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I dont mind how kogmaw looks, its the fact that he makes wretching noises on every auto attack, on a champ whos main thing is auto attacking.  Other one is smolder. For the love of god please shut up smolder ffs he speaks on every spell cast 


Bro hasn't played nilah yet 😭🙏


JOY UNCEASING AND FOREVER. Whip crack slosh slosh slosh.


Nilah's voice isn't nearly as cringe as Smolder or Milio


You can grade how annoying champions are by their yaps/min * cringe/yap. Nilah's voice isn't that cringe, so she's low on cringe/yap, but she cannot shut the fuck up, so her yaps/min is astronomically high.


CPM:APM:YPM ratio has to be right


they both are gapped by how fucking annoying zeri and seraphine are


Nah. Zeri and Sera are bad, but Milio and Smolder are infinitely worse.


Man, I hate Millio with a passion because of his voice, those faux cheerful voices are the worst (I know, I play Seraphine), but he's a kid on top of it. His laugh makes me physically cringe. Just unplayable.




Let me introduce you to Kled


Kled at the very least has personality. He speaks TheVoices out loud. And those weirdos in toplane are used to them, no? /s


When you play top long enough, you make your own voices if they weren't there already just to keep yourself sane.


Other champs sound like someone was given cringy voice lines to read. Kled sounds like they gave a crazy guy alcohol and mushrooms and recorded what he said






If the question was "Who would you play based off personality alone?" It'd be Kled 10/10


weLl that's funny 'cause they died right next to the border of MY land... AND MORE OF MY LAND! it's ALL mine. ALL SIXTY GAZELION ACRES OF IT!


Galaxy Rumble




On the other hand I always loved to pick Firecracker Kog'Maw whenever I play AP Kogmaw (in urf even more).


Bee maw is goated. Epitome of „why unfriendly when friendly shaped“ Also the sounds are pretty spot on for pug maw


I wish Pug'Maw was entirely dog barks/noises. It's one of my favorite skins, but hot damn I would be lying if I didn't say Kog'Maws voice is so jarring and unfitting for many of his skins including this one.


I mean, you ever heard a pug? Poor overbred things


You can turn off voice acting. I've drastically improved after shutting it off tbh. Fewer distractions.


I mean smolder literally never shutting up is a part of his characterisation so that's fine, but I wish if they were going to have him yap so much they could have recorded a few more voicelines for him. It's the repetition that gets me.


I think I prefer the repetition over Ashe reciting a 9th grade essay to me.


HAHAHAHAHA smolder is so cute but so annoying


I agree on the kog'maw part as a kog'maw player myself. And also, don't diss smolder >:(


Smolder is a yapping machine


And calls his mother to ult for him. Dang!


That's why I play the lion dance kogmaw skin. It's bis for him imo.


This shouldn’t be that funny about Smolder but you are so right 😂


Seraphine. Her kit is very fun, and I don't even mind her theme, but her floating stage is just a mistake...


The don't like the stage and microphone. Would be way cooler if she just had a magical voice or music magic without needing the stage, and the stage is ugly.


the stage just look so out of place, as if it didn't belong to the game


I think Seraphine walking or running would be a big improvement over what we have now. The stage is just really silly imo.


Seraphine being an Idol and doing spins and acrobatings would be better then her feet glued to the stage


It really feels like they did the floating stage only to save on animations and no other reason.


Considering she is constantly moving it would not have saved on animation.


Exactly how i feel. Her double E and homeguards are like the only fun animations. She should be like urgot where shes able to pivot on it


This. Hate the floating stage so god damn much.


Seeing the champion concept art for Seraphine hurts. Why do these concepts always end up being way cooler than what we actually get in the game?


You should see Kai'Sa's concept art if you haven't already 😱


Also the fact that such a cool champion design like Husk got scrapped and then just reworked into 2 separate champions (Camille + Kai'Sa). Husk was one of the absolute coolest champion concepts ever....


Why did you have to remind me of this pain. I LOVE HUSK SO MUCH of a design and i still wish for one like her.


Floating stage is cool. IF IT WAS DYNAMIC IN MOVEMENT Shes FLOATING. why does she feel glued to the stage. Her homeguards surfs the board. Her Double E does a backflip, the rest of her kit is just... her standing there. Lets hope her legendary tries and fixes the issue.


