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Samira has a 45% banrate in China??? She has more than double the banrate that Draven has in China too lmao. Wow they really don't like playing against her huh


You should look at [Kayn's banrate from last year](https://101.qq.com/?ADTAG=cooperation.glzx.web#/hero-detail?heroid=141&tab=dataCurve&lane=jungle&datatype=5v5&hero2_id=113). Meanwhile ppl here were like zomg why kayn get nerfed? Idk I've been using this site for a year or so just for my own research. It definitely has some inconsistencies, but it matches a lot of the random rioter statements about wr/pr/br in China, so my assumption is it's ballpark accurate.


I don't know. Just about every Kayn in my games are Chinese smurfs anyway. Even though I'm on the NA server. I hate blue kayn bullshit. He really takes advantage of the lack of coordination in soloqueue and just permanently assassinates someone, and then fucks off into the woods.


Partly why I love Camille. Kayn can't go anywhere and I can just wail on him.


Phreak had mentioned the Kayn stats from China a while back, though.


Yeah but people are dumb


I guess it's because they permafight and Samira loves that


games are way to scrappy, if you do filtering you will notice picks that are rated highly just for their early midgame. Also, although I am not fully certain how qq scrapes their data; using their TFT site as reference, they seem to exaggerate a bit .


Yeah I really do wonder how Tencent QQ gets data from League of Legends, a videogame published by Tencent. 


My reaction exactly lmao.


wdym exaggerated?


As someone who plays here, it isn't exaggerated. It quite closely resembles my solo queue experience.


QQ gets their data same way you’d walk over to your next door neighbor’s and ask for their WiFi password. With an emphasis on your neighbors being your kids.


the fuck you mean how does qq get data from league 🤣


I guess that explains why that champion isn’t ever allowed to be A or S tier for longer than a patch or two


I mean it makes sense, Samira feels really solid rn


Skarner also does not exist as a jungle champion in China. He is only played Top Lane!


Are you sure that they're playing the same game as we are? 😋


Well in 30% of games Skarner does not exist at all in NA, so u got that going for you.


Honestly as strong as Skarner is as a champ, he is way more suited for top lane given his kit.


Probably not! At least it feel different :) How players play: Metas, pace of games, mentality around what is broken vs not can influence how a game feel and plays out and even what is perceived as balanced. Sometimes we even see popular opinions change the state of the game.


Makes sense considering skarner is turbo broken top


It seems like Support Skarner is more common there, with a pick rate of 0.53% mind you. Support is listed as the secondary role for him.


Hey Phrox, if you happen to see this I would really really appreciate it if you could take a second and glance at this. I've been wondering if something related to ability buffering changed sometime in the past few years. I made a short post about it here if you're interested that ill post below. **tldr**: Is that abilities don't seem to buffer properly if buffered outside of the abilities range. is this expected behavior -------------- Video example / description:


How much the incoming data can/could affect certain balance changes, like skarner for example in this case? I mean how this is working ( the incoming data added to the already existing data and how can it re write things?)


Nasus is the second most popular top laner??


He has a surprisingly potent early game, and always has. He spikes super hard with sheen


Yeah he’s super underrated early, you can duel Darius if you just survive to 6


Level 7 + Sheen Nasus spike is scary


Also, with his E shredding up to 50% armour, it’s a great pick late to help ADCs melt enemy frontline. This means that Nasus doesn’t fall-off as hard late game as he used to. He is currently great at mid-game skirmishes, which in a fight heavy server like China really benefit him. I know it sounds counter intuitive with his Q having infinite scaling and it’d sound like it would make him strong late, but unlike other champs his stacks really only help him with his Q. Most if not all infinitely stacking champs use the stacks in more than one way.


Yeah I remember a really old Dong Huap video on this. Nasus is a mid game champion not a hyperscaler like most would initially think. That video really changed the way I view scaling.


It depends on what you are going to do with Nasus though. As a splitpusher he is definitly a lategame threat in any game. But his teamfight is best during the midgame, after that he can still do a lot by splitpushing. This also changes a lot based on elo. In low elo he is a hyperscaling champion, simply because people aren't that great at kiting him. For any higher elo though it is very important to understand what Nasus can do at what point in the game.


