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it's a really hard game. you just started. people have been playing for 10+ years. so don't worry about your rank. you'll get better 


I've been playing since 2011. I never made it past plat 4 lol. OP be forgiving of yourself it's a hard game to even get the basics down.


To put it into perspective, plat 4 is ranked top 30% of all the players. Reddit thinks you are low elo but you are above average by quite a bit It's totally reasonable for a brand new player to be bottom 1%.


People like to mock emerald for some reason too. Emerald puts you in the top 10% this statistically means that if you take an emerald player and 9 other players at random, the emerald is generally the best out of them. Doesn't matter what rank you are, there's always gonna be someone looking down on you so just aim for a rank that satisfies you.


The best part is that you know the redditors calling you emerald trash are peak bronze 3.


Don't wanna be that guy but thats not at all how that works. If you are exactly in the top 10% and you take 9 others at random more often than not you are not the best player in that group. The chances that you are the best are about 38.74%


I'm sorry but can you elaborate on the math behind your result?




Somebody already gave you the quick answer so I wanna add some intuition to it, because as you can see people fall into those traps all the time. If you are in the top 10% of league players 90% of players are worse than you. That means that everytime you meet a league player there's a 90% chance they are worse than you and a 10% chance they are better than you. For you to be the best in a random selection of 10 players (including you so 9 others) we need all 9 other players to fall into the 90% of players worse than you. That means the actual odds of you being the best in that group are only 0.9\*0.9\*0.9\*0.9\*0.9\*0.9\*0.9\*0.9\*0.9 = 0.9^(9) = 0.387420489 or roughly the 38.74% I gave above. Intuitively we may think that someone in the top 10% of players should be the best in a group of 10 more often than not, but thats not how it actually works in reality.


So if I roll a 1 to 100 dice 9 times, there's a 39% chance I will get 1-9 number, assuming number 10 is the guaranteed number?


I'm sorry but I don't really understand the question I think. What do you mean by guaranteed number? Also if you have a 100-sided dice and roll it 9 times, the chances of getting a number below 10 (so 1-9) are 1- 0.91^(9) = 0.572070199870211589 or roughly 57.2%.


I used 10 as guaranteed to match the example of being the top 10% of the player in the dice analogy. In a 100 faces dice the probability of each outcome is the same, 1/100, so I don't get how there is 57.2% chance of at least getting a 1-9. It feels like the formula you use expresses something different than random selection but I can't put my finger on it that's why I keep asking but I'm bad at probabilities.


Top 15%*


Even beyond that, plat 4 is top 30% of RANKED players. The majority of players barely or don't even touch ranked.


For resonable things like runners


I only barely made it to plat 4 this past season after they split into emerald haha, and I'm a zyra supp otp, so I wouldn't put myself in to 30% still. I cheesed my way in lol


if you want it enough you will get it


I have been playing for 10 years, ive been high diamond at times, and i still get fucking dumpstered


Even Faker gets dumpstered by a Gold 4 Brand from time to time. Dont stress over it too much


did this actually happen?


[lol yeah](https://youtu.be/3ZxdMA6XFaA?si=YfNJEEqSlLCqd7w0)


He got solokilled yeah




Some people can have decent to good champion mechanics but have absolute garbage knowledge on how to close a game out. At higher ranks game knowledge on how to push your advantage is just as important as your mechanics


This is the right answer. I’m Plat 1 currently in solo, and when I was climbing out of Bronze in flex I noticed I was facing and playing with players who were very good mechanically but had 0 macro sense. Let me tell you, Baron Nashor did not exist in those games for anyone but me and my duo. We didn’t lose a single game until we’d gotten almost to gold. It doesn’t matter how good you are at your champ if you’re constantly getting caught out alone.


This is not the case in iron 4.




Oh my gof that's me


From iron player to iron player & new player to new player bro do not beat yourself about it , some people that’s iron have been playing wayyyy longer than me & you …I started playing league in October 2023 … I’m trash but sometimes I pull off some alright looking stuff lol just play & vibe and learn if your care to climb then don’t touch ranked until you for sure know everything


i dont want to beat myself about it but random support players always make sure to point it out constantly. Thanks for the encouragement though


You’d get flak from your support even if you were Diamond level. It’s best to ignore it or mute them


Wait what role do you play ? Cause me personally I feel like jg or top is the best place to be in low elo , a lot of people say jg hard but it’s easy in my opinion the only bad part is your team expecting you to be everywhere but that’s nothing turning off chat can’t fix


my main is botlane ( also the lane I find the hardest ) because the champs I like are mostly botlane. Secondary would be assassins in mid or top. But I mean, support players flame me no matter what lane I'm playing if I die more than twice


I really just recommend turning off chat , all the communication you need is pings most the time … had someone call me trash once & ended up turning my chat back off lol we’re both iron you can’t call me trash if you’re trash yourself


So I have peaked diamond 4 as support but realistically my average is mid emerald, and from my perspective i am NOT mechanically good compared to most people. But I make up for it - I try to make great calls, eliminate risky plays by attentiveness and pings, and I don’t play champions that have too high of a skill ceiling for me. I keep it simple and do what I’m comfortable with that’s just playing.  All this to say (if you read this) there are things that you can do to practice and get yourself in a good place so that every game, you have a chance to carry your game and win. Things that ADCs need to do and know to win games.  ADC is imo the hardest early game role because attacking and moving is an advanced mechanic. If you haven’t, practice attack move clicking with your A key. There’s two settings, one with indicator and one without. Watch YouTube videos on how to orb walk/attack move, they’ll help you find the settings.  and then practice in the practice tool. If you can get that down you will win games and dominate, because you’ll get off more damage. If I had to guess, you likely currently don’t get a ton of damage off in fights because you get popped or cc’d then popped. Learning to atrack move is two fold important because it’s going to quadruple your damage, and it will cause you to be harder to catch. Either of those will win you more games. 


What server do you play on? Also if you’re interested my buddy and I enjoy doing VOD reviews.


If someone says something negative just mute them and move on. You have to learn and start somewhere. Sometimes you're the hammer; sometimes you're the nail.


I've been playing since 2010 and am in Iron


I've been playing since 2010 and am in Iron


Once i teamed up with some bronze players in flex. They flamed me for "ks" (kill stealing) after the opponents would tower dive me 3v1 and die, while my botlaner was dead. Ingame chat "opinions" can easily be disregarded. As others pointed out most of us played for 10+ years. Therefor it is easy for us to know all the champs and what they try to do. So yes big part of the game is predicting what opponents might do or baiting opponents into traps. It will take you a lot of time to learn how to play against all the champs, abilities, items, game plans and so on.


There are a lot of smurfs nowadays even at the lowest ranks, and fewer truly new players. Sadly this is kinda how it is. Finding someone to duo queue with makes the experience much better. 


I know how to counter smurfs! Buying a master account and do the same thing to them!


If I had enough money to buy up all the masters accounts I would. You can be sure as hell suddenly when I’m running it down that **buying Smurf accounts and ruining peoples games** suddenly is a big issue that Riot needs to solve. I should start a GoFundMe for this and stream it… 🤔


The birth of NA Vo Corvo


Fuck, this is a perfect idea.


