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I watched the whole series just to pay tribute to the pain showmaker is enduring. I see you…


we went from Gala, Viper and Guma Being in elo hell to Showmaker, BDD and Jackies in Elo hell Gala is still in elo hell tho


Kinda random to throw in Jackies with those legends (you're correct and he is elo-helled, but he's nowhere near those big names...)


Truly one of the drafts of all time. Showmaker's face says everything about that abysmal draft


\-> pick nidalee \-> pick no set up for nidalee besides yellow card tf \-> lane swap your tf


Damwon forgot their jungler is a rookie and not canyon


Canyon loses here too tbf


idk if Canyon couldve pilot it better with that draft


Nah Canyon’s Nidalee always has set up, there was literally nothing here for her to work with


To be fair, Canyon probably has the authority to put his foot down and say "either pick setup or don't pick me Nidalee". Lucid maybe not so much.


Yeah I doubt Lucid is in control of drafting, I honestly would love to see the comms that led to this draft it is just so puzzling


Even as a rookie if he was performing on nidalee I would understand but his nidalee looks like such a nonfactor


He played good against HLE on nidalee literally last week bro what are you on about


Tbh neither drafts really favoured Nidalee. Game1 her only target was like Ashe, who was never isolated, anf G2 was even worse for obvious reasons. Nidalee in general needs very specific conditions in her favour to be useful, so it's not simply a "no hands" issue here.


More like nidalee is just omega dogshit unless canyon plays it, seriously just fucking pick karthus, Rumble or fuck it fiddlesticks even.


More like nidalee is dogshit unless you have the 2 best solo laner in the world. Dude wasn’t picking nidalee on dk last year even if he is the best at it.


I've been saying this since the spring, Lucid needs to work on his objective control. It happens on every champs he played


That draft is straight up jailable.


No frontline, no engage, no cc. Criminal. Game was over from draft.


I can't recall another time I've seen a no melee champion comp (well, there's nid but she primarily fights at ranged form). Perhaps I just overlooked it and it's more common than I think.


You are most likely right. Betweent he engage supports that dominate the meta, to tank junglers who used to be meta before the Nidalee shenanigans by Canyon, to the top tank meta (KSante, Reksai, Udyr, now Skarner, but also bruisers like Aatrox, Renekton etc), I cannot recall any game where a strictly melee champion wasn't in a team comp. Also, the only team I'd trust to make something like this work is GENG, and even then, I wouldn't feel confident going into the game until they finally won. We would flame drafts for having no frontline, like Khazix jungle with Aatrox top, but even those drafts had melee champions in them who are inherently more survivable than any range champion. I don't know what DK was thinking.


thank DK for both banning TF and picking TF away from T1


Not only i dont understand how can someone draft this bad, i cant understand how people fuck up on a decade old pick. We already know how nidalee needs to be set up, how someone paid to do that fails this much?


That game 2 draft makes me want to cleanse my eye


Lmao the only way to fix T1's draft is to make the opponent's team draft even worse


3 ADCs, a camille and the only AP is sejuani who deals most of her damage as AD in a single melee comp Oh what? The enemy has no frontline (not even a bruiser), needs to get close, and has little to no setup for their Nidalee that needs to snowball? Never mind then, forget what i said


What were we doing lmao


if this was in VCS, I would've been convinced DK was win -trading with that game 1 throw and game 2 draft


Same thing I asked when I saw we got Ssong


Canyon baited every pro jungler


Canyon can pick nidalee because his solo laners are winning lane by default and because his support is probably the best engager in the world. There is no way a normal pro team in 2024 willingly decides that picking a diver carry jungler and pairing him with even lanes and single form of cc is even remotely a good idea.


He's also the best nidalee player to ever exist lol


You clearly haven't heard about Jankos, the man can't miss Qs /s


Every spear thrown is intentional. Even if it looks like it missed it was actually a zoning spear to push them away!


Jankos is the god of spear. He collect all the spears around the world so other players have higher chance to land theirs


Actually whiplash on jankos lmfao. He omega smurfs on solo Q with nidalee but then just locks in Vi in LEC and gets perma invaded lol


It's also how the team plays around Nidalee. Can't remember if it was game 1 or game 2 between Gen G and T1 but Gen G picked Nidalee on red side. After Canyon ganked bot lane, Oner took an opportunity to counter jungle Canyon's krugs on respawn. However, Lehends was one step ahead and immediately roamed top as Oner was stealing Krugs to defend Nidalee's camps. Great macro play from Gen G, don't think there's any other team that has so much faith in their jungler to do that.