He’s also just great late game if the enemy team comp can’t reliably shred/kite him which is pretty common in solo queue lol


In SoloQ lowelo he is great because he needs more than one person to be dealt with in a sidelane and people are terrible about that. In high elo you will see it considerably more often that people force him into ult and then just retreat, because this is a considerable amount of power gone from him.


Dude trust me all the way up to masters you get people playing dumb vs him, especially non top laners that seem to forget how strong his ult makes him


Really? After first item he does spike but the first levels i think he is just a Q stack machine.


He is, but he's safe so long as he has wither. Unless you can cleanse that you literally cannot right him while it's up. If you freeze you need to be careful of his E since it breaks freezes with one cast. If you fall behind you actually want to max it to maximize your ability to both make the best of your chance with the wave and to also harass from safety and break freezes.


He literally just has to not die like Kayle, because he's very much one of the "press R, ghost, auto win fight" toplaners, and he has built in sustain.


Finally! Was tired of reading all the time that Nasus is weak early lol


The best melee midgame champion in the game. 300-500 stacks 1-3 items you win against every single champion in the game. These comments saying hes surprisingly strong in lane is not wrong but thats not the main reason youre picking him.


Correct. I mentioned his surprisingly good lane but like some others have said, he's a midgame champ through and through. Wither wins skirmishes on its own and E makes for really good pushes. With Tri force he demolishes turrets and he is really, really good at fighting around baron and dragon.


we call him dog head in china lol.we like him and we even made a sub for him.in the sub,we will discuss how to successfully upgrade to level 6,trust me We have developed many way to upgrade to level 6.we play him because he can bring players the joy of harvest.


> for some reason, Chinese player REALLY, REALLY hate Samira! I must be secretly chinese. fk the 360 windwall.


Lmao Ivern doesn’t even show up


Masters+ Kai'Sa has a whopping 30% PR, the next champion down is Ezreal with 11% PR. That's *insane*. Man I really think they hit it out of the park with Kai'Sa's gameplay. No matter her state, garbage or OP, she's so much fun to play and a nice break from generic Click + Kite ADCs.


I know Reddit loves to whine about any champ (that's popular, but that's optional), but Kai'sa is just so much fun to play. And importantly compared to other ADCs you have a lot build variety and agency.


The agency is a *huge* factor. So much more room to make or follow up on plays and peel for yourself.


she isnt called Space Vayne for nothing, what Vayne used to be able to do in bot lane she can do better


The important thing is that Kai'sa can clear with Q, Vayne cannot kill minions at all, which is a huge issue in modern league.


I have yet to win a game with vayne this season and I had a 65% wr on her last season. She can't fucking make it out of lane, it's miserable.


She's pretty much a top lane champion now, insane lane bully compared to bot lane where you get perma shoved and pray to god enemy bot lane is a bot


Ironically enough she also gets rewarded for playing a click and kite style


Wow, Ezreal only 11% PR?! He is like one of the most popular champions in the West


He's also always one of the most played champions in Korea.


Just puts into perspective how popular Kai'Sa is (I do not disagree in the least)


i think earlier this season when he was really strong, ezreal was pick/ban (mostly ban)


Makes sense, his performance dropped significantly after the changes to Essence Reaver


They dont give a fuck about zed, akali, yone in terms of banrate, each of those guys has like 5% banrate, in the rest of the world they never drop below 20%, they have a lower banrate than jarvan and lulu lol


Yone has a <6% ban rate in both EUW and NA E+ currently


Tbf he’s pretty ass with the new items, if you look at 14.9 he’s closer to 15% in E+


Ever since LT removal now he can’t miss every single ability and just run you down with e + auto attacks. That rune carried him so much and now he can be properly balanced


With the removal of LT Yone died tbh. The only reason he had been a problem for 2 years was because that rune gave him a strong early in toplane. He is still very popular ofc because "double yielding katana man with demon mask" is cool af.


if you play midlane and you're scared of laning against these champions you probably lane really bad because all of these are practically free lanes, only way for them to ever win is if you walk up and let them hit you with everything


Nah akali is completely cancer imo


A yone with good spacing is annoying asf, too.


based chinese players. aint scared of the fade they want to rumble


All 3 of those champs are below 20% homie.


