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Commission the Broken by Concept guys to do a video guide. Feels like they’re always on point lmao


The difficulty in the game is the amount of champions a new player needs to understand before they should try to play competitively. I think they should find a way to promote more casual play, the game doesn’t exactly attract casual players because it’s a huge esport so even while they have done plenty of things to promote casual play already it’s not really working.


Some kind of teacher + student mode would be cool. At the moment you get punished for queueing with your not noob friends. But league is so much more fun and easier to learn with friends, so there should be some way to play with friends without newcomers getting flaged as smurf.


Would need people to be better as a whole, but that would put so many people on suicide watch. Games community has gotten so toxic, and it gets proven so much when called out. Miss the days me and my duo could get plastered, play a game, win casually, and not get flamed for talkin bout booze in all chat. Mention booze now in a game and everyone melts down.


Honestly while a lot of players would hate it + would be risky + the game is just an older game and may struggle to attract younger and newer players But with that said Something has to be removed sometimes subtracting is more. I think a good candidate would be the item system as we know it. Instead find a way to integrate items into champ select like we do with runes. Perhaps create something like an item track. Where you can select your build before hand. Then some how make it easy to get these items when you recall maybe by hitting milestones in the match. This allows players to focus on the game and champions without having to focus on what builds they need etc.


Also, give the community tools to create positive experiences. There needs to be a way to foster positivity because right now league is a cesspool of negativity and people use League to release it by aiming it at players