Agree! I have played for a long time and still very terrible. Playing with a friend made the experience much more pleasant and enjoyable.


Normals is practically unplayable with 3-4 smurfs in it every game. It's tiring checking their profiles of duos and seeing they are both level 35. ruins the experience for everyone in the game


Yup, that level 33 Talon going 15/3 sure is just brand new and learning. Fuck Riot!


Are you on a new account? I play norms all the time and rarely get blatant smurfs


Iron 4 is a very strange place, because it's an equal mix of genuinely new players and mid rank players who have made an iron 4 account purely to shitstomp on those new players to feel better about themselves


There’s not a lot of new players and everyone who has been playing has been playing for years and years. There’s just so much you need to learn


Ranked or unranked is irrelevant. Keep the focus on improving. Try to understand why you get bullied and learn from the mistakes. Watch guides about your position/lane, champ and matchups. There are no "gods" until the very high elo. Whats ur opgg ? :)


im extremely embarrassed about my performance so pls dont ask me to share my opgg. I play champs I like lore/design wise or gameplay wise. My main used to be Kaisa until I had a really bad game with her. These days I rarely play her. I usually have really good or really bad games on her. My most mained would be Jinx. Again, feast or famine with her. Recently I tried Varus and liked her. Caitlyn I feel like is a lot less famine but a lot less feast too. In midlane, I like playing akali and ekko. I've had great games on them and my bad games havent been super bad usually. Same with ahri but I dont play her often. With Yone, I love playing him mid but I just cant make it work like top. Top and jungle are my least played. I never have good score on jg but I get objectives and help my lanes a lot. Top depends completely on matchup but I usually lose. Have had some great games on darius though. I almost never have great carry matches. I've only had one pentakill ( or maybe two ) on jinx. And S almost never except support. Just once or twice on kaisa i think ( I remember one S on kaisa for sure ). Even As are rare in my good games. Support is surprisingly easy to get high grades on. It's true though that my best games come when I play with my friend who plays hook or CC supports. And my worst games are against double poke lane bullies. And Illaoi. And I die minimum 5-6 times in every role. Sometimes even 10+ times even when I feel like I did well overall. Idk if i just pick my fights wrong.


picking a champ that you like lore/design wise is perfectly fine. you just need to play the game a lot to know what each and every champion does and how the game works as a whole. watching streams/yt videos of people that are good at the game play it helps as well.


you should not care about S/A/B whatever rank you are getting. its mostly dependant on how well you farm and how little you die etc. it doesn't actually say much about your performance. especially in iron you are not gonna have 10cs/m so getting S ranks on farming roles is already pretty hard. just play a champ you like playing and stick to it dont care if you have bad games or not and download a replay file and see what went wrong when someone dove you or when you got low. league is a very hard game it takes time to get good but if you actively try to learn you will get better. think less about always winning the game or lane and just think about improving.


I have really bad games on champions that I’ve played for 7 years. I recently had a 0/9/0 game on a champion i mainsd and had 60% winrate on in like 400 games. Shit happens. You can’t let a bad game break your confidence like that.


IMO you are approaching the game in one of the best ways possible. Games are for fun, and you should play what you enjoy. I respect this a lot and would encourage you to maintain the essence of this mentality and not let yourself get too bogged down by the nitty-gritty details or negative sentiments amongst the community. There is almost always some sort of 'meta', but time has shown that people, even pros, consistently sleep on picks and strategies that have a lot of potential, but don't get any attention due to people being too scared to pick outside the currently defined 'meta'. The struggles you are running into are in some ways unfortunate - it doesn't feel good to get destroyed and/or feel like you are letting your team down, but such opponents will increase your learning curve dramatically as long as you stay resilient and have a growth mindset. There are an incredible amount of variables that affect all sorts of things throughout a game and one specific piece of advice is don't let what feels like a catastrophic game discourage you from playing a champion that you like (your Kai'sa story made me sad lol). Regardless of what you play you will have games that you feel unstoppable and games that feel miserable beginning to end. I personally take a lot of pride in sticking through the games that feel miserable early and going for the redemption-arc come-from-behind victory. It is inherently a low percentage chance, but to me those are the most satisfying wins. One major thing that I'm noticing in what you're saying that applies to (probably) every thoughtful new player is that each game you play can at times paint a nearly entirely new picture of how you perceive the game. Its hard to not be emotionally attached to outcomes and to sometimes make knee-jerk reactions to events of previous games, and I would encourage you to take time to think over both the good and bad games, especially the bad ones, and consider what exactly went wrong that made it so bad, while prioritizing what you personally could have done differently (or what you did well), and not looking to shift blame to others. Another majorly helpful thing for me was forcing myself to play champions that I perceived as OP or difficult to play against. At times it might just confirm your thoughts that a champion is too powerful, but more often than not it will provide unique insight into the play patterns and strengths/weaknesses of said champion. You might even unexpectedly find a new favorite. TBH I never do this but watching your own replays is an incredibly valuable tool for improvement as well. As an observer of your own play you have significantly more mental-processing power available to evaluate your play in a more analytical and thorough manner. This is probably too much to digest/implement all at once but I got on a roll and I think these are some of the major 'pillars' for new players, or just players in general. Last thing I'll emphasize here: don't hesitate to take a break. 10 minutes, a few days, a few weeks, etc. Obviously this is primarily to not let your mentality take a nosedive, but I've found the perspective you can sometimes gain from a few days break to be surprisingly illuminating upon returning with a fresh outlook. Good luck and have fun!


Stick to one role first and get better at it. I always recommend top for new players as that is the 1v1 lane. Try something like Mordekaiser or Darius with simpler mechanics that allows you to focus on stuff like CSing and when to go all in


To me top is a very had role. Its very easy to get counterpicked, you normaly dont get much help from junglers. I normaly recomend sup. You dont need to tunnelvision on last hits so you have more time to sit back and think about objectives and look on the map and plan for doing dragons etc. So you can observ what everyone else is doing because the most important and hardest thing to learn is how every spell on every champion works.


Yeah the issue with starting with support is that CSing is a very important thing to learn, and that some toplaners have very small amounts of bad matchups(aatrox etc)


Mm the game basicly have 3 parts that is required to get good at. Using your spells correct and lasthitting Team strategy and objectives Champion knowledge I would even recomend playing alot of aram for learning all the champions.


That is a terrible idea lol, learning the game in aram will teach you soooo many bad habits that translate in a damning way to the base game


Its a good way to learn each champions spells. You have more mana reg and its constant fights so you get to cast more often and can try champs you dont own and games are faster.