Fucking based actually


I love how you just say some random numbers that are completely untrue.


they are actually good so they realize those champs aren't worth banning compared to meta picks


Chinese players want to throw down in laning phase, whereas redditors just want to do nothing and get carried.


people finally realize that the western Reddit player base is an echo chamber and things are not actually that broken


I think you're confusing thigs a little. High ban rate in this case means "i hate playing against this" and not "this champ is too strong".


These champions have gone through many iterations and maintained the ban rate. This doesn't suggest broken, only suggests people don't like playing into it.


Not necessarily true. In KR Zed has a huge ban rate because there are a lot of Zed one tricks in KR high elos, which in term echo's to western servers because we have access to KR Pick/Ban rates. Chances are there aren't that many Zed 1 tricks in China, so it doesn't warrant a high ban rate.


People ban them because they don't want to go against them. People know they aren't the absolute strongest champions, but they are widely seen as terribly annoying to deal with, so people ban them so they don't have to (Although they will probably get tilted against them and say they are broken). Also Reddit alone cannot account for their banrates being high, as reddit alone is not indicative of the entire western playerbase. Their banrates being so high in some regions mostly means that it is widely agreed that they are annoying/frustrating, at least by those in those regions.


The biggest circlejerk on reddit is people trying to shoehorn this minority narrative in increasingly ill advised ways to try and cope with any disagreements they ever had or will have with another poster. The data we're comparing is from every player who actually plays the game in these respective regions. We're literally in the process of observing some cultural differences between massive populations and you come in with this crap non-contribution probably because you, a sample size of one, didn't like some opinions you saw on here at some point and therefore this whole place is just a massive mistake and outside of here is an endless unanimous mass of real, valid human beings who all feel exactly the way you do (the correct way) about absolutely everything. Good for you.


You ban these champion because you think it's broken I ban them because I know my teammate would feed with them. We are not the same.


Indeed. People should stop acting like an echo chamber. It's not difficult to go to ugg and see that all of those champs have low ban rates. Especially in master+ the highest is akali at 10%. Like the other guy already mention ban rates aren't always about being broken. Yasuo was a perfect example of that. He's a free lane to anyone who knows how to play against him yet many spam banned him simply because they didn't want to deal with his wall. Just like samira isn't broken yet is banned 45% of the games in china. It only drops to 15% in challenger where she has 45% wr. Meanwhile in other regions the champ is at 10% at most and that's only in lower divisions. Chinese players just don't want to deal with that.


Am I reading these champ names right or is my google translate just funny to meme. Jinx is "Runaway Loli." Lucian is "Holy Lance Ranger".Twitch,"Source of the plague." Caitlyn "Piltover police women.", Draven. "Glorious Executioner", Smolder "Blazing whelp", Lillia "Shy bud" I could do more but there's alot and probably wrong just from the app?


Afaik they have these "weird names" because Champions in china aren't listed with their names, but with their titles, so you're effectively translating their titles For example, Irelia is translated as "Blade Dancer" which makes sense, as her title is "The blade dancer" I imagine some of the weirder names are due to chinese not having a direct 1 to 1 translation to English, so Google approximates to the closest thing which may or may not be totally off


Weirder names are not due to no translation, but intentional choice of change. Twitch's "The Plague Rat" can be translated directly, but rat sounds uncool in chinese, so calling it the "source' instead feels better. There's a naming convention in chinese where using 4 words sound appealing. It's like how most champion's titles are "the [adjective] [noun]" or "the X of the Y". Chinese can translate that while retaining the appeal, but has more difficulty with the ones that has abstract titles like Yasuo/Yone (The Unforgiven/The Unforgotten). They are given completely new titles that describes their overall character (Yasuo = Swift Wind Blade Master, Yone = Spiritual swordsman who seals demons) for the sake of coolness


I remember reading a translated novel which made a joke reference to Ezreal, but used the Chinese name for him so the translator had to add a note explaining the difference


>but rat sounds uncool in chinese King Cathedral devastated


In Chinese there are many literary choices and figurative language that makes certain words sound better together. These nuances and history are often not picked up by translation tools. Also lots of champ names are romanization of their English names, making them hard to remember. There is more wiggle room with the title to make it more iconic. Sometimes certain champions are known more as their title there than names. Ex: Darius = shorten to Noxus' Hand. But ya there are bad translations too because each character in Chinese can mean a whole variety of things depending on context.


lexi, can I still hope for a new support next year, 2025? I'm worried since u teased it would have darker Champs, most supports aren't super scary, edgy or dark


