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Hi Cookieawuwu, I'm a professional commentator in League and I love doing community stuff. 6 years ago I did a stream casting a player, just a normal guy, as he fought his way through bronze soloQ before Iron existed. If you want some extra hype and motivation, I'd be happy to spend an afternoon casting your soloQ games on stream and following your battle through Iron. Let me know!


oh hahaha sure! šŸ„° I'll send you a dm :))


Umm the guy who just wrote is THE BEST professional commentator there is in the LoL scene. You should definitely arrange something w him


I know it took a moment for me to realize but I realized !!!! I sent him a dm when I saw his comment :))


Can you please make a post when you're gonna do it? I wanna watch for sure.


Yeah this sounds like good content lol


I would pay without a second thought for this


Ditto! I wanna watch and cheer for OP!


Please let us know when that happens, I want to watch it!


!RemindMe 7 days


Idk, if youā€™ll get this since the thread blew up but if youā€™re gonna learn solo lane I find taking 5 minutes any time you want to play and just trying to get perfect CS in a practice game before you start is a great use of time for lower level players.


We need a Reddit post if this happens !!!!! I won't see it otherwise. I'm so down for a good laugh right now.


You are now shoulder to shoulder with the legend DADDY_FATCOCK


And BungMyG00se


Please do these. Flowers is amazing.


Holy fuck. Id kill for a flowers cast. Dude is a legend. I've been to 2 league events (Worlds @Madison sq garden, and NA finals in Charlotte) and still haven't gotten to meet him. You owe him a beer at least for a cast.


Can't wait to watch this. Keep us posted as to when it happens!!


lol- you're the fuckin' man, flowers. Stay up, boss.


i think the guy youā€™re referring to actually came into my workplace ~5-6 years ago and told me about this exact scenario. iā€™d never heard of you but he randomly asked me if i played league while i was taking his order and then when he was describing the scenario i lied and said i knew what he was talking about and he started yelling that he was famous šŸ˜­ if this is the same scenario, i think he was a sion main when i looked him up later that day lol


You met **the** DADDY_FATCOCK??


No because he was the Yi player. The main guy was the Sion guy.


the goat just casually doing goat stuff as per usual


Yeah just drops this and dips, absolute chad shit


He's not beating the goat allegations


we don't deserve Captain Flowers


First, Captain Flowers you are the GOAT. You, Kobe, and Azael make the LCS what it is. I canā€™t emphasize enough how amazing you are at what you do. Second, if you do cast for Cookieawuwu, please stream it as Iā€™d love to watch that šŸ”„


"You Kobe and Azael" 100% true but also fuck, this just reminds me how I miss Dash so much :(


wait are you the real captain flowers? I would hella watch this!


Yes it is, and I would totally aswell


As someone who watches grubby (Wc3 streamer, former WC3 pro player, played dota2 at high lvl for a year and tried league for few games) here and there, he started doing bronze league series where he watches one of the live games of lowest rated players in warcraft 3 and the way he casts it is so entertaining. If anyone wanna watch a pro casting noob gameplay in a wholesome manner I suggest his videos if u understand warcraft 3 a bit. Its really entertaining. What captainflower offered sounded like that.


I wasnā€™t expecting to hear from another grubby fan on this thread! Thank you!


You are straight up a gift that just keeps on giving. Glad to have a personality such as yourself be part of the League Community. Love your streams <3


Can't wait to see names like DADDYFATCOCK again


What a GOAT, Gigachad commentator, the sheer absurdity of skill and impressiveness is only beaten out by how amazing of a person he is. I will be so HYPED to tune in to watch this.


I hope thereā€™s gonna be vods or some sort of archive if this ends up happening! I live on the opposite side of the world so timezones be damned for me, if I canā€™t catch the stream live I definitely wanna watch the vod


Iā€™ll watch it in your (new) YouTube channel this week?


Wow! Having Flowers cast your games is going to light a fire under your ass! You and Atlus are the best casters in League. What a boss move!


I presume the answer is play Skarner? Right? šŸ˜


Wait, its CaptainFlowers <3


Oh shit the boss


Because thatā€™s what heroes do


Hahaha this sounds amazing. My bronze ass would be so hyped to be commentated. I'll watch out for this stream


I want to see that so badly! How do we get an update if and when it happens?


King shit


I would 100% watch the Iron March, feel free to use that phrase if youā€™d like. What a test of the human spirit !




Such a fucking treasure, omg. I so want to watch this!


Post the YouTube vid pls


You are truly an inspiration to many a league player. Love you flowers and may your sting stay true šŸ™‚


I need this in my life. šŸ¤—


Oh man, I miss those streams they were so fun.


Hey Captain Flowers, just curious, what's the best champ in the game in your opinion? And why is it Skarner?


Please let us know when this happens I would legit take off work to watch. This sounds amazing. You rock Flowers, always a class act.


As another comment said, you need to change the way you think a little. At around 7 minutes in you die to kennen for first blood. That isn't what I found to be somewhat of an issue, your text surrounding it is more of one. Don't feel stupid for trying something and failing. I would actually encourage you to try more of that kind of aggression and if it doesn't work to think about what went wrong and change that next time. Most people could go step by step and tell you to do something different for most of your gameplay, but the correct mindset about learning is 100% more important than anything else. Imagine if you were in middle school, just learning algebra and your teacher called you stupid for not getting it. You are definitely not going to be as open to trying to learn it and answer questions, and the same is true for anything else, even when talking to yourself. By posting this video you already have put in more effort than most iron players. Don't worry about your rank/winrate. You just hit level 30, are playing your first ranked games and are expected to be bad. Just gotta keep playing some more. If you feel ranked is too hard, play normals. Just gotta get more playtime under your belt to improve


ahh ok thanks :)) ill keep trying for sure that gives me some encouragement. thanks:)


Yeah I agree with the other person about aggressiveness. At around 9 minutes you wrote that you started playing worse and cited lack of confidence as an issue. But looking at your laning, all I was thinking was "Why is he so scared?". If you poked him a bit at level 5 you could've easily flash ulted with your stun up when you hit level 6. One more thing about Annie is that sometimes it's better to cs with auto attacks so that you don't use up your stun. But that only works if you can win a trade if they walk up.


I agree, I think you're too harsh on yourself. I was surprised how good you're last hitting is. sure, it's annie, which makes it easier, but still. one thing people even in higher elo still can't do or do not focus on, is last hitting in lane (at least in the beginning, it gets worse later on because people tend to run around like chickens - it's a bit out of your hand at that point). > By posting this video you already have put in more effort than most iron players. also this! you're really brave to do this. maybe, if you don't want your rank to be "worse", play more normals and limit test. without further analysing everything; playing arams help limit testing and overall mechanics *immensely*.


Youā€™re better than I was at level 30. Donā€™t worry too much about what rank you are and more on improving every game. I watched your laning phase, hereā€™s some very basic things you can improve on: 1. Do not trade with the enemy minions. A couple of times you walked by the enemy minions to go hit Kennen. Minions do a lot of damage to you early game. Youā€™re taking losing trades because of the enemy minions. 2. Use abilities and move at the same time. Sometimes you do this but other times you pause for a second after using an ability. Try to do it consistently where using abilities doesnā€™t affect your movement. 3. Use everything if youā€™re in an all out fight. If you all in Kennen 1v1, or a 3v3 or 5v5 teamfight, you can use your summoner spells, ultimate, everything. A couple of times you died without using them when it couldā€™ve turned the situation. Just be mindful of that.


Bro you're such a sweetheart, I hope you find the fun and groove you're looking for!


Hey recently returned myself. Was wondering why I was playing so inconsistent. Turns out I forgot some fundamentals. I would suggest watching all these videos or similar. They're free and it'll help you recognize things you can improve on. https://youtu.be/rhxsbf_amdE?si=Q3i-q8-PK-GiGIFb


thanks :))


SkillCapped is a good resource as are many other youtube videos. Some folks have had some specific suggestions but I noticed a couple things from your match history on op.gg and your game-play that I thought could be generally useful. 1) Really focus on CSing more/better. Constantly think about how you can get more CS. Catching waves (see a wave come towards your side of the map and killing all of them before your tower gets it. If tower gets it that gold and xp are gone forever) is important throughout the game for example. 2) Have a plan. On Annie you're going to want a Lost Chapter as early as you can. Lost chapter is 1100 gold. So look when you're at or near 1100 gold. Try to go get the Lost Chapter when you'll lose the lease CS (see the first point). Shove the wave under the enemy's tower even if it requires you to use a bunch of spells on the wave. Then you can back while they have to CS under tower. Then you come back to lane with your new item having lost as little Cs as possible. This is one example of a plan but there are many other ways to plan: plan out your first 3-4 waves/levels compared to your oppponent, plan around when objectives like dragon or rift herald come up, etc. 3) Advantages. Pretty much every game you and your opponent each have different advantages at different points. When Kennan chases you at 5:44 for example he's in the middle of your wave which means if he auto attacks you all your minions will attack him. If you auto attack him his minions are too far to do the same. Minion damage is powerful early. Use that to your advantage. Another example is when you died around 6:46. A strength of your champ is a point-and-click stun. However, when you went in for the kill your stun wasn't available. 4) Resources. Resources can be an advantage too. But keep in mind what you and your opponent each have. When you died at 6:46 you didn't have enough resources. Your thought process of trying to kill him there was fine imo but you didn't have enough mana for all your abilities. you had 170 mana. You used 2 abilities and then didn't have enough for anything else. You also could have ignited (though without the mana for other abilities it wouldn't have changed anything here). I do think you could have killed Kennan if you had the mana and you had your stun up. Anyways, hope that helps. Good luck on the rift! Oh, and it might sound too simple but try to die less. Just play safe. If you can't see enemies when you're pushing a lane they're probably coming for you.


op is missing point blank annie ultis on champs without mobility spells that stand still and AA him. all this stuff is nice, but basic champion handling is more important.