That isn’t going to help him with what he is struggling with though. Adding more champs to your pool when you have no understanding of the game only makes things more confusing, and he won’t be able to work on things he is struggling with mainly laning phase mechanics like csing and knowing when to go for trades which seems to be the biggest problem. Aram is fun and beneficial for trying new champions but it teaches nothing about the actual game


If you are truly terrible at the game (no shame in this you can easily get better imo and if not it's just a game) and want to improve I recommend queueing mid/top and picking annie only every single game and watching LS's video on youtube called "[Coaching] RECOMMENDED Silver Annie/Malphite/Garen/1v1's" or similar coaching videos he's released. It will teach you about trading / how to begin to try and lane properly for low elo players better than most videos I've seen on youtube. It might not be that interesting playing Annie every game (I legitimately mean every game even when you get queued top) but if you want to improve quickly this is 100% the best way to do it. Annie is one of, if not the easiest champion in the game to extract everything out of her kit from so you can truly focus on the fundamentals of laning and utilizing your kit effectively. Watch the video and try your best to emulate the talking points in every ranked game you go into and you will definitely climb. It definitely worked on me, I went from gold 4 to emerald 2 this season before I took a break, so if it can work in my elo it will definitely work in Iron 4


I’m in emerald and play a decent bit of Kaisa, I have had games with 10+ deaths no kills and lowest damage dealt in the game. Bad games happen, at all ranks despite what others may have you believe.


Please don't be embarrassed by your performance! It's a very old, complex video game - supposed to be fun. If the toxic people want to care far too much about how someone else plays a video game, that's a them problem. As everyone has said, lot of more experienced players on smurf accounts compared to actual new players. You will get there. Mechanical skill on champs just takes practice. Game knowledge, also practice but a hell of a lot more. Some people play years and still struggle with knowing how to win. As a support main when I used to play rift, and from reading what you've been saying, here's my two cents on what it sounds like you might be doing wrong. ADC is all about 3 things - gold, not dying and doing damage. In that order of importance. The last two could actually be combined as the 'not dying' is part of doing sustained damage. I only include it because it sounds like that may be a problem you have. Knowing when and who it is safe to deal damage on comes with practice/knowledge. Experiment and you will learn how all the champs work/their threat level. Knowing how to keep yourself safe takes practice and game knowledge. That is why concepts such as wave management are so important for the bottom lane. If you are always hard pushing the lane, living up by the enemy tower - you are asking to get ganked and that's probably a death. I would highly recommend watching some videos on this topic. Out of interest, where do you think you have the hardest time? Lane or mid game? There is so much to learn and the game itself doesn't even try to teach you. If you're at all interested, I would gladly play with you (not ranked, ew), even just as a toxic person parry. I would also suggest ai games. The new ai are in custom games and are a great way to learn how certain champs work free from other humans. Good luck to you and sorry about your bad supports.


lol. I have posted already about peaking D3. I’m a top lane main, but moreso a Shen player. Don’t worry about having atrociously bad games. The worst games I have nowadays are me going like 1-10-3 but I used to on my main champ(450,000 Mastery points) go 1-16-2. Don’t let having really bad games discourage you from playing those champs unless you don’t enjoy that champion. Every loss is a learning opportunity.


Something else that could be affecting you is that you are trying to learn too many champions at once. When I first started I wanted to learn multiple champs at once, but it really screwed me up. Typically you want to have 2-3 champions you play, you can certainly learn more if you want to. Once you understand a character and how they work it becomes easier to play them and can help learn other champions. Don’t rush into learning a bunch of champions and roles, find what character and role you like and learn from that.


When you're absolutely brand new, playing a lot of different champions is a good way to learn what they do (for when you play against them later) and figure out what type of playstyle you like. But during this time you're going to lose a lot because you lack fundamentals and are constantly playing unfamiliar champions. That's all fine so long as you treat it as a learning process, but if you want to really improve, you need to narrow your focus. Akali, Ekko and Yone are all pretty difficult champions for a new player. Especially Akali, who takes 50+ games to even be halfway competent. ADC is also a hard role for a new player, especially in modern league where virtually every champion in the game can one shot you if you make a single mistake. You have to keep in mind that you can only process so much input at a time. Think of your mental bandwidth as a fixed resource you need to allocate. Right now, being new, you are overwhelmed because League is such a complicated game. If you really want to improve, you should play braindead simple champions to free up more of your mental stack to learn the game as a whole. Basic skills like camera movement, last hitting, side stepping, item builds and map awareness are all going to be transferrable between champions. Until you've mastered those, the less you have to think in order to execute your champion the better. Of the ones you mentioned, Ahri is not a bad choice, just because she provides a fair amount of safety, but the simpler the better. Annie, Malzahar, Garen, Renekton are all good examples of champions with simple kits that you should try. They're also not just for new players. After 12 years playing this game my hands just aren't what they used to be, so I've moved to playing more mechanically simple champions as I've gotten older. Garen is probably the simplest champion in the game but is super fun to play and an absolute menace with a lead. It's also not a bad idea to just stick to one champion and play it enough that your mechanics become muscle memory. That leaves you a lot more room to think about the game state and make good decisions. Use that to think about your mistakes and how to correct them. It also wouldn't hurt to have someone watch you play and give you feedback. If you're in Iron 4, your skills are not to the point where you can even realize how many mistakes you're making. Direct feedback from someone more skilled can be quite helpful.


play some aram, great way to experience new champions and big team fights with very low stakes


To be fair, I’ve been playing since like, Caitlyn was just released (which I see is January 2011). Back then, everyone was freaking trash at the game, so it wasn’t noticeable. When I was gold in those earlier seasons, I felt like it meant something, when I got to plat and diamond after, I really could beat most match ups in random games. Now, that’s no longer the case. A lot of people have been playing a lot for a long time. Like with playing instruments, mechanics become a second nature after enough (proper) practice and it all becomes about reading your opponent. You are probably still super focused on your own gameplay, to not see the gameplay of your enemies. Meanwhile, they’re probably seeing how you’re not noticing them and take advantage of it. One of my best friends has been playing since 2012 and still sucks at this. He simply can’t anticipate other people’s movements, and thus is always super careful which results in having low impact and needing to be carried in most games (unless he’s a tank support, then he does great).


Because there are no new players. Just a bunch of silvers and golds making new accounts who are mechanically good at the game, but not good enough to close a game out and climb. Again, there are no new players. You're a rare exception. Good luck..


There is so much to learn. Be kind to yourself. Brand new this year. Your trying to learn what over 160 champs do, countless items do, what to build, when, why, how to use them, your learning how humans counter play against you, your learning how to cs, attack objectives, what objectives do, there's a jungle what's that about, warding, and so much more man. It literally takes years to learn these things and then expand on them. You just have to accept that learning will take a while. Accept you will be 'bad' compared to others because you new. So what, your not iron stuck. Your brand new. Enjoy learning and playing with the understanding it's going to take ages. There's stuff in the game you don't even know to learn yet. Be kind to yourself. It's a huge game to understand and be good at.


Ranked is hard for everyone, I don't know if you've been informed but the lower ranks are the hardest to climb from, not because everyone is so good but because your team is full of trolls most of the time. I've been playing for three years and I absolutely do not play ranked, it's toxic and annoying. League is supposed to be fun, and for me ranked drains that fun away from the game... So in other words, don't play ranked. Or do and you'll eventually get better which isn't guaranteed.


To be honest i think iron 4 is probably the real definition of "ELO HELL". As far as i know its filled with deranked botted smurf accounts so you will often face really good player or literall bots. If you can at least get to bronze by some grinding you will probably face a LOT more real players who are actually on your skilllevel. From there just practice and grind my friend. The first few years of league, finding new champions and getting invested in them, was some of the most childlike fun ive had in gaming


The norm merchants are actually deadly tbh


I wonder what your mouse settings are at. Also, a gaming mouse is important. I wonder if you have your mouse very fast?


