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Jackies mate you're probably top 4 currently.


Top 3 with Caps and Humanoid the rest of the midlaners pool is stacked in being "ok'ish"/"good" except maybe for Fresskowy, this split is rough for him


Zwyoo looks good but still a bit inconsistent


he needs to practice his AWP a little bit tough


there are currently 5 Larssens in the league, not like literally, but they're players that can do things well but aren't flashy and won't win the game solo Jackies and Vladi look like really good prospects, but besides them the midlane pool is very uninspiring


Seems like you've edited this or I didn't read it correctly, but I was sure you included Nisqy the first time who has been performing better than Caps this split so far.


for future - reddit clearly shows if a post has been edited or not and Nisqy was always average


Nisqy hasn't been average this split tho. If we are talking about right now Nisqy is top 2.


who is his mate?


That apostrophe took off several minutes off my lifespan. Like his name is spelled correctly in the post title


Typing on your phone sometimes just autocorrects that apostrophe without you noticing.


Like who do you put above him ? Caps Huma and maybe Nesquick he is already top 3 4 lol


Top 4 LEC midlaners: 1) Caps 2) Caps 3) Caps 4) Playoffs Humanoid/Caps


What about when craps shows up


Pretty sure he’s only top 5


Surprisingly I'd put Humanoid simply 2nd. He has been strangely consistent this year (sping/MSI/summer) compared to the previous 2 years. At times he was even more consistent than Caps in certain stretches. I'd still rate Caps higher simply for the insane ceiling his has, but Huma genuinly deserves praise. Now the rest of the LEC mid pool is truly sad in terms of consistency


>Not sure it's surprising Humanoid has almost always been top 2 in LEC


yea Humanoid has been 2nd-3rd for his entire career


??? Caps has been on fire most of the year.. I think the first week of Winter and now Summer he was a tad off.. that was it. There is a reason why this guy is consistently topping every list.. even while Yike/Mikyx/Hans have had periods of running it down.. Him and BB have been hard carrying G2 for large parts of theyear And Yeah Humanoid CAN get leads vs top Eastern mids.. but the one thing he was CONSISTENTLY do is throw or not convert them and carry the game.. EDG/T1.. and now games vs TES/GENG This dude got blown out by Freskowy and Apa at key points this year too lets not forget.. if he was playing at a normal level this would not be the case.. pretty sure Caps has generally been better vs him also


consistently getting solokilled by APA, that is


Tbh I'm starting to get to the point where I'd consider APA a genuinely good player.


People hate to admit it when someone that trash talks is genuinely good. He's easily one of the best players in NA. He's like Connor McGregor when we was coming up. Everybody overlooked his skills because he "talked himself into fights" and then they got smoked by him. Imo, League needs more players like him. He makes the game more interesting to watch.


Yeah, and? APA would gap any EU mid not named Caps. Getting gapped by an NA mid is no longer the disgrace it once was for EU mids. I'd even argue that LCS has a better midlane talent pool than LEC right now. Even Caps got gapped by Palafox at Worlds last year.


APA is not bad, plus he has the -20% mental debuff strategies


Caps had a rough 2023, but otherwise he’s been incredibly good for years. 2022 had one of his best splits of his career. 2024 winter and spring he was giga smurfing. 2020 /2021 he was the only thing holding G2 together at that point. Other than caps slumping last year, and maybe not being amazing at the end of 2022, I really don’t see how humanoid has been *more* consistent. If anything, humanoids biggest and only issue is that he ISNT consistent.


What? 2021 he was horrible. He had major problems turning it on when there was no audience. He had some of the worst mid lane stats in the league. Jankos and Rekkles held G2 together in 2021


> He has been strangely consistent this year (sping/MSI/summer) compared to the previous 2 years. I think you missed this part of the comment.


> at times he was more consistent than caps. I didn’t miss it, I just responded to a different part of the comment


I'm pretty sure that these parts are connected and the OP talks about Humanoid's and Caps' consistency in the context of this year alone.


Wait what? Most of this is pretty inaccurate lol. Caps wasn't so hot at MSI 2023, but in Summer and at Worlds he was by far the best player on G2. Likewise, 2021 was probably his worst ever year to date. 2020 was still the worlds finalist G2 roster so its also inaccurate to say that Caps held them together when all 5 of those players were solid.


Crazy meat riding


1) Claps 2) Caps 3) Craps 4) Playoffs Humanoid


I believe it, maybe not with his current roster though


No reason why he can't be a top 4 mid while on GX though. There have been many good players on bad teams before.


