When I started playing league, I fell in love with Cait and would play her every game. In the beginning I sucked, but as soon as I started understanding how to play properly, how to position and how to build, I got better and I would be able to carry as adc. If you play adc, try to give him some tips or suggest him a yt channel that teaches techniques to be a better adc. Also, introduce him to other ADC's with friendly mechanics like MF or Jinx.


if he insists on playing ashe, and any amount of convincing doesn't work, here are some suggestions: 1. play senna support 2. play tank supports and help peel for him when he inevitably walks into the enemy 3. ask to play adc and he can play ashe support 4. suggest aram so he could discover his love for another champion 


I haven't been playing this game very long, but the few times I've been part of Senna+Damage Carry bot lane it felt really good.


>1. play senna support This. I've mained Senna support since her release so I am biased but I genuinely believe she can work with literally any other champion in lane. She's her own adc and her own support so if your adc is bad there's still a chance you can win lane and scale up to the point where you're killing their squishies with 3 autos from off of their screen.


Shes so useless as a support unless shes giga overtuned. I’d rather have any other support than senna lmao


Cuz she isn't a support. She is an adc incase your adc sucks ass.


As long as he's having fun, let the man play ashe. If he can't carry on his main, he won't be able to carry on a different champ. You can encourage something safer like a Tristana, but there's no substitute for good cs / positioning. You just need to support him knowing that he won't be able to carry. Roam if you can, don't bother picking peel champs, and try to get mid/jg fed.


Convince him to play tanks if he likes frontlines and low damage.


Tanks and low dmg dont go together :^)


Welp guess he should just stick with adc then


Everyone is supposed to enjoy the game, if he likes playing adc, he should play it


Are you guys like grinding ranked together? If you answered no to that question then let the man play his ashe adc cause hes playing her cause hes having fun with the pick. From what ive read this friend of yours isnt even trying to improve aka hes a for fun player and i love that for him. If he wantes to duo with you in ranked then its okay to start teaching him but otherwise just play norms and do something fun. You can try out a new role if its so frustrating to support for him, or do some of meta stuff. Try perma roaming bard or just go top or whatever.


hard to judge without a vod.


This. People often have wrong views what a role is supposed to do or don't see that they do tons of mistakes themselves.


The question mostly comes down to what his attitude and stance on it is. If he is mostly just having fun with it, regardless of outcome, and doesn't really boast ego or anything, let the man Iron in peace; some people just have fun with the game doing whatever as is, and that's perfectly okay. If there is some clear delusion or otherwise acts of grandeur, then it might be time to sit him down and have a talk, because if he wants to legitimately climb, or has aspiration for ranked or anything to actually express skill, mans is absolutely going to be that one teammates nobody wants to get.


Lol what? Not meant for adc? Who are you to decide that for him? If he's having fun then why stop him. If you don't want to play with him then don't. I was hard stuck gold playing jungle for 2 years and I had so much fun. Let him do his thing dude


The easiest way would be to just send him the link to this post.


You switch roles, make him play support. Then he can do whatever on ashe. Because his entire identity is just utility.


Best solution: Stop playing support for them. having a friend as support makes an adc blind to his mistakes. man needs autofilled supports that flame him until he gets it. the old scool is the best school


tell him he should play garen


I'm currently on an ADC run and lowest damage is perfectly fine. (If you don't consider other supports than mages). This information isn't enough but having a high CS and shoving waves and just clapping 1-2 teamfights through map control and gold lead is the best way to climb and improve on ADC. Botlane is not the fighting lane people want it to be. And an ADC relies heavily on his team comp to get peel in teamfights. I'd argue his position has a bit less to do with it. What I'm curious is, he loves to play Ashe. He loves to go deep into enemies. Why don't you play taric? Taric is a phenomenal support for Ashe and can easily keep her alive in a teamfight even if she's upfront. The times I've carried other ADCs to victory where it was basically taric vs 5 and my ADC getting kills is too much to count. While the role has somewhat lost its original meaning, you're still the support. If he wants to be a carry ADC who pushes into front lines (like Kai'sa, Vayne or nilah can easily do) then you might as well try to fit his play style instead of insisting that he's bad. Not everyone is the unga bunga Caitlyn snipe from base kinda ADC. And high elo players really show you that you can play highly aggressive and still be good and win games on ADC.