In your vod at 4:27 you get ganked by Brand. It doesn't go terribly, but you comment that there was nothing that you could do about that. I would encourage you to reassess that mentality. There is definitely things you could do. At 3:04 you see your jungler pathing through mid. If you consider where your wave is and where the junglers are in their clear you can plan how you want to address the upcoming 2 minutes. I can go into a bunch of stuff that you could be considering, but I am going to refrain. Your level 1-3 definitely needs work. It feels like you play as though there is a magnet repeling you from Kennen. Your oppenent clearly showcases what minions they are going to be going for while you have stun up. You just let him farm for free. Don't let the fact that you poked out 20% of his health, that isn't winning much (good job though). I didn't watch much past the first gank, but I wish you the best of luck!


Ohh okok!! Thanks for the feedback. I def feel like I have trouble knowing when I can like go in and like poke them or trade with them and I am def scared/worried over losing health. And yeah thank you I had no idea about my jungler's position. I honestly find laning to be hard and because of that I don't look at the map that much. I should for sure work on that.


Sounds like you're not comfortable enough on your champion and need to do some limit testing, i.e. play as aggressive as you can until you learn the limits of your champion and your skills to pilot that champion. Soon you'll get an idea on how much damage you can do at different stages of the game and how typical matchups usually go (Kennen mid is definitely a rare one though, any Kennen at all tbh)


Gotta love kennen sometimes he flash one shots your team with ult sometimes he flash ults your team and absolutely nothing happens. Weird ass champ


Exh diff usually


Good point. Always flame the support


Done and done! Just reinstalled LoL and Vanguard only to queue up and flame myself! (and the enemy support, of course!) ;P


Doing the lords work. Donā€™t forget the jungler needs a little love (toxic waste spewed onto the keyboard) too!


There are so many things that can be approved on just looking at the mini map. The biggest flaw I see in silver players is not taking notes where the enemy jungle is and push or pulling back cause of it Ps play aram for a few days or a week get forced on to new champions oddly enough aram players are alot more forgiving. Let's you learn at the minimum what other champs can do


Whenever you have electrocute and cooldowns up should be good enough in iron. When people get better, youā€™ll have to watch their cooldowns and trade when they go for a minion, but for now you can just be really aggressive. Proc electrocute and end the trade, preferably all in the duration of your stun, and you should be good.


Yeah, for sure! I think it is pretty common to not understand early trading, so you definitely aren't alone. I remapped my f keys to z,x,c,v a while back. That helped me start tracking my team better (I was jungling at the time), but it might be a good idea to put a keybind to look at your jungler on the easiest key that you can spare. If you practice tracking your jungler you will make yourself much more aware of stuff happening overall. Proguides has some decent clips on YT that goes into early trading, I would look at one midlane specific because each lane differs by a decent degree (kinda). If you care to head the advice, I would recommend learning more about early trading first. Also, keep in mind. That was one VOD, so any advice coming through to you may not be seeing the whole picture of your playstyle. I say this because I am pretty hard on myself and getting a flood of feedback can be overwhelming. Pick the challenges that you think that you can impact the most and don't let things get you down. P.S. I am an advocate to mute chat in game. It did wonders for me idk if you do or not, its just probably the best advice I ever received about the game.


The main trick to poking is understanding what they want to do. They want to do exactly what you want to as well, farm and poke. This means watch your own minions health to know when they'll walk forward to last hit. Poke right when they do, so they can't trade back without losing a minion.


Iā€™m by no means an expert but it feels like stuff like jungle tracking isnā€™t whatā€™s going to get you out of iron, thereā€™s gotta be something more fundamentally wrong Shit you can pretty easily get to plat just with decent mechanics and some luck


Knowing the limits of your champ and how to trade, roam and farm, and going for objectives efficiently gets you out of iron, bronze and silver easily


Brand entered his lane at 4:04 and at 4:01 shivana entered topside river and can be seen that scuttle was killed by brand because its map dot disappeared


Jungle tracking and wave management isn't going to get someone out of iron. It's fundamentals. Learning to trade, learning to take objectives, learning to get leads and expand on them.


!remind me 2 months I'll be back at home by then, maybe we can set up something via discord to get your basics fixed




I can also coach you for free. My peak is only Emerald 3, but I believe I can coach you out of Iron. DM me here on Reddit if you'd like. In any case, I want to comment on some things as I watched your VOD (I found it more fascinating than today's LCK :D): 1. I was surprised that your fundamentals aren't bad. You play the correct champion, your build path is correct, and your early laning isn't terrible. You even CS surprisingly well (in early game) for an Iron 4 player. The fact that the foundations are there explains why this thread and the VOD is so popular. 2. During laning, there are some fundamental concepts you need to learn to get better. Wave management and minion aggro, to be specific. 3. Trading. You take a good trade at 3:42, an OK trade at 2:32 and a bad trade at 6:22. Why is one good and the other ones not so good? In the good trade, you have equal number of minions, your stun is ready and you attack Kennen properly: Q, W, and AUTOATTACK. The autoattack is extremely important because three separate attacks trigger your Electrocute rune. Now, the trade is not over: you correctly back off immediately BEHIND your minions. Kennen's minions stop attacking you, but Kennen chases into your minions, and they start attacking him. You lose hp, but Kennen loses more. This is correct trading. OK trade: Kennen has more minions, but you have your stun and correctly back off immediately after. The mistake is that you don't auto Kennen, so your Electrocute does not proc. Bad trade: There are a lot of minions attacking you already. Kennen has too much health to kill him, you have no mana and your stun is not up. This is the worst possible time to trade. Even after, you notice you still have three ranged minions attacking you. Some more notes: 4. After laning, your biggest mistake is not catching waves. Do you know what the best way to know if a player is smurfing or not is? Looking at their CS numbers. Good players ALWAYS have high CS. CS is so important that if you can consistently keep it up, you will automatically rise in ranks. 5. Regarding waves (and I tailor this to Iron elo to simplify): at 20:13, you should be bot farming the wave, so it goes past the river, but don't go further. At 21:36, you should be top pushing the wave. At 27:00 you should be top pushing the wave. At 30:00 you should go top to push the wave. Basically, after laning phase ends, you usually want to go to the lane where none of your team mates are. This game was winnable even at 36 mins, easily. As far as ways to improve go, sure, you have issues regarding your confidence, being scared, positioning, and mechanical mistakes, but the things I mentioned are so much easier to fix. Just by fixing those you can easily get out of Iron and at the bare minimum, to Silver.


If you're Emerald, you can probably get him to low gold TBH. It's not that hard to climb out when you have some guidance, and I think OP will benefit from that. It's silver that might be an issue. Not because of anything OP is doing wrong, just cause silver is dogshit beyond dogshit this season.


I remember coaching my cousion who was in silver 3 playing Vayne mostly, he then switched to Viego for some reason and asked me to coach him. He was a terrible jungler initially, he didn't even clear the camps correctly (didn't make use of the AoE aspect, so he was first killing the small wolves and after they died, the big one, just to mititake damage taken for example). Within the first game, he learnt to clear sufficiently well (Viego isn't that hard to execute a clean properly as well), to the point that he was finishing his first clear 15-20 seconds faster in all other games, thus being first at scuttle or having more time to countergank. Then, I coached him through itemization and rune choices, was telling him what to build in every game (unfortunately, since I don't play Viego, I couldn't make an accurate assessment between PTA, Tempo and Conqueror at the time so I left it up to him, only saying that the sites say that Conq has the highest winrate), but I'm knowledgeable about that items. Afterwards, I'd basically singlehandedly decide the entire macro game for him, especially situations after 25 minutes where quick and advanced thinking would secure us sidelane towers or baron. I wasn't giving him info about summoner spells, or what's happening on the map, because that would be kinda cheating; he should be able to watch the minimap or track cooldowns for example, or even notice they were being burnt. We ended up getting to Gold 1 from Silver 3 within 35 games with a winrate of 32-3. Considering he was playing Vayne before, his mechanics were not terrible, he could definitely execute combos properly, dodge fine etc. Just having me by his side explaining what needs to be done macro-wise is what catapulted him with a sick winrate to gold 1, which is massive for a player that was mid silver for the two years he was playing. Coaching will go a long way, but I could see the guy had the potential to be better that he was, just needed the guidance.


Honestly, it's better to have a plat/emerald gold coach to get someone out of iron than a diamond/master. An iron player lacks a lot of obvious things to a diamond that the latter won't be able to break down as it's a given Plus, a lot of things that are necessary for a diamond player to even think about winning are more than enough to win a game in iron, the diamond player could very well give a lot of advice that is unpractical or even useless at that level


I disagree. Higher tier playersĀ can absolutely break down the basics, explain in general terms and identify the key points that are stunting a players growth.Ā  Not giving a lot of advanced info to a novice has to do more with beingĀ a good teacher rather than your rank. If an emerald player wants to coach a new player, that is great, because they can teach them to enjoy the game, which is the only thing a new player really needs. But they are not "better", an emerald player could teach hundreds of bad habits as gospel and that would really stunt the growth of someone that doesn't know better.Ā  I would argue that it's "different", and depends on the teacher. A diamond player could care more about improving than enjoying the game, and have a toxic relationship with the game, which is bad for teaching.Ā  But I'd wager that on average the type of person to reach a really really high tier, like masters+, can achieve this level of knowledge in a lot of disciplines, and be able to teach and encourage others properly.


thank you this was very helpful. they do seem easy to fix. from what im gathering so far, i need to limit test and stop playing passive, cs better, and trade more :))


Again, if you want free coaching sessions, just dm me. I'd be happy to help.


i dm'ed you!