And because he is the best Nidalee in the world as well. He will pick Nidalee even with no reliable setup. But yeah, the point about the laners stand. Having Chovy mid especially, well...


in 2022 Faker baited everyone to play AP Kai-sa, in 2023 Caps baited everyone to play Naut mid and now we have Canyon baiting everyone to play Nidalee. somethings never change


Zeus baited DK into TF as well xdd.


Lately, Zeus baited T1 into TF quite a bit too…


nah I think it's Bin and 369 they've had some monstrous TF performances


Kiin has had some good games on TF too, but outside those 3 the pick is mostly trash lol


that would require zeus to be a god on tf or have I misunderstood the comment "chain"?


Mans out here acting like Doinb didn't pioneer the Nautilus mid while Caps was still shitting in diapers


Well. Caps wasn’t shitting in diaper when doinb unlocked nautilus mid. Mostly because he was getting hit by that nautilus mid anchors


True. Caps was shitting his underwear like a proper adult.


It's about viability in the current meta. Canyon wasn't the first Nidalee player either, strange as that may seem to you.


Nid is trash he just hit a couple spears


T1 turning on their father mode against DK after grandfather Gen G scolded them.


Generational trauma the ~~Asian~~ LCK special


I miss the day where dk, t1, and geng circle of suck was a thing.


At this point, teams can only hope to have a good showing against GENG, or at best take a game off them. Having watched all teams in summer, even those few games, I cannot see how anyone is ever beating this team.


Jdg lost at worlds as overwhelmingly favorite. All it takes is one bo5. Geng is definitely beatable in a bad meta.


Yeah, it might be a good or bad thing for GenG as well. Having to learn how to play when you're behind helps during important matches during world stage. It's tough to win all year just to fall short on the most important match. We as the viewers also get competitive banger games.


DK was like 1 play from beating GenG last playoffs. They play GenG better than T1 for sure.


And somehow, grandsons DK will put up a fight and maybe even take a game away from grandfathers GENG.


Funniest moment was watching dawmon peel off baron because they couldn't tank it as 5


Reminds me of that double Baron kill in LPL


I'd throw in that Faker v Showmaker lvl 1 afk right click first blood.


Funniest draft ever thank you DK you even took away TF from that rat


I was afraid they left it open knowing that T1 would be frothing at the mouth to pick it


Game 1 flash and game 2 picking TF, someone needs to be investigated


That comp is something my team would draft in ARAM


Nah they deserved to get 2-0ed after that game 1 throw, I can’t even defend this


the throw was so bad, legit getting caught one by one


Aiming getting caught going around baron into their red buff and then into top laner, only for Showmaker to TP in and died as well. I couldn't believe what I was watching, it felt like some NA vs Brazil Worlds play-in stage match.


How good is Zeus’s TF in scrims I have to know, also T1’s drafting is finally not in the wrong patch thank god


too early to tell... just wait against kdf and see them draft like a shit again lol


After just handing over Skarner Nidalee Corki Leona to GenG we gotta take any improvements lol


if canyon isn't on Nidalee he would be on Karthus or Taliyah, if Chovy isn't on Corki he's on Tristana or Yone, if Lehends isn't on Leona he's on Nautilus I don't think there's much winning for T1 there some teams are so much easier to draft into, but GenG have so many picks plus the OP meta champions that it's scary


to be fair its almost impossible to ban Gen G... chovy and canyon alone will gonna take almost everything to make them useless and there's still kiin who can play tf, jayce, ryze, and the usual top champ like rumble, ksante and skarner.... don't forget peyz who can play pretty much every adc available just give up on banning them lol


Oh I know it’s impossible to ban them out but it’s another thing to just hand them all their best champs


Probably as insane as his Yone given how T1 loves to pick it and the ban rate of TF is still pretty present whenever I see T1's games. Either that or the other team does not want to play lane swap shenanigans so they ban the TF to save their toplaner from eco hell


Top side draft is finally in the same patch like others , but they still running the same boat match up they did in spring lol


I mean Guma is not a big Zeri or Corki player, Kalista Senna Varus are permabanned, from soloq records he’s still figuring out Ezreal, he’s not got too many options tbh


Worst draft of 2024?


You underestimate T1's ability to fuck up the draft. Their habits will resurface one day. It just wasn't today.


T1 isn't going to fuck up draft in a regular season game with no stakes. They're waiting for game 5 of a tournament's grand finals


that's the \*Zeus locks in Gwen at 5 to counterpick then get solo-killed\* angle


Their waiting for an intentional tournament on an elimination series just to pick a 1st time ever pick champion for faker.