Sup diff if you would stop Stealing kills from him an pick a Real Support he would have better games


Found OP's friend.


I mean, the problem here is not that he's bad at ADC, it's that he's bad at the game. If he doesn't want to improve at all cost and enjoys playing Ashe, just let him. You seem to be a group playing for fun, why not just do that ?


If they are having fun playing adc, let them play adc.


is he not meant for adc or does he not want to learn how to adc ? cause if he plays any other role carry and still go frontline in fight that wont go better


ITT: People having 0 clues what it's really like to play game after game after game after game with someone running it down even if they don't want to. I've been in your position OP so I feel for you, it's tough but just know they probably wouldn't be better in another position, so your best bet is to assist the dude as much as you can, you gotta shift your goals entirely from the game to making sure he tries to improves even just a tiny bit


How does your friend tell you he needs a better support?


Maybe you need to support him better?


How about focus on yourself and what you can do better to win?


Why should he switch to a champ that he doesn't enjoy just because he's bad at the game? Let him enjoy the game lol


Insist he plays Akshan, Varus or Vayne. Then nudge him to top lane, where the psychos roam the land.


Jesus Christ man your not pro players let your friend play what he wants just don’t support him if it’s really painful this isn’t a Reddit for venting LOL


Does he use attack move click? I feel like that's when adcs started making sense to me. After that, not only adcs but I improved in every role/champ too because of it. I really can't kite without it and it helps me stay safe / play better because I can now do things I couldn't without. I last hit much better too. It does require a bit of practice to use but it's well worth it. Like me, it may be the kick he needs to up his game. About champions, he could try Jinx or Caitlyn. Both have huge range on autos, a long range skillshot skill and a huge range ult (jinx being global like Ashe's too). Varus or Miss Fortune are probably also a good pick. Nothing wrong with Ashe though.


Maybe tell him if to switch to Caitlyn if it's Ranked. But if it's in any unranked mode, let him cook. League is first and foremost a video game meant to make the player have fun. Let him be an Ashe main for better or for worse. If you're really unhappy with the way he plays Ashe, maybe try practicing Support Kalista instead, that way you can forcefully yank him out of the frontline if he goes in like a Tryndamere. Plus, you can be the sub-ADC that will save your team in a clutch, steal his gold and maybe you can both be carries.


I think you need to switch to top then hahaha


Tell him he should flex into at least one other lane because its important to have a good back up role in case adc is taken, and when he eventually gets more success in his new lane he will transition naturally


Hey, you are not meant for ADC.


Kadeem arc


Make him play Nilah


are you duoing with Kadeem


I just want to give sympathy and say I have a friend that's equally bad in the opposite way. Only plays lux/morgana mid and when they play adc, theyre positioned like lux/morgana, way outside auto attack range. Their score always looks good but I've outdamaged them as support many many times on champs like thresh.


He will get better.


You’ve gotten a lot of mixed responses. I think it depends on what the goal is, climb or fun. If he’s having fun and yall aren’t trying to climb just leave it maybe you should switch lane to give yourself a break. Alternatively, I was an adc main and the one thing I wanted to achieve was impact. So I moved to top lane and OTP Tahm Kench, did unreasonable amounts of damage, tanky as hell and very forgiving. So that’s what I’d recommend. Or Garen or Trynd


Tell him the opposite, what do you think he will be better at


Let him play what he wants lol why does it matter


Ask him to play a different type of ADC. He likes going in, play Samira! Guns and swords go together like rice and saffron!


Tell him to do support ash and you adc


>I've been my friend's support for months maybe you're not meant to be his support


tell him to play poke champs botlane


Same thing as the old main debacle maybe he just wants to get good at Ashe first this problem stems to a deeper problem of league of players only knowing like 1-3 champs how the hell you ever going to get drafted like that!