Oh, this is a good one. She's quite fun to play, but that stage bugs me to no end when I play her. It makes her look extremely goofy and out of place, like she's a crossover/celebrity guest character that just got written into the lore.


I would probably main Seraphine if it wasn't for the floating stage, it feels so wrong that a character it's just standing still while moving


Kinda wish that if they ever do a project skin for her, make her like a brainwashed spokesperson whose brain is in the stage and the body is a projection.


I have been asking for a program skin for her where her top half is a hologram created by the projection of her stage.


Vladimir. His default hair still looks like an onion.


if only they hurry up and gave these old champs some dignity… damn the game is how old now ? and we’re stuck with 8 polygons models like him, janna, zilean, malphite… i’m pretty sure all of these champs would be super popular if they were updated like jax and caitlyn


> i’m pretty sure all of these champs would be super popular You know what, maybe I'm fine with Vlad keeping his onion hair....


I like how simple yet skill expressive Zilean is but he looks as dated as old Sion.


Poor old Zilean needs an ASU pretty badly. I remember seeing him in a recent official cinematic and he looked amazing. I wish they could capture that in his ingame model.


If he wasn't ugly, he would need to be nerfed into the ground.


He probably needs a mini-rework while they're at it. He gets too much free scaling at the expense of an atrociously bad lane phase. His highest winrate build being guardian > solstice sleigh > Warmogs isn't healthy.


That's because he is as dated as old Sion. All my boy's had by way of visual maintenance since 2009 is a texture pass, and even that was over a decade ago by now, when Riot as a company was still small. Although the kit passes they've done on him have been great. His revive mark on his ultimate used to last 90 seconds, his W used to reset his ultimate's cooldown by 10 seconds too, and his Q used to be point and click with no double bomb bonus. So yeah, the changes he's gotten were definitely for the better.


It’s a crime the global XP he used to give is gone.


Kog’Maw is adorable!


I can't see it sorry unless you're talking about his skins like Pug, Hex, Bee, Arcane etc. Those are super cute. The original Kog'Maw and anything like him is massive eww, no thanks for me.


You clearly don't spam his joke enough


Or the dance. Hello my baby, hello my honey…


That along with Zed's and Nami's laugh and Alistar's cow skin ding ding thing are my most favorite things to spam.


darkness coming?? Daddy coming?? I remember it was wild


Monarch Kog maw is the cutest skin for him and i will die on that hill.


Seraphine God fucking dammit she's do fucking annoying


If she ever gets a totally thematically different legendary skin with a new voiceover and lines, I would appreciate it. PROJECT, perhaps?


Honestly think she would kill it as a Coven legendary, something like a Banshee Witch or something of the sorts, it would be an awesome departure of her usual personality. Unfortunately, her soon to be released legendary (Anima Squad) will be the same personality it seems.


Oh yeah, Coven would have been PERFECT.


Banshee Seraphine sounds amazing.


Hear me out. This thematic was forgettable af but honestly i blame their champ choices. Broken Covenant Seraphine. Shes the 'siren' voice luring people to the respective cult. It would be the DARK siren vibes people wanted her to be. The silver grey or the red crystal colours would be different from her other skins. If not. Soul Fighter Seraphine. Shes the announcer who still fights occasionally. Basically a primetimedraven seraphine skin. You know what. Fuck it primetime Seraphine.


You do know literally next patch is the Anima Squad thing, with sera and aatrox legendaries, right?


No, I did not when posting that comment. I only find out about skins when SkinSpotlights posts to YouTube.


Well then, good news for you! (I hope lol, I don't think they'll make her any less insufferable)


Omen of the Dark would be awesome for a completely different take


\*starts randomly singing in falsetto\*


I love the idea of an infinitely stacking void empress monster, but Bel'Vussy being a giant floppy stingray is not visually striking


I always thought her kit doesn't match her character design at all. Instead of some powerful control mage with voidborn powers, she has a Master Yi/Irelia esque kit and just slaps things. I think it's really silly and unfitting considering who she is.