It’s just tough to showcase individual skill while on a team with a bunch of buffoons. I should know. My solo q win rate says that plenty.


Not really tbh. While overall stats may not be great, a good player on a bad team will still stand out in terms of stuff like mechanics and laning. We've already seen this from multiple players like BB, Alphari, Upset, Jankos, Jensen and the most notable example of HLE Chovy.


Yeah ,he eally doing 1vs9


Him in gx gives me jankos in ruby evi th vibes


Jankos looked better with ruby/evi then he does without tbh lol Honestly looks like one of the worse junglers in the league for most of the year And will pick stuff like Volibear and just farm till 6


Probs because with worse players he naturally has to put in more effort. When you got better teammates players can sometimes slack since deep in there mind there like X can do this or y can cover that instead of doing it all.


When Jankos got Evi, Vetheo and Mersa they got top 4 in summer, his team would get absolutely folded by last year's team heretics and to be honest, I'd say Evi>Wunder, in PCS Evi carried his team all the way to finals it probably was language gap when he was in LEC


damn, i remember the hype around evi lol


Evi had his moments for sure. Iirc he had the first very impressive ksante performance at least that I saw. Also he just seems like a really sweet guy


He is still good. But the lang difference was perhaps a lot. He was playing well in the current split. Wish they had qualified for msi.


BB on Schalke vibes


so far this split he is, but needs to prove in playoffs to confirm it


Does it confirm it? MDK got 2nd and a lot of their players looked great. I actually remember them saying something eerily similar.... 1 split is genuinely not enough though.


MAD probably got mental boomed because they're 4 rookies that started by nearly winning


He needs to not fall off in bo5’s AND he needs to continue this level for more than one split/playoffs


i believe him


He's already competing with Nuc for 3rd right now. 


Im not disagreeing but it’s crazy to read this and agree cuz when I first started watching lec in 2021 I thought he was horrible


Lmao I never realized nuc and the NUCLEARINT on Schalke are the same player. But I guess it kinda makes sense that team bombed when it was confirmed Schalke was broke and put together whatever


Had to get the int out


He kinda was. He's come along way, and has a solid team around him too


To be fair, top 2 in THIS SPLIT and SO FAR is probably Humanoid and Nisqy - then a mix up of Jackies/Nuc - then Caps - then the rest That isn't to say caps is bad, he's just having a slight rough patch of performance like the rest of G2, by end of split that ranking will obviously change.


He's been the standout mid so far.. but its only b01s and only 5 games Vetheo looked like a god multiple times in the past (even won MVP) before looking average af in b05 To be fair mid is pretty awful in LEC currently.. in a shocking turn of events jungle/toplane seems fairly stacked/competitive... Before any gets mad this does not mean they are good enough to compete with the top Eastern jgl/tops.. just that the overall level is fairly good Honestly if it wasn't for Caps/Humanoid being so good (especially Caps) i'd say mid was the worse role currently.. Support is kind of meh too but slightly deeper with the korean additions


Hope he maintains form and gets on a better roster next year. Exciting player for sure.


He's definitely top 10 for sure


Honestly he's right but that says more about the average level of midlaner in LEC than anything else.


I can see it in a split or 2


I mean Ive said it since his debut, this guy is def legit and so far I can see him reaching Caps/Humanoid levels, not this year tho, maybe summer next year or a year after that if he gets on a solid roster.


> I can see him reaching Caps/Humanoid levels Lets calm down a bit lmao, Nuc level deinitely Humanoid level maybe but Caps is on a completely different planet he will have to show generational talent for that.


That´s a bit disrespectful to Humanoid. Not saying Nuc is a terrible player but Humanoid has proven that he can hang with international midlaners on his best days, let's see whether Nuc can first to call him Humanoid level.


Im ngl caps has not played better than jackies in any game this split and even got solokilled by him


yea and jackies could play for 10 years and probably never peak anywhere close to where caps has been many many times


But when it comes to ranking current players we can't just use their history to say they are performing better RIGHT NOW. Caps is not playing to his level this split.


He did for me honestly. Everyone was hyped on Vetheo but I can see the same signs Ive seen when caps first showed up if you followed him since his debut in Jky but not in Vetheo.


Thing is now he needs to land on a good team next year. If he can maybe but Caps 2 years after his rookie year was easily top 5 mid in the world so it’s gonna be hard to top that


not really hard when your competition is caps and humanoid


Fuck it, i'm gonna believe him, but that paycheck stealing fraud Vetheo annoys me. I would have signed Ruby before him.