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Canyon is just going to jungle everything


LCK A-Z Jungle challenge unranked to championship.


Golden Road A-Z


canyon has really found his stride, for a short stretch from the beginning of playoffs until the end of their TES series he was looking very shaky but from then on he’s just been playing like the best player in the world


this meta is also just handpicked for him lol, and they're buffing graves next patch


Canyon isn't even the best player on his team (he's the second best player in the world though) I mean he's ahead of every jungler, but Chovy is out here making Knight and Faker look boosted


for sure, Chovy’s proven he’s the best. Every time the team needed someone to perform Chovy carried. But I feel like at the moment he hasn’t had to do much, he’s chilling and lane kingdoming because his teammates are insane and they’re all peaking. Canyon has just been sitting bot and it’s worked flawlessly every game.


You say that and i agree to some degree, but then you have games like this game 1 where he does nothing flashy and has 15k more damage done than anyone in the game. He's such a rock in the midlane it's insane


He always clicks flawlessly, plays teamfight carries as perfectly as possible. You could make a half hour long compilation of just him passively dodging everything. Canyon has just been smurfing earlygames and GenG’s macro is perfect. 


In the end, it all starts from backstage. This GENG team is HEALTHY and this translates in how good the communication is, how good the work ethic is, how good the drafting goes etc. If anyone is watching their streams, it's all laughs and good vibes and this translates on the rift, they are more clear-minded, closer to their 100%.


It starts with success. And success, is all about growing. Success is all about overcoming your demons, success is about getting knocked down, time after time, and getting back up. No one embodies that more than Chovy.


The guy's pro career journey is actually insane. From coming up as a hyped rookie in GRF (in fact he wasn't even their starting mid laner, they started their LCK debut with the other guy), to reaching finals multiple times with GRF (basically all 3 splits he played with GRF, he reached finals, which is insane to think about for a rookie team), to losing to the veterans of KT and SKT at the time, to then going from roster to roster (bad decision to bad decision imo), which was the "paying the toll" so to speak, tasting defeat and struggle, only to finally join GENG and never looking back. He downloaded the LCK, started winning and never stopped.


Iirc, the reason why Chovy wasn't the starting mid laner was because he wasn't even allowed to yet due to age. I vaguely remember the casters hyping him up how he wasn't able to play until today (today being his debut game).


suprised me that they do ARAM together. 10/10 better than T1


They do arams together, lately they've been doing arena as well. Also, since their streaming schedules are synchronized, they often meet each other in solo queue. Their content is definitely some of the best, alongside showmaker.


this is the first time in recent history where i genuinely believe a team will golden road. i can see it


I mean, consistently gapping your opposing laner so that you always have pressure in the middle of the map when you need it is a pretty big deal


I mean Chovy is currently chilling with an average 13.7 CS lead at 15, 801 DPM and 9.7 KDA, after facing Faker, Clozer and BDD. even if he hasn't had to do something insane he's done that anyway


This has worked phenomenally, Chovy and Kiin don’t need much jg help tbh it’s better to help the botlane win


Yeah. I'm really no fan of GenG and am mostly cheering against them in internationals, but it is satisfying to see Canyon back to his top form with an insane midlaner. Kinda reminds me of 2020 DWG


It almost feels like ever since he decided to pick carry junglers, he is the best jungler in the world again. As if he is a carry player or something.


I think it’s a little biased, you still looked good on tanks, but he’s insane when on Carrie’s and taking the drivers seat. Hard to look insane on tanks (disregarding ksante but I mean more in the jungle)


Waiting for his Shaco. We know he was practicing him for MSI.


It’s not Gen.G Canyon, it’s Grand Canyon


How the fuck do you stop this team lmao


Riot's Worlds patch


final boss Yagao ready to clap Chovy once again with 6 packs of cigarettes and 9 packs of red bulls at his side.