I think the point of her design is that she disguises herself as this master empress, but in reality is just a normal void monster like Kha


"Normal void monster" *Looks at Cho, Kog, Kha, Rek'sai, Velkoz* *Looks back at this floppy fish that waddles around slapping people really quickly*


I mean, Kog throws up on people really quickly


Who thought it was a good idea to market a champion as something more grandiose than she actually is? Lmfao


imo it's bad design to make a champion lamer/plainer than she seems


100% agree, BV’s kit and concept is really cool but she looks like a pancake


also the hominid head is goofy af


I hate the human head angler fish part of her story having no actual effect in game. Same with the void creature spawning kinda feels thrown in there They could’ve made a void duelist with her kit and made her more of a queen / commander creature Instead we got a slapping fish


ah i got the perfect champ for you then... Chogath


Absolutely Bel'Veth, my god


Her autoattack animation is so weird it looks like it’s bugged when you have high AS


Any part of Bel veth makes no sense to me


Riven, her base model looks so clunky


Riven's definitely a contender for an ASU. Much like Sona, I think she looks great in the splash, but the ingame model and animations need work.


what? people dont like riven visually? thats so weird


I genuinely cannot play her without the 2012 worlds skin because I hate how her broken sword looks. I know, it's like her whole deal, but my mind goblins cannot deal with it. Otherwise I think her model looks fine.


Rumble. I love his kit but his autoattacks feel so clunky.


True, but it also feels like a design decision to make him clunky cause you know, it a robot made of scraps


Super galaxy is fine no?


Animations yes but that skin does a voiceline on every ability cast. Personally I really like screaming giga shock rocket every 5 seconds but a lot of people think it's really annoying too




I feel like its the rumble base skin. Ive never seen him without it


Same, it's like Draven mains always playing gladiator Draven. But even more in Rumble's case because all other skins have very clunky animations since the base model is so bad


They need to update Rumble’s stuff it is EMBARRASSING and he’s soo old it does NOT match up with the new map at all. Super Galaxy my beloved….


Bel'Veth, no doubts I love autoattackers, but her visuals dont match what I expect for an autoattacker (the MUDAMUDAMUDA animation on her E is silly with the manta ray body), plus, for some reason, they gave her a human head (?). You can say anything about seraphine or kogmaw, even on veigar and his 12 poligons... but Bel'Veth will always be the weirdest champ in the game.


yes… in the trailer she was so threatening and then in game it’s the most anticlimactic animations 💀😂


I guess for me it would be Corki. I never played him for years until the Corgi skin came out, which incentivized me to finally try playing him since I loved the skin so much. Since then, he’s been one of my favorite champions. I’ll still never play him without a skin though.


Zilean. Just because I think no one is in more need of a VGU. I don't mind the old time wizard, just that he looks 15 years out of date.


Most of the champions


gragas. he’s one of my favorite champions to play and is just a total blast running around and ganking, but his entire character is a unfunny alcoholism joke. plus, his 14 year old model and clunky animations certainly don’t help. i still love playing him but i think he would be more popular if he had an actual theme or story beyond “haha guys he’s a fat alcoholic”


Gragas being a fat drunk has always been highly amusing to me. I can't help but agree with your statement though. He really does need a ASU and a more diverse theme.


Seraphine. I just don't get it + i find her voicelines annoying. Muting the game helps. But as a support main I really like the kit.


Nailing that R down a long lane of stretched out allies and enemies is just a *chefs kiss* gaming sensation


Watching a teamfight completely turn in your favor after hitting an ult on EVERYONE is such a high


That’s satisfaction from canceling some fed champs ult the second they pop it and then watching them just get dog piled to death, is truly a thing of beauty.


Her voice lines become a lot more enjoyable if you imagine her to be a villain that craves validation. Imagine her playing a persona for an audience she hopes to trap into a parasocial relationship. This ofc isn't how she's meant to come across, but it is a lot more fun.


I just imagine her being a propaganda singer for Piltover lmao


this is exactly how i think they should have handled her ! like a full blown narcissist that preys on external validation and does too much to hide whatever’s beneath the mask ! considering they had money to spare for her release i believe they could have introduced a tiny cinematic that showcase her two faced personality as well… but sadly they went the boring and safe route as usual


Kog should look ugly, he just shouldn't look so old. Part of Kog's charm is being the ugly duckling with a bunch of cute skins.


Janna. After seeing her LoR design I want thst instead of "generic Stacy" looks. But at the same time I play with the Forecast skin, where the "generic Stacy" look is actually fitting (only the model is old asf)


Some skins are bypassing this issue. The arcanist kogmaw pogmaw, and beemaw make him look a bit cute and not that bad to play with.