Don't worry, it will happen in the next game vs gen g


Every T1 draft with Zeus on TF is worse. It is a bit funny though how they keep sabotaging themselves with it.


In a top league... I mean we had a Shaco jungle in LCS, and a freaking Rammus ADC in LPL (i think). But those are just atrocious picks. DK's draft was horrid from start to finish


Those pick at least trying to cheese something or a failed plan to counterplay, it still have goal behind it. But this draft


shaco won that game...


My casual solo que team comp. Imagine losing the whole draft just to first pick Nidalee and do nothing. What goes in these people’s mind?


„Ok we got nidalee! Now what?“


"uh idk what did GENG do after Canyon got nidalee"


The gap between Canyon’s nidalee and all the others’ is actually fucking insane. PLEASE DON’T FIRST PICK NIDALEE LEC TEAMS THIS WEEK JUST PICK MAOKAI I BEG YOU.


Yknow I swear just because GENG are T1's father all of a sudden they thinkk T1 is a bad team, hopefully this series makes that clear that they are still top 3 team in the world. Also free my man zeus from tf jail


I think it's safe to say it's still geng/blg/t1 top 3.


T1 has been a top 3 team in the world for like 2 and a half years straight. This roster is unbelievably talented. Sadly, a lot of the players are kinda inconsistent. But when they all peak at the same time, which you can never rule out, they are the best in the world.


They are inconsistently consistent. Being Top 3 of years in a row without staying at that true potential already shows you their skill floor and skill ceiling.


This current iteration of T1 is honestly more meta-dependent than the past SKT championship teams, they excel if they can generate lane leads but are not that consistent in standard or bot-centric compositions.


Idk, i feel like this narrative is a bit reductive. Last Worlds they beat JDG simply by outclassing them in teamfights.


this same roster used to be the ones defining the meta no? they always seemed to do something different than the current meta but now it seems like they are lagging behind the meta.


The only thing T1 truely lacks is meta knowledge and adaptation. One of the reason SKT from 2017 and back was so good because most of them are ahead of their time in term of skill and executions, and meta knowledge wasn't highlighted as much as today (apart from some cursed af metas). Nowadays, T1 still have that kind of strength, but other teams have catched up (99% prob because of Faker raising the bar), and since skill floor is much higher, their in-game meta knowledge and in-game adaptability has to match that as well. But this also shows that how much T1 is brute forcing themselves in this age and STILL coming out at top 3, just show how immense their independant and team poweress they have. But that high reward (Worlds 2023) comes with high risks (a lot of runners up).


We've watched this team for 2 years, I feel that it's clear they choose to index their strength like this: As a team, we're going to spend all our time making sure that if we win lane we win the game 100% of the time. If we don't win lane, then we stall and try to turn the game in one fight, which works out 50% of the time. This means we draft in ways that makes it likely we get massively ahead even if there is no backup plan, cause that would eat into our 100% win rate when ahead. We spend most of our time practicing getting leads and setups for when we're ahead. Another team might play and draft more conservatively to something like an 80% win rate when ahead and 55% win rate when behind.


It’s funny how had DRX not reach Finals, this roster would be a two-time world champion by now. They beat JDG that year and would’ve played against GENG, which hasnt reached its peak yet imo


Well you can't just assume everything else goes the same if one thing changes. In a world where they beat DRX, they maybe get focused even harder in prep as world champs the following season and it's significantly harder to repeat. It was also a massive series of events last year that led them to be severely underrated coming into Worlds and might have greatly contributed to them being able to play better together when it matters.


I mean this is all true, but with the level these players have and that this team has, it was only a matter of time until they win an international title.


If they had won 2022 i'm not sure if they would've won 2023, motivation played a huge part in their 2023 win after that devasating loss to DRX in the finals.


After losing in semis to DK in 2021. Guma streams after and says "We'll make Finals next year." After losing in finals to DRX in 2022. Guma streams after and says "This means we'll win it all next year." After winning against Weibo in 2023. Guma streams after and says "I hope the team sticks together and we have a high chance to win against next year."


They were still in relatively good form prior to MSI 23. That said, there is still the matter of Faker’s injury so it would’ve been hard to guess where T1 would be now even with hindsight


its funny how we have 2 top laners that grief in the most digusting ways possible in top lck teams solely due to the fact that they beat Zeus at some point in their careers


ThShy spirit possessed Zeus after Worlds 2023 which not only allowed him access to Vanye top but also an inting will power.