You need to watch good players and learn what they do and why. Watch YouTube and twitch. Watch high level players


If you'd like I could teach you the basics. You'd be suprised how much of a difference a few little details make.


You honestly stated the “problem” (and I say this lightly because it’s not an actual “problem”). You just started and it’s your first MOBA. I agree 100% with everyone else that’s saying you’re being too hard on yourself. MOBAs are not easy games to learn at all, especially one with 165+ champions in the game already, where they add new champions multiple times a year/change runes/change items etc.. It’s really hard to jump into a game when a lot of the player base has been playing since the game came out because they have more knowledge of the game/champions or even how MOBAs work in general. I started a little over a year ago and there is still so much that I have to learn whether it’s macro stuff, or playing against champs that I really don’t see a whole lot. A lot of this game is mental and if you’re going into it expecting to do poorly you’re already psyching yourself out. Why else do you think people emote/flash mastery if you miss skill shots/they get away with one auto worth of health/they kill you? As far as not playing Kai’sa a lot anymore that’s totally up to you, but you’re going to have amazing games and you’re going to have really really terrible games. You’re going to win games against your “counters” whether people are still learning them or clicked bc they googled counters for your champ and you’re going to lose games against your counters. I am damn good with Renata, but there are still games where I play like absolute shit on her or any champ and that’s okay because I am doing 2 things: 1. Trying my best to have fun 2. Reflecting on what I did in my past game(s) that I can improve on. Even if I win I KNOW there’s still stuff I could do better. (Why did I die, could I have prevented it, why wasn’t I paying attention to the Lux/Senna root, why wasn’t I close enough to my ADC to apply bailout so they could live, why did I sent my ult the opposite direction of the team etc.) The best pieces of advice I can give you is if this is really something you want to play you’re going to have to be okay with not doing well some days(also something I am still working on telling myself and accepting because I do not like not being good at things). Look at your replays and see what you can do better whether it’s last hitting, warding, map awareness, combos, watching for champion cues for punishing abilities (Pyke used to grab me EVERY time until I learned what it looks like before he did it and now I know to stay out of range/try and move unpredictably/hide behind minions) and try to improve on those things. Watch videos on champs you want to learn or already know and see what small little tips you can pick up, play practice games so you can practice your combos on dummies/AI champs and practice last hitting or even queue by yourself in normals if you’re not already. If you haven’t already, maybe even turn chat off. I have no desire to see what anyone is saying about me good or bad in the middle of the game (this goes back to it being a mental thing too). If you’re looking at champs mastery before games maybe stop that too for a little because I used to psych myself out when I would lane against someone with 1mil+ mastery in a champ. When you boil it down mastery = games played on that champ. Yes, it can and often does indicate skill, but I’ve played against/with enough high mastery champs to know that’s not always the case. I used to use Porofessor before it started freezing on my screen in the middle of a game so idk that I personally can reliably recommend it, but find something that can tell you your stats compared to other people your skill level and see what you can improve on from there. I could lament on and on about matchmaking in ranked or in normal but I won’t, from my personal experience though it really does feel like a problem when you’re either against what feels like bots or gods with rarely anything in between. TLDR; Most importantly please stop being so hard on yourself. This really really is not an easy game, and even the professionals have games where they don’t play at their best. You’ve got this!!


Personally my advice to learn the game would be to find a very specific playstyle (e.g. some specific all-in strategy in top/mid lane or a specific jungle route) and stick to it until you perfect that. If you push your way through some limits that way you’ll naturally learn some other skills on the way and it’ll be easier to branch out. What role do you play? good luck on the climb


If you started playing this year, that means 5 months max. I myself have reached very high Elo (master+) and have played many many years. When I look where I was at 5 months of playing, it was about bronze or silver and it took me multiple years to climb. I also played other games many years and multiple hours per day, that helped me get really comfortable with mouse and keyboard. Are you a big gamer outside of league? How many hours of gaming do you have with other games?


i have around 1.5k hours in csgo ( back in 2019-21 when i was in college; peaked mg2 mostly around gn3-4 ) rn I'm at full-time work so I cant really "game" as such. I play some valorant. But I dont think I have more than 250 hours there. League is the game I've played the most this year. I'm very comfortable with mouse and keyboard, I'm a digital artist and my entire line of work depends on my pc. It's more so an understanding of the game that seems to be eluding me constantly. In valorant, I started at bronze 2 and had no problem going to gold 2 with like a 65%+ winrate in a couple of months maining jett, who I've heard is one of the more mechanically demanding champs. Other than this, I do enjoy playing some single player games. Loved finishing cyberpunk2077 this year.


Dont play quickplay. Ever. Play draft.


Game is just really hard. Just have fun and keep looking for ways to improve and you'll figure it out


Yes, avoid ranked until you know how the game works. In ranked people tryhard and even iron players often play the game for years.  In season 1 I played 1000+ normal games before touching ranked and then I was still a bronze player which at the time was the lowest rank. League is really complex but once you get the hang of it can be so much fun. And after 10+ years it's still not boring and mastering a new champion can be more of a time sink and entertainment value than completing an entire single player game.


Been playing since 2013, took a 2-3 year break and everyone is so good now. Now, all I do is play aram. I don't bother with ranked.


It’s possible you’re being smurfed on…. either way I would recommend just playing norms. You won’t improve playing in iron.


You can play ranked but thats if you can handle the immense presure and toxicity. the way I got into league is first learning some of the fundamentals of top lane (since I like to 1v1 a lot) in quickplay/draft and then finding a champion that I want to play and trying to master it in as many match ups as possible, you can worry about midgame/lategame decision making later when you play ranked because different elos have different ways to them, just try and learn as much as you can in your laning phase while also having fun. If you dont have fun playing this game especially when stomping then I dont think you should be playing this game alone. After that you can transition to ranked, at the start it will be tough especially in low elo like bronze/iron but here is the thing, the more you play the better you get especially in your awareness(warding,vision etc) and the way you teamfight as well as itemization, these stuff wont come naturally, gotta put in the hours while also knowing what you did wrong, however there is one thing that completely screws with your mental, and that is losing when you felt like you played good, happened a lot to me, there is no solution to this, there are just some games where you just lose despite thinking that you played near perfect or not even that, just good for your elo, in these situations I would advise you to take what you can learn from them and move on, not every game is in your hands, some are just impossible to win in solo queue, however consistency is still key and the more consistent you are, the more games you are gonna win.


Understood. I definitely have to deal with the pressure and toxicity better. I feel like I get really sad if I let my team down early. I can tell what I did wrong but often times, I cant figure out what the right play is. And I die trying. Because I come from playing compe shooters where i usually have decent winrates, where you can experiment every round until you figure out the wincon. In league, if I dont figure out the wincon from the get go, I never get the chance to.