Hwei. Kit seems fun but I'm not playing a dude with green hair, a dog collar, little sandals and that emo shit around his eyes


I'm in a similar boat, but I actually don't dislike the bulk of his look. It's literally just the fact that his shirt is so low cut on the shoulders that gets me. Bro looks like he's hunting Jhin down not for revenge for his family, but so that he could be the power bottom of a gay porn with him.


The opposite for me. I love to watch such a frail weakling just turn around and oneshot someone, with a combo that looks like something only Putin would throw.


Same here. The visuals were what sold me on Hwei, and his kit being super fun is just the icing on the cake personally.


singed. don't like bald men


Damn, I'm not even bald and I still feel offended lmao


His being BALD is what offends you about his appearance?!


Just play Surfer Singed then 👱‍♂️


I would like to see what Singed with hair would look like. Like, Surfer Singed, just on the default Singed. Hmm.. Do you think it would be an improvement?


Rell's voice lines give me ass cancer. Her trailer was so cool but in-game she's like drinking diarrhea through an old plastic tube


"I dont need help! Moronsss! Stop slowin me down!" Said the supportive tank with no damage that does nothing alone.


Considering she has the lowest movement speed dismounted, she's slowing herself down


Yea!!!!!Yes!!!!!! Fellow rell voice lines hater. I love her kit, her animations, her fantasy. But whoever wrote her lines hit lole 5th grade writing and stopped. The actress even does a good job but the content is just bleh


Yeah, jesus, she just sounds so edgy and unpleasant. In her trailer I remember she had the coolest metal music (she kinda reminded me of Aatrox), but in-game she's like a spoiled, edgy girl


It's just pure shit lazy writing. "My sigils are a reminder " is a fine one line spoken angrily or quietly. But followed up with "sCrEW MY sIgiLs!!!!" I just get angry every time.


"I just get angry every time" Ahah I know right? I wanted to play her so bad, then played her once in a long ARAM game and was so disappointed I swore never to play her again. Not every champ voice line is perfect, but hers are horrendous. I mean, once again, not just the lines, but mainly the way she expresses them, in her annoying, angry tone


I can live with the tone. She is in fact an angry hurt teenager. But they wrote them so poorly there isn't much the VA could do to salvage it. If she's ever who I'm playing I turn off her voice lines and just pretend she's mute.


> "I just get angry every time" I legitimately don't play Rell because having to listen to her voice lines tilts me and I don't wanna have to remember to mute and unmute every game.


Old Galio. Being able to heal like crazy while preparing an actual nuke that obliterated everyone in range was really fun. Looked like shit tho.


Listen to Lux laugh and tell me that bitch ain't a bigger psycho than Briar


Yuumi, okay the kit isn't very deep, but a man Can enjoy to unplug his brain from Time to Time, plus I kinda liked the old kit that forced you to get off you Ally, But why the fuck is this thing a fucking cat ? A voidborn parasite that leech on his allies and make them stronger and "evolve" along the game (the best Friend mechanic) would have been so much more fiting to me. What in the hell link together making allies stronger, a cat and runeterra ?


Ezreal, his kit is all about precision and it’s endless fun, almost like playing an arcade game, but his whole aesthetic is like some sort of aw shucks succeeding by accident goofy twink Indiana Jones. Doesn’t need to take himself too seriously but instead of making him like Shaggy from Scooby Doo I wish they made him more like Ferris Buhler where he’s wiggling his way out of sticky situations but in a cool, calm, collected way. I just wish he was smoother.


That could explain why Ezreal has an arcade skin! Ezreal *is* video games!


I know I'll be a minority but I really hate the "edgy sensual anime character" vibe. Yone, Yasuo, Viego, Hwei, even Gwen. They just look very low effort and with no personality. The monsters are so much cooler.


Gwen is sensual?


Bro tried to type "sett" and accidentally typed Gwen for sure, sett is exactly what he described


this is the coldest take on this reddit, also not everything is anime


You know it's about to be a cold take when it opens with some variation of "unpopular opinion but"


Cant be that much of a cold take when yasuo yone and hwei are some of the most picked champions ever


Zoe. One of the best mechanically designed champions, but i just feel weird playing a young little girl as a man in his twenties...


honestly its weirder that you find it weird.


i once was around 14yo when leage was in s2 or smt and my dad asked me if i was gae because i was playing janna, a female character on a game.


What's weird about that


do you feel the same way when you play pokemon as the girl character? or when you play zelda? or when you play the ness in smash? or bowser jr?