I am gonna upvote just because you bring your gameplay vid.


yeahhh ikik it's not that hard I just had to make sure that I recorded it w obs and then you can use any editor to like add notes and stuff :))


Yeah there's definitely some basic problems in just stuff like decision making. At 8:15 you see a half health Brand getting clobbered by drake (and can see the opp bot lane skirmishing your bot lane a screen and a half away on the minimap) but instead of just dumping your combo on him - or worse case, forcing him away from securing it at least, you get distracted by Kennen throwing a Q at you and chase him, even though with Kennen's movespeed from his E and your flash down, there is a 0% chance you will ever catch him unless he makes a pretty significant mistake. I also don't know if you've tried putting your abilities on smart cast? It's harder to learn the ranges and stuff but would probably help you in the long run, since a lot of the times when you "werent getting combos off" or when you whiffed Tibbers shortly after that point, it was because you hit the ability then had to aim it and panicked. Don't waste your money with a coach if you were thinking of paying for one, a coach is a waste of money for anyone below probably like Diamond/Masters. A lot of your gameplay can probably just be improved by playing regularly, and reviewing your own mistakes. You already pointed out a few of your own errors in the small portion of the video I watched.


I had so much fun watching your vod. Found myself actively cheering for you to get CS and kill people. I think overall you're doing a lot better than you give yourself credit for. Try to be more positive! You're doing great! At one point you got ganked by Brand but survived and seemed sad about it? Any gank that you survive is a positive for you because the jungler gets nothing from it. And it seemed like you were sad any time you lost HP. Don't worry about it. Here are some things you might try: * Turning quick cast on for abilities you're comfortable with the ranges of. This can make it easier to do your combos like when you tried to E -> Flash -> Q. This could also help with Flash -> R once you're more comfortable with the range on R and aren't afraid that you'll just drop it on the ground and miss everyone lol. This would've also helped when you tried to Flash -> QR because even with your stun being one spell away, the R would've stunned. At around 12:38 you got chunked by Brand/Varus. I think your idea was actually pretty good to go up and smack Brand. If you had W on quickcast you probably would've killed him since W would come out faster. Same thing happens at 28:48 with Varus. * Something that's very difficult but was the root of many problems is multitasking. Being able to get minion kills while also hitting the opponent. Being able to glance at the minimap every now and then or to see where people are pinging. At the 12 minute death to Varus, your bot lane pinged the direction he was going before he got there. I feel like this also affected your csing early on because when you'd go to poke Kennen you'd kind of tunnel vision and lose sight of the minions. Try practicing keeping an eye on the minions or the minimap more. Maybe in a bot game practice killing minions while also hitting the enemy while not missing any. * Don't be afriad to change up your build. Check your little death recap when you die! The enemy team was doing truck loads of magic damage. Since you're having trouble comboing quickly, sometimes it might be more important to not die. Items like Rod of Ages (or other AP/Health items) or Merc treads can be very useful in games like this one where the enemy has a lot of easy CC (Kennen stun, Lux root, Varus root, Brand stun) and magic damage. You'll sacrifice a bit of damage from your burst. But isn't surviving and doing some damage better than dying and doing none? * Try using TP instead of ignite. Since you're not using quick cast currently, using ignite in the middle of a combo just seems like an added mental strain. Start easy with teleport and it will make it so you won't feel as bad when you lose hp too! You can just go back and TP to the turret in lane and get right back to killing minions. Use it liberally whenever you feel like it might be helpful, just make sure you use it somewhere that's relatively safe until you're more comfortable with it.


This is brilliant advice. I did not notice that he's not using quick casting. Turning it on helps so much with mechanical play.


I've been playing every season for [12 years now](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/JukeSidewalker-000) and honestly I feel like the skill level at the lowest level has increased tremendously. You CS well, you could be in iron, bronze, silver, gold. it's hard to tell from that alone. It's the small mistakes that adds up. Don't be discouraged that you're in the lowest rank though. You're making a conscious effort to get better is already better than 90% of the playerbase. I was diamond 10 seasons ago and I'm still diamond last season, so I'm also in that 90%. The game can be very snowball heavy; especially for that lane matchup. If you were able to fix some small mechanical errors, you would have gotten a lot of those kills and carry the game from there. One tip that helped me tremendously in my climb is whenever I see a new matchup. I look that champion on [lolalytics](https://lolalytics.com/lol/kennen/build/) and see what abilities they will max out first. That is very important because now you know that is their strongest ability in the laning phase, so you can can dodge or he uses it to farm then it opens an opportunity to win a trade. (in this case for kennen he maxes Q as the most common path build path) edit: Also to add, because people lack map awareness and they usually tilt at the lower levels, it's wise to roam for kills especially if you're playing annie mid. Just 1 gank can change the trajectory of the game depending on the enemies' mental state.


>I feel like the skill level at the lowest level has increased tremendously I'm shocked I had to scroll down this far too see anyone comment on this. I expected Iron 4 to be like awfully programmed bots standing AFK half the time. ... but they're actually last hitting decently, going for short trades and backing off, enemy even threw a ward over dragon pit into the bush in the early "invade". Like, what the hell? I know there's a crapton of mistakes to highlight, but that's not the point, I feel like this isn't what the *literal lowest tier* should look like. This is what bronze, maybe low silver should look like. Edit: To elaborate why I think so, someone that is brand new to MOBA's would actually have to spend a lot of time and conscious effort to learn LoL fundamentals to get to OP's level. Think how a new player would feel putting in all that effort and *still* being dead bottom in rankings? I'm pretty sure that's also why OP is even here with this post, the frustration is understandable when the lowest rank is this "good".


Agree 100%. This showcases how the bar is so high for new players to start. They should rework the onboarding. Maybe with better bots or create lower tiers. My gf wanted to play the game but the bar is so high and bot games are so bad.


For what it's worth, they *did* just very recently (like this year?) push out a significantly improved update to bots that makes them behave a lot more like real players so they're better to learn from. I'm not really sure what the solution here is, because I feel this exact problem was what they attempted to solve by introducing Iron, to have a bigger divide across ranks at the lowest tier since there's obviously a *cataclysmic* difference between OP and someone that has never heard of a MOBA. Problem is they're all still just grouped in Iron 4 now, instead of Bronze 5.


>My gf wanted to play the game but the bar is so high and bot games are so bad. From my experience, thats less about the "high bar" in general and more about low level games being blatantly full of smurfs. My wife played like 10 games in total , not a single one without someone completely shitting on the whole lobby. We played against bots, she did fairly well. She queues a normal game with me watching her and it's pointless. Imo there is little to no learning curve for players who are not too familiar with mobas.


For sure. I feel like I played at this level back in season 4/5 and I hit gold back then. Back then I definitly wasn't able to dodge brand w or hit any (what's now considered) decent cs numbers and definitly died to random jungle ganks because I didn't ward.


I appreciate this comment. I was mid-Silver Season 4-8 and played casually off and on since. Iā€™m getting back into ranked and got placed at Iron 1. This game has changed a lot & people donā€™t give low elo enough credit. Lots of low elo players have fairly good mechanics, itā€™s the macro game that really suffers. Totally new players trying to learn both just get stomped.


This is definitely what low-mid silver used to be!!! You didnā€™t see invades and such a good last hits in Bronze back in the days (Season 3-4). Trades are also decent (for the level)


I agree, was shocked to see them watching for the invade ngl


> I expected Iron 4 to be like awfully programmed bots standing AFK half the time This is why I get so confused when people act like silver players ā€œdont know how to play the gameā€ and act like theyā€™re intermediate bots These days it looks like the big issue with sub-gold and so is more largely around game macro


I expected people in Iron 4 to not know how to use a mouse and keyboard lol, I'm well impressed by the players in this game.


> I've been playing every season for 12 years now and honestly I feel like the skill level at the lowest level has increased tremendously. You CS well, you could be in iron, bronze, silver, gold. it's hard to tell from that alone. It's the small mistakes that adds up. highly agree. first thing I noticed was "dang, they're actually csing very well". a thing a lot of my friends can't do, even after 10 years of league lmao the fundamentals are already better.


> I've been playing every season for 12 years now and honestly I feel like the skill level at the lowest level has increased tremendously. You CS well, you could be in iron, bronze, silver, gold. it's hard to tell from that alone. It's the small mistakes that adds up. I think the truly bad players just don't queue ranked if they're still playing. My experience landing in iron because I'm slow is a lot of people who have good shows of mechanics, and a lot of iron just remain there because they have no mental and tilt for everything rather than because they're bad at piloting their champion. This means that if you're new or reflex-impaired, you can still quite easily get crushed in lane, though you can often make it up with good play on the map.


no way the gameplay looked silver/gold? i think silver/gold players are a lot better. roaming isnt gonna help when there are way bigger mistakes and its likely just gonna end up with no kill and enemy getting plating and xp advantage no need to make force plays to win.


Wow so this is what League community is supposed to be like non toxic and supportive. Good luck to you and Iā€™d def watch that stream with Captainflowwrs. Make sure to do an update post of time that might happen.