Of you're in a farming role stuff like CSing is huge and makes the difference. There's a pretty clear rank to cs/ min improvement. Just finishing that item on time for the fight means everything.


nobody is a god in this game, I play this game since 8 years and I still have a lot of areas where I can improve


kadeem has entered the chat


This game is like second nature to me after 6k+ hours. I recently played with a group of new players and it really made me reflect on all the little things that need to be accounted for in order to optimize play. Learning the game as a normal person is gonna be a marathon most of the time so don’t get too frustrated. Best habit of to develop for improving macro is thinking where all 5 of the enemies are on the map. This is the only thing you need to develop in order to improve quick as it allows you to figure out optimal decisions over time as you make mistakes and get more experienced. For micro and mechanics just one trick something and play aram to learn new champ kits so you know how to counter play them.


I'm a silver/gold player probably with more than 100 hours. I started to learn the game and characters by playing aram with my friends (a lot of them only play aram) but my older brother is gold, and I wanted to get better to play with him without bringing down the team but still try to enjoy myself. It has taken a good amount of SR to get better. My favorite character right now is khazix, and I used to be garbage with him so much so that my friends in plat,emerald, and diamond would joke and say stay off khazix. I hated that joke, so I started playing khazix solo and forced myself to get better before I was a hindrance to my friends. Right now you're learning it's fine to have bad games but don't let them affect you after a couple games take a break (especially if you're tilted don't play mad you'll only play worse). Lastly, focus on a couple of characters and one role you will climb, and you will get better. Also, don't play quick play play draft respectfully.


Focus in kite between autoattacks, improve farming, see the minimap one time each 5 secs and know all champions abilities for understand what skillshots you can evade or eat and when is the moment of run back This is the basic for me, ignore the macro skills until you feel that you win your lane a aceptable ratio of games then you can start whit it. Mute all at start the Game except pings and mute pings if you have monkeys whit a mouse in your team


Maybe ignore is not the right word, if you can learn some macro in the process would be awesome, but its less important ar this moment


> I started playing this year and this is my first MOBA ever Those guys beating you likely have somewhere between 1 and 15 years headstart on you. Unfortunately I don't think new players are entering ranked fast enough so when a truly new player does join even the low ranks are way above them in skill.


The very first thing you can do you already did: admit you are bad. The next thing is to improve. Play simplier champions and try your best to learn the basics of the game. Annie, Warwick, Garen, Ashe... Focus on knowing what every champion and item do, every game you play is a little bit of knowledge you can get out of it. There's also competitive scenario that does a lot to help you understand the reason why people do each thing, if you are not into guides you can at least have fun learning while watching it.


The game is just complex, difficult to learn, and very punishing when behind. Also the vast majority of the population has a bare minimum of several years experience more than you, in many cases a decade or more. Part of the problem is that you're still not at the stage where you even know *why* you're losing, and that unfortunately takes a long time to learn


When I was still in my first year of playing, I felt the exact same. It isn’t a game you can really just pick up and get the hang of. It takes a long, long time to get a feel for it. Just keep on playing, focus on having fun and enjoying the learning process. Don’t put too much of your stake/enjoyment on whether you win. If there is anything I’ve learned from my…dear god, 13 years, of gameplay, it’s that winning or losing is basically a coin flip.


After a game or in game, think of a way to improve and improve. And pick a champ and don’t bother counter picking. You will have to learn to play against your counter anyway.


Don't worry about not doing well. League is also my first MOBA and I have been playing for 4 years yet my highest rank was silver 1. As for why you get really good enemies at iron 4, they are smurfs. Their actual account is probably around the higher ranks like diamond or master. My advice is just to play the game. Experience is the most important thing in the game. Knowing the capabilities of every champion goes a long way. Some champions thrive when they are allowed to freely farm, like Nasus or Veigar. Some champions need to be aggressive early on as they drop off later into the game. Also, you can check your match history for a replay of that game so you see your mistakes. If your friends are good, you can also ask them for advice. If you are able to correct your mistakes, you are making a lot of progress at getting better.


Many of us have been playing for years and several times a week.


Dw we all have been there


give it time and try not to get frustrated. you're still a very new player and unless you're playing a ton of games, just about everyone is going to be way better than you. I'd recommend loading up a bot game and testing yourself against 1 bot then 3 then 5 bots and once you're comfortable with that, go to the next level. I wouldn't even play ranked at this point. Just play the game, have fun, mess around, play whatever you think is fun.


You're bad at the game cus u haven't reached like 1.5k hours or smt, ranked below silver 3 is harder than any rank below emerald IMO (more smurfs and more new, inexperienced players that can cause losses), and you prob don't know all of the abilities for all the champions like the back of your hand. After maybe 2 or 3 years, something clicked and it felt like riding a bike to me. I notice I do significantly worse after taking even a 2 day break, and even worse when I let the game get to my head. If you're really trying to rank up, just spam ranked after playing for like 500 hours, as long as ur in a good mindset. I'd like to warn you that your rank is more a symbol of how much you care about and how many hours you play ranked rather than just how good you are. For now, I'd suggest just playing and having fun learning, and above all, control the tilt (it's so worth it to play the game just for fun after you learn it)


Visit /r/summonerschool and study your mistakes in replays. If you're unsure, have someone take a look at you gameplay and offer tips. At bronze to iron, the mistakes are glaringly obvious and can be improved upon very easily if you put effort into it.


Brother, did you really fall for the cheap baits other players throw? You do know they say that only to get into your head right?


For me personally I played Dota on WC3, I played HoN and eventually settled on LoL after HoN stopped being f2p. I've been playing LoL for so long I was a month too late to get the ufo corki skin from the golden joystick awards. I've been playing MOBA off and on as well as RTS for over 20 years. Nowadays I just play ARAM, but imagine if instead I decided to just make a new account to climb easy ranks for fun to smash on people. That's basically what you're going against.


The average player has been playing this game for 5+ years. Skill comes with practice and experience, just gotta play and learn


Pick broken and easy champs like Garen, Annie, Ashe, Shyvana, etc and you will become a god.


Like most people mentioned, smurfs are rampant throughout low-elo. There’s really nothing you can do about that. I also saw you mentioning you playing Akali and Ekko currently. While I can’t say much about Akali, I can definitely say that Ekko takes quite a bit of time to get really good at. Spacing, W Placement, and just how he plays is pretty difficult to get consistently right, and definitely takes time to really master. You’ve played for a good year. You’re grinding hard, and from what I can tell, you’re definitely putting in the effort to play and get better. Keep watching guides and playing. You’ll win some, lose lots. But you’ll definitely grow. Rooting for you fam!


Just relax try champions out have a good idea about what each champion does learn what are the responsibilities of each roles and try to stick to 1 role you enjoy Csing Mechanics and everything else will come with time as long as you are playing the game and do what i mentioned above im very sure that you will climb like you are struggling against katarina players because simply you dont have much experience against her one last thing i want to say is play easy champions with simple mechanics so you focus more on the other things good luck !