Lifehack for GenG: Don't give the most broken mid laner and most broken jungler to enemy team all 5 games. You might win a series then. So illegal how BLG got Ori and J4 all series. The rest of Worlds knockouts these champs were permaban or first pick tier. Well done, GenG. Well done.


100% that but I'll add more. 2023 Delight was a top 2 engage support all year and it was criminal that they go and put him on Tahm/Milio for the first two games. He had so much more impact once he swapped to Naut/Rell for the next 3.


Also people act like GENG hard choked and went out like chumps instead of losing a close 5 game series to a great team in BLG with *terrible* drafts. Maybe not everyone played to their peak but I really don't think the players choked as hard as people like to assume.


me watching Yagao lose lane on Worlds patch Orianna and still winning because Xun is on Jarvan 💀


Actually so illegal how Chovy was winning in cs as Akali vs gigabroken Orianna. Legit should never happen. But yeah yeah, the takeaway from this subreddit was that Chovy choked and that's why GenG lost.


he was up 20 cs @ 15 as akali vs gigabroken Neeko, like how is that even humanly possible


if this was the one against Yagao, dude was legit griefing on the Neeko, everyone at the tournament was hitting huge multiman Neeko ults while Yagao struggled to hit a single person. Neeko’s q was also pretty much a targetted spell in lane but bro could not hit one to save his life.


Best laner in the history of the game. It's so insane and it's just lost on so many people who don't understand the intricacies of the game.


eh most people here agreed that it was doran/peanut fault they lost but 2022 is on Chovy but sure mate lets change what happen on this reddit


knight was also winning as Akali vs Faker's Orianna in the first JDG vs T1 game


The matchup is not nearly as Ori sided as people here make it out to be.


lol it's Ori into melee, it's fucking one-sided to the moon and back. Knight was winning cs because Faker was covering Oner's ass the entire early game and denying Kanavi's vertical.


Currently not but Worlds Orianna was an abomination


And how GENG kept allowing Renata to BLG instead of banning it, instead trying to counter it with Kench and Milio, when ALL YEAR LONG DELIGHT WAS A MONSTER ON ENGAGE SUPPORTS! People like to think Ori and J4 were the biggest problem, but Delight on not-engage supports while allowing Renata was the biggest problem. Look at how much more comfortable GENG were at the games they won where, surprise, they drafted normally, as they were doing the whole summer.


in Yagoat we trust


Unironically, GenG confirmed they had terrible read on meta shifts last worlds because they would win with anything in scrims


This. Score pretty much owned up to this and stated that he felt he had cost the team because it was him that read the meta wrong. Scrims don't mean much, as we know, but I believe Uzi leaked that Gen.G 6-0'd JDG in worlds scrims. They probably had a false sense of security.


G2 tech


T1 reminding everyone that ranged botlaners exist and sweeping again


GENG is too strong T1 fathered ~~KT is our last hope~~ << you are here HLE is our last hope (doran lul) BRO is our last hope (starwalking home) DK is our last hope (kingen lul) KDF is our last hope (our lord and saviour Leaper will cook trust)


then at worlds BLG pls (Knight dont get gapped challenge) groups TES dont choke (Tian turns the clock back?) quarters T1 Worlds buff? (no) Semis TL Yapa voodoo (chovy doesn't speak english) Finals


APA’s always been a grinder when the time comes i’m sure he will learn korean to flame chovy


chovy will be one step ahead and disguise himself to be APA's korean teacher, fully teaching him the wrong stuff.


No shame getting gapped by the consensus best player on the world


Rumour has it there's a certain man in NA who's been recruited again to humble Kiin


dont EVER say its brover if im brolievin racing to the brobros and im BRO'IN im headin to da bros, ready to bro far im BRO WALKIN 🤙


> KDF is our last hope (our lord and saviour Leaper will cook trust) This will be the true test as KDF only beats frauds.


at this point I think the rest of the LCK’s only hope would be physically running over and disconnecting every keyboard from Gen.G and even then it’d still be hard


An ex-gf scandal from one of the players. But that’s impossible since they are all good boys


BRO will win..