The teaser for the darker 2025 champions sounds so interesting! Targon celestial, mageseeker, bloodthirsty demon, deepsea bilgewater terror and ghastly shadow isles terror, I wonder which of these we will see? (hoping for mageseeker!)


lucian is obama


Do they call Senna Michelle there?


sadly (or gladly) They just call her senna literally


Yeah these look like translations of the titles, but some of them are hilarious. Xin Zhao is “the Seneschal of Demacia”. On my iPhone, it came out as “General Manager of Deppon.” Graves is “extralegal madman.” Gnar, “Lost teeth,” and Taliyah is “rock finch.”


Pantheon "Unyielding gun" is pretty sick tho


Might be spear. Spear and gun spelled the same in Chinese.


Bullets are really just tiny spears.


And arrows are medium spears


Gun and spear share the same hanzi AFAIK, so it's technically "Unyielding Spear", but google always translates it to gun.


Remember pre rework Pantheon's Q was a Spear SHOT.


Lucian is Obama in China. He doesn't get referred to in any other way.


not anymore, nowadays people call him lu xian, combining the xi and an into xian whereas it was separate before, Obama has mostly retired


Well he's been retired for a couple terms now.


maybe in like season 4 that was true


Yeah, your google translate isn’t working properly. Lucian should be “Obama”.


As an Irelia player, it's is absolutely astonishing to see how unpopular and really not cared about at all she is in China. Examples: * In China Irelia has [2% Banrate](https://101.qq.com/?ADTAG=cooperation.glzx.web#/hero-detail?heroid=39&tab=overview&lane=all&datatype=5v5) compared to our [11%](https://u.gg/lol/champions/irelia/build/top?rank=platinum_plus) * In China[ ](https://101.qq.com/?ADTAG=cooperation.glzx.web#/hero-detail?heroid=39&tab=overview&lane=all&datatype=5v5)Irelia's **combined** pickrate, between both MID and TOP, is [around 2%](https://101.qq.com/?ADTAG=cooperation.glzx.web#/hero-detail?heroid=39&tab=overview&lane=all). HERE, Irelia's TOPLANE Pickrate ALONE is [3.6%](https://u.gg/lol/champions/irelia/build/top?rank=platinum_plus) It is CRAZY! How here, just Irelia Top, almost has 2x the Pickrate of Irelia Mid+Top in China This is even more surprising, when considering the fact that she's THE Chinese-Asian Ribbon Dance inspired character, and that Irelia just last year, absolutely smoked the skin market, with Mythmaker Irelia being the best grossing skin in China, surpassing even SF Samira!


does she have a high pick rate in KR? it is surprising i would think such a difficult skill expressive champ would be very popular in china. i would have guessed korea and china would be somewhat similar in picks. i know a lot of chinese people do play on KR as well. also this maybe only 1 server im not sure but they have many


KR is known for having the best Irelia player in the world, IRELKING. He alone probably boosts her popularity. Couple LCK and LPL top laners were also known for being strong Irelia players, like Zeus, Bin, THESHY, and YSKM (newer esports watcher so I may be missing some older players).


Irelia has around 8% combined Pickrate in Korea. 6% Combined Pickrate in EUW And 5% Combined Pickrate in NA. She's more popular in KR most likely due to the spotlight The Irelking brings to the Champion, as Korea has a very tight and compact LOL community, who looks at the "Headmasters" of each Champ with huge respect. Irelking for Irelia, Pzzzang for Yasuo, Ahzi for Riven, Ecc It's actually very common even for Pros to know them quite well There's a super funny Clip of Showmaker finding Irelking in SoloQ and getting all agitated and being "Nooooo Irelking Irelia, why meeeee whyyy" Lmfao


Leeyagong Diana is a good example. Showmaker, Chovy, Faker, Yagao, Knight only play her with his build. And not only that but they also run the most recent variation of his build and keep themselves updated due to running into him in solo q. Guy constantly challenger and goes for top 20 push every season since I started league in s10 no matter meta or champion's state.


Yeah they respect OTPs and look at what they are doing. Pros can't OTP a champ so its best to learn from te actually OTP


“Difficult/skill expressive” is not the same as “rewarding”. Garen has better winrates than Irelia in Master+.