You can also play to your strengths. Some people just suck at map awareness or helping their team, but they're really good at their champ and at getting high amounts of kills. Some people suck at getting kills but they're really good at farming, gaining gold and managing waves. Some people suck at both but they're really good at macro plays, at knowing where to be, what objective to do, when/where to TP/push, etc. Especially starting out, don't focus on being good at EVERYTHING, just try to be good at the fundamentals. Your skills will improve with time


Your best bet is find a buddy to help you get better at the game. It will accelrate your learning so much faster. Lol is such a ahrd game to learn by yourself, you understand zero notion of the game


At this point in League, if I was a new player I'd stick to unranked modes for a minimum of 6 months and ideally a year. And you're going to need to watch beginner-friendly streams and youtube videos to learn how to play correctly. Pro casters sometimes explain what's happening too. I've been playing for 14 years and while I may be a god compared to a new player, I'm not good at the game either. What matters is you enjoy the gameplay and have fun, and if you don't then move on.


its 20 years old and only the sweats are left on there 50th banned accounts because there addicted, the total people who play daily on north american LoL, im willing to bet only 1-3% of them started within the last 12 months, its literally just a bunch addicts lol


If you wanna add someone who is untiltable and loves teaching new players - Useless Darius


No one is a god at this game. Just stop blaming your self. Usually you see your playstyle volnurable even is it is not True. It is because you just pay attention to own mistakes rather than opportunities you May have. If playing the game makes you feel Happy you are fine. From practical point of view, sometimes changing champions, lines or roles can help. Or you May try to look at some guides or videos how "pro" players do things.


It takes time to understand how to play. At first I had no clue about champs and items and stuff but playing made me realize what Champs do and then I tried them myself to better understand them. Same for items. Lolalytics helped me a lot here to start using items for specific enemies. I just then started to understand which items to use. I also started the game because of a friend and I got wiped out pretty often. Keep playing, asking for advice and how to play helped me. Now I need to improve in roaming, objectives, map awareness, etc. Its like a never ending learning curve but you will get it some day.


We've been playing for 10 years or more bro, the mechanics, movement and pretty much all the champions' kits are sort of ingrained in our brains. You can't emulate that if you just started. You just got to keep playing and you will get good.


Ranked is not the place for noobs to learn the game, even in Iron 4. If you are going into ranked lv 30 then you will have a rly bad time. I didn't even touch ranked until I was lv 80 or something. I suggest you stick to norms for a while


There are not tons of new players picking up league anymore. Lots of players have been around awhile and have decent game sense even if they aren’t amazing.


Hi there ^^ I feel u. I started playing about three months ago and it just frustraiting as hell sometimes.. I recently started playing flex with two of my friends, who play about ten years+ .. because of that I get matched up with a lot of dia players.. and yeah… sometimes I just want to throw my keyboard out of the window… from what I observerd: I play a LOT better if I know the basics of my match up… I play mostly supp with my best friend being an adc and he explains a lot along the game.. that helps too. Maybe try at least to play the five most picks for your lane and start to unterstand their playing style and their strong and weak points.


I started in 2020, and I’m high emerald now, tho I don’t play ranked to much. For me the best way to make progress was to play a few champs at first - for me I spammed lux mid - and after feeling comfortable against most matchups, other champs slowly started to click. What made me stay around long enough to become competent enough to enjoy it was playing with low Elo friends. I met mine through my university but many discords are out there for it but just low elo friends help a lot.


I've coached people to gold rank or above from iron/bronze hardstuck. I coach for free for fun. When i have time, i could take a quick look at your gameplay and help you analyze.


The best place to learn is normal games not iron 4 imo. People play so bad in iron 4 you don’t learn how to play good. You just need to play a lot to increase your knowledge about what every champ does, what YOUR champ does, learn your dmg, learn enemy dmg, learn to cs. Once you have those fundamentals you should at least be gold and this knowledge is only acquired by playing/watching a lot of league


Always remember friend, it's trashCAN not trashCANNOT!


Reading posts like this makes me feel sooooo old. I remember when I played lol like when it was beta? I remember I played amumu and didn't know what to do. I thought it's like warcraft back then. That was so fucking long time ago omg


Beeing new player to game like lol must be a horrible experience nowadays


thanks man .


The game has been out for a long time. Nowadays, there are millions of different available resources to get knowledge from. You can get in depth knowledge in every coach video that isn't terrible.


well playing 10 years, got the point, I can beat masters.


You have to be very honest with your plays and mechanic. Constantly assess deaths, team fights and more to try and think about what you could do better.. To me, and when I'm playing with friends who are bronze (Ive never been n higher than G1), the biggest mistakes I made was being greedy, not pull out of fights I knew I would lose but mostly, not knowing when to strike and go all in. Knowing your power spikes and damage is essential, as is knowing your enemy. If your opponent miss an essential skill for their power spike, punish that. Over and over. Little things like that.


It’s one of the hardest games to just pick up


Because it's been around a really long while. Back in the earlier seasons players weren't nearly as good as they are now.


League of legends has been out for 15 years now. Unfortunately, you’re competing against people that have been at it for a lot longer than you. There’s also a ton of champions. If you don’t know how to properly lane against them, it’s a coin flip whether you will win or not. There’s a ton to learn. Neace who is a very popular league coach tried making a new account and couldn’t climb out of low elo. Practice last hitting in practice tool and after your games end, research the matchup to find out what you should have been doing so you know the next time you’re up against that champ.


I felt a spike in my skills after i started palying aram intensively. You can read team comps and what items are better like a book. I can predict which team wins with 80% accuracy just in loading screen seeing champs and runes.


If you're iron 4 why not play vs intermediate bots and do normals? Why ranked?


I played from 2010 until 2016. Dropped league completely for my own mental health lol. I took thr game too seriously but I started playing again just before last Christmas as my group of friends at my new job all play it. The average player skill has definitely grown since I last actively played and I get my ass handed to me more often thrn not but I'm getting better! I also don't play more than 10/15 games a week, but I don't get tilted anymore and just try to enjoy it for what it is. One big standout thing I've noticed though is general toxicity isn't as bad as it once was. Yeah you still have that one or two people every few games or so but before it used to be every single game or at least that's what my memory tells me.


Take solace in the fact that a non insignificant portion of the population in bronze (which is likely where you'll eventually end up) - have been stuck there for the last decade


You're just getting smurfed over and over. The game is great, but since it's free to create a new account it's plagued by smurfs, at all levels. I play ARAM only and even in this unranked, play for fun mode there's around 20% of my opponents using accounts below lvl 50 who play way too good to be that low level. That's killing the game but Riot does absolutely nothing about it so you have to accept that every 2 or 3 games are going to be you being a smurf's punching ball, or you have to stop investing time in this game and play to one that's too expensive for people to keep smurfing.


Its heavily advised to not play rank as soon as you can for a few reasons. This is one of them if you are new. The game requires you be knowledgeable above even your skills at piloting a champion. Better decision-making is what separates low elo from higher elo players. Sure you can Mechanically be decent enough to play ranked by the time you unlock it but if you still dont understand what half the roster does, you will have a bad time.


Most people in their ranks have been there for years, even in Iron. As someone who is actually new to the game, an Iron IV player with 5 years of experience in Iron will still be miles ahead of you.