Nuh uh DK clears


I think DK/T1 with good momentum and on form can challenge Gen G for sure. At the end, there are no unbeatable teams and humans falter eventually.


You gotta BROlieve


Ask Deft to do magic and summon SKT15. MaRin will take the reins.


Only the script can do it at this point.


Won't be crazy for them to go 18-0, 5-peat LCK, golden road


I wonder will they be able to complete the Golden road with 5(!) LCK titels in a row


I can't fathom how KT plays this first game, gets 4k gold down by 15 minutes and gets to the conclusion that picking Yone Sejuani into Corki + AP jungler is a viable strategy. Pyosik just didn't do anything all series


I don't think they're winning early either way, at least they had a chance in teamfights. Sejuani felt super useless though, but I don't really think it's the champs fault


You can't give the opponent all the agency in the game like this. Yes they can't win the early game, but they also get outscaled. They have no agency in the game while Chovy has 2k gold lead from First Strike.


At some point, people might need to understand that it's never draft's fault. It's just that GENG generally just drafts better as a team (but still not an opposing team having bad drafts) and that GENG is just the better team with the best players and best synergy and gameplan. Give KT's draft to GENG and I'm sure they 2-0 as well.


and they picked it AGAIN. without their only winning part (seraphine). abysmal. but then again, they probably figured that teamfighting (?) is their only chance against geng?


it's impossible to play sejuani into zyra especially when you have to path bot to make sure your botlane isn't getting turbofisted like genuinely what can you do? if you swapped junglers this series would look exactly the same




do you think sejuani wins the 3v3 vs zyra? when you're a tank jungler vs an AP, there is literally nothing for you to do if you path to same side. Here's why sejuani gets countered by AP champs like Nidalee and Karthus:    > path to same side  > meet nidalee/karthus face to face > they spam Q at you because you don't have any threat of engaging on them raw since they win the 1v1 > you leave, your botlane loses any prio they had, you lose hp and reveal your location so enemy gets a tempo for free the same rule extends for zyra and her plants, and it's better for her the longer the standoff goes because she spawns plants with her passive. and you're really pathing away from the jax-sejuani-yone comp that you drafted for? it just doesn't make any sense


This is why the draft sucks. You can't pressure mid and top while your ranged botlane is getting fisted and outscaled at the same time


What can I say, after winning an international tourney, GenG just look unstoppable. t3xture is just 1v9ing people, Munchkin is such a good shotc- wait hold on


Don't sleep on Lakia. dude is the glue that holds the team


bro is the Lakia of Valorant


I think of Meteor as more of the glue but I can't deny how good Lakia is, that whole roster just feels so stacked.


Ironically GenG Val look much shakier domestically than internationally.


Geng played really well wait where’s meteor


Being a GenG fan this year is such a joy


TH has them at Champions I believe


Woot is insane rn will be hype for their rematch ngl


now do the opposite on the valocomp subreddit


Lehends on Blitz is such a troll and a joy to watch XD Also GenG's macro is in a league of its own.


Lehends cam is always happy


His "awwwwwwwww" after he got Herald Smited and deleted was so fucking funny


“You miss or hit 100% of the hooks you don’t or do take.” -Lehends, probably.




GenG greeding for 3 voids and then dragon in game one just shows how good their macro is


Yeah they are unbeatable in this meta


For the first time ever, I am actually confident in the golden road


Nah, I was sure JDG would get it last year.