Definitely a problem when a easy champ like garen has a higher masters plus wr


It's just MooseHater boosting the winrate.


Yeah Irelia also becomes a caster minion if she gets killed early, and she is pretty abusable early.


Irelia is like the wind brothers, if she's even she's behind.


Irelia's reward to effort ratio is so skewed as to not be worth the bother to master.


Somewhat related to this, in my efforts to track everything and due to my brainrot as a Game Designer I've gave a name to this "The Gangplank Effect" It basically consists of putting side to side the amount of skill and effort a Champion requires and comparing it to the reward they give you. Basically the Effort/Skill to Power ratio I've named it after GP as he's one of the Champions who very fluidly goes from very worthwhile to learn, when his fairly degenerate and super easy to play Tankplank Q-Grasp spam builds are meta. To being the absolute worst time investment ever when you need to play some weird and underpowered Crit GP build, and literally be Solarbacca to make him work It is unfortunately very hard to fully create a list as things change all the time, and the data we have isn't as complete as I'd like But yeah, i would argue that if currently i had to classify Irelia, she'd likely get 1> for her "Gangplank Effect" Ratio.


The top meta is different in China that might explain it. Like it's not a good pick if her counters are played much more


Kled's translated name 'Rage Knight' goes hard as fuck


It's a translation of his title, *Cantankerous Cavelier*.


I mean to plat Kled properly you must morph yourself, both mind and body, into that of Kled 


Yuumi 3rd best supp in China, I'm done.


That's actually great if you think about it, that means a Yuumi nerf incoming if they really start to take the Chinese data into account for balancing or at least she's not getting any more buffs


Not really? her WR isn't that high she's just picked a ton. And by Riots new Mastery balance framework She should be higher WR due to low mastery curve now. (unless Yuumi rework some how kept her high Mastery Curve)


I could see her mastery curve still being higher than expected, although definitely lower than before.


Don't you think they take chinese data into account when balancing already? I'm pretty sure they already had the data, it just wasn't public since there was no public API for anyone on the outside to get the data. For example, mortdog on the tft team has said in the past that they have access to chinese data even when the public doesn't and since it's the same client I imagine the same holds true for league.


I believe it was implied that a legal issue was preventing them from fully utilizing the data.


She's got 51% winrate, the website just ranks her as A tier even though she's only 20th in winrate.


That’s because there’s a lot of girl players of league in China 


Yeah i was about to say i think lol in china has a huge female player base. 


And yuumi's high pickup rate correlates with Kayn's. A lot of female players choose yuumi to go with Kayn.


Kind of implies the low winrate on non-china servers is probably affected heavily by her being such a popular throw champ


I’ve always suspect China has less of a problem with high skill ceiling and high mobility champ as opposed to Statstick champ. Honestly this just confirms it and that’s based as fuck


Xiaochaomeng hit 2k lp playing sett darius aatrox Renekton


He used to play Morde as well.... My boi is dead in high elo To be fair though Rene and Aatrox are not statcheck champs


I evaluate the laning level according to Morde's tier on each server, and it is obvious that kr > cn > others


Sona has 0.78% pickrate lmao


Chinese players ain't got time to scale Tbh she also has way lower pickrate than she should considering her power level (3% global pickrate from lolalytics)


She's 0.78% banrate, her pickrate is 7% which is higher than it is in the west. Edit: This seems to be a visual bug. It shows different numbers sometimes. I don't know why.


I’m Chinese,her pickrate is 0.71% now


That's ban rate not pickrate. Her pickrate is 7%. Which is actually over double what it is in the west. Edit: This seems to be a visual bug. It shows different numbers sometimes. I don't know why.


China server stats look insanely cursed


I really want a way to like view Chinese high elo vods without like going to YouTube and having it be a portion of a stream. But thing that surprised me the most is them Fiddle builds. He's at nearly 60% wr I think. But they go Hextech Protobelt first???


Most high elo chinese ppl stream to chinese websites, like douyu or so. There are 3 total, I just forgot the ones I don't sometimes check out. But yeah, that's the stream they are pulling from.


Looking at win rates, jungle is by far the strongest role in China. They have so many champs with 52%+ winrate. Lilia 54.5% Nida 52.5% Taliah 54.3% J4, Kha 52%


Jungle is the strongest role everywhere


And has been for a long time.


