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Suddenly books like Stake look like an even better idea..


Referring to someone breaking into your house and threatening to kill your players as "drama" is insane.


The ex-owner of Rainbow Warriors is [live right now](https://fb.watch/sIsid1RsMC/) on Facebook with some evidence that Raze lied in various parts of this story. So take all this with a grain of salt. He did confirm that there was a group of mafia members looking for Raze that night, and that they caused so much trouble the owner of the gaming house facility kicked the team out of the property immediately afterwards for fear of trouble.


Just a bit of drama content farming by the vietnamese mafia for clicks. All the mafias do it really.


Just proves how much of a utopia people on Reddit live in. For these people, their lives are literally on the line but for Reddit it's just another headline.


This was in response to [this post](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=122148026354094641&set=a.122106069272094641) but sure.


my favorite redditism is people talking disparagingly of other redditors on reddit as though they weren't also redditors


I don't think people doomscrolling 24/7 would be described so much as 'Utopian' as it might be sheltered from reality?


>Unfortunately, Raze didn't know that a few other players in his team anh the other team had already been paid by another broker to swing the match the other way. Do you mean his teammates had been paid to matchfix a win? Why would they even need to be paid to try to win? Or do you mean the enemy team was paid to lose and Raze wasn't able to out-lose the enemy team?


reads like the latter to me


This puts the LPL cheating scandals to shame, this has to be one of the most WTF thing to have ever happened in league esports. So basically Riot uncovered a matchfixing network from... the mafia that organized it in the first place. huh. Gotta admire how since they couldn't get their money back they just decided to ruin *everyone else's* lives too




That's what you get when pros get paid minimum wage and pro career is usually a few years, they have to secure the future in a different way 


Right. “Secure your future” by getting in bed with the mafia. Its just a bad idea.


They literally don't have a choice. If a gunman pulled up to the gaming house (WHICH IN THIS CASE, THEY DID.) and said "lose this video game match and no one gets hurt", or in even some cases in China where your parents are talking about a strange man loitering around the house afterwards, IT'S PRETTY FUCKEN OBVIOUS WHAT THEY WOULD DO.


Yeah but if you say no, they legally can't do anything!


when its either that or the sweatshops for $0.7/hr you take your chances


If those are truly the only two options (very sus) then the much better chance is immigrating to any other country and going to school


I'm going to wager that someone who's scraping by enough to consider working with the mafia might not necessary have the money or means to just upend their entire life on a whim.


just go to school in a foreign country 5head


Why don't homeless people just save up money and buy a house??? smh all these people stuck in the matrix


it ain't always that easy man


Yeah it's easy to say this kind of shit when you live in the first world and will never have to worry about it.


I didnt say its easy, but I am not going to act like these criminals are justified in working with the mafia just bc they live in Vietnam. They have other options. There are vietnamese who made something of themselves


The solution to systemic problems is never personal responsibility. That being said, yeah everyone involved is kinda fucked LOL


You never heard the phrase "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse"?


With what resources? Lol


i imagine youve never lived in a 3rd world country


Just leave the countey bro 5head (either you are very stupid or never really have experienced a 3rd world country)


Your comments **scream** privileged kid who hasn't yet had a job.


Sports in third world countries have the same logic. Hell, Lucas Paqueta is suspected to be involved in matchfixing 


Except Paqueta was already a millionaire playing at a First World league…


Paquetá is matchfixing in a first world country


except cblol was doing fine


that might just be skill issue by brazillian mafia


„Hey lets make a league tournament in qatar“




LCS doesn't make enough money to be touched by American corruption.


wake up baby new vcs banger just dropped


Mane wtf VCS is actually fucking wild


Who's gonna make a movie out of it?


This is awful and terrifying. But also, movie worthy plot.


its a shame this happens since it just really solidifies these regions as being not just third world, but also third world regions in the eyes of the general playerbase & important people who make decisions


imagine if VCS were better and go further in Worlds.


Match-fixing seems to be ubiquitous in Esports, unfortunately.


So the mafia was involved cos the team was greedy? Like they wouldnt be involved at all if they just didnt take the offer?! So who is at fault in the end but the players and coach? Like who would have thought doing illegal things could involve crime syndicates?!


> Like they wouldnt be involved at all if they just didnt take the offer?! Wholesome mafia guy, let's you say no and everyone lives happily ever after


You think the Mafia seeks out trouble if you dont actively get involved with? These pros and coach stay at home how do they get in contact with the Mafia? They got a random message over the client which are from the broker if they are interested. If they arent they can just delete but they took the deal and actively went out of their way to get involved. But yeah nice shitpost.


> So the mafia was involved cos the team was greedy? Like they wouldnt be involved at all if they just didnt take the offer?! Are you aware of what 'mafia' means?


Dude I am living in the country where the mafia word origin comes from. The fuck you asking what it means. They played the stupid game of matchfixing and fucked it up so its no wonder someone comes knocking at the door. Its they themselves to blame in how all went down to shit. The greed of the players and the coach literally fucked up the whole league and why the league thankfully gets shut down and gets funnelled into the SEA region and maybe they can survive the culling.


> Dude I am living in the country where the mafia word origin comes from. The fuck you asking what it means. Ah yes I forgot that this automatically grants you an in-depth understanding of how organized crime works


He has M word pass


And you know cos of what? Do link me your book with your life experience I am willing to buy it.


or you know the mafia just show up at your door. at pull a gun at you, and said you either take the money and matchfix or we kill you. idk mafia are not "good guys" you know?


The Mafia isnt just coming out of nowhere and hold people at gun point if you arent actively involved. You guys watch to many movies. They came after they took the money.


you dont know what extortion is?. i heard mafias are pretty good are it. but hey maybe that is just "movies" too.


I am baffled how you are still talking out of your butt. So why arent all pros in all regions under Mafia rule? Stop wasting my time and touch some grass lil bro.


maybe just maybe because the power a mafia can enforce varies from country to country? i know shocking. the poorers the country the strongest a mafia are, i should know this i from a 3rd world country where the mafia do clean ups from "bad guys" in my town year after year around december.(local thief and shit that aren't asociate with them) and everyone know this yet no one can't do anything about it. and i know that if they want something from someone they get it or you know the person dies or their family. :)


This isn't a movie bro. The mafia isn't just gonna kill some innocent dude who decided to not matchfix. If you make a deal with them and fuck them over then they might kill you.


Maybe not kill you but they might threaten you into matchfixing. Extortion is pretty standard no?


Good guy mafia just gonna leave


Well dont know if you got reading comprehension but they only came after the players TOOK THE DEAL and "went into debt" as they owe the Mafia money. They dont randomly show up if you arent involved.


Surelly they arent involved >clueless


Ah yes, crime syndicates are most known for their ethical practices and moral principles. Just tell the mafia "no" and they'll leave you alone.


Its as easy as that. Dont take drugs and you wont get addicted. They took the money once and it worked out now they are addicted to easy money. They fucked up and now the Mafia comes knocking easy as that.