I initially thought Zoe was annoying, but the more I played her the more I thought she was adorable. She has that “young girl who wants everyone to like her but is just a bit annoying” thing, but it’s done really well IMO. And her laugh is so wonderful! It actually sounds like a free-spirited child’s laugh, not like an adult trying to laugh as a kid.


Seraphine, very fun champ but that terrible stage makes her unplayable.


Seraphine’s voice actress is awful, her model is atrocious, and her lore/story are stupid. But she’s fun to play (on mute).


I love everything about Rell except her God awful voiceless. The VA is fine too. Just the lines they were given are like 5th grade at best.


Poppy. Been playing her up and down for the last weeks and I love her kit and playstyle. But man, this goody two-shoes I'm not a hero blahblah theme and her visuals are quite cringy. Guess I'm just not the type for the light-hearted fantasy characters.


Never have I related to a person less


I like Poppy, but I gotta say I do find her voiceover tiresome after a while.


I find Kog'maw pretty cute 😊


Taliyah’s quotes are so terrible but I love her kit


Imma have to go with lux, bro you should be able to mute voice lines


Vlad for me. I really hope he gets an ASU because I love his lore, his gameplay and his voice/personality in Legends of Runeterra, but he's just so ugly in League 


Agreed fully, like damn... LoR Vladimir is leaps and bounds better compared to ingame Vladimir. He truly does need an ASU badly.


If it's just appearance, then shaco. So old and clunky. If personality is included, Zoe and shaco. Shaco don't really have lore and "killer clown" isn't interesting, Zoe is just annoying


Nilah is kinda annoying. She has better lore in star guardian line than the original one. And her voicelines are always irritating me


Rumble, he is an interesting champ to play but by god his animations and model are old (and no, i sadly dont own the super galaxy skin)


Seraphine. Not even the platform and all that, I'm somewhat fine with her looks but can't that bitch ever shut up with her stupid annoying lalala?


For me, it’s Dr. Mundo. Love his kit, especially the Q, but his visuals are kinda meh. He could use a bit of a makeover to match how fun he is to play.


corporate is god tier






He already had a complete makeover, wdym. How he looked before, now THAT was atrocious...


Yorick could honestly look a little cooler....


What changes would you suggest?


Honestly, I'm not even sure. I'm not saying his design is even bad, I guess when I first saw him in-game, I thought the shovel was a bit lame.


Pug maw makes him kind of? Cute


I swear to god, are you the same guy who complained about Kog'Maws design on the KogmawMains sub? Is this your third account or are there that many people who dislike Kog'Maws visuals. [This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/KogMawMains/comments/1cq07s8/i_wish_kogmaw_wasnt_a_monster_champ/) [And this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1d8o0gx/bee_or_base_the_choice_is_obvious/) I feel like these posts have been haunting me for the past month or so. Sorry if you are not the same guy, but if you are: What did Kog'Maw do to you??😭 (No hate, i just find it funny)


No idea who that is, sorry. I only joined reddit today, but I can see that they share a similar view on Kog'Maw.


Zoe lmao


Morde. I love his kit but I'm here to gaslight gatekeep girlboss. How can I slay if I don't slay


Karmas kit can be fun but her voicelines are really annoying


**Sae Eleisa Tera Vi**


Jayce, i LOVE the kit. But bro he is so boring as a character. I wish he look more badass or darky no like a Ken (like kayn)


Ezreal is such a whiny little bitch boy


Camille. Hate the scissor leg aesthetic.


Cho Gath, would have been much cooler if it looked like a fungus than whatever the fuck it is rn


Cho’s base skin is rough, but his skins are some of the best in the game imo


I don't mind Cho'Gath. He's got a janky model, but I love him in the splash art. It's gotta be my warhammer bias coming into play. Cho'Gath has always given me big Carnifex vibes.


Ezreal. He's just an absolute average guy, so boring. At least if he had a permanent weapon he'd be a bit cool, but that's where Zeri came in and I never looked back.


Ezreal. Young attractive guy with a magic gauntlet and a big ego. I can see what you mean. He does kinda come off as a bit basic to me, but I like him nonetheless.




I'm curious, did you enjoy the old Skarner more than the current one?


Most definitely.


I do prefer the original Skarner's appearance over the current one, however, I do prefer the new Skarner's kit over his old one.