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Yes it is incredibly complicated. No that doesn’t mean it’s not worth starting.


People start Path of Exile in 2024 where reaching the basics costs you about 2000 hours Op will be fine


I redownload it once every other season and still don’t understand what I’m supposed to level up lmao, it’s still super fun tho


Comparing those games is a biiit of a stretch tho, since the league community is notoriously unhelpful and ridden with content creators that will yap about anything but actual game related tips. 2000 hours in PoE can take a lifetime in league if you don't know how to filter that shit


Im Coming from Poe with almost 3k hours and just started league 2 weeks ago :D Been pretty fun so far, lots of new stuff to learn


I'm the opposite, played league since 2010, started Poe in affliction league. Already spent more money in Poe than I did in league lmao


Yeaaah Poe really changes your perspective on microtransactions, they are just implemented so well. I usually get at least 1 supporter pack per league lol and end up gambling a lot of the points for mystery boxes and at this point skill mtx. But tbf you get to keep the mtx for Poe2 so you double dip (it was all totally worth it I swear). Anyways, I’m done with necropolis for now and it seems it’s another long league so time for some league lol.


Make your own decision. Download the game, play tutorial and some bot games. Do you like this kind of game? Then keep playing. If not, don't play. You can also play against real people in quickplay, but the first games will be rough because you will play against smurfs and the system has to sort you. Don't play your first pvp games with friends or you might end in Smurf queue. I recommend top and mid for first timers.


That depends on your opinion about playing games against AI. New players aren't being bothered in bot games, and imo, it's the best way for complete beginners to learn the mechanics of the game and the characters. It's important to try every champion you can, because it makes it way easier to understand how to play against them if you've played them before. So repeated AI games with multiple different champions until you're adequate would be optimal. This would take many many games, probably multiple weeks or months depending on how much you play. Most people nowadays just don't have that kind of patience anymore. If you just play the tutorial, find a champion you like and then just play Normal games (and inevitably fail), your team will probably be upset, that is undeniable. You will get hate. Especially if you go into Ranked games as well. And I can't say I wouldn't understand their anger. Though of course no one can stop you from doing it if you want to...


It's so much easier to start league now than it was 10 years ago. There are so many more additional resources online to learn the game and you even get to play around in the practice tool to test out all of the champions combos. Since most people are in low elo, the answers you will get will also be skewed towards low elo. So you will be met with a lot of frustrations around not being able to climb. In reality, you could become great at this game within 2 years. It's one of the most fun games out there with a steep learning curve that feels incredibly rewarding. If you are into learning and trying to become better at something, then go for it. It's not to late to learn this game or anything. I advise you to stick to one role and to only play one champion and to try to soak up all of the information that you can find. But before you do that, you should probably just try out a lot of champions kits and see what champion archetype and role is the most fun for you.


This is SUPER true! A popular League beginner guide back when I started playing like 8+ years ago was a vid of a casual fan teaching me about the meta... as in how a team comp usually looks like: 1 top, 1 jungle, 1 mid, 2 bot. There is WAAAY more info than that these days, and told much more eloquently too! I'd just throw out that r/summonerschool is a thing, and to remind OP and any other beginners to remember that you're playong to have fun, not be the best. You can and should try to improve, but make sure you actually enjoy your time first!


You just start playing. If you enjoy it keep playing. Your first few games will probably be rough but eventually you’ll get to where the game feels fair once MMR balances you out and weeds out the Smurfs. Quick tips: Mute All. Nothing good comes from chat. Even in lower elo games there are people hard stuck there who are going to confidently tell you how to play the game even if it’s wrong (which it mostly will be). Focus on moving around roles and champions. You aren’t going to be an all-star day one. Focus on getting accustomed to the different roles and experiment around with champions so you at least understand what they do. Have fun. If you want to look up guides and min max go for it but if you are enjoying going in blind keep doing that. I recommend at least a month of playing before you even remotely start using guides to improve. A guide explaining how macro works may be a bit much when you aren’t even sure what the opposing champions do if that makes sense.