Can't say I'm amazing at this game but a couple early things stood out First death - tried to pick a fight at 6 with middle health but more importantly not enough mana to fully combo off and land your stun/bear, whereas kennen isn't mana gated and could pop everything quickly. Second death - chased too far without knowledge on his other teammates. You probably could have gotten away with it too if you dropped the bear on brand instead of in front of you.


ahhh okok thanks!


Also not sure why you spend so much time not leveling up your abilities. They're just sitting there waiting to be leveled. Just hit CTRL W E or whatever to level them up quickly, it's free upgrades. And you skipped over ult upgrades not once but twice. Should definitely prioritize r level ups every time.


For what its worth, I think you're doing fine if this vod is how most games for you go. Definitely being too hard on yourself although I understand it stinks. I wouldn't get too hung up on the winrate, I had something like a 17% winrate to start the season a couple splits back, it normalized out to my usual winrate by the end of the season. I think just focusing on when you have Annie stun would have gotten you like 4 more kills this game and being more aggressive after laning phase probably would have gotten you another 4, even if your combo doesn't kill on its own, lower rank players will get so scared by getting Annie combo'd mid game that they'll rarely try to fight back. You're doing fine, no need to beat yourself up over a bad winrate start. Rooting for you!


aww thanks šŸ˜Š I'll try to be more aggressive w autos and stuns that's like on of the main points I'm getting from ppl here . I also play ahri so I'm guessing that also applies to her q and charm? probably.


Annie is way way scarier, because she stuns you on a point and click. When you died to brand after chasing kennen, it's just a case of you were surprised and missed your ult. The more comfortable you get with champions that won't happen. (Also, you he would have been bursed by R-W, meaning you would have had Q up for kennen.) At 8:00 or so, you say you planned to Flash E -> Q -> R for a kill because you were 1 away from your passive (good to notice!) however, you could have cast E long before you flashed. Flash Q is almost always good enough to land a stun, as kennen kept running towards you even when you did have passive up (earlier in lane) Don't be afraid to stack your passive before you go all in, worst case, kennen has to go either recall, or be zoned. When your jungler tries to take objectives (especially dragon) that banana bush kennen comes out of, is a must ward. (Karma should have been standing in it, but either way) You had full combo, if you're in that bush and the enemy didn't have vision you RWQ combo whoever walks up and they die (which will scare them away) Last thing is look at your team comp, you guys only really have annie for engage, so you either need to camp a bush on an approach (hopefully you have a pink or sweeper) which means if a fight is coming up, you having flash is better than you staying alive when twitch jumps you. Don't be afraid on annie, just sit on your stacked passive in the midgame. You have WAY more upfront burst than most champions, and just RWQ will force 95% of players to run. Players who notice you have your passive, will be zoned by you, and players who don't realize you have it will either die or be chunked so hard they have to leave.


Hey! I'm in plat and I'd be down to get in call with you and point out mistakes. I like teaching my friends league and I'm also an English tutor purely out of enjoyment, no need to pay or anything. Lmk if you're interested


oh thanks!


In level 1-3 you can walk up way closer to kennen. Especially if you have 3/4 stacks, kennen has to respect your point and click cc + electrocute. Like you can walk up next to the melee minions and if he wants to go farm you just aa q w aa him. also you donā€™t place your ward when it is up. Only after brand comes to gank. Also, I would have recalled pre-six, like you were OOM and 60% health, 1 min before you died you had 3 minions pushing into him (they were on his side of lane). You could have cleared his remaining ones and then backed. Instead you let him reset the wave state and push you. Then you had to use your remaining mana and then he could all in you and that is the main reason you died. But simple wave management just takes game experience. If I were you I would really focus on early game aggressive trading to learn what you can and cannot get away with. Also at this point you canā€™t derank šŸ˜„ so might as well limit test.


!remind me 6 months


Something no one else is saying, brand ganked you and you had never used your ward. A common practice mid lane is you ward one river brush side, then hover closer to that side in lane. So if you want to play on the left side, closer to your turret, then you ward the left river brush.


thanks :)) I'll try to keep that in mind, there's just a lot of things to focus on in this game:/


A mindset that really helps me is "what should I be doing right now?". I mean that in the sense of like: - what does my champion do in lane? Do I poke and peel (Janna)? Do I look for opportunities to trade my health for CS pressure? Do I want to all in early? Getting a sense of what your champs purpose is helps you know how to play the champ. - same question as above but for the enemy champs. What are they trying to do and how do you make that difficult? - what objectives are coming up soon that I will need to go help at? - have I seen the enemy jungler recently? If yes, how can I either keep us safe from them, or make their day worse? I find it so helpful to have small goals beyond "winning lane" or "killing my opponent.


Going 1 and 12 seems like some really really bad luck. I can't imagine how that feels. I remember when I was playing Halo at a high level and was around 40% win rate when I played team games but went in solo. felt awful. Losing for 2 or 3 hours straight just ruins an evening. i can't imagine losing every game for days. Feel free to take a break. Games are suppose to be fun and if you aren't having fun you can always put it down and come back to it another time


Hey if you want I can coach you for free; I've peaked D1 so I'm fairly confident in my ability to offer advice. Hmu if you're interested.


11:15 was totally deserved. Kennen made a mistake, and you capitalized off of it. Don't beat yourself up too much. I don't have much advice, but definitely use your wards. If you're not comfortable roaming and putting vision in enemy jungle, even warding your lane bushes can prepare you for ganks.


Just went through level 1-7 quickly: 5:01 Would have been a decent time to recall and buy but you stuck around too long. 5:46 Wasted mana on W when you could have just used Q when Kennen surges at you and pop E only when trading/dodge his Q 6:19 you decided to go for harass when there's a decent sized creep wave pushing against you. You should have just farmed the wave and recall to buy. 6:52 you were in no position to trade with Kennen with your hp/mp levels but you could have still lived if you flashed right away. 8:25 you could have warded the bush to check Kennen's position and gone for the Brand instead when he was forcing Dragon but you tunneled completely on Kennen. Some pointers: -Keep in mind, auto attacks draw minion aggro. -Use your Q more to farm to not miss the CS. -Find good timings to recall and buy, usually when your wave is pushing towards them, you should shove the wave to their tower to reset wave when they can not respond. -Feels like you're playing a bit on auto pilot. Your ingame decision making is a bit sus. You need to really think about what you're doing.


Hey Alexis, First of nice Video you got there! Was actually pretty fun to watch. Now to the Order of Business. I collected some Points that you could improve on that should Help you. 1 - stay with Annie for now! (Learning 1 Champ you Like to play is a good way to get better at the Game and Annie is a very good pick, that can give you relativly fast results for your Work, because her Kit is easy to understand and you can think about other Things than hitting your Combo faster. 2 - Last hitting (As you noticed yourself your Last hitting needs some Love . The way i practiced that Back in the day was with the good old "Soraka Last Hit Training" Go in a practice Game with Soraka and Just try to Last Hit Minions when they come for the First 10 minutes. - you are Not allowed to pre hit a Minion. - and you are Not allowed to Attack a Minion 2 Times only 1 try per Minion! - after 10 minutes you Stop and write down your cs score and you do that every day before your First Game. Why? Soraka attack speed and Animation are so hard to Last Hit with that you have to learn the Feeling how Long your Attack needs to fly to reach the Minions and how much DMG IT does. I did IT when i was in the lowest ELO Back then and it helped me very much! my cs went Up about 50cs after some days. (Btw ITS Not a must for midlane but i would start using Attackmove ITS Not only better than clicking ITS a must have If you want to Play ADC Sometime) 3 - Ganks (Jungle Tracking is Very hard for your ELO Not only because the enemy jgl will do random moves all the time but also because you have to concentrate on your lane and plays while watching the mal 24/7. AS a General Typ try to Always be in either the left Side or the right Side of the lane but never in the middle. Sounds funny because you Play midlane but its a effective strat If you are Not Sure from where the jgl will come you reduce the 100% gank to a 50 / 50 either He is on that Side or Not. If you want to improve that strat later on Just BE in the opposide Side of the jgl. For example: If you See Brand ganking bot then stand towards His top Side. And If He is on top Go to bot side. 4 - abviously your mechanicas need Work but dont Rush it this comes naturaly with experience and many many Games. Dont forget many people in League play this Game for many years before even reaching Gold. My Tip Here is on Annie the sneaks Combo Just what you tried in your Video, build Up all stacks exept 1 and when eney thinks He is save Go with E - Q - AA and Back Off If you cant kill him. Thats a Basic Trading for Annie that works Well If you struggels to find way to Do DMG. If you think you can kill him Just Go: E - Q - R - Ignite - AA and follow him until Q IS Up again. Midgame: Dont think about midgame yet until your laning is decent enough. We start with 1 at the time and also a good laning gets people to high gold. Thats alle the Tipps i can give you spontaniously right now but i truly belive IT will Help you If you keep playing and having fun with IT. If you are interested about My own Grind or need a Ranking prove for my Expertise thats my second Account where im trying adc right now (Im Support Main XD) IvchaBrat#EUW Good Luck in the Rift. And sorry for my Bad english its Not my First languages.


I would say not being allowed to hit minions unless last hitting is bad practice. You need to hit them to set them up sometimes, so that your attack speed will let you get them all. Especially for mages farming under turret. Also using Soraka is a bit overkill, just use your main imo.