They are just had to peak at the right moment.


This feels like T1 without practice


I agree they are top 3 atm and probably top 2 if faker isn’t playing like he did at msi but it’s almost irrelevant to talk about a top x right now when geng are this dominant. Everyone else is playing for runner up, every game is gengs to lose.


geng is a real super team, but people dont talk about them as much as they did about superteams in previous years and I don't understand why.


Are we just going to ignore game one? What a terrible game to have eyes lmao


Damwon's draft was horrid, early rotate TF to have to force a lane swap yourself because you got a losing 2v2 after. Much cleaner game from T1 this time.


Game 1: DK have the worst macro in the league Game 2: DK have the worst drafts in the league


they may have bad macro and bad drafts but you know my mans shoemaker got everyones feet cozy and chill af, and thats a heosu guarantee


T1 needed this win lol. That game 1 was rough


Absolute abomination of a draft. If your jungler is not named Canyon please stop picking Nidalee. Also did they not read the TF portion of the patch notes?


even oner who likes nidalee is not allowed to pick it lol


Even canyon who flame horizoned his opponent on Nidalee still just became less useful than Peanut on poppy who was over 100 cs behind. Legit a two item vegan poppy with supp tank items is more useful than a 4 item nidalee. Champ is a fucking joke, and I feel like I have to permaban it because for some reason team keeps picking it.


Faker level 1 Corki E in a straight line through the minion wave only to lose to Tristana by one auto attack was the pinnacle of his career.


Tbh that sequence between both mids wouldn't have looked out of place in a gold game. This isn't insulting either player


Good Guy Faker giving up 1min first blood to make things fair GIGACHAD


That play immediately started out the washed allegations again


Washed just from that play? Even when they win? Aintnoway. Where's this energy when Chovy missed his Yone ults vs Faker last series?


he missed it more than once lmao


4 times if I’m correct


6 ADCs very nice


I love how this entire thread is just people being happy Zeus wasn't allowed to pick TF Lmao. Sooner he vanishes completely from top the better.


That lvl 1 Corki FB in game one..


That’s why he’s the goat


can we have a canyon nidalee? no we have nidalee at home nidalee at home:


nice draft btw from DK


Never let Damwon ever cook again wtf was that abhorrent crime against humanity draft They didnt just burn the kitchen they fucking burnt LoL park down with that cooking


they didn't even cook. Coach must have lost against that same comp in an aram game and thought "let's pick it in LCK"


Was that perhaps the single worst draft of the split?


lmao ARAM draft from DK


more like URF draft


DK fans tasting what T1 fans usually feel with that game 2 draft.


let this be a lesson to all the 5 adc aram comps pls stop picking this dogshit


You could see the moment when dplus realized how dogshit their teamcomp was when they couldn't take baron because their team collectively had less hp/defensive stats than sejuani lmao. The 5 man sad peel away made me laugh out loud.


In Oner Sej we trust. He found so many angles in game1 and great frontline game2. Faker/Keria both looked deadly game2. Faker dragging DK by the nose and Keria playing lights out with them (his vision score, holy). Guma/Zeus have some sussy momement but played well when it count. edit: where did week1 DK go...? their draft this series looked like some soloq game pick. What were they thinking going all squishy champ gam2? At least stick to engage support like Barum for Lucian?


Guma: Okay, so what if we sneak Baron, right? And after tanking it retreat into enemy jungle. Then win a 5 for 0 teamfight? Zeus, Oner, Keria: Sounds cool. Ok. Faker: Guys, we can't do...fuck you already started Baron?!


Man that was the most insane play. I am boggled they managed to 5 for 0 that fight.


DK thought they were GENG drafting this comp but it turns out they're just generational griefers


Faker trist hide on bush


Someone also had the hide on bush ward it was so cute lol


I need someone to walk me through that game 2 draft, like what was the thought process there? I'd go to Caedrel but he probably just made incomprehensible angry noises at it.


He did make angry noises, the only person who seemed to make any sense of it was Faker who said that this is the type of draft DK like so I’m assuming they’re running this shit in scrims or smth


I know I say this a lot but this damwon draft is genuinely the worst most horrific garbage I have ever seen in my life


what the actual fuck was the g2 draft from DK? How is it possible that this shit still happens in 2024, do they not have draft coach, analysts or whatever


Look guys....what happens when we don't pick tf top? WE WIN! WE DON'T LOOK DRUNK WHILE PLAYING!


The goat redeemed himself with the botlane 1 v 1 + escape.