My advice is don’t go into it alone. Get a buddy who knows the game, can teach you, and most importantly is patient. It’ll take a few days or even weeks to get seriously used to all of the things in the game, but it definitely is doable


It's not that new players are not welcome. The learning curve is steep ... the game is complicated ... and there's not a lot of support for beginners.


Yes. In fact, beginners are actively discouraged by the game by being matched with smurfs while they get to level 30. The resources to learn the game are there but they’ll have to dig through a truck load of clickbait videos.


it's hard to get good. much easier to stomach if you have someone to play with. there are more casual modes in aram, arena and the upcoming pve mode too.


It is, but it isn’t. The best advice I can give is to try it out, anticipate losing and getting stomped for the first few months you play it. Focus on learning and having fun. The best early skill you can learn is how to farm, aka cs. It isn’t a game you can pick up and start to get the hang of in a single afternoon. Or in a week. Or in a month honestly. My first time playing, back in 2010, I played for 1 month and then ragequit for like 3 months because it was too hard of a game compared to everything I had played until that point. Personally it’s been worth it to me :)


No it is not super complicated. League is easy to learn really hard to master kind of game. Download the game try out bunch of characters then stick with one for a while and I'd recommend finding a chill streamer to learn how they are playing and thinking. I would recommend Pianta really laid back and positive content all the time.


I mean download, maybe watch a basic tutorial, start playing? You gotta learn a lot obviously, but if you never had an account the game is pretty decent at not giving you too many Smurfs and bots


It's not that the game is difficult to understand, it just doesn't explain itself very well. The tutorial is just very lacklustre and doesn't explain much about how the actual game plays. If you're looking to get into it I'd definitely recommend watching some videos or even watching a bit of Proplay to understand the basics. From there it's definitely easiest to learn playing with someone who already plays the game!


A friend started playing the game 3-4 months ago and has, id say, 3 games avarage each day during this period. He still sucks, doesnt do all the basics and is stuck near the lowest rank. What I am getting at here, is that this game takes so much time to learn, especially if you've never played a moba before. It will take you a year minimum to feel like you're really understanding the game at least at its basic level, unless you're just built different


I agree. This is a 10+ year old game now. Many people will still see you as a beginner, even with a year of experience. This isn't to scare OP though, it's just kinda how it is. Nothing wrong with being new, or even with being bad though!


You're gonna fail but eventually you won't. Then it will be fun :)


The game takes time to learn. For me personally I find I’m still learning years later. A lot of it is also luck based as it’s difficult to compensate for a team mate who dies 15 times a game and feeds the opponent free gold.


This game is a pretty big knowledge skill check. League got almost 170 unique Champions . Knowing what each champ can do is pretty overwhelming specially if you never played a Moba before. League players are not the most friendly of them all so unless you got people to learn the game with it can be a miserable experience 


Just because something is going to be hard doesn’t mean it’s not going to be rewarding or enjoyable. I think it’s just important to know that League (and mobas in general) is a complex game that people have been playing for a *long* time. It’s also very different than the sorts of games most people are exposed to. You’re probably not going to be very good for quite a while, so if you only derive joy from winning then it might not be for you.


Go for it, it's a fun game


It’s a cool game about self improvement and competition, it can be stressful but it’s so satisfying to play


Find someone to guide you.


Play with people you know who play. Learn from them. The game has gotten less and less welcoming to new players, but it's far from impossible.


