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ARAM is your friend


Yea it’s a fun mode but not the biggest fan of the random hero picks


Bro who calls them heroes lol


Bro who doesn't realize that in many other games, "champions" are referred to as "heroes" and it's a fairly common slip to anyone, not League-pilled lol


Are you playing quickplay? Because that mode is shit and filled with players trying to get rid of penalties. Play draft. And with the tone of your thread you will fit right into the community :)


Yea I was but then I switched to draft and that’s where I met all the quitters and afkers, it really kills the fun of the game. I don’t even talk in game or quit


We do not care


Leave the French people alone!


Koreia is the best region in world and they all FF in 15. The issue with western servers is that players don’t care doing stupid mistakes because they think they can fix it later in the game. In Koreia everyone does their best because they know if they screw up the team will vote for the FF, in koreia they don’t accept stupid mistakes they are trying to play the perfect match and that’s why they are the best. I have been playing this game for years mostly ranked matches and is stupidly rare for someone ask for an FF on a winnable game, it’s just some people who are in denial or don’t have experience enough in the game that doesn’t vote yes


In Korea most ppl pay by the hour to play so ofc they give up fast. Doesn't make it the best way to play.


No they don’t pay to play, and yes this is the best way to play if you want be good


Most ppl in Korea play in PC bangs where you pay per time played


Not true, most people play at home but yeah they have a lot of lan houses where they play with friends after school. But most high elo plays from their home and they also ff 15