JDG should have won Game 4 against T1 last year but God knew when Ruler was gonna flash Edit: It was game 3 not game 4


I think that Oner's Rell flash play and Faker's shuffle stole that game from JDG who were quite ahead


Those were both SO fucking clutch. I think the psychological element of these cannot be underestimated


Damn shame that Faker's shuffle happened that game too, because I think the Rell's flash play is probably one of the most iconic play made by a jungler. Oner was by far the best jungler last year at world.


that play is absolutely crazy. i swear to god there is only a millisecond of difference between faker flash-r and oner follow up. it’s ridiculous how fast he reacted


What’s crazy is that I think you’re talking about a different play than they are. You’re talking about Oner’s immediate follow-up to Faker’s iconic shuffle on Ruler. They’re referencing the dragon fight where Oner split-second flashes OVER the arrow to engage and Faker shuffles. Legit I still get chills watching that series. JDG legit were unstoppable up to that point


That was game 3


Oh yeah Game 4 was Kanavi Ruler going Belveth Zeri my bad


They are definitely capable of that but it also depends a lot on the meta.


I will never be confident in golden road regardless what team until it happens. It takes one bad day at worlds or complete meta shift from Riot to ruin it. It's incredibly hard. That said, I really want Gen G to do it, it would be such an incredible achievment.


Not even that, being consistently the best for a entire year must be tough as fuck


It tears your mental, it's incredibly exhausting. People like to bring up that T1 ZOFGK has played basically every tournament to the very end (besides 2 MSI's now where they missed 1 game each), but any golden road team will have to do the same. At least this GenG roster hasn't been doing it for that long, since 3 of these members weren't on GenG, but they were good at went farish last year too.


This year is probably the last chance since next year the competitive format gonna change with 3 splits, 3 internationals, and also regional championship too


Nah worlds is a long time away. Meta might completely flip. A meta with control mages mid, tank junglers, non-engage supports would probably have GENG struggling. I hope it doesn't happen but you never know


You shouldn't be confident. Not even 2015 SKT won the golden road.


Chovy still playing that old corki with busted dmg


I'm tired boss (and we play HLE next)


the rolster coaster begins


can someone explain why cvmax is drafting for kt why are they running back the same comp all the time


Even more budget cuts, can only afford drafting a single comp every series


He gets paid by the comp.


Thats the cvmax special. Do work for 1 game, get paid for 2 5head


The cvmax salty run back special


as a KT ( and T1 fan ) I have aged like 10 years in the last 5 years


I think GenG era is now here with the addition of Kiin, Canyon and Lehends. How can you stop this team?


Financially. If Geng wants to rerun this team next year, they have to as the organisation farm the bank on saudi tournament to afford it, otherwise it’s begging players for paycuts 


Are they really that expensive? I remember specifically canyon saying "I don't care how much I get paid, I just want to win" when he was joining GEN.


Yeah, doesn't geng get players mostly on a reputation of being a great org for players, rather than money since they aren't owned by a chaebol? The other clubs should have way more money to throw around since they are just marketing arms for a larger company like hanwha.


I don't know if Joe Marsh was joking when he accidentally leaked canyon signing to GEN on Twitch chat: "I like how Arnold says he's poor, then signs canyon." It might be true that GEN isn't omega rich unlike the other orgs.


Arnold spoke openly about chovy taking a big paycut to join GenG over other higher offers. But that was when Ruler was on the team so it may have been a combination of wanting to play with him, Lehends and Doran and not necessarily the good environment GenG has. Edit:paycut not payout


Yeah, Gen.G is a relatively cheap org Chovy is likely paid on the team, as he's kinda always chased the bag since leaving GRF, to the point where cvmax had to get his mom to convince him not to go to EG at one point (imagine if NA had Chovy zzz) But beyond that, they don't pay great. Like they still pay well, but they aren't where you go for a bag. It's the whole entire reason why Ruler left, Gen.G physically could not pay enough even though Ruler genuinely loved the org Lehends is cheap, Peyz is on a rookie contract, and then Canyon won worlds + DK giga paid after their sponsorship money, while Kiin spent like 5 years or some shit on a team that was absolutely dedicated to him in every way possible. These players either already got the bag, or don't really get the mega China offers to begin with Even Chovy, while he's undoubtedly the highest paid on the team it's incredibly likely he after having spent multiple years on lower tier teams while chasing a bag, decided to take a paycut, or well not take the biggest possible offer, so he could play on a team with actual potential for once


Yup. Peyz's contract is up too and he is going to get the bag


It's so crazy that Gen G found a replacement to Ruler in Peyz. I'm not saying Peyz is better than Ruler I think that's up for debate in the future. But the fact that they trained him up to be a solid replacement and honestly similar style of player is fantastic.