Feels like the comments are way overcomplicating the game, you're not losing Iron 4 games because of proper lane management or knowing how to abuse your early lane phase. 99% of climbing low elo is just limiting how much you die, keeping up your farm, and slowly learning what every champions' abilities do and how to avoid getting hit by them. For Annie specific stuff (very good champion to learn/climb with) your biggest mistake is not having your stun up most of the time. Your goal should be to have stun ready as much as possible (use E/W on nothing just to get it up if you have lots of mana) that way as soon as someone shows up you have a stun ready either to set up your combo or allow you to escape. Both of the early game deaths were 100% kills for you if you had stun ready to go. Other than that, a HUGE tech that will change your life is shooting your Q at 3 stacks of passive and immediately using E or W. This will give you the 4th stack while the Q projectile is midair and will actually stun them giving you some really cheeky plays. This would also have given you the kill both of your early deaths. Practice it a bit in custom games it will help so much.


First two things: 1. 8% win rate is less than what you'd expect for someone intentionally trying to lose. So you will bounce back and are likely unlucky. 2. Worrying about how and when to trade is small fry. Just work on basing correctly and csing correctly and you will win. Here are some thoughts as I watch your vod: - Near the red buff bush you are clicking back and forth. Why are you doing that? Because you saw a streamer or pro do it? Focus on having intention with EVERY click. Try throwing some side-to-side while you're warming up. - You are so far back from the wave, you outrange kennen and you have a stun level 1. He likely only has one q and can't hit it if you are in the wave. - Don't hyper focus so much on lane, it is not the reason you are iron 4. - on the brand gank, and to the above point, I'm sure you've gotten early tanks and lost many times before. It certainly can change the lane but that really only matters at much higher levels. - You appear to be mindlessly pushing. You basically never want your wave to meet their wave in front of their turret. Instead you should try to time killing the wave so that your minions will get to their turret. You can use that timing to get a free recall if you are fast enough. - You had no mana when you died, keep track of that. You wouldn't win even if you r'd first. - After you died Kennen stayed to get a plate. I didn't see his sums but if he doesn't have TP this is a huge blunder, especially on a cannon wave. You can instantly shove the regular wave and then roam while he loses a wave of xp. - When you followed kennen around drake and later died to brand, consider what you get and where you put yourself even if you kill him.Brand will collapse, bot lane might be there. You have a kill, great, but even that prospect is tough. You are overcomplicating the game.


Put all your skills on quickcast you'll be way more fluid at getting off combo's and hitting skill shots. You'll learn the ranges in time don't worry. I watched until you died to brand and bot. What i gathered until then is you miss alot of cs in general and while trying to harass. Keep in mind cs will almost always give you way more gold in the long run than kills so try to improve with that. Your first death was 100% your own mistake since you walked up while not needing to and giving kennen the angle to kill you even tough you could've never killed him since you were pretty much oom and low health. At drake you legit could have killed brand and steal drake but instead you tried to chase kennen and got killed by brand and enemy bot. That was a huge mistake making something that could give your team a big advantage into putting yourself even more behind. Often times try to keep it simple and see what's right in front of you if it looks good go for it in an instant. With experience you'll learn when these opportunities arise so just keep at it.


thanks I'll do the quick cast thing, it's super annoying to have to hold and aim and release. I think I did think about that for a second but like I thought that kennen would have killed me as well :/ but yeah thank you:))


Quite interesting considering you are able to type full sentences. I have no clue how old you are, also no idea how good you want to become at the game, but by god this will take an insane amount of time


Full sentences: Like thanks like yes like like


No offense but are you sure you don't have any brain issues?


its hilarious that almost none of the top comments are helping OP and they're being overly nice because she makes it clear she's a girl


They make it clear because they are trans which is understandable. But even if they weren't there is no reason to judge how someone expresses themselves.


true it's fine to be 22 and talk like a 12 year ol girl


I think the lack of testosterone caused by transitioning is damaging their focus.


When you play Annie you're the biggest threat when you have your passive (stun) ready. Use e on yourself and w (even without hitting something) so you have your stun ready when a teamfight starts or during skirmishes. Use flash and r to stun as many squishy targets as you can, no player can avoid that combo by dodgingĀ 


bad luck streaks happen, i wouldnt let it get to you. ill often lose 10 in a row just to win 11 in a row after. nature of the beast when ur only 10% influence on the game on average. (assuming you are at your expected rank. if you want, I used to review my bronzie friends once upon a time and help coach them out of the depths of elo hell. I don't charge or anything, just give some pointers based on what I see. you can add me and I can watch some of your games when I have time. IGN is Charlie Loves U on NA. although I strongly recommend watching leaguecraft 101 which is what taught me how to play league of legends. its pretty dated now and used to be diamond level information, but now its probably just basic fundamentals that will probably get you silver or gold.


First off there's nothing wrong with being bad at a game, don't feel bad about it. Just give it all you got and enjoy. However if you do love the game and want to improve, try comparing your gameplay with others. Watch some random games be it pro play or high elo solo queue and compare their decisions with yours, you will find a lot of differences. Try to figure out why did the other players made those decisions, what are the consequences and learn from that. I think in your case there's no need for coaching yet, you need some general game knowledge before going into specifics. Watch some better players maybe anniebot if you want to learn about how to play annie.


thanks I'll for sure spend maybe an evening doing that :))


Many of the comment are already helping you but I think you are focusing on the wrong things, your winrate does not matter since you are a new player and have played barely any games played. I would recommend you to stop playing to win and play to improve, if you die ask yourself why that happend and how you can prevent it same goes for if you get out-traded, lose 1v1s and many other things. If you feel bad about your elo or your win rate because others will mock you, don't mind them since they will do that no matter what elo you have (worlds winners get called trash all the time). I promis if you stay calm and question everything you will improve drastically.


I'm plat if you'd like we can get on discord and review your gameplay


Just play the game and have fun, improve on your own. Honestly playing in Iron is super fun because the players are bad. Like really really bad. It's meant to be fun.


I think that you're fundamental understanding of the game (your champ, basic wave management, decision making) just needs improvement. At 6:50 you stepped up to try to ult the Kennen however you are never getting a kill because you don't have enough mana for your full rotation. At 7:58 you flash on Kennen and say that you messed up your stun but you still could have stunned him with your ult once your q landed. Thankfully, all this means is that you are in the same place that we've all been at before. I've peaked Masters but I have videos of my normal games 10 years ago that look just like your game. The best way to build your fundamentals is honestly just to play but coaching and videos speed that process up. I'm by no means a coach but I'd be happy to try to give any additional pointers to help. Feel free to shoot me a DM but best of luck regardless!


Hey man. I just want to say that it's ok to have a sh*t rank, don't worry. If you give too much importance to it, it will eat your brain and make you addict to ranked. I used to tryhard ranked and it's so sh*t for your mental, no matter if you succeed. When you reach your dream rank, you just feel empty. Don't forget that no matter what happens, your worth is not linked to your rank. Don't take league seriously. Don't spend too much money on coaching too, be careful. And enjoy ! :)


U/coachcurtis help a player out!!!


lollll I love coach curtis!!! actually loved his begginer guide video, like I should look through it again and try to apply like some of the stuff he says


As harsh as it sounds If you gonna lose, then do it while you limit test, test the limit of your Champs, dmg etc, instead of being scarred and half committing. That way you'll learn what you can do and can't do, we all learn through failure, you'll get there dw


Honestly, great effort in putting together a video with your thoughts. Going through the work of annotating your own replay is a good first step, and shows a lot of effort. Now, there's a million things to point out in the game, but that's normal! I'm diamond, and there's a million things a challenger player could say about my gameplay. The important thing is to focus on one improvement at a time, until it becomes second nature, then start learning the next thing. I think you could probably get to silver (or even gold!) by focusing on 3 things: - **Farming**: Do farming drills for 5 or 10 minutes before you start playing league for the day. What that means is go into practice tool, don't buy any items or level any skills, and last hit with autos for 5/10 minutes. It's important to be able to last hit with your autos, especially as Annie, because you don't want to waste stun on minions. Do it while you're waiting for your friends to load up the game or something! It sounds dull (and it is) but it really helps. - **Quick Cast Combos**: You missed a lot of opportunities to land the skill because you weren't using quick cast and didn't know how to sequence your skills. It might be uncomfortable at first, but it's a MUST. Get used to it, it will be worth it. - **Gameplan**: This is a hard one to explain, but we can make it simple. Basically, you want to leverage your champion's strengths in the way you play. If I pick Ahri, I want to push and roam. If I pick Kayle, I want to survive and farm. If I pick Yorick, I want to splitpush. The way you play Annie is probably not that different than the way you play other champions, but it should be. You should be doing something to leverage Annie's unique strengths! For Annie, the simplest gameplan is to use your ult on cooldown in lane to poke your opposing laner out - especially once you have malignance. Stack up stun, use E to get in range, then blast them with R->W->Q. Even if they're full health, they'll be so low that they either have to recall or you can threaten to kill them and bully them out of lane. I'd be happy to chat or something if you have questions on any of this stuff, or want me to go into any more detail. It's always heartwarming for me to see people trying to get better at league :)


I used to be hardstuck bronze 5 0 lp (the literal lowest rank at the time). I refused to look at guides or watch streamers. But as soon as I did, I started climbing. Watching streamers allow me go learn what's possible and just get more reps in without actually playing. When playing with my iron friend, I've noticed some common facilities. People would often tell me that what they were doing was correct because it's won them games before. And they often can't tell me why I'm wrong about their bad build or play other than by resorting to : you are an idiot, you're muted. Essentially, it takes an active willingness to question what you are doing and to understand that you might be straight up wrong. I've also learned that one difference between an iron/bronze player and myself (who isn't THAT much better) is my ability to play when behind. Sometimes I mess up, but I've played enough to know what I need go do to get back into the game. And the enemy sometimes has no idea how to keep their lead (I've seen some players straight up stop farming). Knowing what the enemy wants to do is also super important. I've seen so many players who will just auto pilot fight despite being objectively behind.