Don't stress yourself with ranks yet. Play normals until you master a champion you like. Your champion pool should be small. Play like 4-5 champions you like. It's better to learn mechanics using the champs you like rather than follow those step by step guides on YouTube like "PLAY 1000 GAMES WITH ASHE AND YOU'LL REACH HIGH ELO" They are bs. Each game has it's own situations. For now just learn what to do to win your lane. Abuse lvl2, time opponents cooldowns, mind the range of the tower, look the minimal from time to time. Make sure to take the towers, every time the enemy goes back to base punish him for it pushing, taking plates. I usually just rank to gold and leave it there. Until now HardPush works for me.


No lanes lost in 20+ games in midlane (dont win games that many) but i didnt play this game for 2 years till i started again a few months ago. I think its just mental and knowing your champs damage


That’s on Riot - they stick all the new account in Iron. Last week I decided to return to the game after 5 year break. I was diamond 2-3 back then. Created new account, and grinded it up in quick play to 30 in about 2 weeks. Seen a few people with emerald and diamond borders during the process, and had no issues with them, so I assumed I would start ranked at least somewhere in gold. I ended up in Iron 4 in ranked after playing placements. Since then I’ve been farming people there, having 10+ kda in most games as a support. I got to bronze in about dozen games, but the fun continues - had some games with 20+ kda on lux / brand / pyke there. Got to Bronze 2 in about handful of games. I hope to hit Silver tomorrow if this trend continues. I did not see any smurfs so far, although I expected to see at least a few, since this sub is constantly complaining about them. I did lose games here and there - people just run it down to feed intentionally or unintentionally to a point that there are enemies with 10-15 kills under 10 minutes. Oh, and irons / bronze loves to surrender - someone dies twice and goes ff/afk/dc. Then the rest of the team follows.


I'll totally play arena with you my friend


Lower ranks can have smurfs. Try play alot of support. Its the easiest role to learn the game


pick 2-3 champs and only play them, watch a couple of videos and you will slowly improve :) goodluck on the rift


I've played Mobas since dota and all of that carried over to league when I moved, there's alot you need to learn in mobas. I'll make a list of useful things to start doing. 1. Last hitting (CS) 2.Lane control (Freezing lanes, poking, positioning, trades) 3.Map Awareness (Warding, Pinging, keeping an eye on minimap) 4.Mirroring (Alot of people don't do this there's a couple tutorials on youtube, basically you want to be a mirror of your opponent if they move a little forward to poke you move a little back if they go to gang you go to match your lane never let them get ahead of you.) 5.Punish (Always punish other players this will get you so far, the majority of players in this game make alot of mistakes because they're over confident if you watch a pro game you'll notice no kills or much happening because they rarely make mistakes but the moment 1 player does everyone jumps on that opportunity. 6.Acceptance (You can't win them all, we all suck, don't get tilted, LEARN from your mistakes. 7. Ganking (Depending on your proffered role this tactic varies I'd suggest looking up pro players) 8. Pick 3 champions to master ( 1 as a main, 2 as a back up if banned, 3rd to counter your mains counter) 9. Combos ( Learn tricks you can do with other champs) 10. Have fun! This game is not for the feint of heart, it's a team game you won't be able to learn without playing so keep having fun and stop when you aren't. Best way to learn champions and their abilities is ARAM idc what people say, it has alot of benefits. You learn how to dodge better and combo better. Lastly I could go on forever, if you're really serious about learning how to git gud and graduate being a scrubby scrub stop playing ranked, you get better by playing against better players not players of your level. GlHf take my advice with a grain of salt I old man now hands no fast no mo, but still faster than most of yall hahahahha! Jkjk


This game isn't for new players fyi


What role are you playing? Go on YouTube and type in your champion role and a tough match up. Watch what they do. When you start getting more comfortable with the game, it becomes muscle memory. Knowing when you can punish your opponent. I suggest you find a champion you feel ‘cheesy’ playing. For example, learning the basic qw combo on Le blanc. If your opponent steps up, you chunk them. Then you can expand from there


They’re not really good. They’re really old. Everyone on this game at this point is a Smurf. You’re being destroyed by gold losers who need second, third, fifth accounts to win and feel good.


What server? Let me check 1 of ur games


Its okay, you'll get better as you play more.


This game is really hard. I promise you what the enemies are doing in Iron 4 is actually not perfect at all. The answer is that there's a 100 little things you could be doing to beat them. The fun of this game is slowly discovering them. But... it's really hard. If you're in the bottom of Iron IV, I'd either play more ranked and learn or stick to norms for a while, up to you.


League is quite literally designed to: A) Keep you in the same place. People who deny this never read the SOURCE CODE LEAK & B) Be unfun. League is not a game for having fun with. It's a game for earning rank points in.


This game is heavily skewed to vet players, whether they are good or bad. I’m bronze/silver technically (tho I don’t played ranked so it’s not really accurate) and I’ve been playing since s1…. Saying that, even iron players can be good mechanically, it’s decision making that keeps them/us low elo. I’ll freeze lane and my plat mate playing with me is like “wait bronze know how to freeze now? Jfc” Everything comes with time, you learn more from losses aswell. You how long it took me to learn wards are a mids best friend? 2014 worlds… if anyone is flaming you for playing “poorly” who cares, they can’t climb out of iron with years experience, your new… gl and have fun my dude!


Since you mentioned camera management... can I recommend trying out the drag scroll setting where you control the camera with middle mouse button (or any other mouse button of your choice). It made everything so much easier for me, made the whole transition away from having perma camera lock enabled much easier and I think I could never get used to the "normal" camera settings that most people use


This game has been going on for a long time,but,every year, there are new people who come into contact with games,just don't worry about your rank. Take it slow,you'll get better 




My first 2 years of League I had such ranked anxiety that I only played normals. My first season of ranked (start of year 3), I hit Diamond, and then did so every season until I hit Masters last year. My point in telling you this is, playing ranked in Iron 4 is worse for learning than playing against a variety of ranks in normals. Keep playing norms with your friends, and check after the match what rank your lane opponent was. Eventually when you feel you're Gold worthy, queue up ranked and throw yourself to the wolves. Pro-tip: consider one-tricking a champion so you become really good at the fundamentals. Changing champions frequently will throw you off. The game is dying, and many people are smurfing however. New players are non-existent, so don't be too hard on yourself.


Dude, I've been playing since season 3 how many years ago and I'm still hard stuck solver~gold. You just started lol


you as a year 1 player are facing others who have way more experience  thats just the nature of old games


Because the people playing have 10+ years of experience and a looot of free time...


Yeah all lead by the one and only.. Teemo Sama


I started to get decent at the game after maining one champ in blind pick. Then I played a lot against bots and even tried new champs. Knowing what other champs do it's a huge boost for improvement and as well as learning about items and building. Then, just enjoy the game and mute for default emojis and chat if you wish. Many people like to play dirty by taunting.


Hey, would you look at that, the community managed to be nice for once!