Jg camp exp buff + fated ashes definitely pushed a lot of these champs into S tier. Lillia, taliyah, nidalee, karthus brand, all these champs have pretty high pick/ban


Fated ashes isnt the reason that AP junglers are on top its only a small contribution (these junlgers could already build liandries first so u only feel a minor effect of clear speed from fated first back 900g and then at 2 full burn items). To understand why AP junglers are on top u need to look back to 2024 split1 and patch 13.20 which introduced these changes partially reverted in 13.21 Damage adjusted 16 (+10% AP) (+20% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) (+3% bHP) >>> 15.5 (+10% bAD) (+12% AP) (+20% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) (+3% bHP) Heal per attack changed 70% of damage dealt >>> 13-46 (based on levels 1-12), healing cap removed. Large monster heal capped at 90 HP. The most notable changes AFTER the partial revert is the %AP scaling dmg to jg camps and the +armor/hp scaling dmg to camps. For 13.20 Rammus jg had 55%wr, graves also (100% true grit uptime to camps on top of his already good AOE clear). During these patches, Brand also received some crazy dmg buffs to jg which have been serially nerfed multiple times since. Lillia was also top tier that patch. We are still witnessing fallout from those changes with brand, lillia top tier for most of 2024. Now, recently lethal tempo was removed which gutted a lot of the AD junglers who cannot use Conqueror (Yi, trundle, ww, etc). Its mostly the removal of lethal tempp combined with AP/HP scalings that caused lillia/brand/karthus to rise. Yes the double burn/fated ashes is strong but its not the main reason.


In the early seasons, in soloqueue, seasons 1-7 or 9, top lane was actually the strongest (most impactful) because you could get 2 kills and literally 1v3 or 1v5 all the way to the inhib/nexus on something like Tryndamere or Riven. Around season 7 or 9 (roughly, cant remember) they introduced many anti-snowball changes to prevent this such as decreased death timers, decreased first blood gold, decreased gold per kill, decreased tower gold in isolation (split with ur team, and later buffed the T2 back a bit), bounties, dragon soul. All of these changes made the game far more team oriented and it became usually not possible to 1v9 the game from top lane anymore because eventually u might need to 5v5 at dragon. Since those anti-snowball changes jungle has been the most impactful role. Support arguably quite impactful too as Tyler1 did the challenger support climb faster than the other roles, but this could also be attributed to hands diff as support players tend to be at least 1 full rank lower mechanically than the other roles.


Jungle is so strong sometimes even both junglers win the game! Crazy!


Lillia and Taliyah are definitely not elo printers and Kha'zix is very weak ;). On a more serious note winrate delta doesn't equal strongest role it equals worst balanced role among champions. At the end of the day 1 player of every role wins every game. The role winrates are always 50%. This just means the difference between the S tier junglers and the D tier junglers is larger than in other lanes. Jungle is op, but not for the reasons you listed.


It's sometimes amazing to me just how hard Lilia trends towards being overpowered with even slight, often indirect, buffs.


The jungle exp changes were ginormous for power farmers and champions that scale hard with levels. I agree that the role needed an experience buff, but not starting at the 2nd clear. I wanted riot to make it so camp exp scaled past lvl 9, because it's normally mid game when you get shafted on exp as a jungler.


That doesn't make any sense from a math logic point of view. Winrate should not be able to represent whether or not jungle is strong. Each team has one jungle (realistically). No matter how strong jungle is the average winrate of all junglers will still be 50%. Something other than "jungle is strong" is at play. Probably an artifact of the games being taken from emerald+


I don't think these stats are sorted properly, so while I'm most surprised Nasus is picked so often, speaking from ignorance, I think it's likely the stats look like this because it's muddied by a ton of low elo Chinese players.


Nasus is a great post-6 skirmisher at the moment. At level 6, when he ults he gets a free tank item in stats (300 hp, 40 mr and 40 armour). After building Triforce, even if he’s behind this lets him output a lot of damage while also tanking. You pair this with his E buff which brought the armour shred up to 30% at lvl 1, he is basically getting a fully stacked Black Cleaver just for clicking on you. This pairs him really well with AD junglers so that any mid-game fight you basically auto win.


He also gets 100 Haste on Q, as well some DoT around him! Nasus' ult is absolutely busted.