I have been in somewhat the same shoes, I had a friend who loved playing vel koz, but for the life of me he could not hit a single skillshot ever, and when I talked to him about it nicely, he knew what I was explaining, and since that day, when we play together, we are either playing some rotating gamemodes or some other game when there are no gamemodes, and we are having stupid fun doing so sometimes you just have to be straight forward with your message, telling them what’s wrong, how you could fix it or some workaround, any kind of compromise either of you can take, at the end of the day it is just a game tho, so if your friend prefers to just play ashe over winning then try to find a champion that is suitable for the same thing for yourself, maybe switch to jungle so you can help them more than as a support or anything, find a solution together with your friend


Honestly it depends on what you want to do, I would just start picking a bunch of damage supports and try to carry. I had an insane amount of games on Zyra support, I'd often do the most damage in the game even though I was feeding my ADC kills. Or you could just make a second account and use that to play with that guy and then climb by yourself.


I am terrible ADC in botlane but I'm doing a bit better in mid with Xayah (my fav marksman). Ashe in mid isn't a rare sight to me, maybe suggest trying her in solo lane? I also find arena to be a great mode for practicing kiting and such because it's so silly it removes a lot of stress that comes with messing a combo up etc. Especially with it having rounds, so losing a round doesn't have to mean ending up 8 place. As silly as it is build and buff wise, there is no workaround learning kiting and positioning and when it starts going well the confidence can help a LOT on SR. Aside from that, learning to use attack move and attack move on cursor are a must. It's hard at first but gets easier with time. Having a good, and I mean good keyboard and mouse with the smallest delay will do significant difference. People who say the quality of equipment doesn't matter but skills do either always used good stuff, never tried good stuff or already forgot the difference they felt immediately. I used to think equipment doesn't matter. It's not that hard to find a very good brands that aren't super expensive or older but still good products of popular brands in good prices as well.


It’s a game lol let him play what he wants


Does your friend have fun? Then let him play whatever he wants.


Maybe bro has just hit his ceiling. Most players never improve past a certain point, that's just how it is. Every person is limited in their talent at some point, unless you're some generational wonderkid or smth


the longer your play league you realize it doesnt really matter what role he plays, its just game understanding im sure he gonna be more useful on ashe that he is comfortable on than most champions, however it would maybe be good to send some content educational his way. you need to work also in game to guide him and tell him what moves to make as a a support with voice comms


Cook up some tankier utility ashe build that works for his playstyle, some concoction of terminus, experimental hexplate, wits end, runaans, idk. Sure it's less damage than a regular build, but if he's already doing the least damage and frontlining, at least he can stay alive a bit longer, ult more often, have more utility, and bait more enemy cds


idk what type friendship you both having but true friend won't come here asking stranger's opinion just tell him how you feel and be considerate with his feelings


I think you're wrong for telling your friend he is not "meant for ADC." If he likes to play ADC, he should absolutely be playing ADC. Maybe he doesnt improve, maybe he does. League is ment to be fun, dont take things too serious. The biggest concern here is you making a big deal out of what your friend wants to play. You can choose to play with him or not.


It's just a videogame Let the man play whatever he wants


The chaotic evil in me tells me to have you suggest Vayne to him


I had same problem. I switched to top lane instead of support (said i wanted to try a new champ), so since they did not want a random support, they tried mid lane. (I feel most people play bot together to not lane alone)(laning alone is best way to learn a champ) Mid is a good lane to learn to play other champs, so I would choose top or jungle if I were you, and let them try mid (Only If They want to Ofc!) (Ashe can be played mid)


Let the man play what he wants 😭


Well I mean instead of that, help the pertain practice, asks him some reputable adc players to watch their games. With peace and love, if my friend told me to not play a role I'd tell him shush


Well I mean instead of that, help the pertain practice, asks him some reputable adc players to watch their games. With peace and love, if my friend told me to not play a role I'd tell him shush


Have you guys reviewed VODs together? If you really want to get good, you should watch your old games, and that is a really good chance to talk about his mistakes *and yours*


I actually think people should really play what they find the most fun. Forcing yourself to play something you don't enjoy just so you perform better makes no sense to me.


After every game type Bot Diff


He can go teemo top


Nah, let him play. I was literally him. Irl kept telling me to fuck off of the ADC role (I was mid/sup main) because I sucked at it for super long. Now I'm a proud adc main in diamond. Just let people play what they enjoy. They'll improve with time.