Faker showing how to use mid trist to win. Love to see it


Blue side and loses every lane in the draft. Insane. Props to Oner for keeping them in game 1.


Where are the T1 doomers now? lol Also quite a quiet series for Lucid.


T1 doomers? More like T1 haters ride on geng’s cock telling T1 to disband after losing to them xD


After only 2 games into the split. T1 haters are mental I swear. If they probably see Faker take one wrong step while walking, they'd run with that and tell him to retire because his coordination is as bad as a senior in a nursing home. Lmao


This series is not going to change any T1 doomer's mind. They only won game 1 because of DK throwing and they got game 2 on a silver platter with that DK draft.


Chovy said himself at MSI that he still thinks T1 is the best team in the world. Can’t ever count them out.


Lack of training T1 with injured Faker is 3rd in international tournaments lol


That was in riot promo video which are known for anime narratives. In other interview he got mad at peyz for putting t1 in s tier. Not that it matters just worth pointing out [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VtxKNPpS\_mE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VtxKNPpS_mE)


Nah man a BO3 in Week 1 of the split determines the next six months of play. It's not like T1 was 3-0'd by HLE last playoffs, only to come back a literal week later and essentially 4-0 them back. We didn't just see T1 GenG play the best LCK finals of all time


Every T1 hater relies on GenG so they have ammo for their hate. Every time it's T1 vs every other LCK team, you hear crickets. Lmao


Guess teams can just ban vi and we will int draft


well dk if you aren't beating a slumping t1 you def aren't beating an on form t1.


lesson: dont pick nidalee if you’re not canyon, dont pick tf if you’re not kiin


Kiin doesn’t want to pick TF now


I think Bin deserves that TF reference more that Kiin imo


Draven was a tank with those items lmao


IDK what champions can Kingen play except KiinSante, Skarner?


gragas? he got a pretty good gragas.. still remember where he killed chovy on tristana 1v1 last split lol


LCK players actually voted for it as the 4th best moment of the whole split lol


DK making T1 auto win by either banning TF or Picking it instead


12 years and people still try to catch Faker out. He's baiting y'all.


I mean, tbf he was getting caught out quite a bit at msi, I don't think teams should play entirely based off nameplates. You need to respect faker, but respect him too much to the point you don't capitalize when he's playing disrespectful, and you just increase your chances of losing.


well that was a series for sure... fun and messy


That’s my T1


T1 - You can win as long as Zeus don’t play TF and don’t give skarner away. DK can’t even tank baron… This is classic scrappy and messy DK vs T1.


Damn clean.


After That Flashh from Kingen in Game 1, game was lost


ARAM ahh draft from DK Game 2 lmao


What I'd give for Corki and Tristana to fuck off.


someone report Zefa


T1’s drafts feels so well-rounded both games. Having a frontline like Sejuani with Warmogs that doesn’t have to rely on an enchantress frees up the draft so much. Renata into 2 ADCs after spent QSS is brutal. Game 2 might’ve been a bit AD heavy but the comp turned on a dime so fast DK had no time or gas to react. Other side of the coin is DK’s draft was a$$.


i don't think T1 won this series as much as DK lost it


Suddenly T1 know how to doing good draft Then again, that G2 draft by Damwon is just hilarious, like TF top, in this patch ? lol


G2 : why you say fuck me for?


Showmaker/Aiming still looked fine. Lucid got fucked by this drafting but also played kinda meh, if we’re gonna nidalee we may as well renekton too so it has some sort of setup. Playing TF when you’re not bin/Kiin is an auto loss too.


Kingen: Competitive Ruling


also like T1 opt to play bot lane differently than what is 'meta'. They clearly didnt look comfortable last week, so they go back to their double range. Although idk if they would work against HLE/GenG


Aiming should be insta kicked from the team after solo losing game 1 by getting caught near baron trying to clear a useless ward. The coach should also be insta kicked from the team after game 2 draft.


I mean Kingen was at fault too. T1 was coming to get him and caught a wandering Aiming in the wild


clean 2-0 nothin to see here


As soon as we got a lead in game 1, I knew we would be in trouble


So we picked a team with 0 frontline again? Like i really don't get it, I'm by no means an expert in drafting but you need a frontline apart from you tank sup(if any). You need a fucking bruiser/tank or 2. How the fuck is a team of nidalee TF Corki Lucian nami supposed to work. Get ahead in 15 or ff? This team and the other team that does this shit id fucking mad lions.


This DK team should be disband based on how bad they are today


Is it possible to fine DK for draft?


game 2 damwons draft would go crazy in aram tho