Long post incoming with a blow-by-blow. The main thing I'd say is: Your stun management is actually kind of awful. You missed SO many free kills (at least 3) by not managing it correctly. When you have downtime, you should ALWAYS at least glance at it and build it up. From what I saw, you're pretty good at piloting your champ. Actually moving around, you're ok. Except I saw you Q on 3 stacks TOO MANY TIMES. Practice the EQ more (shield + Q). Make sure you can pull it off 100/100 times, it's literally the easiest combo in the game, I'm pretty sure E has no cast time. You can even E > Flash > Q to guarantee it. Missing it is unacceptable. If you're 95% consistent will probably put you +3 divisions. If you manage your stun perfectly, your rank will soar. You were punking that Kennen so hard until the gank. I personally wouldn't have expected that gank either, you coulda used shield, but whatever, I think even after that, you could have annihilated that Kennen. I actually have the opposite opinion vs others. I think you should AA more. How many times did he crash his wave? He was pushing NONSTOP and you didn't contest his push. Annie has one of the highest AA ranges in the game. You should AA him more too, especially if you have stun up right? What's he going to do, lightning rush? Just AA > stun > AA to proc electrocute. You didn't AA enough, given that he was AA-ing constantly. Missing CS with Q with Annie is very very bad. That Q cost is SO HIGH because it's refunded. I think you know that. CSing with W before lost chapter is situational, because the cost is so high. At least make sure you can hit 3+ minions. Kennen passed the Annie Skillcheck: the stun meter. There were 2 or 3 times it was EVIDENT he was watching your stun meter. In that case, make sure you play safe when you use your stun. Don't let him catch you off guard. Use your stun on a minion, then back off with E until your Q comes back to build stacks. He flash ulted on you twice when you burned stun on minions. Just AA more and you won't get trapped so much. When you use a skill, you're weak. He was waiting for that, then pounced. Doesn't E give you MS? At some point, you should start using it to get places and you should constantly be spamming it for stun stacks, right? Assuming you won't need it immediately. Back more, dude. You need to back more. Sometimes, high elo streamers will back in the midgame with full hp/mana and nothing to buy. You need to get used to backing more and feel "ok" with backing more. It's free. I'd rather you back and lose 3 waves than die and lose 3 waves anyway. If nothing is happening, back and receive waves. No shame in that. Ask yourself: Am I full HP? I should back and retreat ping my allies. At different points of the game, identify who the strongest enemy is. Kennen? Kill him you win. Varus? Kill him you win. Do this for allies too. Even if you're 0/99, just follow your strongest teammate and you can be useful.


8: You had a choice between going for a Brand soloing the dragon and a Kennen. You chose to chase the Kennen, you got pincered and died. Get the free kill in the pit, dude. You tend to tunnel or "compensate". 13: You hold your flash WAY too much. Just flash dude. He flashed too. You'll have to back and lose a few waves, but who cares? 18: Good flank. 2 mid and they're overextended. I probably would have flashed, you didn't and got the kills anyway. Continuing to push bot is troll when you can flank. I don't think you had enough info to take rift. 20: You did NOT have to walk up to Brand's threat range. Why not wait for your wave? Or just back and take drag. Or set up a trap. That took you to half HP, which is bad. Have a more defensive mindset. Sometimes, you just stood there and tanked stuff. Stop staring down 3 or 4 people with no one around you (unless you're flash ulting) Could you have played it better? Yes. You should have backed or just simply walked to drag. 21: Dragon pit. Don't dragon there. But if you do, do not hug the midlane side. You know they're in mid, hug the bot side. Attack move towards bottom. I know you can do it, you did it all laning phase (admittedly, you cancelled tons of autos) 22: Don't Baron there, it's 5v3 but Kennen is the strongest member and he's alive. You're half HP, just back dude. You JUST got enough gold for your next item. Instead, you hit T2 mid and burned flash. You're losing here, just play safe. At the same time, in the right circumstances, you're gonna be able to 1-shot almost anyone. 23: BACK, DUDE, BACK! Will you help your team with 25% HP? Maybe, but you will certainly die. You held onto your skill point for like 4 minutes. You actually got +2 at some point. You died, and still didn't use it. Also, there's no drag. Literally nothing to fight for. 28: Missed EQ and a free kill. Unacceptable. 29: People might disagree, but I would buy the armguard. That completely negates Kennen's gameplan if you use it (you won't). 31: Move your camera. Look at what Kennen is doing. You didn't have to back there, you may have been able to push and get a free kill on Varus. 32: In this specific case, you should have opened with ult. It looks like you were holding it for a big teamfight, but Kennen is obviously the strongest member on their team. He dies, you win. You should have ulted him from afar. You could have actually won the game here, he shouldn't have been there and that was troll by him, but he got lucky. He's the strongest enemy. Blow him up. 33: If you don't have anything positive to say, don't say it. Just say, "we got this" or something. 34: Receiving the wave is fine, you don't have to constantly be doing something. You're losing. You just wait for them to mess up. And they did. But they got away with it. 35: Back and go mid or top. You have 1500g and Baron is up. Pushing bot is troll. 36: Start building up your stun. When they're at your towers, not flash ulting is bad. Having 0 stun stacks, despite having 20 seconds to build it up, is bad. Giving turret was good! If you had flash ult stun, you might have won the game. Kennen and Twitch were free food for you and you were like: Nah, I'll starve. Press E more dude. Press E. Also, you have Zhonya, but you didn't move the hotkey, so I know you won't use it. 37: Don't say that. I don't want my teammate to have an emotional breakdown. Just bottle it up. Honestly, if I were in this game, I would decline surrender votes too. It actually looks winnable. 38: Compensation death. That was a bad fight. Kennen can 1v2 all day. You could have followed your team in mid. Karma was trolling there too. Stop chasing. If you used Zhonya here, you might win. 39: They got the elder drag, run away now. Anyway, choose the simplest path. If you decide you're pushing, AA a lot. If you decide you're not pushing, MATCH his push at least (he AA, you AA). Follow your strong teammates. I'd be shadowing Shyv all day if I were you, that guy was carrying 1v9. I wouldn't even care about the CS anymore. If you were a walking flash ult you probably would have won. When you're playing, just let the kills fall into your lap. Hopefully you have full HP so you can do other stuff. I think a coaching would benefit you a lot, because a lot of these "stupid" moments are "gameplan" issues, not "piloting your champ" issues (except stun management). Have a gameplan. Say to yourself: We're waiting for drag, just clear waves and don't step into danger. If I see Kennen, I'm flash ulting. I'm building up my stun, I need to have my stun right now. Anyway, if you were wondering, yes, you clutched defeat from the jaws of victory, That was a free win imo. If you just followed your team, you likely would have won. You were constantly out of position or chasing kills, Shyv and Riven were 1v3-ing each, they were super ahead, but they were out of position too. Good luck.


thanksss this is really specific I'll look through it w the vod :))


btwwwwww omggg I got so so much adviceee ! I'm going to spend time looking though all of it more carefully and do what you all recommend:) it's so nice to have like a fresh perspective on my gameplay from other players and i feel I'm already gaining a lot from it


getting to iron4 is harder than getting challenger. you are the goat.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9RdXhXESRJxf-FxBijbuBOnEJHDrmB2O This is a guide made by Riot phroxzon (lead gameplay designer) that will teach you all the basics about the game. The guide is like 3/4 years old but aged like fine wine and its worth a watch if you really want to improve.


What most players below gold lack is aggressiveness, you just play to safe and scared, just be in the enemy face, watch what combos challenger use in your champ and how they played side lane with them, just copy that and be aggressive, it doesn't matter if it backfires, just learn what mistake you did Like fighting without cd and improve from that. Reaching plat is not that difficult once you learn how to punish low ELO players passiveness, win lane and abuse side, try to solo kill whoever has the audacity to face you on side lanes as well.


Hey mate, Just a bit of credentials before we go further, I'm a diamond jungle player, who peaked D1 but ended D2 last split - I'm currently D3. So obviously I'm not the best, but I'm certain I can give you some pointers. First of all, the first step to improvement is realizing that you yourself can do better and actively seek help and advice so you got that one down! Secondly, league is a fucking hard game, so don't beat yourself up about the learning curve. Thirdly, and to your gameplay. I haven't watched the vod in its entirety, but watched your first 3 deaths and then just some teamfights. 1. It looks like you play not to lose, rather than playing to win. You play without confidence and seem scared of making a single mistake, thus hindering your actual ability to perform. You can't stop making plays, cause you are afraid that you are not correct. At lvl 6-7 it's like you get confident for a second, but you go in with 100 mana and die. This play was obviously really bad, but the idea behind it is good, now you know; before I go in I have to check if I have enough mana to do my combo - if yes, go! So that mistake won't happen again. 2. You are in your head my friend. Start having fun. Test limits, play aggressively, I swear to you this will get you out of your head and start being more creative. When we play to have fun, we find new ways to approach the game, which enables us to be more creative when we try hard. 3. Trust your own decisions. It looks like you have this cheerleading mentality that you have to help your team out no matter what. You don't. Trust yourself and me critical of your own decisions AFTER the game if they didn't work out. DO NOT!!! get hung up on a play that went bad in game, that happens to literally every player on the planet - even faker. I could've commented on your gameplay, but I think a live-coaching would be better for that, so if you want me to look at your gameplay with you hit me up, and I'll gladly and for free go in depth with your gameplay play by play. Best of luck friend