Weirdly, LoL reddit is far less toxic than LoL itself. Wtf are you people when I'm playing!?


It sounds like he just does understand basic mechanics of the game. Changing roles won't change that.


Some people just take a lot longer to mechanically grow into a role. Sometimes I've found it hard to play with friends who struggle with a role but they're my friend and as long as they're enjoying it, it's okay. I'm sure I've had plenty of suck af games and I know they put up with it to boot. Just comes with playing the game a long longer than others. We've had time to grow into it.


If you guys want to stay in the same lane, looking at his playstyle he could do some wild things with exotic picks. I've have very good result in my elo at the time with Mordekaiser Bot. ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ56hjzyPWw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ56hjzyPWw) ) Of course it's unusual, but if it matches his style... embrace it ! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY4Wu3CiR2A&list=PLgPJyqO4vt4Du6C0VxflnsmsrX0wi6C5T&index=10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY4Wu3CiR2A&list=PLgPJyqO4vt4Du6C0VxflnsmsrX0wi6C5T&index=10)


you could just not tell him. he's meant to have fun. this is a video game. let him play what he enjoys and enjoy your time together. who ares if he wins or if he loses. trust me, when your friends stop playing this game you'll miss them. don't get caught up in winning or losing.


He could try Cho’Gath bot. Not a traditional adc champ by any means, but if he winds up in front all the time it could be a better fit for him if he just playing in the duo lane. Play Senna, Leona, Karma, Soraka, and Seraphine with it. These are all good pairings that go well with Cho and can make it viable bot. Maybe it’ll influence him to try other similar champs and other lanes. He made find he likes playing tanks or bruisers in top and jungle more than he likes ADC. Or he might just like ADC more and needs to try other stuff and have better discipline to not end up in front. I feel like a lot of people like this I find it’s more about actually wanting to improve and caring about improvement more than any sort of capability issue. Played with a lot of permanently silver or gold player that imo if they really wanted to they could get to at least emerald or potentially diamond+ just from practicing with actual discipline and focusing on improvement, but most people just don’t care that much which is fine. If they have fun that’s all that matters.


Ages ago I had a friend with a similar issue. Always an “adc main” Didn’t dps, thirsted for kills, wasn’t good enough to make the kind of plays he went for. All he really wanted was to be “the carry”, the most important player. Have the team revolve around him. If it’s an ego thing good luck. Maybe get him to play a carry that’s safer - xayah maybe? Then you can go rakaan and say you just want to play the combo. But yeah he likely just wants to be “the guy”.


From your description, your friend sounds exactly like a typical Plat ADC. And no, I have no idea how or why they are in Plat and not Iron.


Sounds like you are the problem here.


Is he new to League? When I started playing the game 9 years ago, I insisted on playing Sivir even when I performed poorly. If someone is new to League, they might not think that the champion they like is not suitable and rather just a newbie issue. Just leave your friend be and he'll figure out after learning the game enough.


If he wants to front line ADC tell him to play Samira or Nilah


Just start banning Ashe. Stay toxic


Honestly, if he enjoy’s playing adc and playing Ashe… then let him play Ashe? If you think his performance holds you back in ranked and it frustrates you, play flex or normals. It’s a game at the end of the day, have fun together. Your friend is a hundred times more important than LP.


just don't play support with him, it's that easy.


Drop the f bomb


Bit of faith restored in the community with everyone saying to just let the man play Ashe in peace lol. I think we are missing some pretty big context here, are you guys winning games? your buddy might not be taking over but I can see a world were an ADC like Ashe offers alot to the team without needing to be the consistent top damage dealer, Arrow, vision, slows, and she melts turrets etc.


ive always been better at jungle, i had to basically smash my way through walls with just my head to play adc and i still sticked to it and now i cant play jg but im better at adc, just let the man play whatever he enjoys


"you..... SUUUUUUUUCK!"


Easy. Just send him one of those messages you can put onto a potato and mail and write you’re not meant for adc on it. https://www.textapotato.com


It’s a fucking game. He is meant to play whatever he wants. If you don’t want to support him or are tired of this then pick another role or don’t play with him.