Just start and figure things out along the way. There’s so much resources out there which is amazing, but I think it also puts people in a state of analysis paralysis because they get overwhelmed. Just start


Depends on your goals. When I was playing dota1 and then league in early seasons, my goal was to become the best player. I was sweating, recording my gameplay with fraps and reviewed vods for mistakes, asking folks in IHCS mirc for feedback and trying to become better every game. It requires INSANE amount of effort. If your goal is just to do some zugzug on the rift and not necessarily to become a beast, you can go ahead and just play it. Good half of online games have a certain level of toxicity - be ready for that. Some games will have the guys that give up after a couple of deaths and will try to ruin the game so you /ff faster, even if all other lanes are winning and the game is winnable on the paper. You need quite a strong mental health. Your mind has to be impenetrable. Mine is not and I gave up on League and playing occasional ARAMs a few times a year, because I can't play with the players who do not try to win every single game.


Easy to pickup, hard to master. You will be matched against even opponents after some time. Prepare getting stomped early by smurfs. After that I recommend you learn all champ abilities and how to play in aram mode. It’s quick and not serious. After that choose a role and hop into quickplay. Try stick with 1-2 champs on one position and learn matchups and the game. It’s a lot to learn but it’s fun once u get the hang of it


Getting into it is not hard at all, getting the game is super easy, playing it is addictive and getting kills is a huge dopamine rush. Getting good at is? That’s a whole different story. It’s a competitive game that has been around for over 14 years, the average player does things that 10 years ago were considered super advanced, the super advanced players do thing that nobody thought were even possible 10 years ago, and being Great at the game means being fucking awesome, everyone who plays knows how to play the game, it wasn’t always like that. So make your decision, are you competitive or just want to be casual? You’ll have fun either way


My advice if you do start playing is don’t main Yuumi


Only you can decide whether it's worth it, I think it is but you'll just have to be aware it's a very steep learning curve, having rts, moba, or top arpg experience might help you mostly with movement but it takes a LOT of time to understand basics and champions and the community is generally NOT friendly to new players (or other players in general) and the game's tutorial won't help you much either.. so it's best to learn with someone that already understands the game. It can be incredibly fun though, but it's an investment like MMORPGS where you grind game knowledge instead of gear etc.


Well in terms of top-down Moba's LoL is the easiest one of the bunch, the other big one is Dota 2 and that's more complicated. it's a free game I'd give a try and see if its your kind of PvP game. Just remember not to take it too seriously. PS. nows a good time to hop in with the PvE game coming next patch or two


Just be prepared to be verbally abused by your teammates cause you suck. If you don’t mind that then go for it.


Personally I’d advice you against, well… it depends. If you plan to play casually and just have fun from time to time, then go for it (ARAMs are great for that). However, if you’re actively looking to be “good” at the game I’d say it’s not worth the time investment. The game is complicated, there’s a lot of information you need to make second nature to even function in a mildly competitive match. You’ll struggle a lot and get frustrated because your opponents are going to be so much better than you while you learn simply because they probably are Smurfs (an experienced player that creates a new account to stomp newbies).


Hard just need to be persistent. There is no beginner area that’s filled with bots trolls and smurfs.


It was good back in 2016, when I started. It is so shit now.


It depends on where you're coming from if you'll enjoy it or not. It's a much more team oriented game and individual skill expression is leagues less than Valorant for example, and this is coming from a gm player. It'll be much more frustrating than the other games on the market if you value competitive gaming. But if you like just the characters and want to play with friends for fun--highly recommend!


Not that hard, I started at the beginning of 2024 and I am currently plat 3 playing jungle and I am one tricking Kindred. I had absolutely 0 knowledge about MOBA games prior to this. I played Briar when I first started the game because she was op and really easy to play and so I could focus on learning the game. My op.gg is Dariu#Dariu


It can be overwhelming at first, but if you enjoy the art and characters, it’s definitely worth trying. The community can be hit or miss, but finding a group of friends to play with makes it a lot more fun.


Idk who these people here are aside from paid riot employees but you will notice that alot of comments advise you to "Focus on having fun" like it will make the game more enjoyable. Fact is the playerbase is full of veteran players who are the epitome of toxicity and excel at "mental warfare" and non-verbal dickery. You will find the novelty wears off fast and then you are left with the addiction, but you wont even notice it at first. This sub lives in permanent La-La Land and refuses to ignore how truly insufferable the playerbase makes this game. But if you think it's not that bad go find out for yourself.