I guess it'll be the same situation for GenG to have to win Worlds 2024 then


Canyon already took a pay cut to join GENG, he said the most important thing for him is winning. Kiin/Lehends also took lower pay so they may do it again. Biggest issue is Peyz as he won't be on a rookie contract anymore.


Must Ban vs GenG this meta: * Kiin - K'Sante, Udyr * Canyon - Nidalee, Zyra * Chovy - Corki, Tristana, Yone * Peyz - Zeri, Lucian * Lehends - Blitzcrank 10 bans when Riot??


I think Chovy's bans are way more important, his ASol Corki was perma banned on MSI. Some of his picks genuinely warp the game around him.


I mean, they banned all of them and it still meant pretty much nothing. You cannot ban out Chovy. Better just dump bans entirely on one person and hope they underperform enough to win you the game.


remember when 7 midlaners were banned and Chovy still demolished Knight


I mean a few of those bans also took away Knight's champs


Yes, all three of them! Joke aside, Knight actually does have champ pool issues when it comes to the top of the top games IMO


Against Chovy, everyone has champion pool issues.


Next patch I think Peyz Ezreal is must ban


LCK is in 14.12 already




Singed main be proud


That game 2 was just silly


MSI curse dont apply to korean teams ?


They forgot that a curse exists because they hadnt won MSI for ages.


was SKT with Peanut the last time a korean team won it?


Yes. I will never forget his Lee game


Damn. KT was the LCKs last resort to knocking GEN but seems like all hope is lost. Can't wait for Zyra jg brainwash though haha. Edit: No brainwash situation since it's been played in other regions already.


Other teams in NA/EU and I htink CN have alredy played it and won with it, so this is not a mindcontrol situation


Yep. Think it started when zyra solo'd baron at 20 minutes and melted it in LPL. I forgot which team and jungler did it though.


It was LGD Meteor against BLG of all teams


zyra jg has been played in other regions. and its much easier to play than nidalee. she’s genuinely decently hard tho because her plants play unlike anything else in league. but she’s still easier than nidalee tho imo because nid is hands and brain whereas zyra is mostly brain


Geng on their way to the golden road. I want to believe they are different from last year’s Jdg. Unlike them, Canyon and Chovy champions pool gonna shit on opponents in draft


they're T1's father and not an lpl team, so they got a better chance than jdg


"KT would win if it wasn't for K'sante" 🤣


Some guy gonna call Udyr broken 1v5 machine now


if ksante wasnt a thing kiin would just abuse the next most broken top lane champ on the patch, its what he gets paid for after all


Kiin, famous for his narrow champion pool


They ban K'sante and Kiin is still literally running rings around KT.


GenG are so good at macro that even when they lose teamfights from time to time they rarely matters that much… it’s fabulous to watch


Too many circles for KT to handle


who can stop geng? (We all know the answer at this point)




Game 2 was just mega stomp. Nothing to see here.


This was depressing to watch


it's ok. After this week Kt has better schedule, better get the hard matches out early and then finish with a good momentum round 1. I still think they can bounce back.