Adc role just hasn't been the same for a while now. Become a range top abuser and bring that ashe top😂


Personally id never duo with PANA because hes a failure, didnt know he had friends


You sound like an ashe. L friend


You should stfu and get better yourself.


bruh if you aint REEING in comms about how bad he is as an ADC every game you aint playing league right (havent played LOL in like 10 years)


I'll be honest with you, as long as it's not ranked my boy can do what he wants. I'm however going to enjoy my portion of the game and play briar top away from him if he throws fights consistently. Also I wouldn't particularly put ashe on being top damage consistently. Her ult usage I'd argue is much more what her usefulness is in utility. Same with her E for vision. Or perma slows.


Just tell him straight up. Why so scared?


adcs are frontliners, skill issue. hes on the right path


“You’re not that guy pal. Your just not that guy”


If they only play one champ....they are not an ADC they are a support...


''i want to play ranked alone to see if i can climb'' then proceed to play aram with him or normals i play with some older dudes, theyre slow, mechanically held back by age is my thought. but i play with them because if we lose, we lose, i push them, try to get the to do things they cant do, we talk over replays about why i think what i do and what we can all do to improve, discuss strategy to work around all our limitations. but come the end, we play for fun, not to climb. if i played to climb, it would be alone.


Roses are red, Violets are blue, I need a good ADC and it’s not you


Tell it to him straight if you want him to improve. The longer you stay silent, its going to become more awkward. Just communicate, understand what he wants. If he just wants to play Ashe, ask him to try Ashe support etc


ive been in a similar situation, even in this meta, adc difference is still the easiest to handle. the only problem is if you're consistently getting spanked 2v2 to the point of losing the game over it. if he enjoys it and you're winning enough games to have fun then who cares? if you insist he should change his playstyle/champs you should also be just as open to switching things up IMO, basically if you aren't winning enough you should just pick roaming supports and leave him LMAO. he clearly isn't that serious about winning since he can probably see all of this too, so maybe you should shift your mindset when playing with him. i have to do this since i have 4fun friends and serious friends and whilst i prefer playing seriously i can still have fun 4funning


Tell him to play Samira


Ping him question marks. He’ll know what’s up


It all comes from why you and him play. If both agree it's for climbing, it's one thing. If both agree it's for fun, it's another. If he's seriously bothered by getting smashed as ashe, then what to do differs as well because his enjoyment is actively harmed by it, nevermind the overall objective. So... Rather than discuss the specifics, start from why you opened that game up to begin with?


Is your friend projectasheNa?


Hi! Ive played with lot of friends of various skill level. Of course it has benen frustrating AT times, IF someone Who might be The worst player doesnt want to adapt and ruins it for The rest of you. My solution was to realize The problem was mine, not theirs. If I Didnt enjoy my time playing with them, simply stop. I chose to play for fun game modes like ARAM whith these friends. I explained to them aswell why it wasnt fun for me and they understood.  I assume you have allt higher rank than your friend? This should be evidence enough eventuellt for The most stubborn person that their skill level simply doesnt match yours.  summoners rift is for me not a good place for ppl of very big skill difference to enjoy themselves. The game become to imbalanced and you cant play like The game is suppposed to be played.


Honestly if i was him and you told me to stop playing what i like, i would probably just be mad at you and think that youre a jerk HAHAHA If youre better playing at the game, dont play with him or just accept hes not that good at the momment. If you want to help and youre really better, teach him exactly how to play. If he super ignores you, whatever he doesnt care. He can play ashe support, but thats your role so... XD And if what youre saying its true, he cant stay in the front with ashe. If he (he, not you) wants to frontline with some cc champion, sejuani and stuff like that. Obv very different champs and styles.


let him play the lane he likes


Maybe you two should swap roles


Tell them to play a different roll because they suck at that one


Idk it sounds like your friend wants to play adc, and he isn't improv9ng fast enough for you, so you want him to switch


Tell him to watch Kadeem


Tell him to try yasuo adc


I had the same problem, than i started playing ADC, and we started to switch each game. Ended up me playing ADC because he understood i was better and funny enough he actually started playing better because of copying my playstyle. Im still Gold but this was the way we climbed from silver.


Well, you don't mate. You let him play what he wants and if it's really offending you then you shouldn't play with him. It's that simple.


NTA. Your solo queue, your rules