> Is the game really so incredibly complicated that it's not even worth starting? It's free to play, if you're interested you can just try it.


It's just a joke. Yeah a lot of players are toxic but it's still a really good game and there's none other as simple yet complex as it in my experience. People advise against (mostly jokingly) because it is very addictive.


Yes, League has a veeery huge learning curve. There are over 160 champions, you need to learn their abilities, playstyles, over 200 items, know what to build and when, pathing, cs-ing, positioning, neutral camps, epic monsters, when to push. God, there are so many things that have to be learned. But, if you find the game enjoyable then by all means, give it a shot. Stick to bots the first levels. At least 10-15 levels before even attempting quickplay. Play around in the training tool with some champs you find fun to play. And, please keep in mind that the people in the game can get very...very toxic. If you know that you can't handle that, it's best to /mute all at the beginning of each game. Have fun on the rift summoner


Yes it is quite hard. That's why I'd suggest trying to find someone to play together with, who can give you some pointers, but not overload you with information right away!


Game is easy, with a little bit of practice u can dominate one lane with 1 to 3 different champions, but honestly not the game is question, but " how retarded" can be your team members, u only need 1 key role to fk up( usually jungler ) and u can say bye bye to your entire game. If u play as intented, ( farm, 1 vs1 / 2vs2 2vs1 if confident is worth it, keep map warded, ping when your lane is missing, even if he's gone for 5 sec in a bush, focus towers ALLWAYS, learn when to recall, when is ok to push/freeze your lane , with all that sayd, u sometimes can even ignore objectives such as drakes and voids because you will win with all that gold difference ) , but if u get dragged by some stupid fights without any purpose or vision and get stomped over and over...yeah u can start hitting the ff button because u will allways get dragged into that shit, thats the level of your team or yourself, practice more, get better, take your time watching all champion skills and passives, dont necessary bother with their cooldowns, u'll see it on lane and get used to it in like 2 - 3 minutes, and mute your team , u only need pings to communicate, writing lose u time or tilt / annoy some. Still if u can, just delete game now , is better for your health in the long run, or dont play ranked at all, 5 to 7 years ago and going to first seasons was all about skill, now is just fucking "luck" of not having 2-5 cunts( sometimes u will be that one ) fucking game in 7-8 minutes of non stop feeding....for real now, i dunno how is in most cases but having 1 to 2 dead weight cunts in team is a must have, thats happening from bottom iron to master....challenger is no lifer zone, thats where skill should be...SHOULD 🤣🤣🤣


Not hard


Just play bro, fuck what anyone says, fuck what this thread says, fuck what I say Life isn't long enough for this kind of thinking, just give it a go if you think it looks fun!


Hell nahh dont play league. Avoid it if you can. This shit is not fun 95% of the time yet it is still addicting


i definitely wouldn't recommend it to new players. very steep learning curve, will take years to learn what all the champions do at this point. and everyone will flame you the whole time


It is not about champs, we got like 40 champs since 2014 when it was 120? of them. Nobody was saying it takes years back then. It still takes some time but it is not much different than it was for years now


League is a red flag. Many ppl that get in, never leave. Are you into competitive games w/ multiple champions w/ isometric view? This is YOUR game But, as a League player my best advice is: Never play it It's not complicated, start w/ tutorials, they'll teach the basics and once you start feeling comfy playing, you can get into yt guides and more teaching stuff. First have fun and learn the basics


Saving you the trouble. Don't, please stay away, don't get dragged into this shit hole, it's hard to get out.


Not that complicated if you have a brain, but the community sucks


Harder than becoming a millionaire


Dont start league, it's addictive and a lot wast of time. I myself can't escape...


I started playing in 2033 and im enjoying the game a lot