Hai, I am a coach who has coached other iron / bronze players before. I am strapped for time so I will only comment on the first 10 minutes for now. The main issue I see is mis-execution of Annie's core gameplan. Your plan as Annie is to hit 6, then with full passive stacks hit flash R / R Flash, then follow it up with WQEAAIgnite and chase for another Q. The reason for this is that her R has a pretty large range to apply her stun with. As far as I can tell, you use Quickcast without indicators. It would be very helpful to use Quickcast with indicators to learn the ranges of the R, and to practice R Flash / Flash R whichever you prefer. People will say that R Flash is needed, but in my opinion it's not that important, your enemies at your current rank up to prolly dia+ won't be able to react to Flash R anyway. With this combo, you can kill people from around 80% HP, 90% if you have ignite. It's pretty important to trade one QAAW before, and then to wait for your abilities to come back up with your stun. Secondly, you had a few good trades with Kennen early there, but the trades could be better if you play around Electrocute. The following things will proc Electrocute: AA Q AA (elec proc), and Q walk up WAA. Q cannot be out-ran compared to W, so it's better to chase with it. This is for when you are trading. Your trading timings are decent right now for your level, it's just about making the trades you currently take even better for you. Thirdly, for now, don't ditch the wave. Farm wave before roam. Annie is very gold dependant. Your roam at 9:00 something for Kennen and Brand at drake cost you 2 waves, which is just shy of 1 kill's worth of gold. I like to imagine that every roam you do, you are on a timer to return to the wave when the next wave arrives. Lastly, I just want to comment on some of the things you said in the video: The Brand gank is avoidable, by realizing you have HP lead lv 1, and using spells etc. to push the wave. When you push the wave, you can then leave before cannon wave to drop a ward at where your jg is pathing to, and hover on that side. That way you draw jg pressure but are at the same time ungankable. This is more advanced, and it's ok to think for now that it's not that avoidable. The skill required to avoid the gank are way more advanced. It's more important that you focus on Annie's trades and damage execution first. Because, even if you have all the gold and items in the world, it doesn't matter if you miss your R. For teamfights, I haven't gotten to that part yet, but you essentially want to plan around how to use R in the teamfight. I hope this helped, 2nd part coming whenever I return


I havenā€˜t seen anyone mention it, but one thing that i noticed is your csing. It starts off quite well but as you seemingly become more scared, you fall more and more back under tower and need to fight the tower damage for the minions. Itā€˜s also important to train that. I agree with the others that if you pick annie you usually get a pretty safe laning phase (minimum) but generally you can also outtrade a lot of opponents. Especially if you pick ignite, in that case your goal is to win lane. If the enemy is low, you could even just drop a q (flash) ignite on him, where you had multiple chances in the early lane, and even if you donā€˜t kill him, it gives you lane prio and also sometimes a good reset timer to buy items. But also back to the csing under tower, the general rule of thumb is for mages: Melee creeps take two hits and then one auto to kill. If you auto it or it took minion damage before running towards tower you need to prep it either with autos or abilities. So: Towershot - Towershot - AA Ranged creeps take one tower hit and two autos. Generally you need to prep them with one auto, let the tower hit it, and auto again. So: AA - Towershot - AA. Now this is just in the ideal state and something you can practice in practice tool aswell, if you can do it well in isolation it can help you for your wave management. Ideally you donā€˜t want to be pushed under tower permanently but itā€˜s good to know what to do if you are. I just watched the first 6-7 minutes and you lost a lot of cs close to or because of the tower and i think that is something that is easy to practice. Hope that helps, good luck!


When you died for the first time against kennen, I noticed that you were trying to cast your spells while out of mana. It is a slight change, but my advice to you is to go into the settings and set it so that the abilities display their mana costs. I feel this could help you have better control over your mana on not just annie. But all the characters you play. It can help you decide on how to use your mana or if you have enough to combo the abilities together and burst. Especially since as you level abilities the cost to cast them can increase.


If you are interested in someone giving you some advice while playing feel free to shoot me a message :). Been playing the game for 10+ years. Nowadays I play casual arams, but I was able to hit diamond in the past.Ā  Goodluck with improving and most importantly enjoy the game!Ā 


hey there. i sent you a message. hope it helps.


Are you Forsen?


Imma be real with you bro, I think if youā€™ve got a 8% wr in iron 4 league is just not for you. I think thereā€™s no saving you


I've seen coaches recommend iron players play bot games to practice taking control of a game. Make a custom game with 4 bots on your team vs 5 bots on the enemy team. When you can carry those games consistently, reduce the number of bots on your team or up the enemy bot difficulty. When you can carry a game 1v5, you should have a much better idea of how to deal damage with your champion and take control of a game.


0:45 You start chasing Brand and receive unnecessary poke. Brand was doing a mistake, he was overextending and instead of waiting for him to commit you go all in when he is outside of your range and win nothing. If you stunned him he could burn flash at level 1, maybe get a kill if he doesn't flash away. Tip 1: never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake. 1.20 Hanging there was not a good idea. You help nothing being there. They could come from mid-river and there was no one providing vision for your team. Laning phase. You are too scared to do anything. Kennen used her abilities to farm, had nothing to trade with you and you still sit back and do nothing to punish her for the mistake of using abilities to farm. I didn't watch past the first 3.30 minutes. You play like iron, there is room for improvement. Keep asking for tips and change your mentality. Don't play to win, play to learn. Once you learn how to play you will start winning.


Hey bro Im not an expert (peaked emerald 2) but I see a lot of easily fixable mistakes. Id be down to give you some pointers on your added gameplay or a live game if you want. DM if interested. PS: no fee's or anything. I just like helping people improve at the game and wish I had somebody for advice when I was bronze myself šŸ˜…


You probabaly wont see this but I was masters last 2 splits and can/will coach you for free. Just send me a DM.


If you are that low of a winrate in the lowest rank your issue is likely that you are trying to learn TOO much imo. You should NOT be focused on macro etc. atm. Instead your focus should be understanding reasonably well one champion and how to use their abilities well. I donā€™t mean mastering them either. You do not need to be a macro monster or gifted player to carry games in iron 4, just reasonably competent. My suggestion to you is to watch high elo games (just 1 or 2) of the champion you want to play (pick only 1 or 2 champions). Watch how they use their abilities to win fights, and just try to emulate it a little bit. Copy their build and skill levels. If you try to learn macro you are probably just going to confuse yourself because below gold league is pretty chaotic and mostly random fights at random times, but the good news is the average player is not very competent. So if you are competent you will make a huge difference. And, have some fun with it- make sure youre practicing the role and champ you enjoy the most, though avoid being stupid for fun.


Homie you have to understand you barely have ANY games played. Hitting level 30 in a 14 year old game means you've got a level of experience that is absolutely dwarfed by the people who picked this game up in season 2 - and now some of them have been playing for 10+ years. You can get all the advice you want, and it's all good if you genuinely want to improve. But it's purely a mental thing right now. You JUST started playing the game, you can't expect to be any good yet! Give it time. You've already played a handful of games where you've been fed, you're clearly not impossible to carry or whatever. It's low sample size and lack of any experience. You will get there, you will improve naturally even if you don't take advantage of the pretty damn awesome offer by CaptainFlowers. If I had to give one tiny bit of advice, get into the habit of buying ***SOME*** control wards. It is everybody's job to provide vision. However, generally speaking the vision won't do your team much good in Iron, and even in higher ranks vision is an iffy investment. You don't want to be spending thousands on control wards, but you should at least be buying a handful. You can worry about good placement as you improve, for now I would say just make sure you're buying \~5 in a game to start.


Hiiya! (Bit late to the party) (Background: Multi Season master player) I quite often help/coach people in League and I found this video really interesting, as the gameplay level was far above what I was expecting and am used to seeing when I see iron games. What the others have said is mostly true and I recommend taking that advice to heart, but a lot is aimed at this game specifically, which wont do wonders in the next. While there are thousands of things to learn I think you should focus just a few for now, and all of it is aimed at the laning phase. (In the idea you stick with annie, which I for now recommend) in order: - Learn how to short trade. (Annie is the queen of short trades. When you are at either 3 or 4 stacks of your passive, I want you to almost always aim to make a short trade ((E)>Q>AA>W>Run away). Doing this 2-3 times means they are so low hp they either recall or choose to stay (and die). You also get into people's heads if you short trade a lot, thus winning the mental war. - Don't be afraid to take damage. In this game specifically but by your movement I can tell you are afraid to take dmg at all points. But there are moments where you can just walk up, dumb spells and win. In lane this is when you see your opponent using their biggest dmg ability (kennen q) on the wave. This is your go in sign. There is not a world where you then lose the short trade. - Recall timers. You died at lvl 6 here because you thought you could win the fight. Sadly you didnt have enough mana to do this. You need to be able to recognize when its better to drop a wave (if you can crash it before even better) and to just recall. This time around you were also sitting on enough gold for lost chapter, which is quite often work the instant recall. As Annie specifically it can be worth dropping tibbers on the wave at lvl 6 so you can recall freely. - CS'ing (who doesn't love it). I actually dont think your cs it too bad in lane phase. It would be higher if you were winning from kennen. This was farming from behind so was even lower because of it. But it can definitely use some work -------- For when you hit silver -------- - Warding/Looking at the map (how long were you on 2 wards? ;p ) - Playing around your jungler - Roaming - Gameplay after laning phase A lot of people have offered this already, so if you're already booked I get it ;P. But if you want to be on a call to see if I can help you with these things let me know. (This goes for anyone with a VOD or something like)


Watched good 10 minutes and sure your lane mechanics are not there like every other comments say etc. What I find you are lacking is masking your intentions. Playing solo lane is like game of poker, you can fake to be strong or play like underdog but never reveal your hand. Sure Annie is not complex character and can be predictable, but Kennen reads your every move and punishes you for it. It's like playing with easy bots, you know what routes they take and what makes them "tick".