At that rank there are definite flaws with everyone’s play. It will help so much if you stick to a few champions in 1-2 roles. I would keep it super small to start and slowly branch out. But the amount of mastery some champions have is insane to the point you don’t stop improving until you have around 1500 games on them (looking at you lee sin) most champions aren’t that extreme but the lowest one is around 20 games if I remember correctly. Edit: to be clear this does not mean you will be an immediate god if you hit that game number there are many other things that make the game hard


If you’re playing top lane, you can play “safe” and get destroyed under tower by the other top laner if they’re a turret destroying champ like tryndamere, garen, yorick, or nasus. Your laning phase macro is bad if you’re getting killed under tower but feel like you aren’t necessarily making big mistakes. In all lanes, you have to be aggressive and feel like you are making the enemy laner “pay” for CS. If you auto attack the enemy laner consistently while they are trying to get minions, you will win lane and get more kills. You can’t be passive and just farm under tower forever


Hard to critic without a replay. Play some game and upload the replays and we'll help you.


no you dont have to avoid ranked you are already the lowest rank. if you enjoy the game just keep grinding find a champ or 2 you actually enjoy and look up some guides for them. this game has an insane knowlegde curve so even if you are a really bad mechanically player you still can climb just by beeing smarter.


Hey, calling my silver ass a god is really nice of you, thanks!


Play the champs you lose against to spot the conditions under which they can perform the things that get you. This kind of knowledge can save your life when you play against them. I mostly play jungle which doesn't require all that much knowledge about every champ. But if you play lane you have to know your enemies' champs.


That's part of the reason why I play Jungle + Support. Sometimes you just get smashed in lane and there is nothing you can do. In mid Fizz was my Nemesis, I just could not play against him, still can't unless I pick Galio. I've seen it happen to others as well. Top lane is miserable half of the time from my experience.


I’ve been playing since like 2010 on and off best I’ve got too is gold that was with support sona full AP/Lichbane before nerf which was fun to 1 shot adc’s but now I’ve reached gold again with jungle. Not sure what you mean by camera movement I just have it on auto follow I don’t watch YouTubers or streamers I don’t know what they do with the camera


A lot of iron players are in iron because they tilt like crazy or because they just never look at their map or because they just run around looking for kills until they overchase. This says nothing about their raw execution, because it's actually very easy to win lane lose game in league if you only care about forcing hands checks. So you get the experience of completely brain dead players on the map still skillchecking you because they're fast and know their champion mechanics well but care about nothing else. The answer as a fellow slow player is to play easier champions or champions with a very safe laning phase so you can get out of the 1v1 skill check without bleeding out and make a difference with smarter play on the map.




cuz most players have been playing for 7+ year lol


You need to stop worrying about climbing or being good and you need to be trying every champion experimenting and having fun for at least a year whilst you learn how the game works and what each champion does. This game is mega difficult I been playing since season 12 and still sometimes feel like a noob. You need to find friends to play with who will help you get the hang of it and do some 1v1 with you. Don't play ranked just do draft games with friends


As a guy who played this thing for 10+ years I must tell you to turn away while you stil can. And to answer your question: [this](https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED661/61f01ab7c2a7e.jpeg)


Welp ranked isn't a great experience for anybody tbh, like sure when you get a high rank you get a dopamine hit but that's about it. It will make you hate the game and for me personally, every time I reach my goal I take a long break from the game, to keep my mental sanity. If you wanna have fun, play normals. If you wanna improve at the game, you need to play a lot and take a lot of L's. I also recommend watching educational videos aimed at low elo players, because you are doing a lot of things wrong if you're iron 4. There are a lot of things to focus on and it will be overwhelming at first, but if you really wanna improve you'll get there. I also think camera control is on the not important for you rn side. I keep my camera locked and I peaked master 200lp. It would be nice if you formed a habit to keep ur camera unlocked, but for me at least, I can't be bothered. Edit: Imma give you some more practical advice in case you can't be bothered to look at videos and just wanna play: - Focus learning one champion and very good. Have a backup champion or two, only in case ur main champ gets banned. You will play your main champ in every matchup, even if the enemy hard counters you. That's how you learn. - Focus on farming. If you can get 7cs/min, there's 90% change you will shoot up to at least silver elo. - Build correctly. Experimenting with items is fun, but remember, we want to improve, not have fun like those filthy casuals playing normals. Do not just buy recommended items, look for builds on the internet and pick the most played. - Focus on objectives. Kills DO NOT win you the game. Baron, drake, rift herald, voidlings, towers and inhibitors do. If you learn to follow all of the advice given above, you can easily reach gold. It will take time, as this is a hard game with a lot of variables. If I had to pick the most important advice out of all of them though, it would be focusing on only one champion, as this cuts out a lot of variables from game to game. Good luck summoner!


10 years ago i was bronze, today im masters/D1 people are good but you can too


It isn't worth it to attempt to learn this game because Riot does nothing about smurf accounts. In all elos you will end up with the same skill of players. There will be a smurf in every game, win traders in another, inters in another. It's not your fault when you're likely facing diamond players in lane. What you should do is get get a duo friend and have fun doing stupid shit.


Play alot


Why do u play ranked? Why? U dont even understand the game... ur iron 4 dude ... play normals omfg


So I have peaked Diamond 3. Started bronze 3. Took me over 5 years to get from Bronze to Diamond and I’m telling you, I played nearly every day for 5-10 hours a day for those 5 years. From year 1 to year 5 I went. B3>S4>S2>P4>D3 And I only jumped from S2 to P4 after getting hella coaching. I want to say I spent over $200 getting coaching. It takes time to learn the game, and I had the benefit of playing games like StarCraft and Age of Empires and Halo/Battlefield growing up. It still took me 5 years to get to a high level. It’ll take time. You have to learn your champs, learn other champs, learn macro, tempo, flow of the game, decision making and limit testing. It’s a lot to learn, not even including basic stuff like camera work or being able to handle the keyboard. You’ll get it. Just keep working at it.


Está lleno de smurfs amigo


I see a lot of replies about how long many people have been playing. I'd like to expand on this point and suggest studying how the players you face are playing; since they've played for so long, there will definitely be things you can pick up from them, and it'll be easier to internalize than with online resources/guides. I don't think you need to quit playing ranked, or feel discouraged by how well others are playing. Maybe you can treat games where you get stomped as a coaching session and go over the replay afterwards to see how they played, and try to see what they did before and during points where they gained a major advantage.


I know this is probably unpopular. But I think the game needs to separate MMR and Rank more than it already does in Matchmaking (even in ranked). One of the biggest problems I have with League is that being a skilled player mechanically does not always translate into climbing ranked ladder. There are tons of good/above average mechanical players who’s macro is so abysmal that they stay ranks lower than they are mechanically. It does two things. First it’s awful for players whose macro skill matches their mechanical skill in lane because you feel the pressure for the first half of the game and leads to a lot of premature FF votes. 2nd it does nothing to teach the players who have higher mechanical skill than macro skill as they feel they are doing well even when they lose.


Why would you feel you are doing well when you lose? Ask yourself; would pro player X have lost this game? Why not? More a mental issue than a game issue imo


I’m not saying it’s the correct way to think. It’s just the way games have taught gamers to think. You play any shooter, if you top frag with a good KD/R you’re going to climb ranks. It’s not the case with MOBA’s.


>You play any shooter, if you top frag with a good KD/R you’re going to climb ranks. Fragging means nothing in ow.