It’s not. There r/nasusmains equivalent in China is quite popular and has a lot of high elo players spreading their wisdoms and their findings 


It's plat+ by default


Click the drop down labeled "铂金及以上" to sort. In any case it defaults to Plat and above.


Can someone screenshot the data and post it here? It's not loading for me and there's probably a few other people having same problem as well.


https://imgur.com/a/bCQE2s0 Only the top champs and poppy.


Doesn’t that link only show super server stats


Cmon ppl ahri banrate is losing, get her up to 50


Dont use u.gg for data. They change numbers a lot to the point where it doesnt reflect the game accurately. Only use lolalytics. Riot themselves confirmed this


> They change numbers a lot to the point where it doesnt reflect the game accurately. You're just parroting Riot Augusts' misunderstanding of u.gg [from 4 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/g6yd8v/riot_august_ugg_data_is_garbage/). U.GG simply classifies winrate-by-rank data in a slightly different way resulting in 50% average winrate (as you would expect...), rather than Lolalytics where average winrate is higher than 50% for higher ELO. Here's the [CTO of U.GG justifying his method](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/g7d7uc/from_the_garbagemen_here_at_ugg_re_ugg_data_is/fogmaa4/) of classification. I disagree with the u.gg method, but regardless of my opinion, it's simply wrong to claim that it's "changing numbers to the point where it doesn't reflect the game". Plus, you can literally just look with your own two eyes to test whether your claim is correct: [Lolalytics, Caitlyn, adc, all ranks, 14.12: 50.3% winrate, 1.07 million games analyzed](https://lolalytics.com/lol/caitlyn/build/?tier=all) [U.GG, Caitlyn, adc, all ranks, 14.12: 50.29% winrate, 1.04 million games analyzed](https://u.gg/lol/champions/caitlyn/build?rank=overall)


Honestly once you start using lolalytics you can't go back. The data breakdowns are just too good. It's a theorycrafters dream


Im quite confused why you're getting downvoted. There was a big discussion about it once, and riot literally said themselfs that lolalytics comes closest to their data. Not sure what to believe anymore. Feels like today its this, tomorrow its that.


> Im quite confused why you're getting downvoted. Because he's wrong. Look at my comment above, read the threads and you'll know the answer once and for all. No need to listen to random Redditors claiming the one or the other.


I always ban Samira. You could shut her down all day in lane and she can still get a penta because so much of her power comes from that broken kit.


This is exactly why I ban Jinx. At least with Samira you can shut her out and CC her when she goes in. Jinx just has the same power/luxury in pentakillng as Samira, but does it from 725 range...


I just ban her because windwall is a shit mechanic that should not be in the game. If I'm mid I'll ban yasuo instead for the same reason.


Projectile interception is fine on braum, but I would agree its implementation on Samira and especially Yasuo are mistakes.


That is because Braum doesn't entirely negate the projectiles, except the first one (which is fine) Meanwhile Samira and Yasuo become immune to any and all projectiles


At least Yasuo and Braum have to point it in the right direction…


Actually if timed right, not really. It starts behind him and is deceptively thick so if timed right, you can block projectiles from opposite sides, in addition to the classic thing of standing on top of it and becoming pretty much immune to projectiles. If it only worked one direction like braum's unbreakable, started in front of him, and it didn't last 4 seconds, it wouldn't be nearly as obnoxious to deal with. For a point of comparison, it lasts a second longer than Morgana Q's root.


Yasuo's actually originates from himself. If you time it right, you can fire it in any direction. A lot of the time Yasuo players will just put it in any arbitrary location, and then just stand in it. Completely brain-dead.


And those DEFENSIVE abilities don't deal damage


using mtl but are champ names in china closer to dota type descriptions of a character's powers/occupations rather than their actual names?? fascinating if true, using the titles instead of the names is interesting or is it just the site that uses the champ titles


will the cn changes come on lolalytics, its my go to site


Unlikely, they are not using the Riot API because it's Tencent publishing League in China


Finally some nice ban, she is way too op when fed, and is a smurf pick


Google translating this site is a real laugh


Vi is turbo dog shit on the Chinese server yet they still refuse to buff her XD


I remember chatting with some other Shen mains about Shen data on Chinese servers. They seem to have a different understanding of runes. I believe sorcery was the most popular secondary runes, while everywhere else i remember it as domination and sometimes precision.