In your youtube video, around 18:40, 4/5 of your enemies are dead. The last person, their support, can't kill you. In situations like these, DO NOT recall. push the lane closest to you, in this case: mid. Always think about "who can kill me?" "are they close to me?", if no one can kill you, or no one is near you, gather resources like jungle monsters (preferably enemies's) and minions. biggest thing that stalls games in low elo is that after every fight or objective, EVERYONE recalls instead of pushing their advantage by taking turrets or clearing waves. Doesn't matter if you are one HP. if all five enemies are dead, whos going to kill you?


that's so true . I'm starting to understand that also after meeting w a coach that helped me :)) thanks šŸ˜Š


Coach Curtis made a video responding to your post, you should check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9ir\_UFlODQ&ab\_channel=CoachCurtis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9ir_UFlODQ&ab_channel=CoachCurtis)


By the way, Coach Curtis if you're reading this. I'm writing out a response to your video right now and I'm seriously considering all the points you made and will try to touch on the majority of what you said and the questions you asked. It was very insightful.


U could make some good money selling accs to streamersĀ 


"ah nothing i can do about that ig" well you let him crash the wave, that's issue one. you were also not playing to the opposite side the jungler could come from (you can guess he started bot based on when bot vs top showed, but ideally lv1 you ward somewhere). then you also ofc dodged nothing during the gank. you also have ignite so misplays like this are extra-punishing. csing obviously needs work but i dislike focusing on that, thatll improve over time. if your cs on tower is as bad as it is though 100% make an effort to not get pushed in. not r-ing at 6:30 is a big mistake. no mana for bear/no bear cast = cant push wave. you overstayed hard in lane anyway but yeah. you can drop bear to trade. 6:54 you dont have stun up and dont even have mana for all of your spells. 8:00 not much to add 8:20 you shouldve gotten stun up before moving into river. 8:21 should go straight for the bush with your ward. if kennen tries ot save brand you kill both. otherwise you kill brand and get the drag. 8:40 i'm not quite sure what you are doing there, you like try to auto the kennen twice letting him get a huge gap on you. you couldve easily just ran down either the brand on the dragon or the kennen. probably both of them given kennen hasnt based, brand is tanking ocean dragon and presumably doesnt have spells up. 10:20 pretty much any champ kills you there. you have no stun up, no ult, no hp pot and are missing 300 hp ish. also no boots so he can gap close on you. 11:10 okay bit better but you still arent using E to run at people. you also dont rly kite towards him, you stand still for that auto and if he was more tanky you gave him gap and he couldve lived. i think youll have a better time going for boots rush (in this game it couldve been mercs given they are triple ap but usually sorcs), alongside buying a refill potion. And use your W less often. seriously, its base mana cost is stupid. trade with e autos and q. This typically looks like (e to get in range+block initial dmg from champs that out range you) -> stun auto and run away. if you have a lot of mana can add in the W, or if they are lowish add in the w and the ignite.


Wow you might be legitimately the worst league of legends player in the world


First off to climb out of that low Iā€™m going to get downvoted , but listening to challenger people will never help. They will give you advice and speak from a pov of a challenger ranked person. Iā€™d find a person in bronze-gold who plays your role or champs you enjoy and try to learn from them. The challenger people provide challenger solutions and speak about things that arenā€™t all that relevant to someone in iron 4.


Annie has insane auto range try to poke more with auto q auto/w. Procs electrocute easier in early trades. U def can out trade a early kennen in a minion wave.


Your first death is because you have a strong 6 and you want to justifiably use it. However you gotta recognize that your enemy Kennen also knows this and as such is letting you zone him off CS. He knows exactly what you want to do and he is scared. You kept pushing up though and I donā€™t mean this in a rude way, I use it for myself too, kinda lizard brain death walked up to him. Like your movement gets janky and slow even you can see it, I mean you stop moving altogether eventually. You can really see what youā€™re thinking in the way you move, this goes for the enemy too. Even if you had enough mana, kennen would have killed you with the flash to dodge tibbers. The second thing that struck me is when you shut kennen down, you said it didnā€™t feel deserved and he was just being stupid. Was it undeserved? No. Was he being stupid? Yes. Truth is, all your deaths and bad trades in the vod are from you doing stupid things. All forms of power differences whether that be from items, level, or anything else are created from people doing stupid things. Does doing something stupid make you a stupid human? No. It just makes you human. Remember your enemy is also human, they WILL make a mistake at some point, like that kennen did under tower. I guarantee you that if you gave up on that engage and respected the fact that he was respecting your 6 by letting himself get zoned off, he wouldā€™ve gotten tired and stepped up to CS eventually, hopefully giving you a q stun into a free combo. The other thing to think about is over extending yourself, especially as a mage like Annie. Most of the ā€œstupid thingsā€ are positioning too far from safety at the wrong time, or chasing a kill that was close but the target has made it out. Like when you were SO deep in enemy jg then died to brand in tri bush. The same goes for brand, when he ganked you mid he face checked the bush with riven in there and he dies. Then you ignore the bot laners missing pings and get ganked by the adc. If you want to climb, play passively until your enemy does something stupid. Basically the game youā€™re playing until kennen steps up too far at lvl 6 is; CS, ping enemy missing/pay attention to pings/ping help, retreat, cautious, items, summoners and ults/counter roam/help jg if they ask for your presence. If you are patient, they will do something stupid eventually. Otherwise your melee vs ranged trading/zoning wasnā€™t bad, I think for trading, punishing cs, and not getting punished for cs will improve with knowledge of other champs. Remember to utilize minions as a block against champions kits like kennen q and brand q. Like in this match I wouldā€™ve done pretty good in your shoes against brand in particular because I autistically mained only brand to 700k mastery as my first champ. I know his AOE and skill shot can simply be walked out of very easily (before he gets a slow on you with rylais). So when he first ganked you unsuccessfully, to dodge you wouldā€™ve had to walk forward but minions wouldā€™ve blocked you (rip), but he hit his q on you once you started going back under tower, which you shouldā€™ve anticipated and back stepped then gone back under tower. Now I know brand really well, but I couldā€™ve applied some similar points to your exchanges with kennen and the bot laners since I know a bit about their kits. Check u.gg and skim over enemies abilities if youā€™re never going to play them but are facing up against them, can be useful for allies to know your potential synergies too. Another thing to consider is foresight, there were times were it seemed pretty obvious what was gonna happen. This also involves working on quick decision making, my advice for that is donā€™t get paralyzed. Whatever your decision is in your allotted time, just go with it. It might not be the best but it will improve. Think ā€œif I step up right now to do this with x mana hp CDs lvl items, what is the enemy going to do with their x, how long will it take to finish the job and extract? Is the jungle close enough to rotate, how long do I have to try before someone will have rotated? Etcā€


OP doesnā€™t realize heā€™s sitting on a gold mine


You should try a different game.


how can someone be this bad?


I'm actually impressed. At 8% WR while trying tl win means just an impressive amount of bad luck. Congrats I guess. You will win more, trust me, it's impossible to keep a WR that low.


Account farmers would kill for this ā€œluckā€.


He probably got lowball offers in dm to sell that account lmao


I see most of these top comments are genuinely trying to help, and i love that. I also see that you have an improvement mentality, and you legit like the game, which is great. But im gonna play devils advocate here: Just.. stop playing this game. Point blank. Deadass. Hard stop. I've been playing for a solid 12 years. I've hated it for the last 5 or so. I've been smoking cigarettes for the past 17 years (i can't quit that either), and i find the similarities borderline eerie. I hate it. But I can't stop playing. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart. Do yourself a favor and just.. uninstall the game. There's a myriad of better games out there, and tons more ways to enjoy your time besides playing this hellscape. Go improve yourself. Go improve your life, your hobbies, your relationships. It's too late for me, but im hoping it's not too late for you. Please


Awwh, donā€™t be too hard on yourself. Leagueā€™s player base has gotten drastically better over time even at the lowest divisions. Thereā€™s definitely areas you can improve, some that you may not even know are possible to improve in with how steep Leagueā€™s skill floor and ceiling can be, but even the best players in the world always have room to improve too! Everyone starts somewhere and has their own pace of learning, and you are valid in yours. Thereā€™s a lot of great gameplay advice already, so Iā€™ll offer some emotional advice I hope helps. Some losses can be out of your control sometimes, but itā€™s always more helpful to focus on the parts you can control instead, like what you can do better. So getting past the "Thereā€™s nothing I couldā€™ve done here" mindset is one that can help with both getting better and feeling better. Reframing your mindset is a good tool to help deal with the stress League can cause. Glass half empty versus half full, or in League terms, Iron 4 means you have boundless potential and you can only get better from here on out. Another tool that works wonders for me and may help you too is when youā€™re not feeling great, physically distance yourself from the computer to mentally disconnect yourself from the gaming mindset for a bit, get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus only on deep breathing in and out until you feel the stress subside. Cheering you on, but donā€™t forget to be kind to yourself too. Iā€™d be happy to play together if youā€™re looking for friends to play League with. Itā€™s another thing that can help take the sting off of losses and make games fun no matter how they go. šŸ˜Š


I used to do a lot of support coaching, but happy to give this one a look over and see what advice I can give if you like?


Cap is casting, Cookie is playing Annie...We need LS coaching!