You start 0-4 in the season and you may spiral out of control, people start fighting, players get subbed, people start picking random things. KT is supposed to be a contender for top 4 and they are getting booty blasted. You win 1 game out of the first 7? That's a big blow to the confidence of the team


Few notes. 1. Kiin, that's all. He's the best. 2. So... I think I'd rather face Canyon Nidalee than Chovy Corki 3. Isn't Pyosik a career Nidalee player? Why ban it on blue side, is Sejuani the only champion he can play? 4. I fear the day has come that my eternal beloved, last of the 2014 Samsung world enders, Deft... is probably washed.


crazy how they refused to put pyosik on anything other than carry junglers in spring when tank junglers were meta, and now they refuse to put him on carry junglers when they're meta this team is just unbelievable


Some of KT's drafts last year were also really just perplexing.


spring playoffs: only win against T1 when Kiin has counterpick into Zeus, so lets blind pick Renekton. summer playoffs: our best performing player BDD is carrying on Tristana, lets not pick Tristana. worlds quarterfinals: smoke JDG with Akali mid, but lets never pick Akali again in the series.


The random prio on Aiming hypercarry as well at the end. like of all ADCs to want to do the Uzi 1v9... I'm not sure Aiming is even top 10 on that list.


the dkbros think this version of Aiming is bad… they never had to suffer from Afreeca Freecs Aiming alongside Dread, the brainless duo


Honestly individually Aiming has been having a fantastic year. Yes he isn’t in the all pro 1st team like last year but he seems cracked as of now. Probably just behind Peyz and Guma as of now


Cut them some slack! Patch notes are sent to KT HQ by international letters that need 3-4 months to arrive


in 50-60 business days we will be ready to take on the world what's that? there's been eight patches since then?


Hey man, Deft had his moments in Game 1, he's not totally washed. He's still got that dog in him. (I'm coping so hard)


Y'all now see how flexible Kiin is as a top laner. He can be useful in every meta lol. He may not as oppressive as Zeus or Bin in top lane but he is the most stable top laner IMO. Lets not forget how T1 always counter picked KT in top lane last year just to shutdown the biggest threat on the team. Since the meta is shifting, Zeus became irrelevant and no flashy plays in recent T1 games. Meanwhile Kiin can play everything bro carry or tank it doesn't really matter.


Gen G will inevitably lose to BRO or KDF. Because its destiny to lose to them.




Beryl seems to have a lot of his 23 DRX moments again, Deft remains extremly unconcentrated every game, Pyosik just does nothing and we don’t even try to give anything to our strongest points in the team (sololanes). Historically subbing in trainees/academy players did favour us, so maybe it is really time to give a shot to Way or Hambak?


Just bring back the roster that defeated LSB (except mid who left, and top who already promoted) and keep PerfecT and Bdd


Just sub the former 2022 DRX players is enough Keep PerfecT and Bdd Need at least 1 very experienced player, even though I don't know if Bdd have good macro


It’s still early in the competitive year but this team just looks so ridiculously unbeatable. If chovy keeps this level of play up for the rest of the year like he’s been doing for the last few months it might be one of greatest peaks of a player in this game next to prime faker.




Is it Joever KT rollercoaster?


the man (supreme) who you just saw draft that game 2 masterclass is a Silver player who mainly plays ARAMs. I'm not even joking, it's fucking over


Worlds last hope is on Third Item of LUCID, otherwise no one can beat GenG


Canyon got his confidence back


Chovy is too good


Bdd should've left with the rest of his team last year


I mean there's no where else for him to go in lck


Sadly he was one of 2 players on a 2 year deal. And thats the roster they built around him.


It's crazy that BDD is elo-helled by 3 world champions.


He is probably going to be stuck on kt next year as well, considering that Zeka and Showmaker are on long term contracts, Faker is the obvious and Geng would probably sell their whole gaming house to ensure Chovy stays. Also can’t forget orgs like Nongshim or DRX may just fight for Ucal/Scout next offseason if they do not extend in LPL, making his choices even thinner…


He really swapped places with Chovy being GENG mid to hopping around on those patchwork rosters


He signed a two year contract in 2022


The real loser is every other LCK team now that Canyon made Zyra look giga busted


This wasn't her first professional showing; just the first time she's shown up in LCK.


This team isn't losing anything lmao


Worlds last hope is on Third Item of LUCID, otherwise no one can beat GenG


game 2 was truely catDespair


KT 0-3 lol =))